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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试模拟试卷 59及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twic

2、e. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 In the past few years, many peo

3、ple can easily rent or even own a VCR because VCRs have become _. 7 To buy the videos you need to pay a price between _. 8 Educational and “how-to“ videos can make our learning _. 9 To rent videos from “video stores“ a day often costs about_ 10 VCRs have truly taken us out of the movie theatre by br

4、inging the movie _. PART C Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to che

5、ck your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 What kind of proof did the man probably have when he bought the radio? ( A) A receipt and the cheque stub. ( B) The guarantee and the receipt. ( C) The radio and the box. ( D) The credit card and a receipt. 12 When did the man b

6、uy the radio? ( A) Last week. ( B) The day before yesterday. ( C) Yesterday. ( D) This morning. 13 What is wrong with the radio? ( A) It has no instructions. ( B) It has run out of battery. ( C) The switch is broken. ( D) The switch is in the wrong position. 14 Why are “How To“ books in great demand

7、 in the United States? ( A) Because the rich do not always satisfy. ( B) Because many people read books only for pleasure. ( C) Because these books help Americans out of trouble. ( D) Because the books meet the needs of different readers. 15 What is one of the most popular types of books? ( A) The b

8、ook that help people with their personal problems. ( B) The book that tell you how to earn more money. ( C) The book that tell you how to choose a job. ( D) The book that tell you how to make progress. 16 Which title best gives the ideas of the passage? ( A) Americans Like Reading. ( B) How To Book,

9、 A True Friend. ( C) How To Book Is Popular. ( D) Americans Like Books. 17 What is the basic honor in taking part in the Olympic Games? ( A) To win medals. ( B) To break world records. ( C) To win first places. ( D) To take part in the Games. 18 What is the most obvious feature of the parade in the

10、opening ceremony? ( A) The runner enters the stadium with the torch. ( B) Teams of different countries put on a wonderful display. ( C) The host country marches in last. ( D) There must be both men and women in all teams. 19 The Olympic Games are not only sports games but also . ( A) world celebrati

11、ons of sports ( B) world-wide movements for peace ( C) great displays of the best sportsmen ( D) chances for women to be equal with men 20 When were womens swimming events first introduced? ( A) In 1900. ( B) In 1912. ( C) In 1928. ( D) In 1930. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions:

12、Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 Industry has great influence on every aspect of the people in the world. The industrial societies have been extremely productive during the last two centuries. The economic advance has b

13、een 【 21】 _ . People have noticed that during this 【 22】_ short period of time, greater changes in peoples 【 23】 _ have occurred than in the thousands of years which 【 24】 _ . From about 8000 B. C. ,when the agricultural 【 25】 _ of the human race began in 1776 A. D. , the beginning of the American R

14、evolution, people 【 26】 _ hardly any richer at all. The Americans of 1776 used the same energy 【 27】 _ as the Romans of I A. D. Both the ancient Romans and Americans of 200 years ago could travel about the same short 【 28】 _ in a day. Both had about the same an num income and the same life 【 29】 _ .

15、 During the past 200 years the world population has increased 6 times, the annual world 【 30】 _ has increase 80 times, and the distance a person can travel has 【 31】 _ up 1,000 times. There has al so been much recent progress 【 32】 _ art, culture, learning land science. Such changes have 【 33】 _ to

16、a high rate of production and 【 34】 _ of the economy. Within the next 100 to 150 years, the earths resources, economists 【 35】_ ,will become very 【 36】 _ . Their fears are partly 【 37】 _ , but we Should not be afraid. Industrial civilization 【 38】 _ to new knowledge, we not only 【 39】 _ new forms of

17、 resources, but we also find ways to 【 40】 _ their use. Advances modem knowledge can feed the hungry people of the world and improve their standard of living. 21 【 21】 ( A) particular ( B) unique ( C) remarkable ( D) excessive 22 【 22】 ( A) considerably ( B) relatively ( C) approximately ( D) normal

