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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试历年真题试卷汇编 2及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording t

2、wice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 PART C Directions: You will

3、hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear e

4、ach piece ONLY ONCE. 11 How long did Emily Dickinson live in the house where she was born? ( A) Almost all her life. ( B) Less than half her life. ( C) Until 1830. ( D) Before 1872. 12 Which of the following is TRUE of Emily Dickinson? ( A) She was not a productive poet. ( B) She saw many of her poe

5、ms published. ( C) She was not a sociable person. ( D) She had contact only with a few poets. 13 When was Emily Dickinson widely recognized? ( A) After Henry James referred highly to her. ( B) After seven of her poems were published. ( C) After her poems became known to others. ( D) After she had be

6、en dead for many years. 14 What is the woman doing when the man interrupts her? ( A) Taping some music. ( B) Watching a film. ( C) Making a video recording ( D) Writing a letter. 15 Why is the woman so excited? ( A) She is going to study in another country. ( B) She received a letter from a Japanese

7、 friend. ( C) She just returned from a trip to Japan. ( D) She got a job at a travel agency. 16 Why does the woman feel grateful to Professer Mercheno? ( A) He helped her get into the program. ( B) He recorded some tapes especially for her. ( C) He gave her a good grade in her Japanese class. ( D) H

8、e told her about an interesting movie to watch. 17 How long is it since the first newspaper was printed? ( A) 700 years. ( B) Over 2, 000 years. ( C) About 1, 300 years. ( D) About 380 years. 18 According to the passage, which of the following newspapers have the largest circulation? ( A) English la

9、nguage newspapers. ( B) Chinese language newspapers. ( C) Japanese language newspapers. ( D) German language newspapers. 19 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? ( A) The earliest printed newspaper was developed in Europe. ( B) It took hundreds of years for newspapers to be develop

10、ed into their present form. ( C) Boston is the place where American newspapers were first printed. ( D) The first American newspaper carried news from both home and abroad. 20 Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage? ( A) China developed advanced technology in printing long befor

11、e any other country in the world. ( B) More people read newspapers in English than in any other languages. ( C) Japan is the country where people read more newspapers. ( D) Newspapers have developed quickly in the U. S. since the beginning of the 18th century. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minute

12、s) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 In the years after World War II, Americans typically assumed the full responsibilities of adulthood by their late teens or early 20 s. Most young men had 【 C1】 _school and

13、 were working full-time, and most young women were 【 C2】_and raising children. People who grew 【 C3】 _in this era of growing affluence were economically self-sufficient and able to take care of others by the time they had weathered adolescence. Today, adulthood no longer 【 C4】 _ when adolescence end

14、s. Social scientists are beginning to recognize a new phase of life: early adulthood. Some features of this stage resemble coming of age 【 C5】 _ the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 【 C6】 _youth lingered in a state of semi-autonomy, waiting 【 C7】_ they were sufficiently well-off to marry, have ch

15、ildren and establish an independent 【 C8】 _. However, there are important differences 【 C9】_how young people today define and achieve adulthood from those of both the recent and the more distant past. This new stage is not merely an extension of adolescence, 【 C10】 _has been maintained in the mass m

16、edia. Young adults are physically mature and often 【 C11】_ impressive intellectual, social and psychological skills. Nor are young people today reluctant to accept adult responsibilities. Instead, they are busy【 C12】 _up their educational credentials and practical skills in an ever more demanding la

17、bor market. Yet, many have not become fully adult, 【 C13】 _ they are not ready, or perhaps not permitted, to do 【 C14】 _. For a growing number, this will not happen until their late 20 s or even early 30 s. In 【 C15】 _, American society will have to revise upward the “normal“ age of full adulthood,

