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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 46及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Why is the womans father going to retire? ( A) He is old. ( B) He is in good health. ( C) He is in poor health. 2 Where does the man think the keys are? ( A) In the wo

2、mans car. ( B) In the restaurant. ( C) In the womans house. 3 What does the woman mean in this conversation? ( A) She likes looking at the calendar. ( B) She takes business trips very often. ( C) She likes being on trips. 4 Why did the woman thank the man? ( A) Because he sent her to the hospital. (

3、 B) Because he sent her some flowers. ( C) Because he never forgot to meet her. 5 Where does the conversation take place? ( A) In the street. ( B) In a shop. ( C) In a restaurant. 6 What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Good friends. ( B) Mother and son. ( C) Teacher and s

4、tudent. 7 What did the boy often do at school? ( A) He was often late for school. ( B) He often fell asleep in class. ( C) He often stayed after class. 8 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) The boy prefers to go out and, work. ( B) The boy has neither much interest in school nor in work.

5、 ( C) The boy is discouraged because he didnt pass the exam. 9 What do you think the man is? Why? ( A) A policeman. Because he works hard. ( B) A postman. Because he often works late. ( C) A taxi driver. Because he often works through the evening rush hours. 10 When were they having this dialogue? (

6、 A) After the man finished his work. ( B) After they got up. ( C) Before they went out shopping. 11 How is the weather in New York compared with the weather in Florida? ( A) Colder. ( B) Wanner. ( C) Rains more. 12 Where does the conversation probably take place? ( A) In the school office. ( B) In a

7、 classroom. ( C) At the students home. 13 How long is one course? ( A) Twenty-three weeks. ( B) Fourteen weeks. ( C) Three weeks. 14 When is the first course? ( A) In June. ( B) In July. ( C) In August. 单项填空 15 It was such little boys that cant lift up _ box. ( A) so heavy a ( B) so a heavy ( C) suc

8、h heavy a ( D) a heavy such 16 You should call the police, if you ever catch _ of Sarah. ( A) sight ( B) scenery ( C) scene ( D) view 17 _ give your homework to Amy? She is going to teachers office. ( A) Why ( B) Why not ( C) Why dont ( D) Why didnt 18 I dont know when he _ back. When he comes back,

9、 please let me know. ( A) would come ( B) comes ( C) will come ( D) is coming 19 Im going to Mr. Whites. Do you have anything _? ( A) to send ( B) sending ( C) to be sent ( D) being sent 20 Jenny said that she was sorry she had got no knife _. ( A) to cut ( B) to cut it ( C) cutting ( D) to cut it w

10、ith 21 Dont throw the papers into the rubbish. They _ be valuable for others. ( A) may ( B) can ( C) must ( D) might 22 Hangzhou is known _ Chinese _ her beauty _ a famous touring city. ( A) as ( B) for ( C) on ( D) to 23 Jane heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth. ( A) that ( B

11、) this ( C) what ( D) which 24 Who can enjoy _ fun of in public? ( A) making ( B) being made ( C) to make ( D) to be made 25 In my family mother is always the first _. ( A) to get up ( B) getting up ( C) get up ( D) got up 26 Rosa likes lo image herself _ an actress. ( A) like ( B) as ( C) as though

12、 ( D) as if 27 The seafood doesnt taste _. ( A) well ( B) good ( C) to be good ( D) very nicely 28 Tom went on a trip to Beijing last month. _. ( A) So did I ( B) So I did ( C) So went I ( D) So did I, too. 29 His attitude to me was like _ a friend. ( A) / ( B) one of ( C) the one of ( D) that of 完形

13、填空 30 People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the 【 B1】 and have made up their minds to 【 B2】 the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (抗议 ) against heavy trucks which run 【 B3】 through the

14、 narrow High Street. “They not only make it 【 B4】 to sleep at night, but they are 【 B5】 damage to our houses and shops of historical 【 B6】 ,“ said John Norris, one of the protesters. “ 【 B7】 we must have these noisy trucks on the reads,“ said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why dont they build a new

