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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试模拟试卷 46及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twic

2、e. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 The telegraph was invented 7 Th

3、e telegraphist could send messages more quickly than a horseman could 8 Because sending a telegram was at first costly, telegraphists used as few words 9 Sometimes words were misspelt and the telegrams were difficult 10 The news came as a great surprise to everybody, because the governor PART C Dire

4、ctions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question

5、. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 Which of the following is TRUE about the urban people of Western Canada during the early years of this century? ( A) They paid no special attention to information about the production and the price of wheat. ( B) They might casually take the growing of wheat

6、as a topic of conversation. ( C) They also grew wheat in their backyards. ( D) They were as much concerned with the wheat production and selling as the farmers. 12 When did most farmers have to pay their debts? ( A) When crop failure caused depression. ( B) When the autumn harvest had just been comp

7、leted. ( C) When the wheat prices became increasingly high. ( D) As soon as the Winnipeg Grain Exchange demanded payment: 13 Why did the government appoint a board of grain supervisors? ( A) To meet the farmers request for firmer control. ( B) To hold back inflation and rising living costs. ( C) To

8、fix the grain prices so that the farmers could be better rewarded for their work. ( D) To establish a full authority to buy, sell and set prices. 14 Who is the speaker? ( A) A specialist in oil-spill prevention. ( B) A TV reporter. ( C) An oil company technician. ( D) The head of the oil company. 15

9、 What is the main topic of the report? ( A) Where the oil spill occurred. ( B) What caused the oil spill. ( C) How the oil spill was handled. ( D) The number of volunteers who came to help. 16 Who volunteered to clean up the oil? ( A) Businessmen, storekeepers, students and others. ( B) Storekeepers

10、, reporters, businessmen, and others. ( C) Farmers, scientists, teachers and others. ( D) Scientists, technicians, businessmen and others. 17 What is a phrase book designed for? ( A) Learning a foreign language. ( B) Finding a job to continue to live. ( C) Communicating with foreigners. ( D) Making

11、their work less hard. 18 According to the speaker, what kind of problems do phrase books have? ( A) They are actually useless. ( B) They have a practical problem. ( C) They should be designed in more phrases. ( D) They dont provide enough useful phrases. 19 Why does Keith say he can talk with any fo

12、reigner in any country? ( A) Because he has a phrase book which can talk. ( B) Because he has a tape recorder. ( C) Because he knows four different languages. ( D) Because his phrase book produces phrases in four languages. 20 Which of the following statement is TRUE according to what you have heard

13、? ( A) Keiths phrase book is smaller than any others. ( B) Foreigners cant understand phrases in books. ( C) Phrase books provide people with right phrases. ( D) A foreign language is not difficult to learn. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the be

14、st word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 I 【 21】 _ by myself in my usual compartment for at least 10 minutes, waiting 【 22】 _ . The train never seemed to start on time and I often thought that I could have 【 23】 _ in bed a little longer, or had another cup of tea b

15、efore 【 24】 _ . Suddenly I heard someone 【 25】 _ on the platform outside. A young girl 【 26】 _ towards the train. The man on duty put out his hand 【 27】_ but she ran past him and opened the door of my compartment. Then the whistle blew and the train started. “I nearly missed it, 【 28】 _ ?“ the girl

16、said. “How long does it take to 【 29】_ London?“ “It depends on the engine driver.“ I said. “Some day its much slower than others.“ “Ill have to 【 30】 _ so as not to be late again tomorrow,“ she said.“ 【 31】_ my first day at work with a new firm today and they told me that the man 【 32】 _ is very str

17、ict. I 【 33】 _ him yet so I dont know 【 34】 _ but he sounds a bit frightening.“ She talked about the new job on the way to London and before long, I realized that she 【 35】 _ for my firm. I 【 36】 _ in the firm for nearly 20 years. Our boss was really a very strict man. My own secretary 【 37】 _ so I

