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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) B类模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 Section A 1 What does the woman mean? ( A) She likes all of his novels. ( B) She likes none of his novels. ( C) She likes his latest novel very much. 2 How many days will the woman be traveling? ( A) 9. ( B) 11. ( C) 15 3 What is the woman most likely? ( A) A patient.

2、 ( B) A chemist. ( C) A doctor. 4 What s the probable relationship between the man and the woman? ( A) Colleagues. ( B) Classmates. ( C) Husband and wife. 5 Who is in favor of communicating on line? ( A) The man. ( B) The woman. ( C) Both. Section B 6 According to one speaker, we could skip_if we ar

3、e short of time. ( A) Water World ( B) the zoo ( C) both these two places 7 Ocean Park opens at_on weekdays. ( A) 9:00 ( B) 9:30 ( C) 0.416667 8 We can see ducks and other birds in_. ( A) Water World ( B) the Waterfall Garden ( C) the Centenary Garden 9 Which of the following does not seem quite sui

4、table for very young children? ( A) The fun fair. ( B) The Ocean Theater. ( C) Wave Cove. 10 The Chinese Bestaurant is sited near_. ( A) the escalator ( B) the Wave Cove ( C) the cable-car terminal 11 Whats being discussed in the talk? ( A) A small television. ( B) A wrist watch. ( C) A walkman. 12

5、This product was recommended to the public_. ( A) 8 years ago ( B) in the spring of 1982 ( C) at the end of 1982 13 Which of the following companies first introduced this product? ( A) Sony. ( B) Casio. ( C) Hattori. 14 Which group of people are most likely to form the main market for this product?

6、( A) People who show great interest in novelty items. ( B) People who work at railway or bus stations. ( C) People who travel on trains and buses regularly. 15 According to the talk, which of the following is true about its market? ( A) It s getting smaller every year. ( B) It s increasing rapidly.

7、( C) It s expanding only in Japan. Section C 16 US anti-smoking legislation is_. ( A) to tighten control on tobacco advertising ( B) to impose penalties on tobacco companies ( C) to ensure the health of American children 17 The news item is mainly about_. ( A) a call for research papers to be read a

8、t the conference ( B) an international conference on traditional Tibetan medicine ( C) the number of participants at the conference and their nationalities 18 Egypt, Syria, and six Arab Gulf States have ended_in Kuwait City. ( A) a one-day talk ( B) two-day talks ( C) three-day talks 19 The United S

9、tates has pledged 36, 000, 000 dollars to the United Nations Emergency Fund for_ ( A) China ( B) India ( C) Iraq 20 Who will Roger Federer play in the men s final at the US Open Tennis Championship? ( A) A player from Britain. ( B) A player from Australia. ( C) A player from Sweden. Section D 20 The

10、 physical fitness instructor s course is offered as a【 D1】 _.This employment must be 【 D2】 _to sports administration. For the【 D3】 _we offer a one-year diploma course. Physical Education Teacher course needs【 D4】_as it is entered directly by school leavers. A six-month certificate is offered for the

11、【 D5】 _. A Physical Fitness Instructor works in health and fitness centers【 D6】_for ordinary members of the public. The duties for Sports Administrators include booking【 D7】 _Sports Psychologists spend time with professional athletes helping them approach competition with a【 D8】 _PE Teachers instruc

12、t young students in how to【 D9】 _and do other recreational activities correctly and safely. The aim for the recreation officers is to raise people s awareness of healthy lifestyles and【 D10】 _. 21 【 D1】 22 【 D2】 23 【 D3】 24 【 D4】 25 【 D5】 26 【 D6】 27 【 D7】 28 【 D8】 29 【 D9】 30 【 D10】 Section A 31 Th

13、e party s reduced votes were_of lack of support for its policies. ( A) indicative ( B) positive ( C) revealing ( D) evident 32 She refused to_the door key to the landlady until she got back her deposit. ( A) hand in ( B) hand out ( C) hand down ( D) hand over 33 The_of the word is unknown, but it is

14、 certainly not from Greek. ( A) origin ( B) generation ( C) descent ( D) cause 34 With the recent scandal in mind, would you advise people who have_in their closets to clear out their closets? ( A) skulls ( B) skeletons ( C) ghosts ( D) legends 35 His remarks were_annoy everybody at the meeting. ( A

