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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 258及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 What is the woman doing? ( A) Buying a handbag. ( B) Trying on a piece of clothing. ( C) Drawing a picture of the countryside. 2 What is the possible relationship bet

2、ween the speakers? ( A) Family members. ( B) Classmates. ( C) Co-workers. 3 What is the man angry about? ( A) Telephoning while driving. ( B) Some women drivers. ( C) Traffic lights. 4 What does the woman mean? ( A) She will choose the man. ( B) The man was late in asking. ( C) She may run for the p

3、osition. 5 What does the woman want the man to do? ( A) Set up a museum. ( B) Start doing exercise. ( C) Stop buying cameras. 6 How does the woman think about her boss? ( A) Rude. ( B) Foolish. ( C) Troublesome. 7 What do we know about the woman? ( A) She was in charge of a school. ( B) She succeede

4、d in dancing. ( C) She has left her job. 8 What does the man want to be? ( A) A dancer. ( B) A dancing trainer. ( C) A secretary. 9 What are the two speakers talking about? ( A) Working in the whole school year. ( B) Travelling in the summer vacation. ( C) The food in HangZhou. 10 Where did the man

5、go last year? ( A) HangZhou. ( B) SuZhou. ( C) YangZhou. 11 Where will they go? ( A) YangZhou. ( B) SuZhou. ( C) HangZhou. 12 When is their flight? ( A) In the morning. ( B) In the afternoon. ( C) In the evening. 13 Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong? ( A) Direct flights are more expe

6、nsive. ( B) They plan to do some shopping there. ( C) There are no non-stop flights to Singapore. 14 How long will the speakers be away from home? ( A) Two days. ( B) Ten days. ( C) Twelve days. 15 When do children start school in the man s country? ( A) At seven. ( B) At six. ( C) At five. 16 What

7、examinations must children take first before going to university in the man s country? ( A) O levels and “A“ levels. ( B) O levels and “H“ levels. ( C) A levels. 17 How long do children usually stay at university in the man s country? ( A) Three or five years. ( B) Three or four years. ( C) Three to

8、 four years. 18 Where does the woman work? ( A) In a hospital. ( B) In a lab. ( C) On a farm. 19 Which of the following does the woman do as an AHT? ( A) Produce medicine. ( B) Bathe animals. ( C) Do experiments. 20 What does Dr. Blake say about the woman s work? ( A) It s interesting. ( B) It s uni

9、mportant. ( C) It s helpful. 单项填空 21 When shall we meet again? Make it_day you like, it s up to you. ( A) one ( B) any ( C) another ( D) some 22 Our team_the match yesterday. ( A) won ( B) beat ( C) defeated ( D) caught 23 _is often the case with children,Tom was completely better by the time the do

10、ctor arrived. ( A) It ( B) As ( C) What ( D) Which 24 Susan is nearly thirty-five. Her parents think it s time she_married. ( A) would get ( B) gets ( C) will get ( D) got 25 Nowhere else in the world_more attractive scenery than in Switzerland. ( A) you can find ( B) is found ( C) can you find ( D)

11、 has been found 26 I quickly answered your letter, for, if I delayed, you _ I was not concerned about your difficulties. ( A) had thought ( B) thought ( C) would think ( D) were thinking 27 It is said that Sallys been painting for years since she was a little girl,_? ( A) isnt she ( B) hasnt it ( C)

12、 hasnt she ( D) doesnt it 28 Are you clear, Tom? No, sorry. I dont_understand. Can you please explain the sentence again? ( A) quite ( B) rather ( C) pretty ( D) fairly 29 Put your seat belt on. The plane will be_in a few minutes. ( A) taking off ( B) taking away ( C) taking up ( D) taking down 30 J

13、ohn thought I was blaming him, _in fact, I was blaming myself. ( A) as ( B) whether ( C) unless ( D) while 31 It would seem to be a general truth _ nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems. ( A) that ( B) when ( C) because ( D) if 32 Just give me a_yes or no. I dont need any explanations.

