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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) C类模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 Section A ( A) In a railroad station ( B) In a restaurant ( C) In a hotel room. ( A) Clerk and customer ( B) Boss and secretary ( C) Lawyer and client ( A) 6:55 ( B) 0.329861 ( C) 0.305556 ( A) She got home before 9 oclock. ( B) She was delayed. ( C) She had a car acc

2、ident. ( A) A writer. ( B) A teacher. ( C) A reporter. ( A) Coming back for a later show. ( B) Waiting in a queue. ( C) Coming back in five minutes. Section B 7 What job is the man doing? ( A) Doctor. ( B) Gardener. ( C) Accountancy. 8 Why does the man like his job now? ( A) He doesnt like office wo

3、rk. ( B) He is a university graduate. ( C) The money is not too bad and theres plenty of fresh air. 9 What does the man want to be in the future? ( A) A doctor. ( B) A teacher. ( C) An accountant. 10 What is the womans last advice to the man? ( A) To get more information right now. ( B) To give up h

4、is work right now. ( C) To think very seriously about that. Section C 11 What is the project mainly concerned with? ( A) Commerce. ( B) Education. ( C) Industry. 12 How many people were taken to hospital? ( A) Less than twelve. ( B) More than twelve. ( C) About fifty. 13 What kind of ceremony did Au

5、stralians hold to remember the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster? ( A) Prayer services. ( B) Concerts and surfing ceremonies. ( C) Both of them. 14 What award did Clint Eastwood receive? ( A) Best Supporting Actor. ( B) Best Actor. ( C) Best Director. 15 What do the officials from 23 coun

6、tries and 6 international organizations do? ( A) Clean up the corruption and ineffective rule that plagued Palestine. ( B) Overhaul the Palestinian government, economy and security forces. ( C) Protect Palestines national security. 16 What is the increase between the two anti-smoking campaigns? ( A)

7、 $25 million. ( B) $70 million. ( C) $90 million. 17 Where will the two leaders meet on Friday? ( A) In Washington D.C. ( B) In Maryland ( C) In Tokyo 18 When will Blair resign according to the news report? ( A) In July ( B) In January ( C) In June 19 How long did the tracheotomy last? ( A) An hour.

8、 ( B) More than an hour. ( C) Less than an hour. 20 Why did some members of “Fathers for Justice“ want to hold Mr. Blairs youngest son? ( A) To get publicity for their cause. ( B) To get some money for their group. ( C) To get more rights for their group. Section D 20 The authors of the【 21】 note th

9、at as long as responsibility for childcare is with the women. They will remain【 22】 in the family. They also point out that concessions to women in the world of work often result in women being【 23】 into less well paid jobs. This already happens in regard to part-time workers who are paid a lower【 2

10、4】 wage than full-time workers. They point out that men have to square to their responsibility as fathers. The key they【 25】 is a change in mens attitudes. However what was not【 26】 is that no matter how attitudes change, men are as【 27】 as individuals in regard to their working conditions as women

11、are. With all the goodwill in the world they cannot change their employer/employee【 28】 , they cannot adjust their working hours to suit childcare just as women can. A more【 29】 conclusion would be that society at the moment, capitalism, does not want to accommodate any of the problems of childcare,

12、 preferring to leave it up to the individual to make their own【 30】 as best as they can. 一、 Part Vocabulary and Structure 31 The police have offered a large _ for information leading to the robbers arrest. ( A) prize ( B) reward ( C) compensation ( D) award 32 Its freezing outside; youd better _ bla

13、ck ice when you drive home. ( A) look down on ( B) check up on ( C) watch out for ( D) keep out 33 Her performance in the last scene was ( A) fairly describable ( B) quite remarkable ( C) rather notable ( D) very noticeable 34 Nuclear power plants are some of the largest producers of _ wastes, with

14、each plant producing barrels of radioactive material that must be stored in special protective containers. ( A) reasonable ( B) special ( C) durable ( D) hazardous 35 To be frank, Id rather you _ in the case. ( A) were not involved ( B) not involved ( C) not to involved ( D) will not be involved 36

15、It was _ the chief engineer came _ we began the experiment. ( A) not until; that ( B) not until; then ( C) until; that ( D) until; when 37 At the last place Gary, worked, they _ an annual company picnic. All the employees _ bring their families along and spend the day at a nearby park. It was great.

