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1、国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10. 1 The speech is mainly about the organization of the company. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 2 Peop

2、le like the changes in the organization of the company. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 3 All directors on the Board are full-time employees in the company. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 4 The job of the Board of Directors is to administrate the company. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 5 The chairman of the Board is appointed

3、by the Board. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 6 MD refers to “a doctor of medicine“. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 7 MD is the absolute head of the company. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 8 MD decides companys policies and carries them out. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 9 MD has six departmental managers at the moment. ( A) Right ( B

4、) Wrong 10 The speaker will introduce six departmental managers one by one. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong Part B Directions: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. 11 When a consumer finds that his purchase ha

5、s a fault in it, what is the first thing he should do? ( A) complain personally to the manager. ( B) threaten to take the matter to court. ( C) write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase. ( D) show some written proof of the purchase to the store. 12 If a consumer wants a quick settlem

6、ent of the problem, whom is it better to complain to? ( A) A shop assistant. ( B) The store manager. ( C) The manufacturer. ( D) A public organization. 13 How can the most effective complaint be made? ( A) showing the fault item to the manager. ( B) explaining exactly what is wrong with the item. (

7、C) saying firmly that the item is of poor quality. ( D) asking politely to change the item. 14 When was the American Football Association founded? ( A) In 1913. ( B) In 1930. ( C) In 1914. ( D) In 1917. 15 Which of the following records of the U.S. football team is true? ( A) First place in the 3rd

8、world Cup. ( B) Second place in the 4th World Cup. ( C) Third place in the 1st World Cup. ( D) Fourth place in the 2nd World Cup. 16 Where was the finals of the World Cup in 1994 held? ( A) In England. ( B) In the U.S.A. ( C) In Mexico. ( D) In France. 17 According to the passage, Americans can acce

9、pt everything EXCEPT that _. ( A) one cannot drive a car ( B) one heats his wife ( C) one always gets drunk ( D) one doesnt have a car of his own 18 What was the speaker asked to show when he decided to buy a typewriter? ( A) He was asked to show a personal check to the salesman. ( B) He was asked t

10、o show anything to prove his identifications. ( C) He was asked to show a credit card. ( D) He was asked to present his pass to the White House. 19 How did the salesman and the floor manager think when they heard that the speaker didnt have a drivers license? ( A) They felt very surprised and was su

11、spicious of him. ( B) They didnt feel any surprise and sold him the typewriter right away. ( C) They thought the speaker was a cheater and was thinking of calling the police. ( D) They felt very sympathetic with him. 20 Who finally come to rescue the man out of the embarrassing situation? ( A) The P

12、resident of the U.S. ( B) Another of his friends who happened to pass by. ( C) One of his friends who happened to pass by. ( D) The president of the shop. Part C Directions: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by wr

13、iting NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30. 21 Whats the average increase per year of foreign student population in the period between 1985 and 1990 in terms of percentage? 22 Which area of the world

14、 contributed to an increase between 94/95 and 95/96? 23 When will the speaker talk about the economic and political changes? 24 What will the speaker discuss first? 25 Where do the three largest groups of students come from? 26 Whats the number of students from Malaysia? 27 Which is the most popular

15、 major of study? 28 Whats the percentage of students in business and management? 29 In terms of academic levels, in which level do we find the smallest number? 30 In brief, what did the speaker talk about? 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of

16、 the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 31 Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations, (31) to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing technique can dramatically affec

17、t educational achievement. The survey of 643 children and adults, ranking from pre-school to 40-plus, also suggests (32) pen-holding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation, with teachers now paying far (33) attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style. Stephanie Thomas, a le

18、arning support teacher (34) findings have been published, was inspired to investigate this area (35) he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling (36) had a poor pen grip. While Mr. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link (37) pen-holding style and accuracy

19、 in spelling, he (38) find huge differences in technique between the young children and the mature adults, and a definite (39) between near-point gripping and slow, illegible writing. People who (40) their pens at the writing point also show other characteristics (41) inhibit learning, (42) as poor

20、posture, leaning too (43) to the desk, using four fingers to grip the pen (44) than three, and clumsy positioning of the thumb (which can obscure (45) is being written). Mr. Thomas believes that the (46) between elder and younger writers is (47) too dramatic to be accounted for simply by the possibi

21、lity that people get better at writing as they grow (48). He attributes it to a failure to teach the most effective methods, pointing out that the differences between (49) groups coincides with the abandonment of formal handwriting instruction in classrooms in the sixties. “The 30-year-old showed a

22、huge diversity of grips, (50) the over 40s group all had a uniform tripod grip“. Part A Directions: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 51 The estimates of the numbers of home-schooled children vary wid

23、ely. The U.S. Department of Education estimates there are 250,000 to 350,000 home-schooled children in the country. Home school advocates put the number much higher at about a million. Many public school advocates take a harsh attitude toward home-schoolers, perceiving their actions as the ultimate

24、slap in the face for public education and a damaging move for the children. Home-schoolers harbor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herdlike approach to teaching children. Yet, as public school officials real

25、ize they stand little to gain by remaining hostile to the home-school population, and as home-schoolers realize they can reap benefits from public schools, these hard lines seem to be softening a bit. Public schools and home-schoolers have moved closer to tolerance and, in some cases, even cooperati

26、on. Says John Marshall, an education official, “We are becoming relatively tolerant of home-schoolers. The idea is, Lets give the kids access to public school so theyll see its not as terrible as theyve been told, and theyll want to come back“. Perhaps, but dont count on it, say home-school advocate

