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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 113及答案与解析 Section A ( A) He is making progress in painting. ( B) He enjoys a rich and colorful life. ( C) He doubts his result of physical check-up. ( D) He keeps exercising in order to recover. ( A) She finds the papers demanding but refreshing. ( B) She is energetic compared to

2、other students. ( C) She is lucky to be exempt from writing papers. ( D) Swimming relaxes her mind tortured by the papers. ( A) They should avoid the rush hour when going out. ( B) Theyd better go directly rather than drive off the road. ( C) It will not be wise to park the car near the column. ( D)

3、 It is no use blocking the way at this hour of the day. ( A) She is being interviewed for a job vacancy. ( B) She can speak several languages fluently. ( C) She believes education makes one different. ( D) She is committed to the career of a diplomat. ( A) His lecture on education receives wide atte

4、ntion. ( B) His expressiveness makes the lecture a great success. ( C) His ideas lead to a profound reformation worldwide. ( D) His talk used to be nonsense but now is flattered. ( A) Melting frozen meat. ( B) Making full use of the fridge. ( C) Preserving uncooked meat. ( D) Dealing with the used i

5、tems. ( A) They usually go abroad for a nice summer vacation. ( B) They would like to go shopping. ( C) They often choose to learn something useful. ( D) They choose to stay in the country to save money. ( A) Offering the woman advice on conversation topics. ( B) Comparing weather conditions with th

6、e woman. ( C) Inviting the woman for lunch at his home. ( D) Classifying books according to his interests. ( A) Polishing their application forms. ( B) Broadening their options of colleges. ( C) Benefiting from a low-cost school. ( D) Working hard to get higher grade. ( A) The vacancies are limited

7、in number. ( B) The deadline is fixed on November 30. ( C) It is given on a first-come, first-served basis. ( D) The application and verifying process is quite long. ( A) He will get a lower sum of the aid award. ( B) He will have a heart attack. ( C) He will not be admitted to the dream school. ( D

8、) He will be given another chance to apply. ( A) The local community college. ( B) An out-of-state public college. ( C) A local private college. ( D) Some public colleges. ( A) The summer vacation is coming. ( B) She is going to have a job interview. ( C) She will go to her grandmas. ( D) Shes just

9、got her allowance. ( A) Get some handwork from her grandma. ( B) Bring his resume to the employer. ( C) Lend some extra cash to him. ( D) Find whether theres another job vacancy. ( A) Gaining as much experience as possible. ( B) Gaining an advantage over other applicants. ( C) Making adequate prepar

10、ation for the interview. ( D) Avoiding being nervous and making any mistakes. Section B ( A) The predictions explore the prospect of new professions. ( B) The predictions widen the range of health-care careers. ( C) The predictions are foresighted and proved to be reliable. ( D) The predictions prov

11、ide unlimited guidance for teachers. ( A) Special education. ( B) Biomedical engineering. ( C) Artificial intelligence. ( D) Imaging system. ( A) Health-care psychology. ( B) Artificial intelligence. ( C) Computer programming. ( D) Industrial and organizational psychology. ( A) It cant predict the t

12、ime for the unstable economy and its severity. ( B) It is lacking in historical review, reference and accumulation. ( C) It has false assumptions about economic growth and development. ( D) It cant predict the big swings and sudden change in the job market. ( A) By profiting from technology. ( B) By

13、 seeking business solutions. ( C) By improving technical farming. ( D) By helping with the farm work. ( A) Launching an initiative to increase the income of coffee producers. ( B) Eliminating illiteracy on crop production and marketing strategies. ( C) Training local experts and scholars in the main

14、 economic areas. ( D) Assisting with the development of travel and tourism industry. ( A) It offers award to winners to start their business. ( B) It is targeted at teenagers and young adults. ( C) It helps create a channel on YouTube. ( D) It raises money for charities. ( A) Harm of food cravings t

15、o the brain. ( B) Consequences of distraction. ( C) The fight with the desire for sweet food. ( D) Relationship between the food and its name. ( A) Various factors contribute to obsession. ( B) Long time desire for food will lead to some diseases. ( C) Craving leads to slower reactions and poorer me

16、mories. ( D) Psychology affects human behavior. ( A) By imagining competing images. ( B) By substituting it with healthy food. ( C) By reducing the amount of in-take. ( D) By forming a mental picture of it. Section C 25 Though small in size, Switzerland has four official languages: German, French, I

17、talian and Romansh, spoken by four different European ethnic groups in【 B1】_areas in the country. The four main ethnic groups live in 25 cantons(州 ), all of which enjoy a high degree of【 B2】 _. Thus, the teaching of language is not uniform throughout the country: there are variations among the diffe

18、rent cantons. What is amazing is that the Swiss people, made up of different【 B3】 _and racial groups, have been able to live in harmony and share a common national identity. This extraordinary achievement has been praised, 【 B4】 _and hailed as a model by many countries. These different races with di

