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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice

2、. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 What is the main responsibility

3、of the, United Nations Population Fund according to the passage? 7 How many people are there in the world today? 8 The percentage of the population growth in the 49 least developed countries is expected to be _ in 50 years. 9 The UN thinks people in the richest countries use more of _ than people in

4、 developing countries. 10 Who would be given more power in order to have slower population growth, according to the UN Population Fund? PART C Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany

5、it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 How does the rising population negatively influence some countries? ( A) People begin to go on strike for food.

6、( B) Some countries have to cut down food supplies. ( C) People are dying of hunger. ( D) Some governments have to drive their people into other countries. 12 According to the speaker, how many people have been added per year to the present population? ( A) 80 million. ( B) 70 million. ( C) More tha

7、n 3 500 million. ( D) About 3 000 million. 13 Which regions population of the following is growing fastest? ( A) Latin America. ( B) North America. ( C) South America. ( D) Central America. 14 What problem does the woman have? ( A) She doesnt want to pay the late fee. ( B) She was given incorrect in

8、formation. ( C) She cant afford to pay her tuition. ( D) She didnt want to pay her tuition. 15 Why does the woman have to go to the office two times? ( A) The director couldnt give her an appointment right away. ( B) The office was close the first time she went. ( C) The computers were out of servic

9、e the first time she was there. ( D) She did not have acceptable identification with her on her first visit. 16 What does the man imply when he tells the woman “Dont get your hopes up“? ( A) The director probably isnt able to make an exception. ( B) The director probably wont see her. ( C) The direc

10、tor usually isnt very helpful ( D) Part-time students arent the directors responsibility. 17 Who might be the first speaker (the man)? ( A) A full-time student. ( B) A famous counsellor. ( C) A course director. ( D) A Student Union officer. 18 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem the

11、 counsellors can help with? ( A) Strained relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend. ( B) Financial difficulties. ( C) Excessive stress of work. ( D) Death of a close relative 19 What can you infer about the counselling service from the talk? ( A) It can make students confident in their abilities. (

12、 B) The counselling fee charged for full-time students are lower than those non-full-time students. ( C) It is conducted sometimes in cooperation with other members of the staff. ( D) Almost every non-freshman student in the college has once sought counsellors for help. 20 In the sentence “. seeing

13、a counsellor has a stigma. “,“stigma“ here means _. ( A) something to be ashamed of ( B) something one wants to keep secret ( C) willingness ( D) psychological problem 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark

14、 A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 21 A person becomes part of the Christian community through baptism it is a matter of choice 【 21】 _ birth. The Christian community is a gathered community 【 22】 _ who believe that Jesus is the Christ and that they have salvation 【 23】 _ . It is open to males and fem

15、ales of any age, race, or 【 24】_ . A Christian is normally affiliated with a particular parish or congregation that is 【 25】 _ the care of a particular clergy-person A baptized person is usually 【 26】 _ a Christian by all Christians everywhere: however, there may be some additional requirements to m

16、eet if a person 【 27】 _ to a church of a different tradition. Giving money and goods needed by others 【 28】 _ a part of Christian living. Some Christians engage in tithing, the 【 29】 _ of 10 percent of their income to support the work of the church, 【 30】 _ includes charitable services of those in n

17、eed. Other Christians give smaller 【 31】 _ of their income to the church but contribute either directly to those in need or to organizations that serve human beings or lower animals. Although some Christians believe the world will continue to become more evil until Christ returns to earth, 【 32】 _ t

18、hink that they 【 33】 _ improve the world. Christian service to God means, 【 34】 _ , not only charity to meet current needs but also altering institutions and structures of society in order to 【 35】 _ poverty, illness, and injustices, For some Christians, the social implications of the gospel are alm

19、ost as important as the religion. John Woolman visited the slaveholders in the United States to 【 36】 _ them to free their slaves. Henry Ward Beecher openly supported a campaign to free all the slaves. Walter Rauschenbusch labored to improve living and working conditions for poor people in cities. A