18、ly 23 【 23】 ( A) arrangements ( B) orders ( C) conceptions ( D) conditions 24 【 24】 ( A) preceded ( B) exceeded ( C) led ( D) introduced 25 【 25】 ( A) time ( B) era ( C) epoch ( D) century 26 【 26】 ( A) evolved ( B) developed ( C) tamed ( D) grew 27 【 27】 ( A) origins ( B) stores ( C) potentials ( D

19、) sources 28 【 28】 ( A) distance ( B) trip ( C) journey ( D) length 29 【 29】 ( A) year ( B) period ( C) span ( D) spell 30 【 30】 ( A) harvest ( B) output ( C) production ( D) outcome 31 【 31】 ( A) amounted ( B) gone ( C) built ( D) grown 32 【 32】 ( A) in ( B) on ( C) about ( D) at 33 【 33】 ( A) redu

20、ced ( B) brought ( C) led ( D) tamed 34 【 34】 ( A) influence ( B) independence ( C) impact ( D) growth 35 【 35】 ( A) fear ( B) suggest ( C) organize ( D) calculate 36 【 36】 ( A) scare ( B) rare ( C) inferior ( D) little 37 【 37】 ( A) unreasonable ( B) excused ( C) convinced ( D) justified 38 【 38】 (

21、 A) applies ( B) refers ( C) adapts ( D) adopts 39 【 39】 ( A) realizes ( B) creates ( C) substitutes ( D) carries 40 【 40】 ( A) expand ( B) transform ( C) economize ( D) propagate Part B Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark y

22、our answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 40 Some people ought to defend the workaholic. These people are unjustly accused, abused, and defamed-often termed sick or morbid or on the border of pathology. About 30% of American business and commerce is carried on the shoulders of workaholics. The ratio might exis

23、t in art and science too. Workaholics are the achievers, the elitists. There is a national conspiracy against excellence and undue admiration of commonness and mediocrity. It is as if we are against those who make uncommon sacrifices because they enjoy doing something. Some famous psychologists say

24、that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to overcompensation. This is certainly not the case. Inferiority, or low esteem, describes laziness more accurately than it describes dedication. We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced lif

25、e. Edison, Ford, Einstein and Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship. The accusation is made that workaholics bear guilt by not being good parents or spouses. But guilt can exist in the balanced life also. Think how many “nor

26、mal“ people and middle-aged who have never done anything well-they are going to settle for less than what they could have become. 41 From this passage we know that workaholic is a term referring to those_. ( A) who enjoy work more than anything else ( B) who make greater contributions than others (

27、C) who make uncommon sacrifice in their personal life ( D) All of the above. 42 The authors main concern in this passage is to_. ( A) point out the role the workaholic plays in the American economy ( B) defend people who are addicted to work ( C) encourage us not to worry about our imperfection ( D)

28、 consider the difficulties that confront us at middle age 43 The author of the passage would most likely agree that the workaholic_. ( A) is mentally ill ( B) performs an insignificant proportion of American business ( C) will not have the regrets that many “normal“ people face at middle age ( D) su

29、ffers from low self-esteem 44 According to this passage_. ( A) Freud led a well-balanced life ( B) workaholics can be helped ( C) workaholics should be admired ( D) so-called “normal“ people are truly the sick people among us 45 According to the author, one can hardly achieve excellence unless one_.

30、 ( A) lives an abnormal life ( B) sacrifices friendship and family ( C) has total devotion to work ( D) ignores popular opinions 45 Will people ever tame the destructive, often deadly hurricane? Either scientists or meteorologists do not yet understand the forces that generate a hurricane, but perha

31、ps with study and time they can learn to control these enormous storms. One important study project is called Hurricane Strike. This project studies the huge storms that do harm to thousands of people and destroy property worth millions of dollars. Scientists in this project are trying to learn more

32、 a bout hurricanes, especially the speed and direction of the winds. Then people living in the path of a hurricane can protect themselves and their belongings. Dr. Robert Sheets, the chief forecaster at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, explained the importance of this information. “When we po

33、st a hurricane warning for a part of the coast,“ he said, “people spend about $ 8,000 per mile in preparation, ff the hurricane does not strike land where we announced or posted warnings, then that money is wasted. But, even worse, the next time we put out a warning, the people might not pay attenti

34、on to us.“ That is the mason for Project Hurricane Strike-to increase the accuracy of the forecast. They need to predict where the storm will be twenty-four hours later. One hurricane, named Belle, made forecasters feel trouble. At first it appeared to be headed for Florida, so warnings were posted.

