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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试模拟试卷 140及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twi

2、ce. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 Chester L. Migden was born in

3、_. 7 He died in _. 8 In 1947, he graduated from _. 9 In the 1970s, the weekly minimum wage for actors was about _. 10 He finally retired _. PART C Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accomp

4、any it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 When was the euro launched? ( A) 1992. ( B) 1995. ( C) 1999. ( D) 2001. 12 Why did the worth of euro drop? (

5、 A) It dropped due to the weakness of the eurozone economies and the inexperience of the European Central Bank in dealing with the international markets. ( B) People in most European countries refused to use euro instead of their own currency. ( C) Counterfeiters made a lot of fake notes since peopl

6、e were not familiar with the new currency. ( D) Some countries are not ready for the euro. They stopped using euro in daily purchasing. 13 Why are the eight coins of euro different in composition, weight, thickness, and milling? ( A) Because each nation wants to keep its characteristics. ( B) Becaus

7、e they are designed by different artists from eight countries. ( C) Because it will enable the blind to distinguish between them easily. ( D) Because Denmark and other countries want to have their own coins. 14 According to the woman, how much money should people save for themselves? ( A) 3 6 months

8、 of monthly salary. ( B) 13% of salary. ( C) $10. ( D) Not mentioned. 15 Whats the biggest mistake people make? ( A) They do not think $10 is a large sum of money. ( B) They sacrifice movie, beer for bank deposit. ( C) They seldom have fixed deposit. ( D) They tend to live from paycheck to paycheck.

9、 16 What does “Pay yourself first“ refer to? ( A) Take more education and make yourself promoted quickly. ( B) When you get your paycheck, save some portion of it. ( C) Lend money from bank when you want to prepare for the future. ( D) Accumulate money by all means. 17 Which was the major cause of t

10、he emergence of the global economy in 1973? ( A) The drop in economies of industrialized nations caused by the rise of oil price. ( B) The cease of the United States dominant position in the world economy. ( C) The competition from Western Europe and Japan to the U. S. in international trade. ( D) A

11、ll of the above. 18 Which of the following countries was NOT mentioned as hot pursuit in 1990s? ( A) South Korea. ( B) Thailand. ( C) Malaysia. ( D) China. 19 What was a truly international financial system based on? ( A) The speed of global traveling. ( B) Manufacturing operations. ( C) Computer te

12、chnology and instant communication. ( D) A trillion dollars each day. 20 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the characteristic of the global economy in 1990s? ( A) Transnational corporations were placed wherever worth it. ( B) Large sum of money was invested in tourism. ( C) Manufacturing pl

13、ants went to countries with large (:heap labor forces. ( D) Large regional trading blocs were emerging. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 During recent years we have

14、heard much about “race“: how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the 【 21】 _ phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications. We judge race usually 【 22】 _ the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. B

15、ut 【 23】 _ you were to remove the skin you could not 【 24】 _ anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is 【 25】 _ in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to 【 26】_ a difference. There are four types of blood. 【 27】 _ types are found in every race, and no type is

16、 distinct to any race. Human brains are the 【 28】 _ . No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will 【 29】 _ in size, but this occurs within every race. 【 30】 _ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain 【 31】 _ examine

17、d belonged to a person of weak 【 32】 _ .On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had 【 33】 _ brains. Mental tests which are reasonably 【 34】 _ show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. 【 35

18、】 _ equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location. Individuals of every race 【 36】 _ civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people, 【 37】 _ enable them t

19、o behave in a 【 38】 _ way. The behavior and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new 【 39】 _ is better and higher than anything 【 40】 _ the past. 21 【 21】 ( A) complete ( B) full ( C) total ( D) whole 22 【 22】 ( A) in ( B) from ( C) at