19、verse cultures and histories have been able to live together in a country without any【 B5】 _and have, for 700 years since independence, made their country wealthy. Although Switzerland faces the problems of【 B6】 _ and balancing the different languages, the Swiss can still maintain harmony among the

20、races. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not【 B7】_any minority languages, and they have mutual tolerance and respect for one anothers language and culture. Moreover, they have a strong sense of nationhood which helps them 【 B8】 _the minor frictions within the country. The Swiss people are

21、always proud of being Swiss. Swiss living in any country in the world can【 B9】_their Swiss citizenship because Switzerland allows for dual citizenship. A strong sense of nationhood and mutual tolerance and respect between the different races are the reasons why Switzerland has been able to maintain

22、the harmonious and【 B10】 _co-existence between its different races. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 113答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: Believe me. You really look much better than before. Got some color back in your cheeks. M:

23、 Yes. Actually Im still not sure whether I can recover from it. But I find jogging does me good, so I keep on doing it. Q: What can we learn about the man from the conversation? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 医疗健康类,语义理解题。女士发现男士的气色变好了,而男士实际上还不太确定自己是否能够完全康复,但他坚持慢跑,因为他发现慢跑对他的身体有益。可见男士为了康复坚持锻炼。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M:

24、 Are you crazy? The papers make everybody exhausted. But you have the time and energy to swim! W: Well, Im no exception. And thats the exact reason why I spent a whole afternoon in the swimming pool. Q: What does the woman imply? 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。男士惊讶于女士的从容不迫,说论文已经把大家都折磨得筋疲力尽 ,而她居然有时间和精

25、力去游泳;女士说她也不例外,她也是因为论文的压力太大才去游泳池泡了一下午来放松一下。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: The radio says theres a jam a few blocks away. Wed better drive off this road. M: But theres traffic jam everywhere at this hour of the day. Just look at the car columns on the road. Theres no point taking a roundabout way. Q: What doe

26、s the man mean? 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,弦外之音题。因为收音机提示前面发生交通堵塞,女士提议不走这条路;但是男士认为这个时间到处都有交通堵塞,没有必要绕路。言外之意是直接走就可以了。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: Miss Kinta, can you tell us about your working experience? W: I have two years of experience working with multicultural affairs and Ive been educating myself about ma

27、king a difference. Besides, I work a lot with HA training and this will give me a different perspective. Q: What can we learn about the woman from the conversation? 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 工作商务类,语义理解题。男士请女士介绍一下她的工作经验,女士详细介绍了自己的工作经验。很显然女士正在参加一场面试。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Prof. Ken Robinsons lecture on creati

28、ve and cultural education is really impressive. M: Yes, especially the sentence “We are educating people out of their creativity.“ His talk has been distributed widely around the web and I believe everyone should watch this. Q: What can we learn about Prof. Ken Robinson from the conversation? 5 【正确答

29、案】 A 【试题解析】 校园生活类。语义理解题。女士说 Ken Robinson教授关于创新文化教育的讲座给人留下了深刻的印象,男士也认为如此,并指出其讲座已经在网络上流传开来,他觉得大家都该观看。由此可以推断, Ken Robinson教授关于教育的讲座备受关注。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: Oh, dear, that frozen meat is melted! How could you throw it into the fridge again! W: Ah, I forgot that it was not advisable to refreeze uncook

30、ed meat. But I still wonder why it doesnt work the second time around. Q: What are the two speakers talking about? 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。男士责怪女士怎么又把解冻的肉放回了冰箱,女士说她忘了生肉不能重复冷冻。显然二人谈论的是生肉的保存。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: Any plan for the summer? M: I decided to go on a staycation, just staying here in t

31、he UK instead of going to a foreign country. Maybe go camping in the countryside. Follow the fashion of most British to enjoy life and save money. Q: What can we learn about most British people from the conversation? 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,事实细节题。女士问男士暑假有什么计划,男士表示暑假他会待在国内,可能会去郊区露营,这是大多数英国人的选择,这样既能享受

32、生活又能省钱。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 W: Ill have two English friends for lunch at home. What conversation topics will I pick? M: Weather is a classic one since there is a lot for comparison. Apart from that, sport, holidays, films, plays, books are all OK. It just depends on how interested people are in it. Q

33、: What is the man doing according to the conversation? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 生活交际类 ,行动计划题。女士要请两位英国朋友到家吃午饭,但不知道应该和他们谈论什么话题,就此征求男士的意见;男士提出了很多种选择,包括天气、运动、度假、电影、戏剧、书籍等。由此可知,男士就谈话主题向女士提供建议。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: So can you give me some advice on financing college? M: Grades matter. The better you are, the mo

