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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 268及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Launching a campaign in specialist medical journals. ( B) Advertising medicines that need a prescription on TV. ( C) Making newspaper ads with doctors good comment. ( D) Getting some specialists to advertise for the products. ( A) The users comment on medi

2、cine is not always reliable. ( B) Ads of over-the-counter products are not allowed. ( C) The claim of any positive cure for a disease is forbidden. ( D) Most of the medicines need doctors prescription. ( A) Manufacturers dont like it. ( B) Medical ads are not allowed to do it. ( C) They cant afford

3、the damage. ( D) They cant make promises. ( A) He doesnt consider much about customers. ( B) He cant offer any practical way of promotion. ( C) He doesnt deserve the promotion indeed. ( D) He knows little about the regulations of ads. ( A) The account number is 51406881. ( B) The account number is 2

4、1406881. ( C) The woman faked lots of invoices. ( D) There is no information about the bank name. ( A) She didnt receive the same invoice as others. ( B) She found the mans bank details were wrong. ( C) She confused the names of two banks. ( D) She couldnt identify the account of the invoice. ( A) T

5、ransfer the money to the man as soon as possible. ( B) Try to sort out the truth and call the bank. ( C) Check the account number with Bank of Scotland. ( D) Make up for her mistakes and be careful next time. ( A) They are manager and assistant. ( B) They are business partners. ( C) They are custome

6、r and manager. ( D) They are coworkers of the same company. Section B ( A) They didnt have to pay heavy taxes to England. ( B) They didnt have important political rights. ( C) They were ruled by the King for long. ( D) The economic development was suppressed. ( A) When the Englands King planned to s

7、end troops to control the rebellion. ( B) When the delegates attended the First Continental Congress. ( C) When the Kings army advanced on Concord Massachusetts. ( D) When the delegates decided to resist the England troops. ( A) The voting process of it went forward very well. ( B) The draft was rew

8、ritten for lots of times. ( C) Jefferson played a minimum role in the voting process. ( D) It was revised in various aspects before the final vote. ( A) They find the university degree is worthless and the tuition fees are high. ( B) The governments policy doesnt favor female students. ( C) They can

9、 find a better job without a university degree. ( D) They know the university will waste their time for marriage. ( A) A generation of women will be promoted in their positions. ( B) A number of excellent women will find their career opportunities. ( C) A generation of women will find it hard to fin

10、d a job to support themselves. ( D) More capable young women may lose their bright prospects. ( A) They waste more time than men. ( B) They are hit by the system badly. ( C) They face worse financial hardship than before. ( D) They couldnt find ideal positions. ( A) Optimistic. ( B) Pessimistic. ( C

11、) Radical. ( D) Conservative. Section C ( A) They will have mental health problems. ( B) They will have high blood pressure. ( C) They are more likely to be depressed. ( D) They will have low self-esteem. ( A) They are physically healthier. ( B) They are mentally satisfied. ( C) They have happier ex

12、periences. ( D) They enjoy a higher social status. ( A) More and more home appliances. ( B) Dangerous neighborhoods. ( C) Bullies on the Internet. ( D) Ex-criminals in the community. ( A) People who are exposed to strong light in the day. ( B) People who live in low levels of light overnight. ( C) P

13、eople who often burn the midnight oil. ( D) People who dont get enough sleep. ( A) Low blood sugar level. ( B) Low levels of hormone. ( C) Low energy levels. ( D) Low blood pressure. ( A) The group placed in blue light. ( B) The group drinking the most water. ( C) The group placed in red light. ( D)

14、 The group eating the least food. ( A) Try to keep away from computer screens. ( B) Eat as much fruit as possible. ( C) Dont get filters on computer screens. ( D) Avoid drinking and smoking. ( A) Human resource management. ( B) Logistics management. ( C) International trade. ( D) Transcultural commu

15、nication. ( A) They assume all people have the same traits. ( B) They are based on peoples imagination. ( C) They regard all the other cultures as inferior. ( D) They hamper the nurturing of cultural awareness. ( A) He accepts every aspect of another culture. ( B) He realizes the subtle traits of an