15、 road that goes 【 B8】 the town? Burlington isnt much more than a 【 B9】 village. Its streets were never 【 B10】 for heavy traffic.“ Harry Fields also studying biology said they wanted to make as much effort as possible to force the 【 B11】 to realize what everybody was having to 【 B12】 . “Most of them

16、dont 【 B13】 here anyway,“ he said, “they come in for meetings and that, and the Town Hall is soundproof (隔音 ), 【 B14】 they probably dont notice the noise all that much. Its high time they realized the 【 B15】 .“ The fourth student, Liza Vemum, said she thought the public were 【 B16】 on their side, an

17、d even if they werent they soon would be. I asked if they were afraid that the police might come to 【 B17】 them. “Not really,“ she said, “actually we are 【 B18】 bell ringers. I mean we are assistant bell fingers for the church. There is no 【 B19】 against practising.“ I 【 B20】 the church with the sou

18、nd of the hells ringing in my ears. 30 【 B1】 ( A) college ( B) village ( C) town ( D) church 31 【 B2】 ( A) change ( B) repair ( C) ring ( D) shake 32 【 B3】 ( A) now and then ( B) day and night ( C) up and clown ( D) over and over 33 【 B4】 ( A) terrible ( B) difficult ( C) uncomfortable ( D) unpleasa

19、nt 34 【 B5】 ( A) doing ( B) raising ( C) putting ( D) producing 35 【 B6】 ( A) scene ( B) period ( C) interest ( D) sense 36 【 B7】 ( A) If ( B) Although ( C) When ( D) Unless 37 【 B8】 ( A) to ( B) through ( C) over ( D) round 38 【 B9】 ( A) pretty ( B) quiet ( C) large ( D) modem 39 【 B10】 ( A) tested

20、 ( B) meant ( C) kept ( D) used 40 【 B11】 ( A) townspeople ( B) other students ( C) government officials ( D) truck drivers 41 【 B12】 ( A) stand ( B) accept ( C) know ( D) share 42 【 B13】 ( A) shop ( B) live ( C) come ( D) study 43 【 B14】 ( A) but ( B) so ( C) or ( D) for 44 【 B15】 ( A) event ( B) l

21、oss ( C) action ( D) problem 45 【 B16】 ( A) hardly ( B) unwillingly ( C) mostly ( D) usually 46 【 B17】 ( A) seize ( B) fight ( C) search ( D) stop 47 【 B18】 ( A) proper ( B) experienced ( C) hopeful ( D) serious 48 【 B19】 ( A) point ( B) cause ( C) need ( D) law 49 【 B20】 ( A) left ( B) found ( C) r

22、eached ( D) passed 短文理解 50 Tired of Working in Your Country! With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2004 for instructors of English, German, Spanish and French.

23、 . Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students. . Accommodation (住宿 ), and other necessary documents (文件 ) will be ready before you leave. . Applicants will teach their first language only. . Excellent teacher training programs. If you are y

24、oung with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply (申请 ) now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements. App

25、ly withCV. and send letters to: NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2) 34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France Fax: 33148014804 Or visit our website: www. teadyp. Com. The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July. 50 We know from the text that those who are going

26、 to Japan will _. ( A) teach English only in Osaka ( B) receive a degree from a university ( C) have free accommodation ( D) get trained for the job 51 Before going to Japan, you need _. ( A) to see the manager of NOVA France ( B) to take some computer courses ( C) to write a letter to Japan ( D) to

27、 find a place to live 52 If you want to work in Japan you should _. ( A) have some working experience ( B) know how to use computers ( C) present good teaching plans ( D) speak several languages 53 There is no denying it: Boys think differently from girls. Even though recent brain research evidence

28、is controversial(争议的 ), that conclusion seems inescapable. One clue to brain differences between the sexes came from observation of infants. One study found that from shortly after birth, females are more sensitive to certain types of sounds, particularly to a mothers voice. Female babies are also m

29、ore easily awoken by loud noises. Tests show girls have increased skin sensitivity, particularly in the fingertips, and are better at fine motor performance. Female infants speak sooner, have larger vocabularies and rarely show speech mistakes. (Stuttering, for instance, occurs almost only among boy

30、s.) Girls exceed boys in language abilities, and this early linguistic bias(倾向 ) often continues throughout life. Girls read sooner, learn foreign languages more easily and, as a result, are mole likely to enter to occupations involving language mastery. Boys, in contrast, show an early visual super

