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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 117及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) The same to you. ( B) You do, too. ( C) The same as you. ( D) You have it, too. ( A) Yes, my name is Xiao Li. ( B) Yes, Im Xiao Ia. ( C) Yes, this is Xiao Li speaking. ( D) Yes, Xiao Li is me. ( A) Its May 5. ( B) Its a fine day today. ( C) Its May.

3、 ( D) Its Monday. ( A) Its not far from here. ( B) Youd better take the No.5 bus to get there. ( C) It will take you twenty minutes to get there. ( D) Youd better go there earlier. ( A) Its an American car. ( B) Its my aunts. ( C) Its my aunt. ( D) Its my aunt who does it. Section B Directions: This

4、 section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A

5、, B, C and D. ( A) He thinks it is too beautiful. ( B) He thinks she has a good taste in clothes. ( C) He thinks the skirt is pretty, but he doesnt like the blouse. ( D) He doesnt think her choice is suitable to the occasion. ( A) Check the timetable. ( B) Go to the railway station earlier. ( C) Tra

6、vel on a later train. ( D) Cancel the trip earlier. ( A) He wants to pay. ( B) He doesnt want to eat out. ( C) He wants to eat somewhere else. ( D) He doesnt like Japanese food. ( A) Shop assistant. ( B) A secretary. ( C) A company manager. ( D) A waitress. ( A) He is not going to Canad ( B) He is g

7、oing to Canada. ( C) He is going to Canada if it is cold. ( D) He has no idea where to go. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to

8、 put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 11 Today the T-shirt has become (11) . It can be seen everywhere and on everyone. Women and little children wear T-sh

9、irts as do teenagers, university students, and men from all walks of life (各行各业 ) . T-shirts are (12) on playground, at the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Yet T-shirts remain (13) inexpensive and longwearing, (14) easy to care for. Smart but comfortable and convenient to wear, the

10、y have become one of Americas (15) ideas in fashion. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 Has this volume been a good _ for your

11、money? ( A) cost ( B) worth ( C) price ( D) value 17 The workers requested that their working conditions _. ( A) must be improved ( B) be improved ( C) would be improved ( D) were improved 18 All the students in this class passed the English exam _ the exception of Wang Ming. ( A) on ( B) in ( C) fo

12、r ( D) with 19 Its already 5 oclock now. Dont you think its about time _? ( A) we are going home ( B) we go home ( C) we went home ( D) we can go home 20 “I dont think I can walk any further. “ “_. Lets stop here for a rest.“ ( A) Neither can I ( B) I dont think so ( C) Neither and I ( D) I think so

13、 21 _ leaves the. classroom should tell me. ( A) Anyone ( B) None ( C) Whoever ( D) Everyone 22 Its no use _ a lot of books without reading them. ( A) to buy ( B) buy ( C) buying ( D) bought 23 I dont think Jim saw me. He _ into space. ( A) just stared ( B) has just stared ( C) had just stared ( D)

14、was just staring 24 In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by _ beauty of _ nature that he stayed for another night. ( A) /, / ( B) /; the ( C) the; / ( D) the; the 25 It is well known that Thomas Edison _ the electric lamp. ( A) invented ( B) discovered ( C) found ( D) developed Section B Directions:

15、There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 I have the (impress) _that we have met before. 27 By the end of this century, the scientists (discover) _ a cure for the disease. 28 You neednt come here every day for th

16、e flowers need (water) _ every other day. 29 Id rather that you (take) _ the responsibility. 30 (give) _ enough care, the trees will grow better. 31 She didnt notice the old man (come) _ in just now. 32 A student who cheats on exam is (honest) _. 33 The instructor suggested (put) _ off the match for

17、 the heavy snow. 34 Ill go shopping with you if I (finish) _ the typing working tomorrow. 35 She is the only one of the students who (fail) _ in the exam. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each ques

18、tion or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 When people become good at doing the things they like they find themselves. Many young people are good at doing things they do not like; many other young people would like to do something at which the

19、y are not good. Also many do not think they are good at anything, and do not know what they would like to do. None of them are happy. It is impossible to decide whether one likes something until one has tried it. Trying something new is important. Give each idea a fair chance. If you have decided to

20、 try out something new, also decide how long you will stick to it. Then you can make a fair decision. The best thing to judge is not the final goal, but the work which takes you to reach that goal. Almost everybody would like to be highly skilled in doing something, but becoming highly skilled at an

