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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 258及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Work as a flight attendant. ( B) Help make airplanes. ( C) Make contracts for a company. ( D) Mend aircraft engines. ( A) When a customer needs an airplane to replace his own. ( B) When a customer needs some tools to mend the airplane. ( C) When a customer

2、 needs some ideas to upgrade his own. ( D) When a customer needs a car to pick up passengers. ( A) Wait still until the engine has been changed. ( B) Get off the airplane and board another one. ( C) Get off the airplane and get their money back. ( D) Quarrel with the airport and ask for compensation

3、. ( A) Dry lease includes more equipment than wet lease. ( B) Wet lease provides more than dry lease. ( C) Dry lease gives more replacements than wet lease. ( D) Wet lease is part of dry lease. ( A) It has a rich wine culture. ( B) It looks like a cork geographically. ( C) It produces a lot of corks

4、 every year. ( D) It has a lot of rainy days. ( A) Its center holds most of the people. ( B) Most parts of it extend towards the outside. ( C) Its suburbs are becoming quieter and quieter. ( D) Its size has long been fixed without change. ( A) Humor. ( B) Charm. ( C) Cleverness. ( D) Grace. ( A) The

5、 people. ( B) The environment. ( C) The traffic. ( D) The climate. Section B ( A) The swans were stolen for food only. ( B) A gang of four men stole the swans. ( C) The thieves attacked the swans with guns. ( D) One of the swans was attacked by a nail-studded instrument. ( A) Nothing but the bones o

6、f the swans has been found. ( B) The first remains of a swan turned up just before Christmas. ( C) Stealing swans is not only very cruel but also illegal. ( D) The police suspect the five similar incidents are linked. ( A) They are the symbol of the city, and belong to the queen. ( B) All wild swans

7、 inhabiting open water in the UK belong to the king. ( C) Swans stand for holiness in the British culture. ( D) The queen in the UK loves swans very much. ( A) The US. ( B) Japan. ( C) Russia. ( D) Sweden. ( A) About 250 kg. ( B) About 300 kg. ( C) About 350 kg. ( D) About 400 kg. ( A) It proved tha

8、t chocolate was good for intelligence. ( B) It associated the consumption of chocolate with Nobel wins. ( C) It noted milk was rich in Vitamin E which may boost brain power. ( D) It found milk consumption was a better predictor of Nobel wins. ( A) Children will not drink milk any more. ( B) Parents

9、love drinking milk very much. ( C) The price of chocolate will jump soon. ( D) Children will eat more chocolate. Section C ( A) They focus on how to keep healthy and slim. ( B) They tell people the importance of health. ( C) They teach people how to look more charming. ( D) They benefit those who li

10、ke working out. ( A) We may gain more weight soon. ( B) We may get some amazing result. ( C) We may do more harm than good. ( D) We may annoy the people around you. ( A) When we feel relaxed. ( B) When we feel bored. ( C) When we are hungry enough. ( D) When we can be consistent. ( A) Drink water af

11、ter sports drink. ( B) Drink water or diluted sports drink. ( C) Drink sports drink instead of water. ( D) Drink water before sports drink. ( A) We have too little time to enjoy life. ( B) We will ignore the beauty of everyday life. ( C) We are too busy to hang out with friends. ( D) We lose opportu

12、nities for anything else. ( A) Deep conversations. ( B) Best friendship. ( C) Close relationship. ( D) Careful thoughts. ( A) They will never be distracted again. ( B) They will make a new priority list. ( C) They can focus on other things. ( D) They can be more physically healthy. ( A) People tend

13、to pay attention to their figure. ( B) There is no need to go to gym every day. ( C) Some people do not accept good advice. ( D) Too many people waste time on details. ( A) Making change to website design. ( B) Writing really good articles. ( C) Replying emails every day. ( D) Switching payment proc

14、essor. ( A) They prevent you from making great difference. ( B) They make great difference by minor details. ( C) They make little difference by real work. ( D) They waste peoples time and make no difference. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 258答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Alexandra, where did you work before? W:

15、I worked at an airport. Or I can say I worked in Aviation. M: You worked in Aviation? W: Yes,(l)my previous job was to write contracts for an aviation company. We bought and sold airplanes and aircraft engines, so we did a lot of marketing and leasing. We also speak to people from different countrie

16、s and airlines wanting to buy equipment. So there are a lot of negotiations. M: Can you explain what leasing is? W:(2)Leasing happens when our company owns a piece of equipment, either an airplane or an engine and a customer has a need. For example, if their airplane has to do some maintenance and t

17、hey need a replacement, then we will let them use our airplane for a certain number of months, like you renting a car. Same thing, same idea. M: Oh, wow. And you lease out not only the planes but engines as well? W: Sometimes you have an airplane thats delayed at the airport because of some reason a

18、nd they need to swap an engine out- or whatever. M: Right before the plane takes off, they sometimes switch engines? W:(3)Theyll take the passengers off and put them on another plane because it takes a lot longer than the 10- or 15-minutes turnaround. M: So can I lease a pilot? W: You can, yes, you