18、and develop ways to assist young people through the ever-lengthening transition. 21 【 C1】 22 【 C2】 23 【 C3】 24 【 C4】 25 【 C5】 26 【 C6】 27 【 C7】 28 【 C8】 29 【 C9】 30 【 C10】 31 【 C11】 32 【 C12】 33 【 C13】 34 【 C14】 35 【 C15】 Part A 35 The Internet and mobile phones have transformed our connections to p

19、eople around the world. This technology has also, however, led to a widening gender gap in poorer countries. For it is largely men who control the information revolution that helps to educate, inform and empower. In low- and middle-income countries, a woman is 21 percent less likely than a man to ow

20、n a mobile phone, according to research done by GSMA. In Africa, women are 23 percent less likely than a man to own a cell phone. In the Middle East the figure is 24 percent and in South Asia, 37 percent. The factors driving womens lack of connectivity vary from community to community. But the end r

21、esult is always the same: disempowerment. 【 B1】 _ This disturbing finding is highlighted by the United Nations/Overseas Development Institute-led MY World survey, a major, inclusive global poll. Respondents were asked to rank their priorities including political freedoms, better healthcare, protecti

22、on from violence and crime in making the world better. They could vote paper, online or by mobile phone. 【 B2】 _ The survey has already gathered 1. 5 million votes. Women are just as keen as men to have their views heard engagement offline is a 50-50 split between women and men, online women have vo

23、ted more than men, with a 52-48 split. 【 B3】 _ Consider Yemen, where 121, 000 people voted on their mobile phones. Of those, 81, 000 were men. Overall, women respondents picked education, healthcare and better job opportunities as their top priorities in making the world better. 【 B4】 _ Getting more

24、 mobile phones into the hands of women in low- and middle-income countries will not be easy because the reasons behind their lack of ownership are so varied. But there are some solutions. In these countries there are typically three key barriers: Mobile phones are too expensive, the monthly bills ar

25、e too high or there is no urgent need to own one. Governments should help lower these barriers. They should set up transparent regulatory systems that would encourage more mobile phone providers to enter the market. More competition means lower prices and more affordable plans. 【 B5】 _ Governments s

26、hould also subsidize computer and smartphone ownership for low-income people. A A mobile phone can bring benefits to women, and many of these we in the West take for granted: personal safety, reliable connection to friends and family and access to commerce and job opportunities. B Most important for

27、 a world dominated by Facebook and Twitter and e-polls, a mobile phone gives women a voice. C But mobile voting has told a different story. The difference in response rates between the sexes is obvious. Of the roughly 380, 000 respondents who took the survey via mobile, only 25 percent were women. D

28、 But if you saw only the mobile vote, their views would have been diluted because men dominated. If women owned mobile phones in equal numbers, their access to education, healthcare and better jobs would indeed be improved. E Women are not just missing out on educational and economic opportunities b

29、ecause they dont own mobile phones. They are losing a voice. F The results will help world leaders as they deliberate on the post-2015 global development agenda this week, during the conference of the U. N. Commission on the Status of Women. G In addition, governments should ensure that women have a

30、ccess to microfinance plans to help purchase phones. They should strive to make equal access to mobile connectivity part of their development plans. 36 【 B1】 37 【 B2】 38 【 B3】 39 【 B4】 40 【 B5】 Part B Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C

31、 or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 40 In the last 30 years, science and technology have had a truly dramatic impact on sports. There are three major reasons for this. First, new artificial materials have appeared and been used in many sports sometimes to revolutionary effect. Second, our d

32、esign expertise has improved, partly through the development of computers and other technical tools. We know more and can plan and predict more accurately in many critical areas. The third reason why science and technology have had an increasing impact is that there is now the money and the motivati

33、on for them to do so. In a variety of ways, sport has become very big business, and in the matter of winning or losing, very large amounts of money may be at stake. Technology has influenced specific sports in many ways. Wherever a commercial mass market is involved, technical change may be promoted

34、 largely for the sake of change, to make this seasons product seem different from that of last season. An example of this trend is in the endless search for the perfect sports shoe. Anatomically precise support for the heel and ankle, air sacs for extra spring and comfort each year bring apparent ne

