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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 271及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) At a library. ( B) At a bookstore. ( C) At an office. ( D) At a classroom. ( A) He will have a meeting. ( B) He will meet the man. ( C) He will make a decision. ( D) He will go traveling. ( A) The woman should not write again. ( B

3、) The woman should wait. ( C) The woman should write another letter. ( D) The woman should call her friends. ( A) A special car. ( B) A washing machine. ( C) A cleaner. ( D) A robot. ( A) The woman likes listening to records better. ( B) The woman likes only better records. ( C) The woman doesnt lik

4、e going to concerts. ( D) The woman likes concerts more. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spo

5、ken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) She has a quiz at that time. ( B) She has to do her homework. ( C) She has an important exam at that time. ( D) She has an important meeting at that time. ( A) He will hold th

6、e party on time. ( B) He will hold the party ahead of time. ( C) He will put off the time. ( D) He will cancel the party. ( A) In a classroom. ( B) On the phone, ( C) In a restaurant. ( D) In the school. ( A) She has to go out at 9 oclock. ( B) She has to do her work. ( C) She wants to stay at home.

7、 ( D) She has a date then. ( A) At 6:15 Saturday evening. ( B) At 7:15 Saturday evening. ( C) At 6:45 Saturday evening. ( D) At 7:45 Saturday morning. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear f

8、ive questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 How many earthquakes happen every year?_. 12 How are most of the earthquakes?They are _. 13 Where do earthquakes happen?On land and _. 14 What made people

9、 homeless in the earthquake in Japan?It was _. 15 Which day is Japans Disaster Prevention Day?_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D

10、. 16 Yesterday I got a copy of BBC Modern English at a bookshop. After I read it, I went on _ the New Concept English. ( A) to read ( B) reading ( C) as to read ( D) in reading 17 He didnt know _ or go home. ( A) to wait ( B) if that he should wait ( C) if to wait ( D) whether to wait 18 No one had

11、told Smith about _ a lecture the following day. ( A) there be ( B) there would be ( C) there being ( D) there was 19 Returning to my apartment, _. ( A) I found my camera to miss ( B) I found my camera missing ( C) my camera was missing ( D) my camera was missed 20 Id rather you _ make any comment on

12、 the issue for the time being. ( A) dont ( B) wouldnt ( C) didnt ( D) shouldnt 21 His salary as a driver is much higher _. ( A) than a teacher ( B) than that of a teacher ( C) than of a teacher ( D) than those of a teacher 22 Mr. Bush _ gardening as his hobby shortly after he retired from the Genera

13、l Motor last year. ( A) took up ( B) took back ( C) took in ( D) took over 23 He has two Chinese-English dictionaries, _ were bought last week. ( A) two of which ( B) both of which ( C) both of them ( D) all of them 24 It was not until he arrived at the railway station _ he realized he had forgotten

14、 his ticket. ( A) before ( B) since ( C) when ( D) that 25 Many a student _ going to take part in CET-6 next month. ( A) is ( B) is to ( C) are ( D) was Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets

15、. 26 The weather forecast says the weather of tomorrow will be as (bad) _ as that of today. 27 There (be) _ a lot of sunshine in Hainan all year around. 28 People go to Happy Valley for (funny) _. 29 Jenny (do) _ some cleaning every weekend. 30 That young man is very (diligence) _ ,so everyone like

16、working with him. 31 Have you found your (lose) _ watch? 32 Thank you for (make) _ English fun. 33 Wind power are being used to generate (electronic) _ . 34 Have fun (watch) _ the movie. 35 My computer has just (attack) _ by an unknown virus. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, y

17、ou will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 35 Interesting as dolphins (海豚 ) are to scientists, it is their intelligence and sociability that have caught the p

18、opular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A dolphin family is like a human family, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most sociable of all living creatures. They enjoy playing with each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch. It is thi

19、s characteristic that makes them so easy to train as star performers. Besides, they seem able to remember humans that they have met even when there is a long period of time between meeting. A sense of family and a spirit of cooperation appear to be very strong among all these marine animals. There a

20、re many recorded cases of dolphins supporting a sick animal on the surface of the water so that it will be able to breathe. Language has always been considered unique to human beings. It now seems that the cetaceans (鲸目动物 ) may be able to communicate with each other through sounds similar to a real

21、language. Scientists are studying the behavior of the cetaceans, the sounds they send out and the physical characteristics of their brains in an effort to determine whether they really have the ability to communicate through language. It may prove that well be able to establish real communication wi

22、th another species for the first time. 36 Why have dolphins become popular with the public? ( A) They are very interesting. ( B) They are very intelligent. ( C) They are sociable. ( D) All of the above. 37 What characteristics make dolphins easy to train as star performers? ( A) High intelligence. (

23、 B) Sociability. ( C) Enjoying playing with each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch. ( D) Being able to remember humans that they have met. 38 What characteristics seem to be very strong among the cetaceans? ( A) Being able to live both on land and in the sea. ( B) A sense

24、of family and a spirit of cooperation, ( C) Enjoying playing in the sea. ( D) Being fond of traveling in large groups. 39 Dolphins can communicate with each other through _. ( A) a language unknown ( B) sounds that are a real language ( C) sounds that approach a real language ( D) their brains 40 Th

25、e result of scientists studying dolphins may prove that _. ( A) humans will be able to establish real communication with dolphins ( B) dolphins cant talk at all ( C) dolphins can talk through language that human beings will never understand ( D) humans will never be able to talk with dolphins Task 2

26、 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 40 Scientists have created a tomato that can grow on salty water. The plant is the first crop of its kind ever produced in the world. Its significance can not be overestimated (高估 ). Th

