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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 189及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Where does the conversation probably take place? ( A) At home ( B) At a hotel ( C) At a shop 2 Which of the following is right? ( A) The man wants to send a letter to

2、 Shanghai ( B) The woman is a seller ( C) The two speakers are at the post office 3 Which of the following is right? ( A) The bank is open until four on Fridays ( B) The bank is still open at 4:30 on Thursday. ( C) The bank will not open on Sundays. 4 How much does the mans account have today? ( A)

3、2356.8 ( B) 2357.8 ( C) 2356.9 5 What are the speakers talking about? ( A) A man. ( B) The weather. ( C) An exam. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 What did the young man try to do? ( A) Get the old mans h

4、ag. ( B) Help the old man up. ( C) Collect his money. 7 Who is the woman speaking to? ( A) A manager. ( B) A customer. ( C) A policeman. 8 Where arc the speakers? ( A) In a classroom. ( B) In a theater. ( C) In an office. 9 Why does the man plan to leave early? ( A) He is going on vacation. ( B) He

5、is going to a performance. ( C) He is going to the post office. 10 What does the woman offer to do? ( A) Clean the office. ( B) Pick up the mans son. ( C) Finish the mans work. 11 Why did the woman not go to college? ( A) She didnt pass the exam. ( B) She wasnt interested in college. ( C) She couldn

6、t afford college education. 12 What job does the woman say she did? ( A) She was a bus conductor. ( B) She was a shop assistant, ( C) She was a housekeeper. 13 What did the woman think of her friends college life? ( A) It was busy. ( B) It was wonderful. ( C) It was dull. 14 What did the man ask the

7、 woman to do? ( A) To book a hotel room for him. ( B) To meet an old friend of hers. ( C) To pass a message to Mary. 15 What is the relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Neighbors. ( B) Father and daughter. ( C) Husband arid wife. 16 What is Mary probably doing? ( A) Staying at a hotel. ( B) T

8、alking on the phone. ( C) Chatting with her husband. 17 Why does Bob call Nancy? ( A) To ask if shes got the tickets. ( B) To invite her out for an evening. ( C) To offer his help with his new flat. 18 What will Nancy be doing next Saturday afternoon? ( A) Watching a tennis match. ( B) Cleaning up t

9、he new flat. ( C) Visiting a friend with Margaret. 19 What has Nancy agreed to do with Bob next Saturday? ( A) To see a play. ( B) To attend a concert. ( C) To buy concert tickets. 20 Who are the speakers? ( A) A passer-by and a policeman. ( B) A passer-by and a driver. ( C) A passenger and a taxi-d

10、river. 21 What is the womans house number? ( A) 1323. ( B) 3023. ( C) 4023. 22 Why cant the man turn left7 ( A) It is the rush hour. ( B) It is a one-way street. ( C) The street is too narrow. 单项填空 23 If you dont look _ , youll get that heavy box on your head. ( A) out ( B) on ( C) into ( D) over 24

11、 Ralph and his companions would explore the woods on the estate for days on_. ( A) show ( B) time ( C) end ( D) hand 25 I think Ill take a week _. I need a holiday. ( A) up ( B) on ( C) out ( D) off 26 Please dont give _ my secrets. ( A) up ( B) off ( C) in ( D) away 27 With the fall in the number o

12、f students studying science, we will have lost many with the potential for intellectual _. ( A) creativity ( B) credentials ( C) recreation ( D) credibility 28 I am very envious _ your new job. ( A) of ( B) for ( C) to ( D) at 29 The plane _ a few minutes after it took off and most of the passengers

13、 died. ( A) collided ( B) crushed ( C) crashed ( D) smashed 30 The pilot _ severe injuries when the plane crashed into the mountain. ( A) suspended ( B) delayed ( C) sustained ( D) detained 31 They lay almost flat and _ through the tube like underground passage. ( A) climbed ( B) crawled ( C) slid (

14、 D) glided 32 The speed at which an animal lives is determined by _ the rate at which it uses oxygen. ( A) measuring ( B) assessing ( C) surveying ( D) pleasing 33 It is necessary that an efficient worker _ his work on time. ( A) accomplishes ( B) can accomplish ( C) accomplish ( D) has accomplished

15、 34 All transactions are strictly _ , and we never sell, rent or trade any customers name ( A) confident ( B) consecutive ( C) confidential ( D) consequential 35 Smoking is _ in many university classrooms in the United States. ( A) permitted ( B) taught ( C) prohibited ( D) revoked 36 _, he would ha

16、ve been able to pass the exam. ( A) If he studied more ( B) If he were studying to a great degree. ( C) Studying more ( D) Had he studied more 37 In case of poisoning, immediately give large quantities of soapy or salty water in order to _ vomitting. ( A) control ( B) clean ( C) induce ( D) stop 完形填

17、空 38 I usually dont take the subway to get to my office, but its a good thing I did last Tuesday. I 【 B1】 a man sitting opposite me who 【 B2】 to be extremely nervous. He was 【 B3】 wide-eyed at one of the advertisements in the car. Then his hands started to 【 B4】 . I took my medical bag and 【 B5】 to

