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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 186及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Where is Mr. B1ack? ( A) He is in the Office. ( B) He is out. ( C) He is at the theatre. 2 Who came last? ( A) Bill ( B) The Woman ( C) Ed 3 What color does the man l

2、ike? ( A) Red and white. ( B) Green ( C) Red 4 What did Jim buy? ( A) A motorcycle. ( B) A bike. ( C) A car 5 How long does it take the man to go to work in the morning? ( A) 30 minutes ( B) 20 to 30 minutes ( C) 15 minutes 6 What is the woman looking for? ( A) A police station ( B) A telephone stat

3、ion ( C) A shoe repair shop 7 Which of the following is NOT true? ( A) The woman will leave the man soon. ( B) The man doesnt remember the name of the telephone book. ( C) The yellow pages in the telephone book are very useful. 8 How is the woman going to do? ( A) Walk right down the street, and tur

4、n right at the fourth crossing. ( B) Walk right down the street, and turn left at the first crossing. ( C) Walk right down the street, and turn left at the fourth crossing. 9 Where is the boy going? ( A) The Childrens Palace. ( B) The Childrens Center. ( C) The hospital. 10 What is the girl going to

5、 do this Sunday afternoon? ( A) Go to the Childrens Center with the boy. ( B) See Marys nephew. ( C) See her mothers nephew. 11 How is Tom? ( A) He has a bad cold. ( B) He has a headache. ( C) His leg is hurt. 12 Where does the conversation take place? ( A) At the womans home. ( B) At the mans home.

6、 ( C) At a shop. 13 Where does the man want to go on Sunday? ( A) The restaurant. ( B) The womans home. ( C) The cinema. 14 What is the date of this Sunday? ( A) June 12th. ( B) June 20th. ( C) June 22th. 15 When will the man begin his birthday party? ( A) At 5:30 pm. ( B) At 6:30 pm. ( C) At 7:30 p

7、m. 16 When will the woman and her family be able to arrive at the mans birthday party? ( A) At 6:05 pm. ( B) At 6:30 pm. ( C) At 6:50 pm. 17 What does the dialogue mainly tell us? ( A) The man has a birthday party. ( B) The woman and her family will be late for the mans birthday party. ( C) The man

8、invites the woman and her family to take part in his birthday party. 18 What can be the relationship between the man and the woman? ( A) Classmates. ( B) Cousins. ( C) Colleagues. 19 What do we lean, about Bill? ( A) He just got out of trouble. ( B) He did something right. ( C) tie enjoyed what he h

9、ad done. 20 What kind of film does the woman prefer? ( A) Something exciting. ( B) Something educational. ( C) Something relaxing. 21 What was the purpose of Mrs. Whinfields visits to Kew Gardens? ( A) To learn more about plants. ( B) To write an article on gardens. ( C) To meet the writers whose bo

10、oks she read. 22 Where did Mrs. Whinfield live before she moved to her present home? ( A) Dorset. ( B) Somerset. ( C) West London. 23 Where does Mrs. Whinfield get most of her plants? ( A) She grows them from seeds. ( B) She gets them from her friends. ( C) She buys them from a market. 24 What is th

11、e probable relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Tourist and gardener. ( B) College professor and biology student. ( C) Newspaper reporter and garden owner. 单项填空 25 It takes _ very unusual mind to undertake _ analysis of _ obvious. ( A) a; /; the ( B) a; the; the ( C) /; the; / ( D) /; the; th

12、e 26 The new law will come into _ on the day it is passed. ( A) effect ( B) use ( C) service ( D) existence 27 The new film received _ from everyone. ( A) highly praise ( B) high praise ( C) high praises ( D) highly praises 28 He _ gas a mile from home; therefore he had to wait for someone to take h

13、is car to the gas station. ( A) ran out ( B) ran out of ( C) ran into ( D) ran over 29 All _ is needed is a supply of oil. ( A) the thing ( B) that ( C) what ( D) which 30 _ David and Vicky _ married? For about three years. ( A) How long were; being ( B) How long have; got ( C) How long have; been (

14、 D) How long did; get 31 Although he has lived with us for years, he _ us much impression. ( A) hadnt left ( B) didnt leave ( C) doesnt leave ( D) hasnt left 32 Word came _ I was wanted at the office. ( A) whether ( B) that ( C) why ( D) which 33 They are all _ little children that you are not able

15、to look after _ many of them by yourself. ( A) so; so ( B) such; so ( C) such; such ( D) so; such 34 They did it all _ friendship. ( A) by the name of ( B) of the name of ( C) under the name of ( D) in the name of 35 _, they set out to break the record for the crossing-channel swim. ( A) Well equipp

16、ed ( B) Well equipping ( C) Well equips ( D) To equip 36 The countrys _ is based on trade. ( A) wealthy ( B) wealth ( C) possession ( D) possessor 37 As a young man, Tom used to _ in the town, _ to find a job for a few coins. ( A) knocking about; waited ( B) knocked down; waiting ( C) knock about; w

