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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 364及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Return some books. ( B) Read Bob s books. ( C) Go home. ( D) Leave class early. ( A) The price is not on the tag. ( B) $ 15. ( C) 5 ( D) 50 ( A) This weekend. ( B) In two days time. ( C) The day before yesterday. ( D) Tomorrow. (

3、A) By plane. ( B) By car. ( C) By train. ( D) By bus. ( A) He refused to drive her. ( B) He has a new car. ( C) He forgot his driver s license. ( D) He is glad to drive her. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversatio

4、ns in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) The tree was broken. ( B) All the leaves fell down. ( C) O

5、ne of the branches fell down. ( D) The tree was cut down. ( A) Good. ( B) Terrible. ( C) Worse. ( D) Wet. ( A) Comedies. ( B) Horror films. ( C) Mystery films. ( D) Crime films. ( A) Unreasonable. ( B) Horrible. ( C) Frightening. ( D) Stupid and unbelievable. ( A) To ring up the ABC and find out wha

6、t s on. ( B) To watch TV because there is a good musical on. ( C) To read an evening paper and find out whats on. ( D) To stay at home because there are no good films. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After tha

7、t you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 What is the passage talking about?_. 12 Whats the first advantage of little cars? There will be less_. 13 Whats about the cost of owning

8、and driving such cars? The little cars will cost_to own and to drive. 14 Whats the speed of little cars? These little cars can only go_per hour. 15 Whats the disadvantage for little cars? They will not be useful for_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are

9、required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 The question is_me and I have no idea of it. ( A) beyond ( B) over ( C) beside ( D) above 17 The output of our company this month is_that of last month. ( A) twice as much as

10、 ( B) twice as much ( C) twice many as ( D) twice as many as 18 Hardly had I got home_the telephone rang. ( A) then ( B) when ( C) as ( D) than 19 By the time you get back, I_all the work. ( A) would finish ( B) will have finished ( C) has finished ( D) had finished 20 It s required that the student

11、s_the term paper tomorrow. ( A) finished ( B) finish ( C) will finish ( D) may finish 21 _the final examination is over, we can go outside for a picnic. ( A) Even though ( B) Now that ( C) For ( D) With 22 Tom was the only one of the students who_named Outstanding Student. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) was

12、( D) were 23 There is something wrong with my car. It will take me one hour to have it_. ( A) fix ( B) fixing ( C) to fix ( D) fixed 24 Seldom_his wife punishes her children for speaking out their own ideas freely. ( A) I saw ( B) I have seen ( C) havelseen ( D) doIsee 25 It s high time the governme

13、nt _ some measures to raise people s awareness of environmental protection. ( A) will take ( B) take ( C) took ( D) takes Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 The New York Times_ (be) p

14、opular with those statesmen. 27 The people in your town are far_ (friendly) than we expected. 28 Injury problem could_ (short) basketball player s career. 29 I will tell Mary the truth instead of you, but I d rather you_(tell) her. 30 By the time I graduate from university, I_ (be) a student for 15

15、years. 31 This famous poem should_(translate) into Chinese because it is really worth reading. 32 According to the latest report, more and more young people intend to learn_(economy) and social science. 33 The dancer might have been killed in the crash if she_(go) to American by plane. 34 (catch) _b

16、y the host for stealing, the boy felt rather ashamed. 35 Its obvious that you hurt my feeling on purpose, so its no use_ (make) an apology. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or stateme

17、nt there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 35 There are some steps you can take yourself to avoid catching a cold. Contrary to popular belief, colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather. Colds are caused by viruses(病毒 )harbored in the body, and you re b

18、etter off out on the ski slopes or even waiting for the bus on a snowy day than you are in a warm room, surrounded by friends, co-workers, or fellow students, who just may be passing the viruses around. If you feel a chill when you re coming down with a cold, you re already sick. A chill is an early

19、 symptom: it s the cold that caused the chill, not the other way around. While the virus can spread through droplets (飞沫 ) propelled into the air when a cold-sufferer coughs or sneezes. Surprisingly, this is not the most common route of transmission. Numerous studies have now shown that the overwhel

