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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 279及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 What s the woman s problem? ( A) She is too tired to open the door. ( B) She can t open the door herself. ( C) She cant find the key to the door. 2 How much does each

2、 ticket cost? ( A) 3.70. ( B) 4.70. ( C) 7.40. 3 What are the speakers talking about? ( A) Cooking. ( B) Shopping. ( C) Word games. 4 What was Professor Carter s suggestion to the students? ( A) Be careful with their handwriting. ( B) Wait until the class is over. ( C) Finish their work ahead of tim

3、e. 5 What is the actual color of the skirt? ( A) Blue. ( B) Green. ( C) Yellow. 6 Where are the two speakers? ( A) At a street corner. ( B) In a city center. ( C) In a car. 7 What is the building next to the theatre? ( A) A shopping mall. ( B) A restaurant. ( C) The city hall. 8 What does the man wa

4、nt to buy? ( A) Postcards. ( B) Clothes. ( C) Presents. 9 When does the man eat fast: food? ( A) Everyday. ( B) On workdays. ( C) On weekends. 10 What is the main reason that the man eats fast food? ( A) Convenience. ( B) Taste. ( C) Benefits to health. 11 What does the man think of fast food? ( A)

5、Its his favorite. ( B) He cannot live without it. ( C) It doesn t taste as good as restaurants. 12 Where is the man going? ( A) His aunts home. ( B) His school. ( C) The city hall. 13 What does the girl do? ( A) She carries the box. ( B) She does nothing. ( C) She opens the door for the boy. 14 What

6、 will they do in the evening? ( A) Go shopping. ( B) Go to a concert. ( C) Go to the cinema. 15 When is their flight? ( A) In the morning. ( B) In the afternoon. ( C) In the evening. 16 Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong? ( A) Direct flights are more expensive. ( B) They plan to do so

7、me shopping there. ( C) There are no non-stop flights to Singapore. 17 How long will the speakers be away from home? ( A) Two days. ( B) Ten days. ( C) Twelve days. 18 Where does the woman work? ( A) In a hospital. ( B) In a lab. ( C) On a farm. 19 Which of the following does the woman do as an AHT?

8、 ( A) Produce medicine. ( B) Bathe animals. ( C) Do experiments. 20 What does Dr. Blake say about the woman s work? ( A) It s interesting. ( B) It s unimportant. ( C) It s helpful. 单项填空 21 The woman gathered a lot of_by writing many best-selling_. ( A) wealths; work ( B) wealths; works ( C) wealth;

9、work ( D) wealth; works 22 In those days she was always lost in thought, so that she had to be called three or four times_she came to her dinner. ( A) until ( B) after ( C) when ( D) before 23 I was out of town at the time, so I do not know exactly how it _. ( A) was happening ( B) happened ( C) hap

10、pens ( D) has happened 24 Mary and I see each other_, but not as often as we used to. ( A) sooner or later ( B) once in a while ( C) in the end ( D) more or less 25 From here, you can see the bridge _ construction. ( A) in ( B) on ( C) under ( D) with 26 Mrs. Smith is_mother. ( A) Lucy and Lily ( B)

11、 Lucy s and Lily s ( C) Lucy and Lily s ( D) Lucy s and Lily 27 With the three ships _ to him by the Queen of Spain, Columbus sailed west. ( A) giving ( B) gave ( C) being given ( D) given 28 I quickly answered your letter, for, if I delayed, you _ I was not concerned about your difficulties. ( A) h

12、ad thought ( B) thought ( C) would think ( D) were thinking 29 Newly married couples are usually good listeners but become _ as the years go by. ( A) poor ( B) poorer ( C) poorest ( D) less poor 30 _ me the keys youre in no fit state to drive. ( A) To give ( B) Giving ( C) Give ( D) Given 31 -Tina l

13、ooks especially pretty tonight. -Yes, she always looks her best in _ dress of _ color. ( A) / ;that ( B) a; that ( C) the; the ( D) /; a 32 -Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star? -_. Shes a doctor. ( A) Whatever you say ( B) Forget about it ( C) You bet ( D) Far from it 33 I_a

14、supporter of this basketball club for many years now. ( A) will be ( B) was ( C) was being ( D) have been 34 Did you know Susan was back in China? Is she _? ( A) and how ( B) to where ( C) since when ( D) why not 35 Television, which first appeared in the 1920s, really changed the _ people viewed th

15、e world. ( A) idea ( B) direction ( C) method ( D) way 完形填空 35 Lately I have been noticing the great number of electrical appliances (电器 ) on the market. It seems to me that there are【 C1】 _ now than a few years ago. I m not really【 C2】 _ why this is so;【 C3】 _ I do have a few【 C4】 _ . The first is

16、that we are just too【 C5】 _ to do things by hand【 C6】 _ . For every little job we once had to do there is now a 【 C7】 _ . The seconds that electrical appliance companies are just trying to make【 C8】 _ out of peoples laziness. 【 C9】 _ all of these electrical appliances around for us to use now, I【 C1

17、0】_ how I would have lived fifty years ago.【 C11】 _ , how would I have cleaned my floor? I guess I could have【 C12】 _ one of those things called a “broom“ , which I【 C13】 _ see now. Im not trying to say I dont【 C14】_ electrical appliances; I certainly【 C15】 _ . It is hard for me to imagine【 C16】 _ .

