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1、国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷 92及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10. 1 A good book may draw our attention so completely that we forget our surroundings and ev

2、en our identity for the time being. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 2 Good books can decrease our contentment when we are happy and lessen our troubles when we are sad. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 3 With only a good book we are very likely to feel lonely. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 4 According to the talk, only real cha

3、racters portrayed in books may become our friends. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 5 Our human friends sometimes may make us bored, but the friends in books may also be hurt by us. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 6 Good books can provide us with a wide range of experiences. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 7 Your wish to visit so

4、me far-off places can be realized by just reading books. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 8 “To travel by book“ means to take imaginary journeys to the places mentioned in the book. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 9 The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong 10 We can make

5、a round-the-world flight trip free of charge if we finish reading enough books. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong Part B Directions: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. 11 Which job does the woman suggest to th

6、e man? ( A) Baby-sitting. ( B) House-cleaning. ( C) House-sitting. ( D) Mowing the lawn. 12 What/Who should students contact if they want to get a summer job? ( A) The Student Union. ( B) The Student Employment Office. ( C) The Workers Union. ( D) The Student Part-time Job Office. 13 What would happ

7、en to a student if his employer reports his improper behavior? ( A) He would be fired. ( B) He would not get his pay. ( C) He would not get another job. ( D) He would be fined. 14 What was the cause of the tragedy? ( A) Bad weather. ( B) Human error. ( C) Breakdown of the engines. ( D) Communication

8、s system failure. 15 How high are the mountains in Norweija? ( A) Two thousand feet. ( B) Twelve thousand feet. ( C) Twenty thousand feet. ( D) Twenty-two thousand feet. 16 What lesson could be drawn from the accident? ( A) Accurate communication is of utmost importance. ( B) Pilots should be able t

9、o speak several foreign languages. ( C) Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather. ( D) Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential. 17 What is this passage mainly about? ( A) The human nose as an organ for breathing and smelling. ( B) The nose providing us with variou

10、s expressions. ( C) A woman poets wish to have two noses. ( D) Interesting comments made on Cleopatras nose. 18 What does “A person who is led around by the nose“ mean? ( A) A person who lets his instinct guide him. ( B) A person who has no will of his own. ( C) A person who is decisive. ( D) A pers

11、on who is full of imagination and creativity. 19 Who can be described as “a man to have his nose put out of joint“ ? ( A) A gay man. ( B) A sick man. ( C) A man who wants to smell a flower. ( D) A man who feels hurt and depressed. 20 What does “it is as plain as the nose on your face“ mean? , ( A) I

12、t is easy to solve. ( B) Something looks like your nose. ( C) It is something quite understandable. ( D) There is a plain-looking nose on your face. Part C Directions: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing

13、NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30. 21 Where did rice originate? 22 What kind of grain did most Europeans eat 500 years ago? 23 What kind of grain could be found in American diet 500 years ago? 24

14、Who gave dairy products to the native Americans? 25 In which year did Columbus take chili pepper to Spain? 26 How long did it take for chili pepper to become popular around the world? 27 Where cant chili pepper grow according to the talk? 28 What did Europeans mink of potatoes? 29 What was potato us

15、ed for in Europe at first? 30 In what part of the world is potato especially a favorite food? 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 30 “The more gadgets there ar

16、e, the【 C1】 _things seem to get. “ said Honore Ervin, co-author of The Etiquette Girls : Things You Need to Be Told. “Just because it s there【 C2】 _your disposal, doesnt mean you have to use it 24/7. “ A recent【 C3】 _by market research company Synovate showed that 70 percent of 1,000 respondents【 C4

17、】 _the poorest etiquette in cell phone users over other devices. The worst habit? Loud phone conversations in public places, or “cell yell,“【 C5】 _to 72 percent of the Americans polled. “People use【 C6】 _anywhere and everywhere,“ Ervin said. “At the movies-turn【 C7】 _your cell phone. I dont want to

18、pay $10 to be sitting next to some guy chitchatting to his girlfriend【 C8】 _his cell phone. “ This rudeness has deteriorated public spaces, according to Lew Friedland, a communication professor【 C9】 _the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He【 C10】 _the lack of manners a kind of unconscious rudeness,【

19、C11】 _many people are not【 C12】_of what theyre doing or the others around them. “I think its really noticeable in any plane, train or bus【 C13】 _youre subjected against your will【 C14】 _someone elses conversation,“ he said. “You can listen to intimate details of their uncles illness, problems with t

20、heir lovers and【 C15】_theyre having for sinner. “ “It【 C16】 _what. was a public“ common space and starts to【 C17】 _it up into small private space. “ A short time ago, if cell phone users【 C18】 _politely asked to talk quietly, they would【 C19】 _with chagrin, he said. “Now more and more people are ess

21、entially treating you like you dont understand that loud cell phone use is【 C20】 _in public.“ 31 【 C1】 32 【 C2】 33 【 C3】 34 【 C4】 35 【 C5】 36 【 C6】 37 【 C7】 38 【 C8】 39 【 C9】 40 【 C10】 41 【 C11】 42 【 C12】 43 【 C13】 44 【 C14】 45 【 C15】 46 【 C16】 47 【 C17】 48 【 C18】 49 【 C19】 50 【 C20】 Part A Directio

22、ns: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 50 Opinion polls are now beginning to show that, whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay This means we sh

23、all have to make ways of sharing the available employment more widely But we need to go further We must ask some primary questions about the future of work Would we continue to treat employment as the norm? Would we not rather encourage many other ways for self-respecting people to work? Should we n