20、ming majority of colds are “caught“ by hand contact. A cold sufferer rubs her nose, thereby transferring the virus to her hand. Then a friend comes to visit. “ Don t kiss me,“ she cautions, so the friend steps back and presses her hand. The friend then wipes her own nose or eye, and several days lat

21、er is stricken with a cold. Or parents pick up their child s discarded(丢弃的 )tissues and carefully throw them away, but fail to wash their hands afterward. Cold viruses also can be transferred to objectstelephones, towels, plates and remain infectious for up to three hours. Frequent hand-washingon th

22、e part of the cold sufferer as well as other members of the house-holdwill minimize the spread of viruses in this way. 36 According to the author, we are most likely to catch a cold if we_. ( A) attend a party with a lot of people ( B) stay long hours in the street on a snowy day ( C) go out on an e

23、xtremely cold and windy day ( D) go skiing or skating in the open air 37 From what the author says, we can infer that “Exposure to severe weather causes colds. “ is_. ( A) only a supposition of doctors ( B) still the view held by many people ( C) an out-of-date view of people in the past ( D) a fact

24、 already proven by doctors 38 To prevent viruses from spreading, we should_. ( A) shake hands with our friends instead of kissing them ( B) never touch the telephones, towels or plates ( C) often wash our hands ( D) often rub our noses and eyes 39 Man is most likely to be stricken with a cold if_. (

25、 A) he often rubs his eyes or nose ( B) he fails to expose the cold viruses to air ( C) he visits his friend in a warm room ( D) he shakes hands with a cold-sufferer 40 The best title for this passage might be_. ( A) Colds and Viruses ( B) Ways to Avoid Colds ( C) The Spread of Viruses ( D) Hand Con

26、tact and Transmission of Viruses Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 40 The United States is a democracy, which means that the citizens run the government. Since we can t all make the rules, we elect representatives

27、our president, vice-president, senators, congressmen, governors, and others who make the laws and govern our country based on the beliefs of the people. These elected officials help pass laws that reflect the interests of their constituents, the people who live within the areas they represent. Since

28、 the right to choose these representatives is in the hands of the people, it is very important that everyone in a community go to the polls to cast their ballots (投票 ). If only a few people vote, then the elected representatives may not truly represent the interests of the full community. Some day y

29、ou may disagree with a decision made by your governor, state and federal(联邦的 ) representatives , or the president. The best way to make your opinion known is to go to the polls and elect new officials whom you believe will better represent you in the future. By not voting, you are in effect giving u

30、p your right to help make changes in our country. During a presidential election, when millions of people exercise the right to vote, you might think that your single vote wont make a difference. Remember, every vote counts. Even if the candidates you support aren t elected, you ve still had a hand

31、in shaping the country s future. 41 The United States is a democracy in that_. ( A) the government is elected by the citizens ( B) the rules and laws are made by the people ( C) what the president does is under permission of all the citizens ( D) everyone has a right to make changes in its future 42

32、 The word “constituents“ in the first paragraph probably refers to_. ( A) democracy ( B) the citizens in a certain region ( C) the candidates within some areas ( D) representatives 43 The word “interests“ in paragraph 2 can probably be replaced by_. ( A) profit ( B) favor ( C) benefit ( D) democracy

33、 44 From the last two paragraphs we can learn that_. ( A) the only way to make changes in the country is to vote ( B) to vote is in fact a right to play a part in the country ( C) even if the candidates you support aren t elected, they ve still lent you a hand ( D) a single vote makes no sense 45 Th

34、e objective of this passage is to tell the people_. ( A) how to cast a successful vote ( B) how to become a president ( C) something about democracy ( D) why they should vote Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below

35、(No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 45 A contract is an agreement between two or more people in which one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by the other. Usually the contract is a written doc

36、ument signed and dated by both parties. It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in exchange for what is given or done by the other. If one person does what was promised and the other does not, the other may be sued in court and required by court or

37、der to make good. He or she may also be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things to be done by both parties must be stated in definite terms or the court will hold that contract is too vague and general to be enforced. Similarly, the time period within w