27、s. Home-schoolers oppose the system because they have strong convictions that their approach to education whether fueled by religious enthusiasm or the individual childs interests and natural pace is best. “The bulk of home-schoolers just want to be left alone“, says Enge Cannon, associate director

28、of the National Center For Home Education. She says home-schoolers choose that path for a variety of reasons, but religion plays a role 85% of the time. Professor Van Galen breaks home-schoolers into two groups. Some home-schoolers want their children to learn not only traditional subject matters bu

29、t also “strict religious doctrine and a conservative political and social perspective. Not incidentally, they also want their children to learn both intellectually and emotionally that family is the most important institution in society“. Other home-schoolers contend “not so much that the schools te

30、ach heresy, but that, schools teach whatever they teach inappropriately“, Van Galen writes. “These parents are highly independent and strive to take responsibility for their own lives within a society that they define as bureaucratic and inefficient“. 51 According to the passage, home-schoolers are

31、those who _. ( A) engage private teachers to provide additional education for their children ( B) educate their children at home instead of sending them to school ( C) advocate combining public education with home schooling ( D) dont go to school but are educated at home by their parents 52 Public s

32、chools are softening their position on home-schooling because _. ( A) there isnt much they can go to change the present situation ( B) they want to show their tolerance of different teaching systems ( C) home-schooling provides a new variety of education for children ( D) public schools have so many

33、 problems that they cannot offer proper education for all children 53 Home-school advocates are of the opinion that _. ( A) things in public schools are not so bad as has often been said ( B) their tolerance of public education will attract more kids to public schools ( C) home-schooling is superior

34、 and, they will not easily give in ( D) their increased cooperation with public school will bring about the improvement of public education 54 Most home-schoolers opposition to public education stems from their _. ( A) respect for the interests of individuals ( B) worry about the inefficiency of pub

35、lic schools ( C) concern with the cost involved ( D) devotion to religion 55 According to Van Galen some home-schoolers believe that _. ( A) public schools take up a herdlike approach to teaching children ( B) teachers in public schools are not as responsible as they should be ( C) public schools ca

36、nnot provide an education that is good enough for their children ( D) public schools are the source of bureaucracy and inefficiency in modern society 56 In the immediate post-war years, the city of Birmingham scheduled some 50,000 small working class cottage as slums due for demolition. Today that p

37、rocess is nearly complete. Yet it is clear that, quite apart from any question of race, an environmental problem remains. The expectation built into the planning policies of 1945 was that in the foreseeable future the city would be a better place to live in. But now that slum clearance has run its c

38、ourse, there seems to be universal agreement that the total environment where the slums once stood is more depressing than ever. For the past ten years the slum clearance areas have looked like bomb sites. The buildings and places survived on islands in a sea of rubble and ash. When the slums were t

39、here they supported an organic community life and each building, each activity, fitted in as part of the whole. But now that they have been destroyed, nothing meaningful appears to remain, or rather those activities which do go on do not seem to have any meaningful relation to the place. They happen

40、 there because it is an empty stage which no one is using any more. Typical of the inner-city in this sense is the Birmingham City Football Ground. Standing in unsplendid isolation on what is now wasteland on the edge of Small Heath, it brings into the area a stage army on twenty or so Saturdays a y

41、ear who come and cheer and then go away again with little concern any more for the place where they have done their cheering. Even they, however, have revolted recently. “The ground“, says the leader of the revolt, “is a slum“, thus putting his finger on the fact that the demolition of houses create

42、s rather than solves problems of the inner-city. A new element has now come upon the scene in the inner-city in the form of the tower block. Somehow it doesnt seem to be what Le Corbusier and the planners who wrote those post-war Pelicans intended. The public spaces either havent yet been developed

43、or are more meanly conceived, and the corridors and lifts are places of horror. In fact these places were always suspected. They had no legitimacy in the minds of the public as suburban family housing had, and those who were placed there felt that they had been cheated. Along with the decaying eleme

44、nts, therefore, that which had been conceived as part of the brave new world was part of the problem. 56 The past few decades in Birmingham have proved that slum clearance _. ( A) will usually take longer than expected ( B) creates as many problems as it solves ( C) often raises racial issues ( D) a

45、lways achieves its aims, if well planned 57 According to the passage, now that the slum dwellings have gone, _. ( A) no one does anything at all in those areas ( B) urban theatrical life has gone, too ( C) rebuilding can start almost immediately ( D) the area is extremely unattractive 58 According t

46、o the author, a number of Birmingham City football fans _. ( A) seem to be reluctant to continue supporting their team ( B) are as rebellious as any other clubs supporters ( C) get necessary release from watching their team play ( D) are concerned about the future of that part of Birmingham 59 What

47、did people think about tower blocks when they were first built? ( A) Town planners thought they were badly conceived. ( B) The public compared them with rural housing. ( C) The man in the street mistrusted them. ( D) People thought them an improvement on suburban housing. 60 From the style in which

48、its written, this passage was almost certainly taken from _. ( A) an official local planning report ( B) a novel set in Birmingham ( C) a history of the Industrial Revolution ( D) a sociology textbook 61 Until men invented ways of staying underwater for more than a few minutes, the wonders of the wo

49、rld below the surface of the sea were almost unknown. The main problem, of course, lies in air. How could air be supplied to swimmers below the surface of the sea? Pictures made about 2, 900 years ago in Asia show men swimming under the surface with air bags tied to their bodies. A pipe from the bag carried air into the swimmers mouth. But little progress was achieved in the invention of diving devices until about 1490, when the famous Italian painter, Leonardo da Vinci, designed a complete diving suit


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