18、 I would do without my hair dryer!【 C17】 _ , I do think a lot of modem appliances are needless and【 C18】 _ may become even lazier by using them.【 C19】 _ well have a catastrophic (灾难的 ) electric failure some day and 【 C20】 _ just how much we really have been depending on our electrical appliances! 36

19、 【 C1】 ( A) fewer ( B) too many ( C) more ( D) no more 37 【 C2】 ( A) sure ( B) happy ( C) interested ( D) surprised 38 【 C3】 ( A) thus ( B) but ( C) when ( D) although 39 【 C4】 ( A) arguments ( B) suggestions ( C) choices ( D) ideas 40 【 C5】 ( A) slow ( B) clever ( C) eager ( D) lazy 41 【 C6】 ( A) a

20、ny time ( B) anywhere ( C) anyhow ( D) any more 42 【 C7】 ( A) machine ( B) new way ( C) helping hand ( D) chance 43 【 C8】 ( A) progress ( B) use ( C) money ( D) trouble 44 【 C9】 ( A) For ( B) By ( C) With ( D) Among 45 【 C10】 ( A) ask ( B) wonder ( C) understand ( D) remember 46 【 C11】 ( A) For exam

21、ple ( B) In fact ( C) By the way ( D) In other words 47 【 C12】 ( A) made ( B) sold ( C) borrowed ( D) used 48 【 C13】 ( A) often ( B) seldom ( C) recently ( D) certainly 49 【 C14】 ( A) change ( B) depend on ( C) share ( D) worry about 50 【 C15】 ( A) know ( B) am ( C) agree ( D) do 51 【 C16】 ( A) why

22、( B) how ( C) what ( D) which 52 【 C17】 ( A) However ( B) Besides ( C) Meanwhile ( D) There 53 【 C18】 ( A) that ( B) others ( C) it ( D) people 54 【 C19】 ( A) Maybe ( B) Hopefully ( C) Hardly ( D) Exactly 55 【 C20】 ( A) go over ( B) forget about ( C) talk about ( D) find out 55 “How far is it to the

23、 next village?“ the American asks a man sitting by the side of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to get to his destination (目的地 ) , he will politely say “Just down the road“. He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler, and therefore the wante

24、d answer. So the American drives through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling “ tricked“. He thinks the man purposely cheated him, for obviously he must have known the distance quite well. Had conditions been turned over, the American would have felt he was “cheating“ the driver if he had

25、 said the next town was close when he knew it was really 15 miles further on. Though, he, too, would be sympathetic(同情的 )to the weary driver, he would say “You have a good way to go yet; it is at least 15 miles“. The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect. Whether to be corre

26、ct or polite leads to many misunderstandings between people of different cultures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem. 56 The man at the roadside tells the American it is close to the next village because_. ( A) he is playing a trick on him

27、( B) the American expects the answer ( C) he doesn t know the exact distance at all ( D) he wants to encourage him to go further 57 We learn from this passage that Americans_. ( A) are good at cheating ( B) are polite to anybody ( C) are sympathetic but honest ( D) have no sympathy for others 58 If

28、you ask an American how far it is from the next village, he will_. ( A) tell you the exact distance if he knows it ( B) tell you it is close although he knows it isn t ( C) say that he doesn t know and encourage you to go on ( D) decide whether you are tired or not, and then give you an answer 59 Th

29、e short passage advises us to_. ( A) be polite but honest to foreigners ( B) learn customs of different countries ( C) decide whether to be polite according to different cultures ( D) tell more truths to Americans than to people from other countries 59 It was the first snow of winter. Up until now,

30、I had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息 ) , but today I would need some help. Miss King, my kindergarten teacher, may still remember this one. I managed to get into my snow pants, but I struggled with my jacket because it did not fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother. Finally it wa

31、s time to have Miss King help me with my boots. She said, “By the end of winter, you will be able to put on your own boots. “ I handed her my boots, and she managed to get the first one into place and then worked the second one on, too. I said, “They are on the wrong feet. “ She struggled to get the

32、 boots off and tried again. Then I said, “ These aren t my boots, they are my brother s boots and I hate them!“ Somehow, she managed to act as though I was not an annoying little girl. She pushed and shoved, less gently this time and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. Seeing t