20、 ( D) on 23 【 23】 ( A) since ( B) if ( C) as ( D) while 24 【 24】 ( A) speak ( B) talk ( C) tell ( D) mention 25 【 25】 ( A) something ( B) everything ( C) nothing ( D) anything 26 【 26】 ( A) display ( B) indicate ( C) demonstrate ( D) appear 27 【 27】 ( A) All ( B) Most ( C) No ( D) Some 28 【 28】 ( A)

21、 same ( B) identical ( C) similar ( D) alike 29 【 29】 ( A) remain ( B) increase ( C) decrease ( D) vary 30 【 30】 ( A) Only ( B) Or ( C) Nor ( D) So 31 【 31】 ( A) ever ( B) then ( C) never ( D) once 32 【 32】 ( A) health ( B) body ( C) mind ( D) thought 33 【 33】 ( A) big ( B) small ( C) minor ( D) maj

22、or 34 【 34】 ( A) true ( B) exact ( C) certain ( D) accurate 35 【 35】 ( A) Provided ( B) Concerning ( C) Given ( D) Following 36 【 36】 ( A) make ( B) cause ( C) move ( D) turn 37 【 37】 ( A) and ( B) but ( C) though ( D) so 38 【 38】 ( A) ordinary ( B) peculiar ( C) usual ( D) common 39 【 39】 ( A) that

23、 ( B) what ( C) whichever ( D) whatever 40 【 40】 ( A) for ( B) to ( C) within ( D) in Part B Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 40 The study of social science is more than the study of the in

24、dividual social sciences. Although it is true that to be a good social scientist you must know each of those components, you must also know how they interrelate. By specializing too early, many social scientists can lose sight of the interrelationships that are so essential to understanding modern p

25、roblems. Thats why it is necessary to have a course coveting all the social sciences. In fact, it would not surprise me if one day a news story such as the one above should appear. The preceding passage placed you in the future. To understand how and when social science broke up, you must go into th

26、e past. Imagine for a moment that youre a student in 1062, in the Italian city of Bologna, site of one of the first major universities in the Western world. The university has no buildings. It consists merely of a few professors and students. There is no tuition fee. At the end of a professors lectu

27、re, if you like it, you pay. And if you dont like it, the professor finds himself without students and without money. If we go back still earlier, say to Greece in the 6th century B. C. , we can see the philosopher Socrates walking around the streets of Athens, arguing with his companions. He asks t

28、hem questions, and then other questions, leading these people to reason the way he wants them to reason (this became known as the Socratic method). Times have changed since then; universities sprang up throughout the world and created colleges within the universities. Oxford, one of the first univer

29、sities, now has thirty colleges associated with it, and the development and formalization of educational institutions has changed the roles of both students and faculty. As knowledge accumulated, it became more and more difficult for one person to learn, let alone retain, it all. In the 16th century

30、 one could still aspire to know all there was to know, and the definition of the Renaissance Man (people were even more sexist then than they are now) was of one who was expected to know about everything. Unfortunately, at least for someone who wants to know everything, the amount of information con

31、tinues to grow exponentially while the size of the brain has grown only slightly. The way to deal with the problem is not to try to know everything about everything. Today we must specialize. That is why social science separated from the natural sciences and why it, in turn, has been broken down int

32、o various subfields, such as anthropology and sociology. 41 What is the main idea of this text? ( A) Social science is unified. ( B) Social science is a newborn science. ( C) What is social science. ( D) Specialization in social science is not good. 42 What can we learn from Paragraph 2? ( A) Socrat

33、es can be regarded as the first social scientist in the Western world. ( B) The universities in Italy have no buildings. ( C) Socrates created the “Socratic method“. ( D) Greece is not as civilized as Italy. 43 Why does the author say “people were even more sexist then than they are now“? ( A) Becau

34、se they are so covetous that they want to know all there was to know. ( B) Because it is the Renaissance “Man“, not Renaissance “Woman“ or“ Human“. ( C) Because no woman was formally educated at that time. ( D) Because all Renaissance men were men. 44 What does the underlined word “exponentially“ me

