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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 47及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 How many days will the woman be traveling? ( A) Ten days. ( B) Eight days. ( C) Fifteen days. 2 What did the boys father give him as a birthday gift? ( A) A CD player.

2、 ( B) An MP3 player. ( C) A pair of shoes. 3 What examination is Emily going to take? ( A) Tennis final. ( B) English final. ( C) English mid-term exam. 4 What is the man going to do with the money he won? ( A) He is going to buy a lot of expensive things. ( B) He is going to buy a new car. ( C) He

3、is going to make much more money with it. 5 Why is Frank so sad about his future planning? ( A) Because he wants to be a singer but he cannot. ( B) Because he wont be able to live in Milan. ( C) Because he is afraid that he cannot pass the examination. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选

4、项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 What are the people in the house doing? ( A) Theyre having dinner. ( B) Theyre having a party. ( C) Theyre watching TV. 7 Who is Karl Black? ( A) He is the mans daughters boyfriend. ( B) He is the womans daughters boyfr

5、iend. ( C) He is Miss Zhangs boyfriend. 8 What kind of newspaper is the Community News? ( A) Its a new newspaper. ( B) It reports only bad news. ( C) It reports only good news. 9 Why isnt the woman sure about good, news newspaper? ( A) She wants to get all the facts. ( B) She wants a creative choice

6、. ( C) She wants sugar-coated truth. 10 What is the relationship between the speakers? ( A) Strangers. ( B) Friends. ( C) Classmates. 11 Where does the woman work? ( A) At a department store. ( B) At the lost and found. ( C) At the police station. 12 Which of the following did the man leave in the p

7、ark? ( A) A fur overcoat. ( B) A grey coat. ( C) A white raincoat. 13 What do we know about the woman? ( A) She is impatient. ( B) She is helpful. ( C) She is careless. 14 What are the speakers talking about? ( A) Modern technology. ( B) Dangerous driving. ( C) Behaviors in the theatcr. 15 What make

8、s the woman unhappy about? ( A) That she gets a chance to speak out. ( B) People like the convenience of cell phones. ( C) The way people use their cell phones in public places. 16 What do we know about the woman? ( A) She believes the guys phone rang behind her. ( B) She believes that law is needed

9、. ( C) She believes she is in danger. 17 How much do the womans parents pay each semester (学期 )? ( A) 15,000. ( B) 10,000. ( C) 2,000. 18 Where does she take a part-time job? ( A) At a hotel. ( B) At the college. ( C) At a restaurant. 19 What does the woman do to save money? ( A) She uses a cell pho

10、ne. ( B) She buys a lot of clothes. ( C) She sticks to her budget (预算 ). 20 How do you find a job on the Internet? ( A) Use the words “job search“. ( B) Make a list of full-time jobs you need. ( C) Type in your name and where you work. 21 What can you find in job search websites? ( A) Letters to int

11、roduce you. ( B) Examples of interview conversations. ( C) Interviewers of the companies you want. 22 How do job search websites help people to find a job? ( A) Tell them how to prepare for interviews. ( B) Help them write letters. ( C) In many ways. 23 Why did Mum agree to go for dinner? ( A) Becau

12、se she was tired today. ( B) Because nobody cooked. ( C) Because she was bored with the home-made food. 24 Where did the two speakers finally decide to go for dinner? ( A) A restaurant. ( B) KFC. ( C) MacDonald. 25 What would they like to have? ( A) Hamburger, a glass of Pepsi, an ice-cream cone, an

13、 apple pie. ( B) Hamburger, fish, chicken soup. ( C) Hamburger, chicken soup, an apple pie. 26 What can we learn about the dialogue? ( A) The mother was not a good cook. ( B) The boy doesnt like MacDonald. ( C) They sometimes go out for dinner. 27 What is Dr. William N. Green? ( A) A childrens docto

14、r. ( B) A childrens dentist. ( C) A childrens scientist. 28 When does Dr. William N. Green have breakfast? ( A) 6:15. ( B) 7:15. ( C) 6:45. 29 Where is Dr. William N. Greens office? ( A) At 1760 Washington Street. ( B) At Jefferson Street. ( C) In Olney. 30 How does Dr. William N. Green go to work?