21、ything calls for a great deal of time and effort. Finding oneself means not only discovering what one is good at and what one likes; it also means discovering what one is not good at and does not like. So trying something and failing can have its good side. It tells you that you are not fit that par

22、ticular area and should not take it as your goal. 36 None of the young are happy because _. ( A) they are good at doing things they are not fond of ( B) they would like to do something they are not good at ( C) they think they are good at nothing and do not know what they can do ( D) all of the abov

23、e 37 You cant decide whether you like something _. ( A) even if you have tried it ( B) although you have tried it ( C) before you have tried it ( D) when it has been tried several times 38 It takes _ to become good at something. ( A) time and money ( B) a lot of time and work ( C) a lot of work and

24、rest ( D) men and time 39 From this passage we know that to find oneself is _. ( A) important ( B) natural ( C) unnecessary ( D) quite easy 40 To find oneself one has to know_. ( A) his strong points ( B) his weak points ( C) both his strong and weak points ( D) what he likes Task 2 Directions: This

25、 task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 Taking pictures is fun, and taking good ones is not difficult if you follow a few simple rules. Before you snap(快拍 )a picture, thinking about it. Be sure that you are close enough to your subject. A

26、pretty face against a clear background (背景 ), for example, makes a good picture. But a distant figure, lost among trees and clouds lacks interest. In a landscape(风景 ) scene, try to keep at least two thirds of the picture below the line where the ground meets the sky, for a sky-scene, keep at least t

27、wo thirds of the picture above that line. Study pictures in newspapers and books. Try to see why some are better than others. Use what you learn to improve your own pictures. 41 This passage gives us some_. ( A) reasons for taking good pictures ( B) ideas of some funny hobbies ( C) advice on taking

28、good pictures ( D) difference of the pictures taken outdoors and indoors 42 The writer talks mostly about pictures taken_. ( A) outdoors ( B) indoors ( C) in color ( D) for newspapers 43 In the first example, the subject is probably a _. ( A) building ( B) tree ( C) horse ( D) girl 44 In a landscape

29、 scene, two-thirds of the picture should be _. ( A) land ( B) sky ( C) clouds ( D) sea 45 You can improve your pictures by_. ( A) snapping them as quickly as you can ( B) thinking about them before you take them ( C) studying pictures in newspapers and books ( D) standing closely to your subject Tas

30、k 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 TRAVEL TIPS No Smoking Federal (联邦的 ) and State Government Regulations do n

31、ot allow you to smoke on board express coaches within Australia. Luggage Allowance As a fare paying customer you can take 2 pieces of personal luggage. Each piece must not be over 75cm in length, or weigh more than 20kg. Baggage Tips 1) Keep your valuables with you. Money, jewellery, valuable docume

32、nts, credit cards, medications, keys should be kept by you and not left on the coach at meal or transport stops. 2) Use strong and lockable baggage. Do not use plastic bags as these may split during transit(运送 ). 3) Make sure you identify your luggage with a name tag. Departure Times The time shown

33、on your ticket is the coach departure time. If you are not boarding at a travel center you should be at the pick up point 15 minutes ahead of this time, so you can be comfortably on board by the time the coach is due to leave. If you are boarding at a travel center, please arrive at least 20 minutes

34、 before the published departure time and remember to allow extra time at peak travel times. 1) You are not allowed to (46) because of the Federal and State Government Regulations. 2) You can take 2 pieces of personal luggage and each luggage should not be more than 75cm in length, or (47) 20kg. 3) Y

35、ou should keep your valuable things with you and not leave them on the coach when you have your meal or when you are at (48) . 4) Youd better not use plastic bags because they may (49) during transit. 5) If you are boarding at a travel center, please arrive at least (50) ahead of the time shown on y

36、our ticket. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A-skin care B-sun screen/sun block C-

37、whitening D-day cream E-night cream F-eye mask G-body wash H-brow pencil I-brow powder J-liquid eye liner, eye liner K-eye shadow L-lip color/lipstick M-brow brash N-eye shadow brash O-hair color 51 ( ) 护肤 ( ) 沐浴露 52 ( ) 防晒 ( ) 眼线液 (眼线笔 ) 53 ( ) 美白 ( ) 眼影刷 54 ( ) 日霜 ( ) 口红 55 ( ) 眼膜 ( ) 眉笔 Task 5 Di