35、 However, the storm stayed at sea. Next, warnings were posted in Georgia and the Carolinas, but again it did not hit. In fact, Belle first hit the coast in New York. Millions and millions of dollars were spent on the preparation that was not needed. Dr. Sheets said, “We received hundreds of letters.

36、 People couldnt understand how science could send people to the moon but not predict a storms path. However, we still cant tell. The only way to find out about hurricanes is from inside them.“ Prediction is what Project Hurricane Strike is about, and that is part of the challenge that faces meteorol

37、ogists. The other part of the challenge is controlling hurricanes. Meteorologists work inside a hurricane by “seeding“ the center “eye“ with silver iodide. The silver iodide causes raindrops to form and fall over the ocean. Taking the water out of the clouds reduces the energy of the storm. So, the

38、rotation of the storm decreases. The wind velocity also decreases. Meteorologists can sometimes use this method to bring a dangerous hurricane under control. Scientists have already seeded some hurricanes that were forming over the Atlantic Ocean. Some of these experiments were successful in decreas

39、ing wind speeds. 46 The two factors concerning hurricanes that scientists most want to learn about are_. ( A) conditions in the “eye“ and conditions at the edge ( B) the forces that generate them and their frequency ( C) the number of people injured and the amount of damage done ( D) how fast and wh

40、ere they move 47 Hurricane Belle was noteworthy because_. ( A) it didnt follow the path predicted by forecasters ( B) it didnt move at the speed predicted by forecasters ( C) it killed more people than any other hurricanes ( D) it caused more damage than any other hurricanes 48 The phrase “seeding t

41、he center eye“ means_. ( A) predicting a hurricanes path and speed ( B) finding the place of origin of a hurricane ( C) scattering the center of a hurricane ( D) planting trees as wind-breaking in a hurricanes path 49 It can be seen from the passage that the two immediate goals of hurricane research

42、 are_. ( A) enough time and money ( B) preparation and warnings ( C) prediction and control ( D) protecting people and their properties 50 According to Dr. Sheets, the main danger of an error in hurricane prediction is that_. ( A) seeding will prove to be a waste of time and money ( B) people wont p

43、ay attention to predictions in the future ( C) money spent on preparation will be wasted ( D) a hurricane may hit an economic center like New York 50 In a democratic society citizens are encouraged to form their own opinions on candidates for public offices, taxes, constitutional amendments, environ

44、mental concerns, foreign policy, and other issues. The opinions held by any population are shaped and manipulated by several factors: individual circumstances, the mass media, special-interest groups, and opinion leaders. Wealthy people tend to think differently on social issues from poor people. Fa

45、ctory workers probably do not share the same views as white-collar workers, nonunion workers. Women employed outside their homes sometimes have perspectives different from those of full-time homemakers. In these and other ways individual status shapes ones view of current events. The mass media, esp

46、ecially television, are powerful influences on the way people think and act. Government officials note how mail from the public tends to “follow the headlines“. Whatever is featured in newspapers and magazines and on television attracts enough attention that people begin to inform themselves and to

47、express opinions. The mass media have also created larger audiences for government and a wider range of public issues than existed before. Prior to television and the national editions of newspapers, issues and candidates tended to remain localized. In Great Britain and West Germany, for example, el

48、ections to the national legislatures were usually viewed by voters as local contests. Todays elections are seen as struggles between party leaders and programs. In the United States radio and television have been beneficial to the presidency. Since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his “fireside

49、 chats,“ presidents have appealed directly to a national audience over the heads of Congress to advocate their programs. Special-interest groups spend vast sums annually trying to influence public opinion. Public utilities, for instance, tried to sway public opinion in favor of nuclear power plants. Opposed to them were citizens organizations that lobbied to halt


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