18、him. “Well, what 【 B6】 seems to be wrong with you?“ I asked. He pointed at an advertisement 【 B7】 the good qualities of a 【 B8】 kind of shirt. It 【 B9】 : It will not wilt, shrink, crease, or wrinkle. “Well, 【 B10】 about it?“ “Im going 【 B11】 ,“ he said. “I can read it to myself, but I cant say it ou

19、t 【 B12】 . “ “My dear man,“ I comforted him, “you can say it. Of course you can. Youre 【 B13】 a little nervous. This is just a nervous attack. You must not 【 B14】 . You must try. and say it. Now say it. “ “It. it will not wilt, crink, week, or shrink,“ he said, and with a groan (呻吟 ) he 【 B15】 his f

20、ace with his hands. “Now come. 【 B16】 me,“ I told him, “and learn how perfectly simple the whole 【 B17】 is.“ I continued in a firm voice, “It will not wink, shrink, week, or cinkle. “ Oh, my! I 【 B18】 several times, and each was wrong in a different way. The man 【 B19】 , and appeared completely reco

21、vered. I was 【 B20】 . The man was cured. Of course, I had been putting on an act. 38 【 B1】 ( A) cured ( B) noticed ( C) taught ( D) met 39 【 B2】 ( A) turned ( B) meant ( C) pretended ( D) appeared 40 【 B3】 ( A) admiring ( B) screaming ( C) pointing ( D) staring 41 【 B4】 ( A) move ( B) touch ( C) wav

22、e ( D) shake 42 【 B5】 ( A) rushed over ( B) went on ( C) came back ( D) looked over 43 【 B6】 ( A) generally ( B) exactly ( C) usually ( D) naturally 44 【 B7】 ( A) telling about ( B) showing off ( C) calling for ( D) dealing with 45 【 B8】 ( A) common ( B) regular ( C) famous ( D) certain 46 【 B9】 ( A

23、) admitted ( B) said ( C) proved ( D) called 47 【 B10】 ( A) what ( B) how ( C) talk ( D) think 48 【 B11】 ( A) crazy ( B) ahead ( C) angry ( D) back 49 【 B12】 ( A) loud ( B) alone ( C) freely ( D) completely 50 【 B13】 ( A) truly ( B) really ( C) simply ( D) particularly 51 【 B14】 ( A) stop ( B) give

24、in ( C) hurry up ( D) look 52 【 B15】 ( A) hid ( B) turned ( C) covered ( D) touched 53 【 B16】 ( A) Talk to ( B) Allow ( C) Listen to ( D) Show 54 【 B17】 ( A) advertisement ( B) problem ( C) situation ( D) thing 55 【 B18】 ( A) tried ( B) spelled ( C) spoke ( D) explained 56 【 B19】 ( A) laughed ( B) w

25、as nervous ( C) was anxious ( D) shouted 57 【 B20】 ( A) interested ( B) delighted ( C) worried ( D) astonished 短文理解 58 Water, water everywhere. It lasted almost two months, but in August it ended. It left 45 people dead and $10 billion worth of damage in nine states of the USAIt was quite a big Miss

26、issippi flood ever recorded. In St. Louis, Missouri, 9,000 people were forced to leave their homes while the city was in danger. St. Louis is just downriver from the points where the Missouri and Illinois Rivers flow into the Mississippi. All the three rivers were flooding. But the city escaped the

27、worst when levees broke upriver. A levee is built of river sand and clay. Eleven miles of flood walls were built in the late 1960s. The walls are 18 inches thick and 5 to 22 feet high. They were designed to protect against a 52-foot flood. In St. Louis, water almost reached the top of flood walls. I

28、t measured 49.4 feet. 58 The flood referred to in the passage _. ( A) was the heaviest one in the history ( B) happened in Missouri and Illinois states ( C) happened in less than 20 percent of the states of the USA ( D) was recorded several times 59 The highest flood referred to in the passage was a

29、bout _. ( A) 18 feet high ( B) 5 to 22 feet high ( C) nearly 50 feet high ( D) 52 feet high 60 The meaning of the words “But the city escaped the worst“ is that _. ( A) many people escaped from the city ( B) the city avoided the worst situation ( C) the flood attacked tile city heavily ( D) the floo

30、d did not attack the city at all 61 Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama to Captain Arthur and Kate Keller. Helen was healthy until the age of nineteen months when she developed a brain fever that may have been scarlet fever. The fever left her unable to hear, see or speak. C

31、aptain Keller was a newspaper editor and was determined to find help for his child. He contacted Dr. Alexander Graham Bell to assist him. Dr. Bell found Michael Anagnos, the director of the Perkins Institution for the blind in Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Anagnos sent one of his best students, Annie S

32、ullivan to help Helen. The students at the Perkins Institution made a doll for Annie Sullivan to give Helen. Ms. Sullivan began using the doll to spell the word doll in Helens hand. Helen learned quickly to make the letters. Helen learned many words and soon wanted to learn to speak. Miss Sarah Full