18、must be her new boss. 【 38】 _ fair to her. “Oh, dear,“ she said. “What a terrible mistake! I wish I 【 39】 _ .“ “Never mind,“ I said. “At least youll know when your trains late 【 40】 _ .“ 21 【 21】 ( A) have been sitting ( B) had been sitting ( C) sit ( D) am sitting 22 【 22】 ( A) for the train to sta

19、rt ( B) the train starting ( C) the train start ( D) for the train starting 23 【 23】 ( A) lain ( B) laid ( C) lied ( D) lay 24 【 24】 ( A) I have left the home ( B) I leave from home ( C) leaving home ( D) to leave home 25 【 25】 ( A) shouting ( B) shouted ( C) was shouting ( D) be shouting 26 【 26】 (

20、 A) running ( B) runs ( C) is running ( D) was running 27 【 27】 ( A) stop her ( B) stops her ( C) and stopped her ( D) to stop her 28 【 28】 ( A) havent ( B) wasnt ( C) dont ( D) didnt I 29 【 29】 ( A) get to ( B) reach to ( C) arrive to ( D) make to 30 【 30】 ( A) mend me the watch ( B) mend me my wat

21、ch ( C) have my watch mended ( D) have mended my watch 31 【 31】 ( A) There was ( B) There is ( C) Its ( D) It was 32 【 32】 ( A) Im going to work for ( B) what Im going to work for ( C) for which Im going to work ( D) which Im going to work for 33 【 33】 ( A) didnt meet ( B) havent met ( C) didnt know

22、 ( D) haven t known 34 【 34】 ( A) what he is like ( B) what is he like ( C) how he is ( D) how is he 35 【 35】 ( A) had been working ( B) will go to work ( C) is going to work ( D) was going to work 36 【 36】 ( A) had been working ( B) have been working ( C) worked ( D) have worked 37 【 37】 ( A) was l

23、eft ( B) leaves ( C) had left ( D) have left 38 【 38】 ( A) There was ( B) That was ( C) It was ( D) Was 39 【 39】 ( A) know ( B) knew ( C) have known ( D) had known 40 【 40】 ( A) so will the time be ( B) the mine will be, too ( C) so will mine ( D) mine will be, too Part B Directions: Read the follow

24、ing four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 40 The Internet raises major issues and challenges for education, not just in China but ail over the world. Yet it simply cannot be ignored in terms of the opportunities and resources

25、 that it can offer. We can divide the main issues facing education systems into three groups-access, quality and responsibility. Let us consider the Internet in relation to each of them. First, access. Through the Internet, practically the whole world can be brought into your classroom. Using e-mail

26、 makes it possible to have a class whose members are spread all over the world and who may never meet either the teacher or each other face to face. It can put students in different countries in easy contact. The information resources available are almost limitless. With the Internet, students and t

27、eachers can access the wisdom, experience, skills, and even guidance of others in a way that was only possible for a very privileged few. Next, quality. The Internet does pose serious problems of quality for education systems. Obviously, there is a lot of material on the Internet that no one would w

28、ant children or students to have uncontrolled access to, but there are other problems which are very difficult to solve. The first is how to handle the sheer quantity of information available, and how to make it manageable. Because anyone can put information on the Internet, and there are no limits

29、on quantity, it can be almost impossible to find exactly the information that one wants. Teachers and students cannot afford to waste time on unsuccessful searching. How can we identify the information which will be most useful without overloading ourselves and our students with unnecessary informat

30、ion? How do we select the best information from all that is available? This raises the issue of responsibility. There are few editors or quality controllers on the Internet. The ultimate responsibility for selection and judgment falls to the users, whether teachers or students. Teachers, and still l

31、ess students, are not experts in every field; what we select may not be what we really want, perhaps is old, even wrong. Any profession must take some collective responsibility in resolving these problems. Conscious and deliberate efforts have to be made to share information between teachers about u

32、seful sites and about the best way to use them. Those who have found something useful or of high quality should not keep the information to themselves, but share it as widely as possible. There are many professional discussion groups active on the Internet which aim to do this. Access to them by tea