27、e new technology can help mankind solve the problem of feeding its ever-expanding population. It is estimated that by 2025 the world population will amount to more than 9 billion, an increase of 3 billion over 2000. Each day 240,000 more people are born, ready to be fed like the rest of us. Unfortun

28、ately, not all the land on Earth can be used to grow crops for humans. About 24.7 million acres of the problem is irrigation (灌溉 ). When farmers water their crops, salts in the water also enter the soil. Over time, salts such as sodium (钠 ) and calcium (钙 ) build up to such a point that they severel

29、y harm the growth of crops. Salts destroy most plants ability to draw up water through their roots. But, the new variety of tomato produced by American and Canadian scientists can store salts in its leaves so that the fruit doesnt taste salty. Researchers hope this technology will enable areas of po

30、or-quality land to become productive (多产的 ). And they can feed some of the worlds growing population. 41 The world “significance“ (Para. 2) means _. ( A) importance ( B) quality ( C) price ( D) quantity 42 What kind of problem can be solved by the new technology? ( A) It can help mankind solve the p

31、roblem of planting tomatoes. ( B) It can help mankind solve the problem of watering. ( C) It can help. mankind solve the problem of salt. ( D) It can help mankind solve the problem of feeding its population. 43 What is the population of the world in 2000 according to the passage? ( A) About 9 billio

32、n. ( B) About 6 billion. ( C) About 3 billion. ( D) About 5 billion. 44 Why do salts left in the soil harm the growth of crops? ( A) They are poisonous to the plant. ( B) They contain sodium and calcium. ( C) They upset most plants ability to draw up water through their roots. ( D) They destroy the

33、soils ability to water plant. 45 The fruit of the new tomato doesnt taste salty because _. ( A) The new kind of tomato doesnt need to be watered. ( B) The new kind of tomato can store salts in its leaves. ( C) The new kind of tomato can store salts in its roots. ( D) The new kind of tomato is plante

34、d with special water. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 45 Memo To: Mr. Louis Johnson, President From Margare

35、t Ellis, Health Consultant Date: December 1, 2010 Subject. Improving Computer Users Comfort Enclosed is the report, “Improving Computer Users Comfort“, which you asked me to prepare. The report summarizes current research on the effects of computers on health and recommends changes for our computer

36、users. I interviewed over 60 employees of Far East Trade Development Company in the last six months and consulted with health experts in eye and wrist fatigue. I also reviewed all the current literature available for computer health hazards (危险 ). My recommendations are as follows. 1. Anti-radiation

37、 (防辐身 ) screens should be available for computer monitors. 2. Devices to support the wrist of the computer user should be used to help maintain proper wrist position during computer use and possibly reduce the risk of wrist illnesses. 3. Employees need adjustable chairs which can give their backs a

38、stronger support. For the technical possibility of designing the anti-radiation screens, you may consult Mr. Joseph Miller, and for the specific application of wrist-support devices, you may consult Mr. Benjamin Stone, Technical Department. If you have any other questions or would like to discuss my

39、 recommendations, please let me know. Memo To: Mr Louis Johnson, President From Margaret Ellis, Health Consultant Date; December 1, 2010 Subject: Improving Computer Users Comfort 1. Margaret Ellis interviewed some computer users 【 46】 ago to write the report. 2. The report concerns mainly about the

40、effects of computers on【 47】 Recommendations: 1. The company should design devices to protect the computer userss【 48】 and wrist. 2. Adjustable chairs should be used to protect their【 49】 3. Anti-radiation screens should be available, and the president may consult【 50】about the de-signing of it. Tas

41、k 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 50 General conditions of contract Table of clauses A -

42、Definitions H - Inspection and tests B - Application I - Packing C - Country of Origin J - Deliveries and documents D - Standard K - Insurance E - Use of contract documents of information L - Transportation F - Patent fights M - Spare parts G- Performance security 51 Who will visit the southeastern

43、Asia in this letter?_ will. 52 How long will he stay in Singapore?For _. 53 Why does he visit Singapore?To _. 54 What is enclosed in this letter?_, a cheque for the visa fee and an envelope. 55 Why is the envelope registered stamped and addressed?For _. Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage.

44、 After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 55 Conversation: The following are two business letters. After reading them, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No. 56 through No. 60) that follow. The answers should be n

45、o more than 3 words. They should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet. Letter One Dear Sirs, On 5th October I bought one of your expensive “Apollo“ fountain pens from Julians, a big department store of this town. Unfortunately I have been unable to use the pen because it le

46、aks and fails to write without making blots. I am very disappointed with my purchase. On the advice of Julians manager I am returning the pen to you and enclose it with this letter for correction of the fault. Please arrange for the pen to be fixed or replace it with a new one and send it to me as s

47、oon as possible. Letter Two Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 9th October enlosing the defective “Apollo“ fountain pen, received today. We very much regret that the pen you bought has given you trouble. Normally each of our pens is individually examined before being passed into store and it is

48、 hard to understand why this one escaped examination. We have passed your pen to our quality control department for inspection and report. Meanwhile, we are arranging to replace your pen with a new one. We extend our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has caused you, but are confident that

49、the replacement pen you will be receiving will prove satisfactory. 61 We have lost considerable business on account of your delay in dispatching. ( A)由于你方装船推迟,我方已失去相当多的贸易。 ( B)你们推迟离开,我们已丢 失相当的生意款项。 ( C)由于你方装船延迟,我方已失去大笔贸易。 ( D)由于你们推迟装船,我们丢失相当数量的生意。 62 This book is written to supply the material on bi


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