17、aiting ( D) knocked down; waited 38 Poetry also _ all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world. ( A) calls for ( B) calls up ( C) calls on ( D) calls in 39 I am _ by his _ attitude after hearing his words. ( A) puzzled; puzzled ( B) puzzling; puzzling ( C) puzzled; puzzl

18、ing ( D) puzzling; puzzled 完形填空 40 During the 9th century scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of a man were 【 B1】 , he would lose the 【 B2】 to do certain things. And so, people thought that each part of the brain does a different 【 B3】 . But modern research has 【 B4】 out that this

19、is not so, for it is not 【 B5】 to say 【 B6】 what each part of the brain does. In the past fifty years there 【 B7】 a great increase in the amount of research 【 B8】 on the brain. Chemists and biologists have 【 B9】 that the 【 B10】 the brain works it is not so 【 B11】 as people in general may think. Chem

20、ists tell us that 100,000 chemical changes 【 B12】 in the brain every second. Some recent researches also 【 B13】 that we can remember everything 【 B14】 happens 【 B15】 us. We 【 B16】 not be able to recall (回忆 ) the things weve heard and seen, but it is all kept there in the storehouse of the human mind

21、. Earlier scientists thought the power of ones brain got weaker as one grow 【 B17】 . But it is now thought that is not 【 B18】 . As long as the brain is 【 B19】 【 B20】 exercise it keeps its ability. It has been proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a

22、young person who has only done physical work without using much of his brain. It is now thought that the more work we give our brains, the more work they are able to do. 40 【 B1】 ( A) destroyed ( B) injured ( C) broken ( D) wounded 41 【 B2】 ( A) force ( B) strength ( C) power ( D) effort 42 【 B3】 (

23、A) work ( B) business ( C) job ( D) matter 43 【 B4】 ( A) found ( B) taken ( C) looked ( D) worked 44 【 B5】 ( A) clear ( B) clearly ( C) troublesome ( D) easy 45 【 B6】 ( A) difficulty ( B) exactly ( C) easily ( D) only 46 【 B7】 ( A) has had ( B) was ( C) has been ( D) were 47 【 B8】 ( A) made ( B) wor

24、ked ( C) went ( D) kept 48 【 B9】 ( A) seen ( B) uncovered ( C) disclosed ( D) discovered 49 【 B10】 ( A) means ( B) way ( C) style ( D) method 50 【 B11】 ( A) easy ( B) simple ( C) difficult ( D) free 51 【 B12】 ( A) take a place ( B) take the place ( C) take place ( D) have taken place 52 【 B13】 ( A)

25、suggest ( B) know ( C) guess ( D) mean 53 【 B14】 ( A) what ( B) which ( C) that ( D) it 54 【 B15】 ( A) at ( B) to ( C) for ( D) with 55 【 B16】 ( A) may ( B) can ( C) must ( D) should 56 【 B17】 ( A) elder ( B) younger ( C) older ( D) stronger 57 【 B18】 ( A) wrong ( B) true ( C) strange ( D) just 58 【

26、 B19】 ( A) brought ( B) given ( C) shown ( D) taken 59 【 B20】 ( A) a number of ( B) little ( C) few ( D) plenty of 60 Everyone wants the best for a baby. A mother wants her baby to have the best in the ways of food, toys, clothing and equipment. Her value judgments on prices may go wrong when it com

27、es to buying for a baby, particularly the first one. Factory producers and advertisers recognize this, and exploit it to the full. Far more is spent in buying push-chairs, special milk, and special powders for small babies than is necessary. The child himself watches television, a particularly stron

28、g influence on small children. Looking at them as they watch television, and then watching them react to products afterwards, suggests that young children accept the television advertisements as well as the guidance offered by childrens pro- grams, and find both equally attractive. The child comes e

29、arly in life to the feeling widespread in this country that if something is said on television it must be true. For this reason much Christmas-gift advertising, and advertising for sweets, food and washing powders, is specially designed for children because of the effect their repeated nagging can h

30、ave on their mothers. By exercising in this way they become consumers at an early age and as a result, with present-day pressures, choosing and buying goods and services will remain an important part of their future lives. 60 According to the writer, a mother spends more than necessary on _. ( A) Ch

31、ristmas advertising ( B) sweets ( C) television ( D) special powders 61 The underlined word “nagging“ most probably means _. ( A) TV services ( B) baby powders ( C) repeated demands ( D) childrens programs 62 Which of the following statements is best supported by the text? ( A) Mothers encourage chi

32、ldren to buy products advertised on TV. ( B) TV programs often advertise the best products for children. ( C) Children like both TV advertisements and childrens programs. ( D) TV advertisements provide the best advice to chose gifts. 63 The best title for the text could be _. ( A) Mothers and Babies

33、 ( B) Choosing Goods for Children ( C) Giving the Best to Babies ( D) Children as Consumers 64 Michele Langlois is a young Canadian who works for the police as a handwriting expert. She has helped catch many criminals by using her special skill. When she was only 14, Michele was already so intereste

34、d in the differences in her school friends handwriting that she would spend hours studying them. After finishing college she went to France for a special two-year class to learn how to analyze handwriting at the School of Police Science. On her return, she began her work for the Quebec police. Miche

35、le says that it is impossible for people to disguise their handwriting. She can discover most of what she needs to know simply by looking at the writing with her own eyes, but she also has machines that help her analyze different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often of help to the police.