33、chers should be actively encouraged. This will require investment by institutions in giving easy access to the Internet and email to all teachers. Without this investment, educators-and ultimately students-will be deprived of a vital resource for the development of education in the future. 41 With w

34、hich of the following statements would the author be least likely to agree? ( A) The Internet provides us with perfect educational information. ( B) The Internet provides us with limitless resources. ( C) We can obtain the latest information from foreign countries through the Internet. ( D) The info

35、rmation on the Internet is no longer available only for a few people. 42 The authors attitude towards a large quantity of information on the Net is _. ( A) satisfied ( B) indifferent ( C) furious ( D) worried 43 The text implies that _. ( A) professional people should pick out proper information fro

36、m the Internet for schools ( B) professional people should instruct teachers and students to use the Internet ( C) educators should be active in using computers ( D) educators should have their own email addresses 44 The word “institutions“(in Para. 12) probably refers to _. ( A) communities ( B) go

37、vernments ( C) schools ( D) researching groups 45 What is mainly discussed in the text? ( A) The online information for school teaching. ( B) Some problems of the Internet use. ( C) Who is responsible for the Internet safety. ( D) How to evaluate the online resources. 45 A parent with a child carryi

38、ng a musical instrument or a drawing board walking along a Beijing subway platform or street is a familiar sight on weekends. They are on the way to training schools. Education of their children has become the most important responsibility of parents who were sent to rural areas for “re-education“ d

39、uring the “Cultural Revolution“ from 1966 to 1976. They lost the chance for university education and now hope their children can receive a better education than they did. As a result, these people now in their forties expose their little children to early training so that they can enter a prestigiou

40、s school. The parents imagine a road to success: from excellent primary and middle schools to an elite university and then to a good job. On average, they may spend about 100 yuan a month on their childrens education. And what results have these parents obtained? Most of them feel that the large inv

41、estment has failed to lead to rapid progress in their childrens study. “We seem to be throwing our money away,“ said one parent. However, many parents still think that spending more on their childrens schooling will result in high scores. These parents have also introduced a “contract system“, which

42、 offers rewards for good school grades. More than 80% of parents in families in Chengdu have signed contracts with their children, according to the Consumers Times. The paper notes that the heavy pressure put on children to perform well at school has resulted in a decline in childrens health. The pa

43、rents investment in their children also includes hiring tutors. A survey of 250 students in Xuzhou found that 10% of their parents hired tutors. The pay for one tutorial hour is three yuan. Liberation Daily commented that these parents have too high expectations of their children. According to the a

44、rticle, “They are trying to help the young plants grow by pulling them upwards.“ They ignore their childrens psychology and perhaps will damage the real talents the children possess. 46 Parents in their forties want their children to get the best education because _. ( A) the parents missed out on t

45、heir own education when they were young ( B) it is their responsibility to help their children ( C) their children are cleverer than they were ( D) they dont want them to go to the rural areas 47 In the parents view, entry to a good university depends upon _. ( A) having some early art training ( B)

46、 attending the best primary and middle schools ( C) getting a good job ( D) the parents prestige and position 48 The “contract system“ is _. ( A) a method of university entry ( B) a way of encouraging children to work hard ( C) an agreement between children and their teachers ( D) a way of guarantee

47、ing the young people a good job 49 In the Xuzhou survey ,how many children have extra private lessons? ( A) 250. ( B) 2.5. ( C) 10. ( D) 3. 50 What is the Chinese newspapers attitude to the parents described in this article? ( A) Sympathetic. ( B) Critical. ( C) Approving. ( D) Neutral. 50 He landed

48、 in this country when he was 4 years old without a word of English, and there he has recently graduated with honors from Loyola Academy. An immigrant kid whose family rents an apartment in a city two-flat, lie attended the North Shore School with full scholarship. All the aunts and uncles were so pr

49、oud that they made their way from the old country or from various comers of this country to celebrate his graduation. A debate is raging about whether immigrant children should first be taught English, then their other subjects; or whether they should be taught other subjects in their native tongue as they are more gradually introduced to English over two to three years. California voters recently banished the gradual


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