35、an in the last paragraph? ( A) Promisingly. ( B) Continuously. ( C) Drastically. ( D) Rapidly. 45 We can infer from the text that _. ( A) social science is a united science, and cannot be divided into subfields ( B) social science may be further divided into smaller parts as the amount of knowledge

36、and information expanding ( C) there may be a Renaissance Man in the future ( D) the best way to deal with the expansion of information is to know everything 45 Volcanic fire and glacial ice are natural enemies. Eruptions at glaciated volcanoes typically destroy ice fields, as they did in 1980 when

37、70% of Mount Saint Helens ice cover was demolished. During long dormant intervals, glaciers gain the upper hand cutting deeply into volcanic cones and eventually reducing them to rabble. Only rarely do these competing forces of heat and cold operate in perfect balance to create a phenomenon such as

38、the steam caves at Mount Rainier National Park. Located inside Rainiers two ice-filled summit craters, these caves form a labyrinth of tunnels and vaulted chambers about one and one-half miles in total length. Their creation depends on an unusual combination of factors that nature almost never bring

39、s together in one place. The cave making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer, and a bowl-shaped crater to hold the snow. Snow accumulating yearly in Rainiers summit craters is compa

40、cted and compressed into a dense form of ice called firn, a substance midway between ordinary ice and the denser crystalline ice that makes up glaciers. Heat rising from numerous openings (called fumaroles) along the inner crater walls melts out chambers between the rocky walls and the overlying ice

41、 pack. Circulating currents of warm air then melt additional opening in the firn ice, eventually connecting the individual chambers and, in the larger of Rainiers two craters, forming a continuous passageway that extends two-thirds of the way around the craters interior. To maintain the cave system,

42、 the elements of fire under ice must remain in equilibrium. Enough snow must fill the crater each year to replace that melted from below. If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the craters ice pack will melt away entirely and the caves will vanish along with the snow of yesteryear. If too little h

43、eat is produced, the ice, replenished annually by winter snowstorms, will expand, pushing against the enclosing crater walls and smothering the present caverns in solid firn ice. 46 What topic is the passage mainly concerned with? ( A) The importance of snowfall for Mount Rainier. ( B) The steam cav

44、es of Mount Rainier. ( C) How ice covers are destroyed. ( D) The eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980, 47 According to the passage, long periods of volcanic inactivity can lead to a volcanic cones _. ( A) strongest eruption ( B) sudden growth ( C) destruction ( D) unpredictability 48 Paragraph 2 m

45、entions all of the following as necessary elements in the creation of steam caves EXCEPT _. ( A) a glacier ( B) a crater ( C) heat ( D) snow 49 According to the passage, heat from Mount Rainiers summit craters rises from _. ( A) crystalline ice ( B) rims ( C) chambers ( D) fumaroles 50 In the last p

46、aragraph, “smothering“ the present caverns means that they would be _. ( A) eliminated ( B) enlarged ( C) prevented ( D) hollowed 50 High-speed Internet provider At Home Corp. is buying Excite Inc. , one of the leading destinations on the World Wide Web, for about $6.7 billion in stock in one of the

47、 largest Internet company deals. The deal announced today would surpass America Online Inc. s $4.2 billion acquisition of Netscape Communications Corp. last year. Based on closing stock prices Friday, Excite is worth about $ 3.4 billion, which would mean that At Home would be paying a huge premium.

48、The deal could eventually give telecommunications giant AT wholesale layoffs, it seems, would not fit the tradition of the organization. And they would intensify the morale problems that already threaten the institution. 56 According to the passage, New Yorks Citibank _. ( A) is a dark horse in the

49、field of banking ( B) has been growing in a moderate way ( C) has been making efforts to conquer the markets of Bank of America ( D) has more branches than Bank of America now 57 Which of the following is NOT the reason for which Bank of America thrived? ( A) Its turf - California was a state with a large number of population. ( B) The economic environment that was controlled by the govern


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