15、( A) By car. ( B) By bus. ( C) By subway. 单项填空 31 A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do. ( A) how ( B) after ( C) what ( D) when 32 60% of the population of the town _ workers; things are different now. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) was ( D) were 33 The answer _ this question is known _ us a

16、ll. ( A) to; by ( B) of; to ( C) of; of ( D) to; to 34 _ the punishment was unfair, he accepted it without complaint. ( A) So long as ( B) Even though ( C) Since ( D) While 35 In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _ in my study. ( A) locking ( B) locked ( C) to lock ( D) being locked 36

17、I first met Lisa three years ago when we _ at a radio station together. ( A) have worked ( B) had been working ( C) were working ( D) had worked 37 Please take your _ things money, jewelry, cameras and so on with you when you go out of the hotel. ( A) expensive ( B) worthy ( C) precious ( D) valuabl

18、e 38 -Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night.- _ I am sure you had a good time. ( A) Sounds good! ( B) Very well. ( C) How nice ! ( D) All right. 39 I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _ in two days? ( A) the rest ( B) the other ( C) another ( D) the others

19、 40 I dont know whether you happen _ , but Im going to study in the U.S.A.this September. ( A) to be heard ( B) to be hearing ( C) to hear ( D) to have heard 41 -What were you up to when she dropped in?-I _ for a while and _ some reading. ( A) was playing, was going to do ( B) played, did ( C) had p

20、layed, was going to do ( D) had played, did 42 “Do you have any clothes to _ , Tom?“ mother asked. ( A) wash ( B) be washed ( C) washing ( D) washed 43 He found it necessary for us _ from each other. ( A) to help and learn ( B) helping and learning ( C) to learn and help ( D) learning and helping 44

21、 Which is _ , the new one or the old one? ( A) better ( B) the better ( C) best ( D) the best 45 I can _ you to the market in my car. ( A) send ( B) pick ( C) ride ( D) take 完形填空 46 As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas 【 B1】 for her f

22、ather. She 【 B2】 that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was 【 B3】 satisfied with perfume (香水 ). 【 B4】 , shopping at this time of the year was a most 【 B5】 job. People 【 B6】 on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost 【 B7】 you over in their hurry in order to 【 B8】 something c

23、heap ahead of you. Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on 【 B9】 . “They are 【 B10】 silk,“ the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to 【 B11】 her to buy one. But Edith knew from past 【 B12】 that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her fa

24、ther. She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, 【 B13】 where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the 【 B14】 were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father 【 B15】 smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was

25、【 B16】 to please him. When she got home, with her small but 【 B17】 present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already 【 B18】 table. Her mother was in great 【 B19】 “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,“ she told her daughter happily. Edith was so 【 B20】 tha

26、t she could not say a single word. 46 【 B1】 ( A) suit ( B) card ( C) thing ( D) gift 47 【 B2】 ( A) believed ( B) wished ( C) hoped ( D) supposed 48 【 B3】 ( A) never ( B) seldom ( C) always ( D) scarcely 49 【 B4】 ( A) Therefore ( B) Fortunately ( C) Besides ( D) Finally 50 【 B5】 ( A) unhappy ( B) car

27、eful ( C) exciting ( D) happy 51 【 B6】 ( A) walked ( B) stepped ( C) lifted ( D) stood 52 【 B7】 ( A) turned ( B) hit ( C) brought ( D) knocked 53 【 B8】 ( A) watch ( B) find ( C) grasp ( D) sell 54 【 B9】 ( A) time ( B) show ( C) board ( D) duty 55 【 B10】 ( A) real ( B) cheap ( C) poor ( D) exact 56 【

28、 B11】 ( A) hope ( B) ask ( C) force ( D) persuade 57 【 B12】 ( A) experience ( B) things ( C) books ( D) school 58 【 B13】 ( A) stopped ( B) saw ( C) asked ( D) found 59 【 B14】 ( A) money ( B) cigarette ( C) shapes ( D) shop 60 【 B15】 ( A) always ( B) nearly ( C) only ( D) never 61 【 B16】 ( A) hardly

29、( B) impossibly ( C) possibly ( D) certainly 62 【 B17】 ( A) cheap ( B) well-chosen ( C) expensive ( D) ready-made 63 【 B18】 ( A) on ( B) by ( C) beside ( D) at 64 【 B19】 ( A) excitement ( B) anger ( C) sadness ( D) disappointment 65 【 B20】 ( A) glad ( B) happy ( C) surprised ( D) excited 短文理解 66 The

30、re is no denying it: Boys think differently from girls. Even though recent brain research evidence is controversial(争议的 ), that conclusion seems inescapable. One clue to brain differences between the sexes came from observation of infants. One study found that from shortly after birth, females are m

31、ore sensitive to certain types of sounds, particularly to a mothers voice. Female babies are also more easily awoken by loud noises. Tests show girls have increased skin sensitivity, particularly in the fingertips, and are better at fine motor performance. Female infants speak sooner, have larger vo