33、he end of her struggle with me, she asked, “Now, where are your gloves?“ I looked into her eyes and said, “ I did not want to lose them, so I put them into the toes of my boots. “ 60 According to the passage, the little girl got_from her brother. ( A) the pants and jacket ( B) the jacket and boots (

34、 C) the jacket and hat ( D) the gloves 61 What made it difficult for the teacher to help the little girl put her boots on? ( A) The wrong size of the boots. ( B) The unwillingness of the girl. ( C) The gloves in the toes of the boots. ( D) The slowness of the teacher. 62 Why did the little girl put

35、her gloves into her boots? ( A) She worried to lose them. ( B) To make her teacher find them. ( C) She didn t know the reason. ( D) She didnt like them. 63 From the passage we can guess how old was the girl? ( A) 5. ( B) 12 ( C) 16 ( D) 20 63 Christmas Eve (圣诞前夜 ) arrives at my house each year. The

36、center of the celebration is dinner. My mother spends days preparing a rich variety of seafood. The guest list seldom changes. It is made up of my Aunt Marcy and her husband, my oldest brother, Sal, his wife, and their four children, my sister, Joann, her husband, and their two children, and my seco

37、nd brother, Richard, his wife, and their two children. My aunt and uncle always come heavily loaded with enough food and wine for a whole army. My brother Sal and gang usually show up an hour early and empty handed. Joann s family is usually late while Richard s group generally arrives on time, bear

38、ing gifts for everyone. I am in charge of getting the Christmas tree. Plenty of food is served at the dinner table, and all the hours of preparation are wolfed down in a matter of minutes. Along with the yearly repeated menu comes the yearly repeated conversation. Everyone talks about how good the f

39、ood tastes. My mother then talks about all the supermarkets from which the fish was bought. This begins our period of comparison shopping. For at least thirty minutes, we show how better we are than each other at mentioning the bargains we have found. Personally, I do not feel the need to be with a

40、crowd on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve, to me, is a quiet time, a time to think deeply. The over crowdedness and noise ruin my feelings about Christmas. 64 What does the underlined word “gang“( line 2, para. 2) probably mean? ( A) The rest of the guests. ( B) The children of the guests. ( C) The writ

41、er and her mother. ( D) Sal s family members. 65 One of the main subjects discussed at the dinner table is _. ( A) the price of goods ( B) the kind of seafood ( C) the preparation of fish ( D) the change of the menu 66 How does the writer feel about Christmas at her house? ( A) She thinks there is t

42、oo much waste. ( B) She thinks people eat too much fish. ( C) She doesn t like the way it is celebrated. ( D) She doesnt like doing the preparation work. 67 What does the text mainly talk about? ( A) Comparison shopping for Christmas. ( B) Christmas dinner at the writer s house. ( C) The guests pres

43、ent at the writer s Christmas dinner. ( D) Suggestions for how Christmas should be celebrated. 67 The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia were completed in 1998. Each tower is 452 meters high and has 88 floors. Designed to serve all floors, the four executive lifts(公务电梯 ) in each tower

44、transport passengers from the underground car park to the top floor in 90 seconds. The towers are joined 170 meters up by a two-level bridge on the 41st and 42nd floors. The Sears Tower in Chicago in the United States was the tallest building in the world for more than 20 years. Completed in 1973, t

45、he tower is 442 meters high. It has 110 floors and 14,771 square meters of space. Its non -stop lift goes up to the top floor at a speed of 487 meters per minute. At 421 meters high. Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai is the tallest building in China. Completed in 1999, it has 88 floors and has the worlds hi

46、ghest hotel rooms. This building was made to be strong-it can stand typhoon (台风 ) winds of up to 200 kilometers per hour. Burj Dubai is a modern building presently under construction in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Because of the strong desire to build the worlds tallest building, much informa

47、tion about Burj Dubai is kept secret. However, experts expect the tower to have 162 floors and go up to 808 meters high. Its lifts will be the fastest in the world, traveling at 18 meters per second. It is due to be completed in 2008 or 2009. 68 What joins the Petronas Twin Towers 170 meters up? ( A

48、) A flat floor ( B) A non-stop lift ( C) A long passage ( D) A two-level bridge 69 One can get to the top floor of the Sears Tower by its non-stop lift in _. ( A) 30 seconds ( B) about 1 minute ( C) nearly 2 minutes ( D) a minute and a half 70 In the text, the tallest tower that has been completed i

49、n the world is _. ( A) The Petronas Twin Towers ( B) the Sears Tower ( C) Jin Mao Tower ( D) Burj Dubai 71 Which of the following could be the bestc title for the text? ( A) Fastest Lifts in Tall Towers ( B) Tallest Buildings in the World ( C) Tourist Attractions in the World ( D) High Costs of High Construction 7


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