35、w refinements. Even in retirement, basketballs Michael Jordan remains one of sports biggest earners because of the deal he signed endorsing the Air Jordan shoe: and one of the richest sportspeople of all, though his winnings these days are minimal , is the veteran golfer Arnold Palmer, thanks to his

36、 endorsements of the latest in golf technology-More significant still in modern sports have been more general effects of technological advance. It has provided the means for timing athletes to thousandths of a second and the means of replaying an event to check who won or to see if a break-rule occu

37、rred. It has put sport on television, so millions can watch without moving from their own homes. It has provided the means for testing for illegal drugs. It has also, for better or worse, given sportsmen and women a new attitude towards their own bodies encouraged also by the high stakes, the sponso

38、rship and the fevered media attention. Technology helps them plan the best diet and exercise regimes: it has created heart and lung monitors that measure stress and oxygen intake: and it allows athletes to keep a constant check on their own physical problems and progress. In terms of nutrition (fuel

39、)and training (maintenance), the modern sportsperson is treated and treats himself or herself like a machine. 41 According to the author, sport has become very big business in the sense that ( A) it needs high-tech materials. ( B) it requires business management. ( C) it involves the wide use of com

40、puters. ( D) it seems a matter of big money. 42 The example of sports shoes suggests that the technological advances in modern sports are ( A) encouraged by commercial interests. ( B) supported by famous sportspeople. ( C) attributed to basketball performance. ( D) subjected to computer technology.

41、43 The text suggests that some of the rich sportsmen ( A) cooperate with companies to develop high-tech sports products. ( B) are interested in promoting the development of science and technology. ( C) are selfishly earning money by promoting new sports products. ( D) play a positive role in promoti

42、ng high-tech sports products. 44 By saying “the modern sportsperson is.like a machine“ , the author emphasizes the sense of ( A) rigidity. ( B) inhumanity. ( C) preciseness. ( D) automation. 45 The statement that best summarizes the text is ( A) sportspeople seek high-tech products for better perfor

43、mance. ( B) science and technology have played a significant role in sports. ( C) science and technology have helped improve the sports environment. ( D) some sportspeople have benefited financially from new technology. 45 Most of us Americans have a vague, uneasy sense of wicked wastefulness. We th

44、row out the never-opened pack of food thats past its sell-by date before answering a call on the fourth mobile phone we have had in five years. We gaze around our living space groaning at the sheer quantity of little-used clothing, blocking it up like a blood clot in an arterial vein. Our despair is

45、 genuine at the way we are running out of the earth s resources and at the fact that we have so much when two-thirds of the worlds population only just get enough to eat and drink. Yet we feel completely powerless to do anything about it, too busy, irritable and tired to focus on practical steps. Fo

46、r the problem goes even deeper than material wastefulness: We know we are wasting our time, our being, our lives. We have compromised in our choice of career, lovers, friends: we put on a face to meet the faces that we meet. Trapped in marketing characters, not only in our office politics but in our

47、 intimate relationships, too, we play too many games. Deep down, we know that its time to “get a life“ , to stop being distracted by pointless consumerism, unreal relationships, and “Affluenza-infected“ career ambitions. The first step to salvation is to understand how much it is not your fault. If

48、you read Vance Packards 1958 book about the advertising industry, The Hidden Persuaders, it proves that long ago retailers were devising ways to deliberately deceive us into confusing mixed wants with true needs in order to keep the consumption bandwagon rolling. In recent years, manufacturers have

49、intentionally speeded up the rate at which electronic goods become obsolescent and instead of the proper repair customer services that used to exist, there are merely expensive help-lines, When your toaster or printer or MP3 music device breaks down after only a year, it is no accident that there is no one who will repair them “itd cost more than buying a new one, love“. So this is a selfish capitalist system which is designed to maximize profits throug


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