32、cabularies and rarely show speech mistakes. (Stuttering, for instance, occurs almost only among boys.) Girls exceed boys in language abilities, and this early linguistic bias(倾向 ) often continues throughout life. Girls read sooner, learn foreign languages more easily and, as a result, are mole likel

33、y to enter to occupations involving language mastery. Boys, in contrast, show an early visual superiority. They are also clumsier, performing poorly at something like arranging a row of beads, but excel at other activities calling on total body coordination. A study of preschool children by psycholo

34、gist Diane McGuinness of Standford University found boys more curious, especially in regard to exploring his environment. Her studies also confirmed that males are better at manipulating three-dimensional space. There is evidence that some of these differences in performance are differences in brain

35、 organization between boys and girls. Overall, verbal and spatial abilities in boys tend to be “packaged“ into different hemisphere: the right hemisphere for nonverbal tasks, the left for verbal tasks. But in girls nonverbal skills are likely to be found on both sides of the brain. The hemispheres o

36、f womens brains may be less specialized for these functions. 66 Which is true of this passage? ( A) The other families might not even know a family that lived close by in the past. ( B) We live in an age of machines when machines can do everything. ( C) Neighboring is not as common as it used to be.

37、 ( D) Everyone shared the same problem power is not enough for daily use. 67 What does the writer of this passage want tell readers? ( A) Since human beings cannot live alone, being neighbor will be important again. ( B) Machines are not good because they keep people apart. ( C) Neighbors are not ne

38、cessary in our time of machines. ( D) Machines call replace good neighbors as they can work for people and entertain people. 68 Which statement do you agree with after your reading? ( A) When the power failure hit New York City, people only minded their own business. ( B) Nobody needs all the machin

39、es we have made till now. ( C) People used to pay each other with their building, raising, and so on. ( D) People have difficulties in finding a good neighbor today. 69 Research has shown that excessive noise damages peoples hearing. In fact many young people now suffer from deafness from regularly

40、going to discos where the level of noise is so high that they have to shout to make themselves heard. Unfortunately, in spite of modern technology, noise is very much part of our modern world planes flying overhead, traffic thundering along busy roads, television, portable radios, all produce noise

41、to which we have become so accustomed that we hardly notice it. In fact people going on country holidays have been known to complain that it is too quiet. They actually miss the noise they are used to in their daily lives. The problem is that noise, though it does not necessarily cause deafness, cau

42、ses anxiety and this can in the long run prove harmful. However, the decision about more or less noise cannot be left to the scientists alone. It is up to us to decide what kind of world we want to live in. 69 Noise is sure to lead to _ in the long run according to the article. ( A) the loss of list

43、ening ability ( B) the loss of sight ( C) excessive excitement ( D) the loss of health 70 If people have a chance to have a trip to a quiet place, how would they feel? ( A) They would think that is really wonderful. ( B) They would not be used to it. ( C) They would think that it is more terrible th

44、an a noisy city. ( D) They would be glad to have such a quiet place for a good sleep. 71 What would make a person go deaf? ( A) Staying in a quiet place for a long time. ( B) Staying in a busy street for a long time. ( C) Listening to loud music for a long time ( D) Living in the country for a long

45、time. 72 Who should do something to deal with the noise pollution? ( A) the governments ( B) the researchers ( C) the scientists ( D) the world 73 There are two ways a Bill of Exchange can be used to pay for goods sent by sea. The first is known as “documents against payment“ and the second “documen

46、t against acceptance.“ In both cases the first step is for the exporter to deliver goods on board ship and, in exchange; he receives the Bill of Lading from the shipping company. Secondly, the exporter writes the Bill of Exchange, which is a sort of cheque. Then the exporter takes the Bill of Lading

47、, the Bill of Exchange and the other shipping documents to his bank. The bank sends the documents to the importers bank. When the procedure is “documents against payment,“ the importer next goes to his bank in Australia. He pays the money which the Australian bank sends to the exporters bank in the

48、UK. In exchange the bank gives him the Bill of Lading and other documents. Finally, when the ship arrives at its destination, the importer gives the captain the Bill of lading and receives the goods. When the procedure is “documents against acceptance,“ the first four steps are the same, but then th

49、e importer does not pay his bank the money for the goods. Instead he writes the word “accepted“ on the Bill of Exchange and signs it. This means that he promises to pay the money at a later date usually 90 or 180 days after the Bill is written. The bank then gives him the Bill of lading and other documents. The importers bank sends the accepted Bill of Exchange to the exporter, who now has proof that he will be paid in the future. When the ship arrives at its de


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