36、 Michele also believes that handwriting is a good sign of the kind of person the writer is. “I wouldnt go out with a fellow ff I didnt like his handwriting, “she says. But she adds that she fell in love with her future husband, William Smith, before she studied his handwriting. It later proved to be

37、 all right, however. 64 The best title for the text would be _. ( A) A Handwriting Reader ( B) Friends of Police ( C) Police Science ( D) Art of Handwriting in France 65 Where did Michele learn to analyze peoples handwriting in France? ( A) At work. ( B) In a police school. ( C) In the middle school

38、. ( D) In Quebec Police Station. 66 Michele usually analyzes handwriting by. ( A) studying the ink used ( B) using a machine ( C) looking at it ( D) examining the paper used 67 Besides helping the police Michele uses her skill to _. ( A) teach her friends ( B) tell what kind of person the writer is

39、from his handwriting ( C) decide if a person will do something wrong ( D) look for a husband 68 The underlined word “it“ in the last sentence refers to _. ( A) Micheles analyzing skill ( B) Williams handwriting ( C) Micheles job ( D) williams love for Michele 第一节 短文改错 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无

40、错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾 ();如有错误 (每行只有一个错误 ),则按下列情况改正: 多一个词:把多余的词用斜线 ( )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该 词,并也用斜线划掉。 缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 69 A vet is a person who has studied to became a doctor 【 S1】_ of animals. They take care of the animals health. Many pets owner

41、s 【 S2】_ use vet to help them take care of their pets. 【 S3】 _ Some vets take care of dogs, cats, and other small animal. 【 S4】 _ Other vets take care of large animals such as horses, cows or 【 S5】 _ large zoo animals. If you have a pet at your house, your pet has 【 S6】 _ probably seen a vet. Vets c

42、an help you to decide 【 S7】 _ what kind of foods your animals should eat, what shots your pet 【 S8】_ will need, and how you take care of your animal. It is important to 【 S9】 _ take your pet to see a vet to make sure it stays health. 【 S10】 _ 69 【 S1】 70 【 S2】 71 【 S3】 72 【 S4】 73 【 S5】 74 【 S6】 75

43、【 S7】 76 【 S8】 77 【 S9】 78 【 S10】 第二节 书面表达 79 你的一位外国朋友 Sarah 要来你的城市住一段时间,不巧你不能陪她熟悉环境。请给她写个指南,给她介绍城市的生活和行走路线。注意:开头语已为你写好。 Dear Sarah, Im so glad youll visit our city for a few days. 国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 186答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小

44、题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 【正确答案】 B 2 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Miss White. Is Mr. Black in the office? W: Oh, no. You just missed him. He left only a few minutes ago. 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【听力原文】 M: What were you doing when Bill got here? M: I was talking to Ed and Fred. 3 【正确答案】 B 4 【听力原文】 W: The red and white shirt looks nice. M:

45、 Thank you, but I like green best. 4 【正确答案】 A 5 【 听力原文】 W: John bought a new motorcycle last week. M: No, he bought a new bike. Jim bought a new motorcycle. 5 【正确答案】 C 6 【听力原文】 W: Excuse me. Im wondering if you could tell me how to find a place where I could have my shoes fixed. Im new in this city.

46、 M: Of course. You can always look in the yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair. W: The yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair. But I havent got one right now. M: Theres a good shoe repair shop not far from here. Go down the street and turn left

47、 at the fourth crossing. Its next to the bank. W: Well, do you know its name? M: Im sorry. I cant remember the name of the shop. Its near the police station. You cant miss it. W: By the way, when will it be closed in the afternoon? M: Half past five. Time is enough for you to get there. 6 【正确答案】 C 【

48、试题解析】 题干问: “这位女士正在找什么 ?”对话开头女士问话: “打扰了。我不知道你能否告诉我如何找到一个我能修鞋的地方。 ”可知该女士正在找一个 “修鞋铺 ”,所以答案选 C。 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干问: “下列哪项是不正确的 ?”这位女士是问路的所以将很快离开这个男人是正确的。对话中女士问: “那么,你知道它的名字吗 ?”男士回答说:“对不起,我不记得店的名字了。 ”可知答案 B的意思和原文不符。从 You can always look in the yellow pages.可知这本黄皮书应该是非常有用的。所以答案选B。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干问: “这位女士将如何去做 ?”既然男士告诉她怎么走,她当然会按照男士指出的路线走,即 “沿着街走,到第四个路口向左拐。 ”所以答案选C。 9 【听力原文】 M: Mary, would you go to the Childrens Center with us this Sunday afternoon? W: Well, Id like to, but Mum asked me to see her nephew Tom at No.


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