16、 ( A) had to have; had to ( B) used to have; couldnt ( C) would have; didnt have to ( D) used to have; would 38 It was _ she was sick _ she didnt come to attend the farewell party. ( A) because; why ( B) why; that ( C) since; that ( D) because; that 39 We still havent made a decision _ to the new en

17、gineering project. Its really a hard choice. ( A) on account ( B) in view ( C) with regard ( D) by contrast 40 I dont mind _ a movie in my house very late, but I object to _ about it so loudly. ( A) his watching; talk ( B) her talking about; tell ( C) their seeing; their talking ( D) your looking at

18、; your speaking 41 Mother: Youre watching too much TV, Emily. Emily: Oh, come on, Morn. Mother: _ And youre eating too many snacks. Emily: I only had some popcorn and some potato chips. ( A) I mean it. ( B) Youre excused. ( C) Wheres your radio? ( D) I dont want to know it. 42 Salesgirl:_ Customer:

19、No. Id like a long-sleeved shirt in yellow, medium. Salesgirl: I think were out of your size. Customer: Well, can you get me one? Salesgirl: I think so. Check back next week. ( A) Can you help me? ( B) Is somebody taking care of you? ( C) What are you looking for? ( D) Can I help you? 43 Nadia: Welc

20、ome to Shanghai Hotel! Brown: My name is Brown. _ Nadia: Yes, Mr. Brown. You reserved a single room for three nights. Brown: Yes, thats right. ( A) I need a confirmation number. ( B) Mr. Smith just took the last one. ( C) Id like to ask about my reservations. ( D) I would like to make a reservation.

21、 44 Girl: Hi Paul-looking forward to your holiday? Boy: Oh, yeah-its going to be great. Though Im a bit worried that Ive packed the wrong clothes. I dont think the weathers going to be as good as I hoped. Girl: _ Boy: Thats right-my first flight. ( A) Everything will be OK, isnt it? ( B) Youre flyin

22、g on Saturday, arent you? ( C) Its far from here, as everybody knows. ( D) Thats a good idea, anyway. 45 Sandy: “Beats me“? What do you mean by that? Ruby: “I dont know.“ Sandy: You dont? _ Ruby: Well, thats not what I meant. “Beats me“ means “I dont know“. ( A) Did you say you beat someone? ( B) Yo

23、u meant to beat me? ( C) Who do you think meant it? ( D) How come you said it then? 二、 Part Cloze 45 Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging for life. One approach is the【 79】 of the disease that generally【 80】 older people-disease such as cancer, heart attack and strokes.【

24、 81】 is the delay of the process of growing old-the【 82】 of the body. In recent years scientific researchers【 83】 much time in the study of the process of aging. They believe that, within a few years, they will develop the knowledge and the【 84】 to delay the aging process for 10 to 15 years. The res

25、ult will be that more people will live longer, more healthy lives.【 85】 , scientists believe that with the fight diet, exercise, medical【 86】 , and mental attitude many people can【 87】 100 years old. Gerontologists, people who【 88】 studies of the growing old, are investigating why body cells show an

26、d【 89】 die. They feel that delaying this slowing down process would help postpone death. In a number of American universities, scientists are【 90】 the activity of cells, the effects of diet and internal body temperature【 91】 aging. If their studies are successful, the results should help【 92】 the qu

27、ality of life for older people in the next few years,【 93】 increase the life span of the next generation. Section A 60 Taking a peep at whats going on in your head CARL Filer, 18, a star salesman at a B pathology and personality disorders. Increasingly, tests are being used to try to detect promisin

28、g young graduates who may, later in life, fly off the rails (go crazy); or to stop psychopaths (having mental disorder) getting recruited. In the future, interviewees could even be given a mouth swab to reveal the genetic and biological markers of personality. “We are heading for the era of genetic

29、screening,“ warns Carolyn Jones, of the Institute for Employment Rights. “I think these tests are very flawed“. And there are other problems with the tests. For starters, it is possible to fake it-even the test producers agree on this. But they have made it as hard as possible. For example, look at