38、hich the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract. 1) A contract is an【 46】 . 2) Usually the contract is a【 47】 document. 3) A contract must【 48】 what is to be given or done. 4)The one, who does not do what was promised, will be required to【 49】 d

39、amages. 5) The things to be done by both parties must be stated in【 50】 . 46 【 46】 47 【 47】 48 【 48】 49 【 49】 50 【 50】 Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should pu

40、t the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 50 Amouse Idrag and drop Bcentral processing unit Jelectronic commerce CCAD Kfloppy disk Ddata processing Lhome page Edesktop operating system Mhost computer Fdialogue boxes Nink-jet printer Gdisk drive Olaser jet printer Hdownload P

41、office automation 51 ( )桌面操作系统 ( )喷墨打印机 52 ( )磁盘驱动器 ( )电子商务 53 ( )激光打印机 ( )办公自动化 54 ( )数据处理 ( )对话框 55 ( )中央处理器 ( )软磁盘 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 55 7 October, 2008 Hua

42、xia Industrial Corp. 903 Minhua Road Guangzhou P. R. China Attention; Mr. Allen Young Subject; Request for ABC Inc. Gentlemen, Further to the presentation made up by ABC (Canada)Inc. in July, we would kindly request that a follow-up meeting be held in order to give you a more in-depth knowledge of o

43、ur system and capacities. Our Mr. Robert Kim will be in China early next month, and could arrange a trip to Kaibab site on November 5, if this is convenient to you. We suggest that the agenda could be as follows: Morning: Detailed presentation of ABC s new symphony system. Afternoon: Discussion with

44、 site personnel on specific requirements for the up-coming Kaibab project. If the above is acceptable for you, please advise the undersigned or our local contact in Beijing, Mr. Li Ming. We look forward to the opportunity of meeting you, and discussing your needs in more detail. Yours very truly, AB

45、C(CANADA) INC. Janice T. Fabian Chinese Business Development Manager 56 What is the fax about? _Inc. 57 What is the purpose of the meeting? Enabling the receivers to have a more in-depth knowledge of their_. 58 To whom should Huaxia Industries Corp. make a reply? To_or Mr. Li Ming. 59 What will be d

46、iscussed with the staff of the site? Detailed demand for the_. 60 Who is the fax sent to? It is sent to_. 61 In terms of the economic situation, the policy has been largely ineffective. ( A)在这一阶段对经济进行改革的形势下,这一政策的作用不大。 ( B)就如何提高经济水平而言,这个政策很大 程度上作用不大。 ( C)就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。 ( D)就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政

47、策很大程度上发挥了很大的作用。 62 Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70 of its surface, appears as a“blue planet” ( A)如果从太空中看地球的话,地球像一个蓝色的行星,而且地球的表面 70都是水。 ( B)地球表面的 70都被水覆盖着,从太空中看地球,它就像一颗蓝色的行星。 ( C)从太空上看我们的地球,它的表面的 70都被水覆盖着,看上去像一颗蓝色的行星。 ( D)从太空中看到地球的表面的 70都是水,它是一个蓝色的行星。 63 One should always keep in m

48、ind the old truth“First impressions are lasting” ( A)人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即 “先入为主 ”。 ( B)人们应当经常记住这样一句俗语 _“先入为主 ”。 ( C)人们应当永远记住这样一句俗语 _“一见钟情 ”。 ( D) 人们应当经常记住 “一见钟情 ”这个古老的法则。 64 Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mothers years of education ( A)统计数字表明,按平均数计算,母亲受教育年限越长,她的家庭人口就越少。 ( B)统计数字表明,家庭平均人口的增长与母亲受教育的年限成反比。 ( C)统计数字表明,母亲受教育的时间越长,她的家庭就越大。 ( D)统计数字表明,母亲受教育 的水平随着她的家庭人口的增多而增高。 65 With the Canon S820D, printing photos couldnt be any easier. You can use it the old-fashioned way, by connecting it to a computer. Or you can connect it to a Cannon dig


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