33、er of the Horace Mann School was her first speech teacher. Helen learned to use the raised print for reading and soon wanted to go on to college. Helen graduated from Radcliffe College with honors in 1904. Annie Sullivan spelled books and lectures in Helens hand all through college. Helen Keller spe

34、nt the rest of her life trying to make it easier for disabled people to learn. She fought for womens rights, equality for minorities and workers rights. She was a crusader for people who needed help. Helen Keller won many awards for her work for the blind. Helen Keller died on June 1, 1968, a few we

35、eks short of her 88th birthday. She will be remembered by the world as a champion and hero of the blind and disabled people. 61 Which of the following is true? ( A) Helen Keller became disabled after the disease. ( B) Helen Keller learned to finger spell and read. ( C) Helen Keller never attended co

36、llege. ( D) Helen Keller was born in Wisconsin. 62 Kellers ability to overcome her disabilities and learn _. ( A) opened many doors for the education of children ( B) helped her speak out for patients who needed help ( C) made the world a better place for the disabled ( D) showed where there is a wi

37、ll there is a way 63 What was the cause of Kellers deafness? ( A) A serious accident. ( B) Tragic birth. ( C) Brain fever. ( D) A serious cold. 64 Who came to help Helen from the Perkins Institution? ( A) Captain Keller. ( B) Mr. Anagnos. ( C) Annie Sullivan. ( D) Dr. Bell. 65 On August 10, 1999, Do

38、nna Dees-Thomases watched as every parents nightmare unfolded on TV: A gunman had shot and injured two young children at a California day camp. “My heart was in my throat,“ she says. “Those children could have been mine.“ Anger and fear led Dees-Thomases, 46, a mother of three from Short Hills, NJ,

39、to organize the Million Mom March on Mothers Day in 2000. A stand against the 30 000 deaths and 75 000 gun-related injuries a year in the United States, it drew an estimated 750 000 to Washington, DC. Now the second Million Mom March, set for May 9 in DC, will urge the federal government to renew an

40、d strengthen the assault weapons ban (set to expire in September). And Dees-Thomases new book, Looking for a Few Good Moms: How One Mother Rallied a Million Others against the Gun Lobby, will be published this month by Rodale, Preventions parent company. 65 How many children does Donna Dees-Thomases

41、 have? ( A) Two. ( B) Three. ( C) Four. ( D) Five. 66 Why did Donna Dees-Thomases organize the Million Mom March? ( A) Her children were killed. ( B) She was angered by the killing. ( C) She feared the same thing would happen to her children. ( D) She wanted to save those kids. 67 How many people we

42、re injured by guns each year? ( A) 30 000. ( B) 46. ( C) 750 000. ( D) 75 000. 68 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) The weapon ban is going to lose effect in September. ( B) Dees-Thomases new book will be published in September. ( C) The second March is to ask the government to change

43、its laws. ( D) The first and Second March are set on the same date. 69 If youre among the 24 million Americans who work from dusk to dawn, dont underestimate the physical and emotional costs of punching the clock in the dark. Compared with day workers, night workers are five times more likely to get

44、 stomach diseases, twice as likely to smoke cigarettes or use stimulants, and at higher risk for high blood pressure, heart. attack, and breast cancer. And if you have kids, your divorce risk is three to six times higher than normal. “Youre out of sync with everything and everybody,“ says Acacia Agu

45、irre, MD, PhD, author of an eye-opening new report. Your biological clock is thrown off, too. How to survive: “A healthy lifestyle matters even more,“ Aguirre says. “Exercise, limit coffee, and fit in 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day.“ 69 What does it mean by “punching the clock“ (Line 2, Para.1)? ( A)

46、 Working. ( B) Striking. ( C) Repairing. ( D) Sleeping. 70 According to the text, night workers are more likely to _. ( A) suffer stomach trouble ( B) neglect kids ( C) be bad-tempered ( D) get out of control 71 Which of the following suggestions is made by Aguirre? ( A) Learn to cope with the situa

47、tion. ( B) Sleep 7 8 hours a day. ( C) Drink more coffee. ( D) Smoke less and exercise more. 72 What is the best title for the text? ( A) Dont Turn Off Your Biological Clock. ( B) Day Working is Better Than Night Working. ( C) Night Workers: Be Careful. ( D) What is Bad of Night Working. 73 Aaliyah

48、was born Aaliyah Dana Haughton on Jan. 16, 1979, in Brooklyn, New York. She made her stage debut as an orphan in a production of “Annie“ at the age of six. Her uncle was married to singer Gladys Knight, who invited eleven-year-old Aaliyah to perform with her during a five-night stint in Las Vegas. A

49、aliyah was a talented young singer. She was featured on the talent search television program “Star Search“. Aaliyah received her first licensing deal as a teenager, after her uncle, Barry Hankerson, formed Blackground Records. Aaliyahs first album, “Age Aint Nothing But A Number“, went gold in 1994, when she was 15. Aaliyahs music benefited from her close collaboration with hip-hop artist R. Kelly. After rumors that the two had m


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