34、re likely it is you will receive scholarships or win admission to a low-cost school. W: Especially in our state of Florida, with grade-based scholarships, we particularly stand to benefit. M: Yeah.(9)Spend a few extra hours studying, bring your grade point average up a point or two, and it could pay

35、 off in tens of thousands of dollars. W: People all say that early birds will get more scholarship worms. But, how early is it? You know, I am now a high school junior. Do I need to apply now? M: You need to start applying in the early autumn before November 30, and fill out the Free Application for

36、 Federal Student Aid as soon as possible each January,(10)because some aid is handed out on a first-come, first-served basis. Which university do you want to apply? W: Princeton, my dream school. I dont want to go anywhere other than it. M: You should prepare for heartbreak. Colleges know what other

37、 schools students are applying to.(11)Some aid officers will lower an aid award if they know you dont have any alternative. W: Then how many schools should I apply? M: At least a couple of affordable ones. W: But which schools are affordable? M:(12)Your area community college is always a good bet. A

38、nd an in-state public college is usually comparatively affordable. W: No private schools? M: Some of the most expensive ones by sticker price also give out huge scholarships and can actually be cheaper, in the long run, than public schools for many students. 9. What is suggested to students in Flori

39、da? 10. Why should students apply for scholarships as soon as possible? 11. What if a student applies for very few colleges? 12. What college is the most secure choice concerning affordability? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 请求建议题。本题问的是对话中对佛罗里达州的学生提出了什么建议。对话中男士指出成绩是重中之重,女士补充说对佛罗里达州的学生来说尤其如此,因为奖学金直接与成绩挂钩,接着男士说他们要

40、每天多 抽点时间学习,提升平均成绩,这样就可以省下上万美元的费用。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么学生应该尽早申请奖学金。女士询问男士应该什么时候申请奖学金,男士说越早越好因为有些奖学金的发放是按照 “先到先得 ”的原则进行的。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是如果一个学生只向很少的几所学校提出申请的话会怎样。男士指出如果学校确定该生没有什么选择的余地,就会降低其奖学金的额度。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题问的是为确保学费能承担得起,选择哪个学校

41、最为保险。在对话最后部分,男士介绍说当地的社区大学是一个保险的选择,本州的公立大学相对而言也能负担得起。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 M: Hey, Amanda! How come youre wearing a suit? Ive never seen you dress so formally! W:(13)Its because I have a job interview this afternoon at the department store. I responded to a newspaper advertisement for a summer job by

42、sending my resume. Since summer vacation is about to start soon, I need something useful to do in my free time. M: Amanda, youre always so hardworking. I remember last summer vacation you did something too. W: Yeah, I worked as a door-to-door salesperson for my grandmother. She made some handwork at

43、 home, like table cloth with embroidering. And grandma allowed me to keep all the money. M: Wow, how kind she is! Now that I think about it, its not a bad idea to get some work experience, and earn some extra cash while were at it.(14)Amanda, do me a favor when you go for your interview, can you ask

44、 if there is another vacancy? W: Sure. The experience will definitely be an advantage when were applying for jobs after graduating from college.(15)Ive read that the first step to building a career is gaining as much experience as possible. M: Amanda, isnt it nearly time for your interview? W: Oh, y

45、eah! Thanks for reminding me, Mike. Wish me luck! Im feeling nervous. I hope I dont make any blunders at the interview. M: Youll do great, Amanda. By the way, if you need me, Ill be sitting at the cafe and sipping some lemonade while youre at your interview. 13. Why is the woman dressed formally? 14

46、. What does the man ask the woman to do? 15. According to the woman, what is the first thing to build a career? 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么女士着装很正式。对话开头女士明确解释说,她下午要去百货公司参加面试。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【 正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是男士请女士做什么。对话中男士认为假期工作既能得到工作经验,又能挣到钱,因此请女士去面试时,帮他问一问是否还有其他空缺职位。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答

47、案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是根据女士的说法,建立自己的事业的第一步是什么。对话中女士明确指出,积累尽可能多的经验是建立自己事业的第一步。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Predicting the jobs or skills that will be in demand years from now is a tricky task for many teens, young adults and their parents. Luckily, we have the Occupational Outlook Handbook, publish

48、ed last month by the Labor Department who made a ten-year forecast for demand, pay and competition for more than 300 jobs in 45 categories.(16)The departments forecasts have often been prescient accurately predicting this decades fast growth in special-education teaching jobs and the widening range

49、of hot health-care careers, for example. In the coming decade,(17)engineeringalready known for paying college graduates some of the highest starting salaries is expected to offer the fastest-growing area: biomedical engineering. Jobs in this field, which center on developing and testing health-care innovations such as artificial organs or imaging systems, are expected to grow by 72%, the Labor Department says. Among other professions, job opportunities for physicians should be “very good,“ the guide says: hea

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