14、( A) sharp ( B) strict ( C) straight ( D) small 33 When _ into another language, the poem reads strange. ( A) having translated ( B) translated ( C) to translate ( D) translating 34 -What did Mr. Jones do before he came to this company? -He _ a city bus for over twenty-five years. ( A) is driving (

15、B) drove ( C) has driven ( D) drives 35 -My birthday falls on _ Saturday this year. -Good! Well have _ time for a big party. ( A) a; / ( B) the; / ( C) a; the ( D) /; the 完形填空 35 Amanda is careful about anything that touches her lips. She 【 C1】 _ instructions on every food pack and does all she can

16、to【 C2】 _ “forbidden“ foods. She【 C3】 _ everyone about the things being used in cooking. Before a trip to Australia, she phoned every airline【 C4】 _ she found one【 C5】 _ to ban (禁止 ) nuts from the【 C6】 _ . Going too far? Not when you have food allergies (过敏症 ) that can put your【 C7】 _ in danger.“I11

17、 waiters that even the【 C8】_ amount of peanuts could kill me,“ says Amanda. With 【 C9】 _ allergies topeanuts and shellfish, Amanda has to play by the rules.【 C10】 _ , she still gets in trouble. A few years ago, she went to a New Years Eve party【 C11】 _ there were bowls of peanuts on the tables. They

18、 were 【 C12】 _ when she arrived, but still she kept her【 C13】 _ in a side room. At midnight, as people came in to wish her happy new year, she【 C14】 _ to feel short of breath and was dying for 【 C15】 _ . “I took some anti-allergy medicine, then left,“ says Amanda. “【 C16】_ home I was struggling to【

19、C17】 _ and my head began aching uncontrollably. “ Amanda knew she had to【 C18】 _ to hospital fast. “Im going into shock,“ she said breathlessly to 【 C19】 _ when she arrived. They gave her intramuscular adrenalin (肾上腺肌肉注射 ) , which probably【 C20】 _ her life. 36 【 C1】 ( A) copies ( B) collects ( C) re

20、ads ( D) knows 37 【 C2】 ( A) keep off ( B) ask for ( C) depend on ( D) try on 38 【 C3】 ( A) tells ( B) teaches ( C) tests ( D) questions 39 【 C4】 ( A) as ( B) if ( C) unless ( D) until 40 【 C5】 ( A) required ( B) struggling ( C) willing ( D) guided 41 【 C6】 ( A) plane ( B) visitors ( C) airport ( D)

21、 tourists 42 【 C7】 ( A) food ( B) party ( C) party ( D) life 43 【 C8】 ( A) regular ( B) tiniest ( C) same ( D) limited 44 【 C9】 ( A) common ( B) quick ( C) serious ( D) heavy 45 【 C10】 ( A) Even so ( B) In addition ( C) Instead ( D) Therefore 46 【 C11】 ( A) as ( B) when ( C) where ( D) which 47 【 C1

22、2】 ( A) served ( B) removed ( C) shared ( D) offered 48 【 C13】 ( A) medicine ( B) secret ( C) position ( D) distance 49 【 C14】 ( A) pretended ( B) stopped ( C) remembered ( D) began 50 【 C15】 ( A) air ( B) water ( C) rest ( D) warmth 51 【 C16】 ( A) Staying ( B) Driving ( C) Leavin ( D) Missing 52 【

23、C17】 ( A) move ( B) breathe ( C) sleep ( D) speak 53 【 C18】 ( A) talk ( B) return ( C) get ( D) write 54 【 C19】 ( A) doctors ( B) her parents ( C) the clerks ( D) friends 55 【 C20】 ( A) cured ( B) changed ( C) improved ( D) saved 55 Businesses put lots of time and money into new plans, programs and

24、excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens? In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化 ). And plans, programs and new employees have a way of conforming to(顺应 )the existi

25、ng culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset , or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing the business. The founder has gotten to where he is because of his skill set

26、s, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的 )limits. Why? Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the past. We ( people) try to make the past fit the future. Just because someth

27、ing worked in the past, doesnt mean it is suitable for the future. As the saying goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had. Therefore, lasting changes have to start with the way people think. To make changes in the way you think, you will

28、 be required ta set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills. 56 Which question does the author try to answer? ( A) What past experience is useful

29、 for businesses? ( B) How much time is needed for making plans? ( C) How can changes be made in businesses? ( D) What kinds of employees are the best? 57 Where does the business culture mainly come from? ( A) The founder. ( B) The progress. ( C) The new employees. ( D) The collective effort. 58 What

30、 does the author think about the mindset of the company leader? ( A) It can prevent the enrichment of experiences. ( B) It is useful far skill and knowledge learning. ( C) It is important for personal beliefs build-up. ( D) It may limit the companys development. 59 What plays a key role in making ch

31、anges in a company? ( A) Making a breakthrough in the way people think. ( B) Training people to be able to face hardship. ( C) Setting clearer goals for employees. ( D) Making the past fit the future. 59 The League of High Schools is pleased to invite student freethinkers to our 2007 Student Leaders