20、lbert Schweitzer brought modern medicine to people in Africa. Martin Luther King used the 【 37】 _ resistance methods 【 38】 _ by Mohandas K. Gandhi to win recognition of civil right for black people of the United States. Mother Teresa worked to save abandoned children in Calcutta. These few examples

21、give some idea of the 【 39】 _ of activities 【 40】 _ have fostered to improve the living conditions of their fellow humans. 21 【 21】 ( A) rather than ( B) rather than of ( C) rather. than of ( D) not of 22 【 22】 ( A) of these ( B) of that ( C) of a person ( D) of those 23 【 23】 ( A) in his name ( B)

22、to his name ( C) under the name of ( D) in their name 24 【 24】 ( A) nation ( B) country ( C) nationality ( D) national 25 【 25】 ( A) in ( B) of ( C) under ( D) with 26 【 26】 ( A) accepted ( B) accepting ( C) accepting as ( D) accepted as 27 【 27】 ( A) charges ( B) transforms ( C) turns ( D) transfer

23、s 28 【 28】 ( A) is ( B) has long been ( C) are ( D) have long been 29 【 29】 ( A) donation ( B) giving ( C) sending ( D) contribution 30 【 30】 ( A) that ( B) what ( C) which ( D) in which 31 【 31】 ( A) amounts ( B) numbers ( C) amount ( D) number 32 【 32】 ( A) few ( B) some people ( C) many people (

24、D) many others 33 【 33】 ( A) may ( B) can ( C) must ( D) are obliged to 34 【 34】 ( A) to him ( B) to them ( C) to her ( D) to us 35 【 35】 ( A) improve ( B) change ( C) care ( D) alleviate 36 【 36】 ( A) talk ( B) persuade ( C) say ( D) convinced 37 【 37】 ( A) non-violent ( B) violent ( C) inviolent (

25、 D) noviolent 38 【 38】 ( A) proceeded ( B) pioneered ( C) processed ( D) possessed 39 【 39】 ( A) variety ( B) kinds ( C) sorts ( D) various 40 【 40】 ( A) the poor people ( B) the black ( C) Jesus ( D) Christians Part B Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text b

26、y choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 41 A finding in recent years shows that men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women can. This makes surgery riskier for men. Because they do not breathe as often as women, men also need more oxygen. But men breathe more deeply a

27、nd this exposes them to another risk. They draw more of the air when it is polluted. Mens bones are larger than womens and they are arranged somewhat differently. The feminine walk that evokes so many whistles is a matter of bone structure. A man has broader shoulders and a narrower pelvis, which ma

28、kes him stride out with no waste motion. A womans wider pelvis, designed for childbearing, forces her to put more movement into each step she takes with the result that she displays a bit of jiggle and sway as she walks. If you think a man is brave because he can climb a ladder to clean out the roof

29、 gutters, dont forget it is easier for him than for a woman. The angle at which a womans thigh is joined to her knees makes climbing difficult for her, no matter whether it is a ladder or stairs or a mountain that she is tackling. A mans skin is thicker than a womans and not nearly as soft. This pre

30、vents the suns radiation from getting through, which is why men wrinkle less than women do. Women have a thin layer of fat just under the skin and there is a plus to this greater fat reserve. It acts as an invisible fur coat to keep a woman warmer in the winter. Women also stay cooler in summer. Bec

31、ause the fat layer helps insulate them against heat. Mens fat is distributed differently. And they do not have that layer of it underneath their skin. In fact, they have considerably less fat than women and more lean mass. 41 percent of a mans body is muscle compared to thirty-five percent for women

32、, which means that men have more muscle power. When we mention strength, almost 90 percent of a mans weight is strength compared to about 50 percent of a womans weight. The higher proportion of muscle to fat makes it easier for men to lose weight. Muscle burns up five more calories a pound than fat

