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1、大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 90及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 Write a letter of complaint according to the following situation-. You bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliance Store and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store t

2、o send a representative to check it up. 2 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an application for scholarship. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 假设 你是李明,希望申请波士顿大学微电子工程专业的奖学金,请写一封咨询该校奖学金事项的信件,其内容应涵盖: 1简要自我介绍 2申请内容及申请理由 3期盼学校的回复 3 For this part, you a

3、re allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about life and thinking by referring to the saying “Plain living and high thinking.“ You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain the necessity of plain living and high thinking. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words

4、. 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about positive attitude by referring to the saying “ The world is his who enjoys it.“ You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain why we should be positive. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 wo

5、rds. 大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 90答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 A Letter of Complaint Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to lodge my complaint about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance Store. Frankly speaking, your store has always been my favorite. On April 6, 2013, I

6、 bought an air conditioner (serial number 45927) from one of your chains located in Jinan. But seven days later, the fan began to make so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. What is worse, the cooling system didnt work well and the machine began to leak. I do hope that a repairman can b

7、e sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the cause of the malfunction as soon as possible. By the way, if you cant, I am afraid that I will request a full refund or a new air conditioner. I would appreciate all your assistance concerning this matter. Look forward to your reply

8、. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 【试题解析】 第一段简单地提出了问题所在,即自己购买的空调出现了质量问题。 第二段详细解释了购买空调的时间、地点、型 号,及购买七天后出现的质量问题,包括风扇噪音过大、无法制冷和机器漏水现象。 第三段表明自己的意愿:希望公司立即派维修人员前来,若无法查明问题原因,则要求全额退款或调换一台新的空调。最后期待对方的回复。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 A Letter of Application Dear Sir or Madam, I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and

9、Engineering University. And I will graduate on July 1, 2014. I have read the prospectus issued by Boston University and found the announcement of the scholarship in microelectronics engineering that your university is offering. I am greatly interested in the program and 1 would be grateful if you wo

10、uld be kind enough to accept my application. There are mainly two reasons accounting for my application. First, I major in microelectronics engineering, and have done some research in college. I hope to have a further study and gain more achievements in this field if I succeed in obtaining the schol

11、arship. Second, I learn that there are first-class professors, a dynamic academic atmosphere, and an array of databases and research projects in your School of Microelectronics Engineering, which attract me a lot. Please find enclosed two letters of recommendation and my report card. Thank you for y

12、our consideration. I would greatly appreciate if you reply soon. Yours respectfully, Li Ming 【试题解析】 第一段首先介绍自己的毕业学校及时间,点明自己得知波士顿大学微电子工程专业提供的奖学金信息,并表达了自己想要申请该校奖学金的愿望。 第二段介绍了自己申请奖学金的原因。自己极为渴望在波士顿大学继续深造,非常向往该校充满活力的学术氛围、一流的师资力量以及完备的资料库和研究力量。 第三段提出信内附有两封推荐信和成绩单,争取对方学校的信任。最后的结束语表达了自己期盼回复的心情。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正

13、确答案】 Plain Living and High Thinking There is a saying going like that plain living and high thinking. I think it is particularly valuable in China today. Although Chinese people are enjoying an increasingly comfortable life on the material level, it seems to be another story on the spiritual level.

14、That can be easily proved because an overwhelming majority of young people are being absorbed in smart phones and the Internet, a quite number of which are busy with Internet games and social networks father than serious thinking. Therefore, there is a need to simplify our life and enrich our mind.

15、For one thing, plain living saves us more time and energy to reflect on ourselves and do more meaningful things. For example, if you are a girl, try to spend an hour a day in reading books instead of dressing up. That will not only broaden your horizons but also give you a feeling of being relaxed.

16、For another, plain living can offer us a better living environment because of reduced waste and pollution. In short, make your life simple and do more reading and thinking. You will find a different world. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Attitude and Success The saying that “The world is his who enjoys it.“ is a

17、 very good reminder for us that attitude relates to success. For one thing, when you enjoy the world, you will hold an optimistic outlook towards your life, which is essential to success. It is often said that life is just one damned thing after another. If you always waste your time on those annoyi

18、ng trivial things, you will be more and more frustrating. Therefore, whatever situation you are facing, learn to enjoy it and you will find the world is smiling at you. For another, when you enjoy the world, you will be more energetic and passionate towards your job. Many people take their job just

19、as a means of living that can support their family. Whereas, if you change your state of mind and enjoy your job, you will find it a pleasure to tackle problems and to cooperate with your coworkers. That will turn a boring job into an inspiring career. In conclusion, the world seems like a mirror. When you smile at it, it will smile at you. Taking a positive attitude, you will get a more satisfying life and a more successful career. 【知识模块】 作文


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