24、ot create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work? The industrial age has been the only period of human history in whic

25、h most peoples work has taken the form of jobs The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed This seems a daunting thought But, in fact, it could provide the prospect of a better future for work Universal employment,

26、 as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land,and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves Then the factory system dest

27、royed the cottage industries and removed work from peoples homes Later, as transportation improved, first by rail and then by road, people commuted longer distances to their places of employment until, eventually, many peoples work lost all connection with their home lives and the place in which the

28、y lived Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage In pre-industrial time, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment,leaving the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife Tax an

29、d benefit regulations still assume this norm today and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between the sexes It was not only women whose work status suffered As employment became the dominant form of work, young people and old people were excludeda problem now,as more teenagers become frust

30、rated at school and more retired people want to live active lives All this may now have to change The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the idealist goal of creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full time jobs

31、 51 Research carried out in the recent opinion polls shows that_ ( A) available employment should be restricted to a small percentage of the population ( B) new jobs must be created in order to rectify high unemployment figures ( C) available employment must be more widely distributed among the unem

32、ployed ( D) the nowaday high unemployment figures are a truth of life 52 The arrival of the industrial age in our historical evolution meant that_ ( A) universal employment virtually guaranteed prosperity ( B) economic freedom came within everyones control ( C) patterns of work were fundamentally ch

33、anged ( D) peoples attitudes to work had to be reversed 53 The enclosures of the 1th and 18th centuries meant that_ ( A) people were no longer legally entitled to own land ( B) people were driven to look elsewhere for means of supporting themselves ( C) people were not adequately compensated for the

34、 loss of their land ( D) people were badly paid for the work they managed to find 54 The effects of almost universal employment were overwhelming in that_ ( A) the household and village community disappeared completely ( B) men now travelled enormous distances to their places of work ( C) young and

35、old people became superfluous components of society ( D) the work status of those not in paid employment suffered 55 The article concludes that_ ( A) the creation of jobs for all is an impossibility ( B) our efforts and resources in terms of tackling unemployment are insufficient ( C) people should

36、begin supporting themselves by learning a practical skill ( D) we should help those whose jobs are only part-time 55 Throughout history there have been many unusual taxes levied on such things as hats, beds, baths, marriages, and funerals At one time England levied a tax on sunlight by collection fr

37、om every household with six or more windows And according to legend, there was a Turkish ruler who collected a tax each time he dined with one of his subjects Why?To pay for the wear and tear on his teeth! Different kinds of taxes help to spread the tax burden Anyone who pays a tax is said to“bear t

38、he burden”of the tax The burden of a tax may fall more heavily on some persons than on others That is why the three levels of government in this country use several kinds of taxes This spreads the burden of taxes among more people From the standpoint of their use, the most important taxes are income

39、 taxes, property taxes,sales taxes, and estate, inheritance, and gift taxes Some are used by only one level of government; others by two or even all three levels Together these different taxes make up what is called our tax system Income taxes are the main source of federal revenues The federal gove

40、rnment gets more than three-fourths of its revenue from income taxes As its name indicated, an income tax is a tax on earnings Both individuals and business corporations pay a federal income tax The oldest tax in the United States today is the property tax It provides most of the income for local go

41、vernments It provides at least a part of the income for all but a few states It is not used by the federal government A sales tax is a tax levied on purchases Most people living in the United States know about sales taxes since they are used in all but four states Actually there are several kinds of

42、 sales taxes, but only three of them are important They are general sales taxes, excise taxes, and import taxes Other three closely related taxes are estate, inheritance, and gift taxes Everything a person owns, including both real and personal property, makes up his or her estate When someone dies,

43、 ownership of his or her property or estate passes on to one or more individuals or organizations Before the property is transferred, however, it is subject to an estate tax if its value exceeds a certain amount 56 The reason that the Turkish ruler collected a dining tax is to pay for_ ( A) the inco

44、nvenience for him to put on and take off clothes ( B) the damage that eating did to his teeth ( C) his efforts to cut the food into pieces ( D) the decay of his teeth because of sugar 57 The government levies different kinds of taxes so that_ ( A) the rich have to pay more and the poor less ( B) a w

45、ider range of taxpayers can be included ( C) each of three levels of government could get tax money ( D) the burden of taxes falls evenly on everybody 58 The federal government gets most of their income from_ ( A) property tax ( B) income tax ( C) sales tax ( D) estate tax 59 How many states levy im

46、port taxes in the U.S.A.? ( A) 4 ( B) 50 ( C) 46 ( D) 54 60 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) Any form of property is subject to an estate tax when transferred ( B) Property tax provides a part of income for local government ( C) There are a few kinds of sales taxes ( D) Individual

47、s and corporations both pay income taxes 60 World leaders met recently at United Nations headquarters in New York City to discuss the environmental issues raised at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 The heads of state were supposed to decide what further steps should be taken to halt the decline of Earth

48、s life-support systems In fact, this meeting had much the flavour of the original Earth Summit To wit: empty promises, hollow rhetoric, bickering between rich and poor, and irrelevant initiatives Think U.S. Congress in slow motion Almost obscured by this torpor is the fact that there has been some r

49、emarkable progress over the past five yearsreal changes in the attitude of ordinary people in the Third World toward family size and a dawning realisation that environmental degradation and their own well-being are intimately, and inversely, linked Almost none of this,however, has anything to do with what the bureaucrats accomplished in Rio Or it

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