30、whether you agree or disagree with the following two statements: New ideas come easily to me and “I find generating new concepts difficult“. How long did it take you to realize they both could mean the same thing? The golden rule is then, that a psychometric test should never be used as the sole bas

31、is of selection, but should always be followed by interviews. 61 Most peoples attitude towards the psychometric test is _. ( A) contemptuous ( B) favorable ( C) tolerant ( D) confounded 62 Which of the following is one of the reasons why psychometric testing wins an advantage over interviews? ( A) I

32、t doesnt cost any money. ( B) It requires no equipment. ( C) It is time-saving. ( D) It can be done within seconds. 63 Which of the following statements is the authors idea? ( A) Psychometric tests are defective. ( B) Psychometric tests should not be the only way to recruit promising young graduates

33、. ( C) Psychometric tests are invalid and cannot quantify something changeable as personality. ( D) Psychometric tests are golden rules. 64 The test produces make the tests very complicated to _. ( A) avoid cheating ( B) improve genetic screening ( C) find out the best idea ( D) generate new concept

34、s 65 Which of the following is not true according to the passage? ( A) The American army developed the first personality test to screen out weak recruits. ( B) In the future, interviewers could give a mouth swab to reveal interviewees symptoms. ( C) There are possibilities for starters to cheat in t

35、he psychometric tests. ( D) Interview still play an important role in evaluating interviewees. 65 Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will

36、listen and understand what he wants to teach them, and what he wants them to learn from him. What visual artist like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experience into shape and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain sel

37、ection of shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist. Most artists take their s

38、hapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and at rest s their choices indicates that these aspect of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Contemporary artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern

39、, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects. If one painter chooses to paint a decaying leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is tel

40、ling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something-all of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us. 66 An artist hopes that the public will _. ( A) understand him and learn from him ( B) notice only shapes and colors in his work ( C) teach him something (

41、D) believe what he says in his work 67 It is hard to explain what a painter is saying, because _. ( A) most painters do not express themselves well ( B) have to cooperate and communicate with each other ( C) a painter uses unusual words and phrases ( D) a painter uses shapes and colors instead of wo

42、rds 68 The writer says that contemporary artists might say their choice of subject _. ( A) carries a message to the public ( B) only provide interesting pattern ( C) has no pattern or form ( D) teaches the public important subjects 69 The writer says that contemporary art contains _. ( A) nothing bu

43、t meaningless patterns ( B) uninteresting aspects of the world ( C) subjects chosen partly for their meaning ( D) completely meaningless subjects 70 Implied but not stated: ( A) A painting is more easily understood than a symphony. ( B) Art is merely the arranging of shapes and colors. ( C) Every ar

44、tist tries to say something to the public. ( D) One must look beyond shapes and colors to find what the artist is saying. Section B 70 This Wednesday, Gordon Brown will replace Tony Blair as the new head of Britains Labor Party. This long-serving chancellor is a man of substance. However, even after

45、 more than a decade of scrutiny, his name remains a mystery and is not fully understood. Brown was born in Glasgow, Scotland in February 1951 and entered university at 16. After graduating“ with a history degree from Edinburgh University, he Went on to earn a PhD. Browns destiny, though, was politic

46、s. He joined Blair in entering the parliament in 1983. They even shared offices, where they became friends-with a slight bit of competitiveness. When the Labor leader John Smith died unexpectedly in May 1994, many believed Brown was the most likely to succeed him. But Blair emerged from the sideline

47、s. But, Brown has many achievements, including giving independence to the Bank of England. His commitments to child poverty and helping Africa have impressed many. In 2000, Brown wed public relations executive Sara Macaulay after a four-year courtship. Many people close to him say his wife has softe

48、ned him. In January 2002, their 10-day-old daughter died after birth. At her funeral Brown declared that Jennifer had transformed his and Sarahs lives twice. “Once by entering our lives, then by leaving.“ He later told an interviewer that he could not listen to music for a year afterwards because hi

49、s sorrow. The couples second son, James Fraser, was born in 2006 and diagnosed with muscular and respiratory problems. But Brown has said he is optimistic about his sons future. On the BBC Radio 4 Today program, Brown described himself as a “family man who has two young children“, who had changed as a result of his family experiences. But the straightforward personal details on his treasury website biogra


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