19、can lease a crew. Yes! Its called a wet lease, and(4)we used to do dry leases meaning we only provided the equipment but a wet lease includes a full crew that will fly the airplane, flight attendants, etc. 1. What did Alexandra use to do? 2. When will leasing happen according to the woman? 3. What w

20、ill the passengers do if the engine needs to be changed before the plane takes off? 4. What do we know about dry lease and wet lease? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Alexandra以前是做什么的。对话开头,女士指出自己以前在飞机场工作,具体是为一家航空公司写合同。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是根据女士所说,什么时候会发生租赁。对话中,女士提到,当顾客需要一件设备 (不管是飞机还是发动机 )而她的公司正好有

21、这一设备时,租赁就会发生。比如说,顾客的飞机需要维修,而他们又需要一架飞机,这时女士的公司就会把自己的飞机租给顾客使用一段时间。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是如果飞机起飞前需要更换发动机,乘客们将做什么。对话中,女士提到如果飞机在起飞前需要更换发动机的话,机场会让乘客下机并登上另外一架飞机,因为更换发动机耗时较长。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于干租赁和湿租赁的信息。对话结尾,女士指出干租赁只提供设备,而湿租赁还包括飞行员、空乘人员等全体机组人员。因此,湿租赁提供的比干租赁多。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】

22、M: Lily, can you talk about where you are from? W: Im from the second biggest city in Ireland which is Cork. M: What does the Cork mean? Does it have something to do with wine? W:(5)The name “Cork“ doesnt come from wine bottle cork, it comes from the Irish word “kirkig“ which is “marsh,“ so you can

23、imagine how wet Cork is. We have a lot of rain. M: Interesting! And is Cork a big city? W:(6)Its a sprawling city. Most of the city spreads outwards and the suburbs tend to be quite big. Most people live outside of the city and commute. M: What are the people in Cork like? W: Well, the men in my cit

24、y speak with a very high-pitched voice. This may sound strange to you, but we think its a sign of manhood. And(7)girls tend to speak in a lower voice because a lower voice in Ireland usually means intelligence. And most girls want to be intelligent in Ireland. M: Thats very interesting. You actually

25、 think that keeping down the voice is a sign of intelligence? W: Yes. However, most people love to laugh in Cork so there is a really good sense of humor: You just walk on the streets and you hear people laughing all of the time. Its great. M:(8)And what would you say is the best thing about your ci

26、ty? W:(8)The best thing is the people of course, but also the food. The entertainment is just fantastic. Every night you can go out, you can have dinner. 5. Why is the city named Cork? 6. What can we learn about Cork? 7. What does a lower voice in Ireland usually mean? 8. What does the woman think i

27、s the best thing about Cork? 5 【正确答案 】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么这个城市叫作 “Cork”。对话开头女士提到, “科克 ”这个城市名并不是来自于酒瓶的软木塞,而是来自于爱尔兰语中的 “kirkig”,意思是 “沼泽,湿地 ”。这个城市有很多雨。由此可知,这个城市被叫作 Cork是因为它有很多雨天。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于 Cork的信息。对话中提到,科克是一座无计划扩展的城市,城市的大部分区域都向外扩展。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本 题问的是在爱尔兰声音低通常意味着什

28、么。对话中女士提到,城市里的女孩喜欢低声说话,因为在爱尔兰声音低意味着有智慧。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士认为 Cork这一城市最好的一方面是什么。对话最后,女士明确回答是人民和食物。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 9 【听力原文】 Majestic swans are disappearing from a historic British waterway, and detectives suspect that they are being stolen for food.(9)Witnesses told investigating

29、 officers that they saw a gang of five men attacking one of the snowy white birds with a nail-studded implement, according to a report in the UKs The Daily Telegraph. And now a police team is probing whether four similar incidents are in fact linked, and the disappearances part of a larger conspirac

30、y. “The remains of five birds have been found. The evidence we have is that there is little left of the bodies and for the want of better words one of the birds was found in a bag done up like a turkey,“ Police Constable Nick Willey told the London-based newspaper.(10)“Swans, like any wild bird, are

31、 protected by law so this is not only very cruel, but its also illegal. “ The first remains of a swan turned up on parkland by a Roman waterway in historic Lincoln, Lincolnshire, on Dec. 13. with further body parts reported just before Christmas and three more carcasses appearing thereafter. Lincoln

32、s RSPCA branch is also investigating the case, according to a local paper The Linconite, while residents have also created a Facebook page to collect information on any suspicious fatality.(11)The citys swans are iconic due to their centuries-old residence at Brayford Pool and surrounding rivers. Wh

33、ats more, due to a historic covenant(契约 )dating back until at least 1186, all wild swans inhabiting open water in the UK belong to the queen meaning that the perpetrators could even face a treason charge over their birdnapping. 9. What did the witnesses tell the officers? 10. What can be inferred ab