32、hip Meeting July 15-17 at our office building in Manhattan, New York. This yearly meeting has been successfully held for the past three years. The event brings together student activists from around North America for a busy weekend of workshops, networking lectures, and a lot of fun. We encourage ev

33、ery school to send at least one representative(代表 ) (if not more)and we are keeping the costs down to help make this possible. Any individual (个人 ) student activists who are interested are also welcome to attend. Registration (注册 ) , room and food for the entire three-day event will cost only $39 fo

34、r each student. Weve booked you single rooms at Travelodge, New York. For any information about the hotel, please call 88643911. This time we are making a special offerproviding some money for traveling to make sure each group can send a representative even if it lacks the money to do so. Email Anna

35、 Porter at aporter leaguehighschool. net or call 46935040 to get more information about this travel support. The registration form can be found at http:/www. freethought. org/SLM2007. pdf. For more information about registration you may call Lucy Becker at 36904560 or email her at lbecker leaguehigh

36、school net. So dont wait! Send in your registration. 60 What is the main purpose of this text? ( A) To introduce meeting organizers. ( B) To call for papers for a meeting. ( C) To invite students to a meeting. ( D) To explain meeting programs. 61 What do we know about the Student Leadership Meeting?

37、 ( A) It was first held in 2004. ( B) It is held every three years. ( C) lt provides free meals for students. ( D) It invites students from Manhattan. 62 What is new about this years meeting? ( A) The cost for registration is low. ( B) It offers money to some groups. ( C) Individual students are wel

38、come. ( D) There is wireless Internet service. 63 If you want to know more about registration, you may _. ( A) call 88643911 ( B) call 46935040 ( C) email Anna Porter ( D) email Lucy Becker 63 Different countries have different cultures. A same gesture may have distinct meanings in different countri

39、es. For instance, in Africa, people knock at the table with their fingers to call waiters which is considered as impolite in China. In western countries, if you make a circle with your thumb and the index finger (食指 ), and then raise the other three fingers, you are suggesting “OK“. The same gesture

40、, however, means “money“ in Japan while makes Brazilian people feel insulted (受侮辱的 ). With that in mind, youd better learn about their custom before travelling to foreign countries. Greeting is an important part of communication between people. When greeting someone, Americans tend to hold out their

41、 hands and look directly into his/her eyes and then smile. However, sometimes such behavior might bring nothing but misunderstanding in other countries. A handshake might not be accepted and looking others right in the eye can have different meanings. Asian people regard physical contact as embarras

42、sing; therefore, they do not shake hands. They have their own ways of greeting people. For Japanese, a slight bow of the head is enough. In Korea, women do not shake hands or hug with people; while men might shake hands accompanied by nodding the head once. In western Asia, Muslims do not make body

43、contacts with women yet hug is generally accepted among men. Same thing happens on eye contact. In many countries, people avoid direct eye contact to show respect. This can cause misunderstanding, too. In fact, some Asian students have been regarded as lacking respect for their American teachers exa

44、ctly because they failed to make eye contacts with their teachers. Though different cultures seem to have different ways of greeting, smiling is taken as the universal gesture of friendliness. Smiling indicates happiness or agreement (同意 ) and it can also be used to mean “Excuse me“ or “Please“. So

45、when you are not sure what to do, just smile. 64 When two Japanese men meet, they might greet each other by _. ( A) shaking each other ( B) hugging each other ( C) kissing each other on both cheeks ( D) bowing their heads 65 If an American makes an “OK“ gesture to a Japanese, then the Japanese proba

46、bly think that _. ( A) they have agreed on something ( B) the American feels happy ( C) the American insults him ( D) the American wants money 66 What will be regarded as impolite? ( A) Make a direct eye contact with an American ( B) Try to hug a Muslim woman ( C) Bow to a Japanese when you first me

47、et ( D) Smile to a French in order to show that you are happy 67 Whats the best title for this passage? ( A) Never shake hands with Asian people ( B) Different culture, different custom ( C) Smile as much as you can ( D) People behave rudely in foreign countries 67 Looking to improve your language s

48、kills, but you dont have the time to go abroad to attend school? More and more universities around the world are offering opportunities for students to get degrees online ( distance education) from the comfort of their own homes, and many of these colleges and universities are accredited (官方认可的 ), m

49、eaning that they have met certain standards of excellence. If you decide to take language courses online (or any subject for that matter), be sure there are advantages in studying online. Its costs are usually lower, and you can study at your own pace (节奏 ) and you can easily get the materials 24 hours a day from almost any computer in the world. Howev


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