31、iority. They are also clumsier, performing poorly at something like arranging a row of beads, but excel at other activities calling on total body coordination. A study of preschool children by psychologist Diane McGuinness of Standford University found boys more curious, especially in regard to expl

32、oring his environment. Her studies also confirmed that males are better at manipulating three-dimensional space. There is evidence that some of these differences in performance are differences in brain organization between boys and girls. Overall, verbal and spatial abilities in boys tend to be “pac

33、kaged“ into different hemisphere: the right hemisphere for nonverbal tasks, the left for verbal tasks. But in girls nonverbal skills are likely to be found on both sides of the brain. The hemispheres of womens brains may be less specialized for these functions. 53 This passage is mainly about that _

34、. ( A) there exist the psychological differences between boys and girls ( B) boys are wiser than girls ( C) the male and female brain differences ( D) the structures of the brains of children are the same 54 Which of the following sentence is true? ( A) One sign of brain differences between sexes wa

35、s found by observing the newly born babies. ( B) Male babies are more sensitive in fingertips. ( C) Girls exceeds boys in visual abilities. ( D) Boys exceeds girls in audio abilities. 55 Nonverbal skills in girls brain can be found _. ( A) in the right hemisphere ( B) in the left hemisphere ( C) in

36、the upper part ( D) in the whole brain 56 Girls usually are not good at _. ( A) arranging a row of beads ( B) fine motor performance ( C) manipulating three-dimensional space ( D) mastering of languages 57 A diverse group formed each year to compete in a sport is an excellent example of team buildin

37、g. Groups develop into “teams“ when their common purpose is understood by all of the members. Within effective teams each member plays an assigned role using his or her talent to the best advantage. When members integrate their skills to accentuate strengths and minimize weakness team objectives are

38、 usually achieved. When on the other hand groups play as individuals, they usually fail. Most wins or loses are the result of “teamwork“. In sports, feedback is often immediate. If teamwork is lacking, good managers can identify where the problems are, and initiate corrective action in order to chan

39、ge things until the desired results are achieved. Like other athletic counterparts, group organized to perform business, community and governmental functions can achieve far more when they work as “teams“. Unfortunately, many leaders fail to recognize and apply the same principles, as they would whi

40、le coaching a sport. In a work organization they do not understand how to transform their group into a productive team. One reason may be that feedback in the form of results is not as quick or dramatic as in athletics. Problems can go unnoticed and corrective action if taken can be slow in coming.

41、Effective teamwork knows no level. It is just as important among top executives, as it is among middle managers, first line supervisors or the rank and file. The absence of teamwork at any level will limit organization effectiveness and can eventually kill an organization. 57 It can be inferred(推断出

42、)that the main idea of this passage is _. ( A) cooperation in sports ( B) productive team ( C) advantages of being in a team ( D) effective teamwork 58 Which of the following statements is true according to this passage? ( A) If everyone understands the common purpose, team objectives can be achieve

43、d. ( B) That each member emphasizes theirs strengths and minimizes their weakness enables the building of a teams objectives. ( C) Many leaders know how change their groups into productive teams, but they have not enough time. ( D) Feedbacks are not immediate, however, problems can be solved very qu

44、ickly. 59 If teamwork is lacking what should good managers do? ( A) Tell groups to play as a individuals. ( B) Demand each member to play assigned role. ( C) Find the problems and take corrective actions. ( D) Order groups to compete in a sport. 60 The sentence “Effective teamwork knows no level.“ m

45、eans _. ( A) leaders and team members are equal in a team ( B) effective teamwork is both important to leaders and team members in a team ( C) effective team may be set up among top executives and lower level managers ( D) the presence of teamwork will limit organization effectiveness and kill an or

46、ganization 61 For any Englishman there can never be any discussion as to who is the worlds greatest poet and greatest dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer. All

47、 of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeares writings that have become part of the common property of English speaking people. Most of the time we axe probably unaware of the source of the words we use, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of HAMLET and complaine

48、d that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations! Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal, employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thou

49、sand! There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeares day. 61 The passage tells readers that English


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