34、out the incident from the passage? 11. Why is the status of swans in the country so high according to the speaker? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是目击者告诉了警察什么。短文前半部分提到目击者称他们看到一个五人团伙用一个钉着钉子的工具攻击一只白天鹅。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是通过短文中的事件可以得出何种结论。短文中指出同其他野生鸟类一样,天鹅是受法律保护的,因此捕杀天鹅不仅非常残忍,还是违法的。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【

35、正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者为什么把这个国家的天鹅定位如此高。短文后半部分提到由于天鹅在 Brayford Pool及周边湖泊栖居几百年,所以它们是这个城市的标志。最后还提到 1186年的一个条约规定栖居在英国天然湖泊的所有野生天鹅都归女王所有。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 Nations whose people consume the most milk and dairy products, per capita, also win the most Nobel Prizes, per capita, according to a new study pub

36、lished in the British journal Practical Neurology. Take Sweden, the country most associated with the Nobel prize. For every 10 million Swedes, there are 31. 855 Nobel prizes.(13)The Swedes also consume about 350 kg of milk each, on average, over the course of a year, reported the Los Angeles Times.(

37、12)At the bottom of the list is Japan. The country has won 0. 06 Nobel Prizes per 10 million people and the average person drinks less than 50 kg of milk per year. The United States came in around the middle with 10. 731 Nobel wins per 10 million people and a milk consumption of about 250kg per pers

38、on per year.(14)The studys authors set out to find a link between milk and Nobel Prizes after reading a report last year that associated consumption of chocolate with Nobel wins. Although they found an association between a nations milk and dairy consumption and the number of Nobel laureates, their

39、study didnt prove a cause-and-effect relationship, cautions US News & World Report. Instead, the authors suggest that milk consumption might be a reflection of a strong educational system. They also noted that milk is rich in vitamin D, which research has shown may boost brain power.(15)Interestingl

40、y, chocolate consumption turns out to be a better predictor of Nobel wins than milk bad news for parents everywhere. 12. Which country is the least associated with the Nobel prizes? 13. How much milk do the Swedes each consume over the course of a year? 14. What can we learn about last years report?

41、 15. Why does the speaker say “bad news for parents everywhere“ at the end? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是诺贝尔奖得奖率最低的国家。短文中指出瑞典的得奖率最高,其次又指出日本排名最后。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是在瑞典平均每人每年消耗多少牛奶。短文中提到在瑞典平均每人每年消耗约 350千克牛奶。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是对于去年的报告我们能得出什么结论。短文中指出,这项研究的作者们是读了去年关于巧克力消耗量和诺贝尔得

42、奖率的研究才开始发现其与牛 奶消耗量的关系。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么讲话者最后说这是对父母来说的坏消息。短文最后指出,有趣的是,比起牛奶,巧克力的消耗量能更好预测诺贝尔奖的得奖率,但这对于所有父母来说却是个坏消息。由此推断这么说的原因是孩子们将会吃更多的巧克力。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Moderator: Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our speaker for todays lecture,

43、Dr. Brick Smith. Dr. Smith, professor of medicine at Washington University,(16)has written numerous articles and books on the issue about keeping fit as well as a good figure, which has benefited those who are overweight and eager to lose weight. Dr. Smith: Thank you for that introduction. I feel ha

44、ppy to meet you here. Want to slim down, tone up, and get healthier in just a month? Follow these simple fitness tips. Youll feel better in no time. Eat before you get to a party. A small meal before you go makes it easier to pass on fattening hors doeuvres. Set a reasonable goal and time line for y

45、our weight loss. Using a healthy system, you should only be losing one to two pounds a week.(17)So dont push yourself too hard, or you could do more harm than good. Know that you can do a lot in a month. Work out four days a week, doing 30 minutes of cardio like jogging, biking, walking and so on, o

46、r work on your abs every day, plus two days of upper body and two days of lower body work. Make the most of your time at the gym: Any kind of cardio activity, ideally one that incorporates the upper and lower body at the same time, is great. For example, theres a machine called the Versa Climber, wh

47、ich is a vertical climbing machine its like a StairMaster with a feature that incorporates the upper body too. (18)The best time of day to work out is whenever you feel bestand when youre most likely to be consistent. If youre a morning person, hit the gym before work. But if youve ever considered h

48、anging a sign at your desk that says “Dont talk to me til Ive finished my coffee,“ an evening workout may be better for you. (19)Drink only water while working out. If you must drink a sports drink, dilute it with one part drink to three parts water. If you drink sports drinks on their own, theyre s

49、o concentrated that any vitamins or electrolytes you think youre benefiting from are actually going straight through you. Consider using a heart-rate monitor, especially when youre on a crash course to fitness. Itll keep you within your target heart rate! Carry snacks with you. With so many things to do, youll likely be caught without time to eat properly. If you tote around an apple, a banana, or an energy bar, youll be less apt to scarf down a bag of chips in between errands. Thanks for listening! 16. What does the introduction say about Dr. Smith


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