33、does just to maintain itself. So when a man wants to loss weight, the pounds roll off much faster. For all mens muscularity they do not have the energy reserves women do. They have more start-up energy, but the fat tucked away in womens nooks and crannies provides a rich energy reserve that men lack

34、. Cardiologists at the University of Alabama who tested healthy women on treadmills discovered that over the years the female capacity for exercise far exceeds the male capacity. A woman of sixty who is in good health can exercise up to 90 percent of what she could do when she was twenty. A man of s

35、ixty has only 60 percent left of his capacity as a twenty-year-old. 41 That boys suffer more from air pollution can possibly be justified by the fact that ( A) the male have larger bones than the female. ( B) women can manufacture blood more efficiently than men. ( C) men usually breathe more deeply

36、 than women. ( D) women breathe as often as men. 42 The different ways men and women move their body indicate that ( A) bone structures in men and women are arranged differently. ( B) womens bones are more ready to movement. ( C) men always move their bodies with waste motions. ( D) women are good a

37、t climbing upwards. 43 It can be concluded from the passage that ( A) men suffer more from suns radiation than women do. ( B) men will be more exhausted than women after a long trip. ( C) the higher proportion of fat in womens body makes them easier to lose weight. ( D) an aged man can still exercis

38、e his body as he was young. 44 The best title for the above article is ( A) Why Men Lack Capacity for Exercise over the Years. ( B) How Mens Bones Are Arranged Differently from Womens. ( C) Studies on Differences and Similarities between Men and Women. ( D) Men and Women: Some Differences. 45 Which

39、of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ( A) More oxygen needs to be prepared when a man is having surgery. ( B) Mans courage has nothing to do with males body structure. ( C) A woman usually stays cooler in summer and warmer in winter. ( D) It is easier for a man to lose h

40、is weight. 46 More than 30, 000 drivers and passengers who sit in the front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a thirdfloor building. Wearing a seat belt saves lives: it reduces your chance of death or seriou

41、s injury by more than a half. Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you will be fined up to 50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the drivers responsibility to make sure that children u

42、nder 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind. However, when youre reversing your car, you do not have to wear a seat belt; or when you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you

43、from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember that you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove that you have been excused from wearing it. 46 How many people in the front of the vehicles are

44、 killed or seriously injured every year? ( A) 30,000. ( B) 60,000. ( C) Approximately 30,000. ( D) Above 30,000. 47 Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ( A) reduces road accidents to more than a half. ( B) saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour. ( C) reduces the death rate in traf

45、fic accidents. ( D) saves more than 15,000 lives each year. 48 It is the drivers responsibility to ( A) make the front seat passengers wear a seat belt. ( B) make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt. ( C) stop children riding in the front seat. ( D) wear a seat belt each time he drives

46、. 49 According to the text, which of the following people riding in the front does NOT have to wear a seat belt? ( A) Someone who is backing into a parking space. ( B) Someone who is picking up the children from the local school. ( C) Someone who is delivering invitation letters. ( D) Someone who is

47、 under 14. 50 For some people, it may be better ( A) to wear a seat belt for health reasons. ( B) not to wear a seat belt for health reasons. ( C) to get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt. ( D) to pay a fine rather than wear a seat belt. 51 The first navigational lights in the N

48、ew World were probably lanterns hung at harbor entrances. The first lighthouse was put up by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1716 on Little Brewstet Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor. Paid for and maintained by “light dues“ levied (征收 ) on ships, the original beacon was blown up in 1776. Until

49、 then there were only a dozen or so true lighthouses in the colonies. Little over a century later, there were 700 lighthouses. The first eight lanterns erected on the West Coast in the 1850s featured the same basic New England design: a Cape Cod dwelling with the tower rising from the center or standing close by. In New England and elsewhere, though, lighthouses reflected a variety of architectural styles. Since most stations in the

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