15、) so as to ( B) such as to ( C) such to ( D) as much as to 36 He wasn t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _insufficiently popular with all members. ( A) having considered ( B) was considered ( C) was being considered ( D) being considered 37 _no cause for alarm, the old man went back

16、 to his room. ( A) There was ( B) Since ( C) Being ( D) There being 38 Look! The_up at the lake _ just breathtaking. ( A) sceneries: are ( B) sceneries: were ( C) scenery: is ( D) scenery: was 39 If your car_any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer. ( A) shall need (

17、 B) should need ( C) would need ( D) will need 40 Sam: Did you see that fascinating film on THTV- 4 last night? Mary: That stupid love story? Sam: Yes. Didn t you like it? Mary: No. _They re all rubbish. ( A) Im not kidding. ( B) I can t bear films of that kind. ( C) Don t make me laugh. ( D) Not re

18、ally, but Ive heard about one. Section B 41 Australia is the_largest country in the world. ( A) fourth ( B) fifth ( C) sixth ( D) seventh 42 The Australian federation has a_system of government. ( A) two-tier ( B) three-tier ( C) four-tier ( D) five-tier 43 The two main parties of New Zealand are_.

19、( A) the National Party and the Labor Party ( B) the Liberal Party and the Labor Party ( C) the National Party and the Liberal Party ( D) the Labor Party and the Democrats 44 The British Parliament has a maximum duration of_years. ( A) 3 ( B) 4 ( C) 5 ( D) 6 45 The longest river in Britain is_. ( A)

20、 the Severn River ( B) the Thames River ( C) the Mersey River ( D) the Clyde River 一、 Part Cloze 45 One of the questions coming into focus as we face growing scarcity of resources in the world is how to divide limited resources among countries. In the international development【 C1】 com_, the coronal

21、 wisdom has been that the billion people living in poor countries could never expect to【 C2】 r_the standard of living that most of the people in North America enjoy, simply because the world does not contain enough iron ore, protein, petroleum, and so on. At the same time, we in the United States ha

22、ve continued to pursue super-affluence as though there were no limits【 C3】 how much we could consume. We【 C4】 m_ only 6 percent of the world s people: yet we consume one third of the world s resources. As long as the resources we consumed each year came primarily from【 C5】w_our own boundaries, this

23、was largely an internal matter. But as our resources come more and more from the outside world, we will no longer be able to think in【 C6】 of “ our“ resources and “ their“ resources , but only of【 C7】 c_resources. As Americans consume such a(n)【 C8】 (proportion)share of the worlds resources, we have

24、 to question whether or not we can continue our pursuit of super-affluence in a world of【 C9】 (scarce). We are now reaching the point at which we must carefully examine the presumed link between our level of well-being and the level of material goods consumed. If you have only one crust of bread and

25、 get another crust of bread, your well-being is greatly enhanced. But if you have a loaf of bread, then an additional crust of bread doesn t make【 C10】 d_. In the eyes of most of the world today, Americans have their loaf of bread and are asking for still more. The prospect of a scarcity of, and com

26、petition in, the world s resources requires that we re-examine the way in which we relate to the rest of the world. 46 【 C1】 47 【 C2】 48 【 C3】 49 【 C4】 50 【 C5】 51 【 C6】 52 【 C7】 53 【 C8】 54 【 C9】 55 【 C10】 Section A 55 People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospe

27、ct that unprecedented change in the nation s economy would bring social chaos. In the years following 1820, after several decades of relative stability, the economy entered a period of sustained and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of the nineteenth century. Accompanying that growth

28、was a structural change that featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation s labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other nonagricultural pursuits. Although the birth rate continues to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth cent

29、ury, the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. As the population grew, its makeup also changed. Massive waves of immigration brought new ethnic groups into the country. Geographic and social mobility downward as well as upward touched almost everyone.