38、rections: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 Name: Gang Wang Date of Birth: June 12, 1960 Shanghai, P.R.C. Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried Education: 1968-1974 Yu Fu School, 180 West Yu F

39、u St., Nanjing 1974-1980 Wei Yuan High School, 17 Mei Yuan Rd, Nanjing 1980-1984 Fudan University, majoring in International Trading, and completing requirements for the Bachelor of Arts, degree to be granted June 22, 1984 Hobbies: making friends, listening to music, swimming, folk dancing Employmen

40、t Record: May, 1984. A part-time clerk in the Engineering Technology Trading Corporation, responsible for telex operation and typing. Sept., 1984-present. Assistant Manager in Xi Kang Trade Company, in charge of international trade fair. Reference: Chu Minghua, General Manager in Xi Kang Trade Compa

41、ny. 56 When was Mr. Wang born? 57 Is he married? 58 From which university did he graduate? He graduated from _. 59 Whats his position now? _ in Xi Kang Trade Company. 60 With whom you can consult if you want to know more about Mr. Wang? His _, Mr. Chu Minghua. 61 The young people of the present day

42、am beyond my comprehension. ( A)现在的年轻人超出了我的综合判断。 ( B)现代年轻人比我的理解力强。 ( C)当今的年轻人理解不了我。 ( D)我真弄不懂当今的年轻人。 62 It gives us much pleasure to send you the goods asked for in your letter of September 10. ( A)很高兴发去贵方 9月 10日来函索购的货物。 ( B)我们很高兴寄去你们 9月 10日来信询问的商品。 ( C)我们十分高兴贵方来信要求我们 9月 10日来函询问我们的商品。 ( D)我们很高兴贵方来信要

43、求我们 9月 10日寄出优质产品。 63 Australia, with less than a tenth of Americas population, last year earned $ 2 billion on foreign education. ( A)澳大利亚以少于美国十分之一的人力,去年在国外办教育赚了 20亿美元。 ( B)澳大利亚,少于美国人口的十分之一,去年在国外教育上赚了 20亿美元。 ( C)澳大利亚的人口尽管不到美国的十分之一,去年的留学生教育赚了 20亿美元。 ( D)澳大利亚,一个比美国人口少十分之一的国家,去年在对留学生的教育上赚了 20亿美元。 64 Th

44、eres no right amount of sleep for everyone, and generally sleep requirements decrease with age. ( A)每个人都没有恰当的睡眠量,一般来说,睡眠需求会随着年龄增长而减少。 ( B)每个人所需的睡眠时间不尽相同,一般是随着年龄的增长而减少。 ( C)睡眠不足者需求的睡眠量一般都随着年龄而减少。 ( D)一个人没有固定的睡眠时间,一般会缩短寿命。 65 The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part

45、 in, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or compos

46、ition according to the following information. 66 以个人名义给杨先生写一封邀请函,邀请他访问本翻译研究中心。时间: 2007年 3月至 4月。本研究中心对与中国同行增加接触和加强合作很感兴趣,并期待着他对南京大学以及整个中国的翻泽教学与研究工作状况作出介绍。请他尽早告知到达的时间,以便安排住宿、会议等。 Words for reference; 翻译研究中心: Research Center for Translation 同行: counterpart 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 117答案与解析 Section A Directions:

47、 This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. 1

48、 【听力原文】 Have a nice weekend! 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “Have a nice weekend!”即 “祝你度过一个愉快的周末 !”是常用的祝福语。 A选项 “The same to you.” (同样祝你周末愉快。 ) 是对这一祝福的恰当回答,故选 A。 2 【听力原文】 Hello, can I speak to Xiao Li? 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 “Can I speak to.?”这一句型用于在电话中询问对方 “我能请 听电话吗 ?”,对这一句型的回答通常采用 “This is.speaking.”的说法。 C选项 “Yes,this is Xiao Li speaking, ” (是的,我是小李。 ) 是对这一请求的恰当回答,故选C。 3 【听力原文】 What day is it today? 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 “What day is it today?”即 “今天星期几 ?”。 D选项 “Its Monday ” (今天星期一。 ) 是对这一提问的恰当回答,故选 D。 4 【听力原文】 Which bus shah I take? 4 【正确答案】


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