30、 Local studies indicate that nearly three quarters of the population in the North and South, in the emerging cities of the Northeast, and in the restless rural counties of the West changed their residence each decade. As a consequence, historian David Donald has written. “Social atomization affected

31、 every segment of society. “ and it seemed to many people that “ all the recognized values of orderly civilization were gradually being eroded. “ Rapid industrialization and increased geographic mobility in the nineteenth century had special implications for women because these changes tended to mag

32、nify social distinctions. As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home. In the context of extreme competitiveness and dizzying social change, the household lost many of its earlier functions and the home came to serve as a haven o

33、f tranquility and order. As the size of families decreased, the roles of husband and wife became more clearly differentiated than ever before. In the middle class especially, men participated in the productive economy while women ruled the home and served as the custodians of civility and culture. T

34、he intimacy of marriage that was common in earlier periods was rent, and a gulf that at times seemed unbridgeable was created between husbands and wives. 56 What does the passage mainly discuss? ( A) The economic development of the United States in the nineteenth century. ( B) Ways in which economic

35、 development led to social changes in the United Slates. ( C) Population growth in the western United States. ( D) The increasing availability of industrial jobs for women in the United States. 57 What did the people in the United States do as the nineteenth century progressed? ( A) They emigrated t

36、o other countries. ( B) They often settled in the West. ( C) They tended to change the place where they lived. ( D) They had a higher birthrate than ever before. 58 After 1820, the economy entered _, accompanying which there was a structural change. 59 In the nineteenth century, _ had special implic

37、ations for women 60 Men in the middle class_ when women took care of home affairs. Section B 60 The sixteenth international AIDS conference opened on Sunday in Toronto, Canada. More than twenty-four thousand delegates from one hundred thirty-two countries are attending the six-day conference. They i

38、nclude scientists, health care providers, activists, political and business leaders and people living with the disease. Many people attending the AIDS conference represent private nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs. Political scientists often describe NGOs as “pressure groups“ because of their e

39、ffect on world issues. They have little official power over international decision-making. However, NGOs often influence international policy. A broad definition of NGO is any non-profit group that is independent of government. Most of these private organizations have one or more goals. For example,

40、 some support community development , provide social services and help poor people. Others support human rights and social justice. Still others work to protect the environment. NGOs support many issues and operate around the world. Some of the most well-known include Oxfam, Amnesty International an

41、d Greenpeace. James Paul heads the Global Policy Forum. It is an NGO in New York City that studies policymaking at the United Nations. He says that some NGOs represent industries or businesses, the interests of governments, or even criminal groups. He says it would be a mistake to believe that all N

42、GOs are neutral. The World Bank has divided NGOs into three main groups. The first is community-based organizations that serve populations in a small geographical area. The second is national NGOs, which operate in individual developing countries. International NGOs are the third kind. These organiz

43、ations usually have their headquarters in industrialized countries. They carry out operations in more than one developing nation. Information about the total number of non-governmental organizations is incomplete. However, experts estimate that tens of thousands of NGOs are active around the world.

44、Large international NGOs may have operating budgets of tens of millions of dollars. However, most NGOs are much smaller. 61 What does NGO stand for? 62 What is the broad definition of NGO? 63 What is the general function of NGOs? 64 Why does James Paul think it would be a mistake to believe that all

45、 NGOs are neutral? 65 What are the three main groups of NGOs divided by the World Bank? Section C 66 As every schoolboy knows, insects pollinate flowers, while birds and mammals disperse seeds by eating fruits or transporting burs on their feathers and fur. These are examples of co-evolution, a phen

46、omenon first described by Charles Darwin in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, published in 1871. Co-evolution, in which two species have evolved together in response to adaptations that each has imposed on the other, can be extremely subtle. For instance, some animals may help to

47、 transfer pollen from one plant to another without acting directly as the carrier themselves. Instead, they make it easier for the pollen to be dispersed by other creatures. Mats Olsson and Richard Shine, of the University of Sydney, and Elisabeth Bak-Olsson, of the University of Gothenburg in Swede

48、n, have discovered, apparently for the first time, such a mutually beneficial arrangement between a reptile and a plant. For most of the year the Tasmanian snow skink lizard confined to mountain tops in that island is catholic in what it eats. But when the honey-bush is in bloom, the skinks make a p

49、oint of tearing off the tough, red petals that enclose the rest of the flower. They chew them to extract the nectar and spit out what is left. At first sight, this skink-savaging may not seem all that helpful to the honey-bush. But it is. It exposes the reproductive parts of the flowers, thereby allowing pollinating insects to get at them. Dr


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