16、other culture. ( C) He thinks that another culture is better than his. ( D) He understands the superficial aspects of another culture. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 268答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: Right, I guess you have some ideas for our promotion. M: Well, first we must win over the medical circle,(l)so I th

17、ink we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our prescription drugs, antibiotics and so on. W:(l)Sounds like a good idea. M: Then about TV commercials. W: Just a moment. Are you sure were allowed to advertise medicines on TV? M: Of course yes, provided they arent

18、 drugs which need a prescription. We can advertise over-the-counter products. Then I thought we would get users of our products to support them. W: Hold on.(2)Its forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease. And we mustnt offer any drugs for illnesses which should be treated by a doctor. M: O

19、K. What about this a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best? W: That depends on whether it is true. We can only refer to doctors preferences if our claim is supported by facts and figures. M: Well, Im sure it is. Here is another suggestion

20、. We could offer to refund the purchase price to anyone who is dissatisfied with one of our products. Its possible to do that, isnt it? W: No, Im afraid not.(3)Manufacturers of medicinal products arent allowed to offer a refund in their ads. M: Well, it looks as though Ill have to come up with somet

21、hing else.(4)I never realize the regulations are so rigid. 1. What can be accepted for the promotion of medicine? 2. Why cant the speakers get users of their products to support their claim in ads? 3. Why cant the speakers promise to refund money to customers in their ads? 4. What can we learn about

22、 the man from the conversation? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是可以接受的药物促销手段。对话开始男士提到他们应该在医药杂志上宣传,女士表示赞同。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者为何不能让药物使用者在广告中支持他们的说法。对话中男士提到让药物使用者在广告中支持他们的产品,女士当即否定,因为药品生产商被禁止做宣传药品对某种疾病有积极疗效的广告。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者为什么不能在广告中承诺退款。对话 中男士提到他们可以退还那对药品不满意的顾客的费用,女士表示不可

23、能,原因是药品生产商不能在广告中宣传关于退还费用的信息。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于男士我们可从对话中得出什么。对话末尾男士表示自己没有意识到这些规定如此严格死板。由此推断,男士对广告的相关规定不太了解。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Well, Mr. Smith, Ive looked into your invoice and found out why it hasnt been paid. M: Why? W: We asked our bank to transfer the money but they couldnt.

24、They said that your bank details were wrong. So they couldnt transfer the money then. M: What do you mean by “my bank details were wrong“? They are printed on our invoice. I think that you receive the same invoice as all our other customers. But we did receive the money from the other customers. W:

25、Im sorry. What did you say? M: I said our bank details were printed on the invoice. W: Well, I have the invoice here. Can we just check?(5)The account number is 21406881. Is that right? M: Yes, thats right. And what about the name of the bank? W: At the Bank of Scotland at 46 Portland Street in. M:

26、Hold on, did you say Bank of Scotland? W: Yes. Whats the matter? M:(6)It is the Royal Bank of Scotland, not the Bank of Scotland. W: You mean there are two different banks? M: Exactly. W: OK, Mr. Smith.(7)Ill ask our bank to transfer the amount to the Royal Bank of Scotland as soon as it opens. Im s

27、orry about the mistake. M: Well, Im glad we sort it out. 5. What can we know about the invoice from the speakers? 6. Why cant the woman transfer the money to the man? 7. What does the woman promise to do? 8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查关于发票的相关信息。

28、对话中女士提到,账号是21406881。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题向的是女士为何不能把钱转给男士。在对话开头部分,女士说到她无法把钱转到男士的账户上,因为男士的账号有问题,但后来证明,女士混淆了 Royal Bank of Scotland和 Bank of Scotland这两个银行名称。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士承诺做什 么。在对话末尾部分,女士承诺银行一上班就把钱汇到男士在苏格兰皇家银行的账户上,并表示歉意。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是两个讲话者之间的关系。两人谈论的

29、是关于发票和汇款的话题,且涉及银行账号和银行名称等内容。故推断两人应该是商业上的伙伴关系。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 9 【听力原文】 Independence Day is the national holiday of the United States of America commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At the time of

30、the signing, the US consisted of 13 colonies under the rule of Englands King George III.(9)There was growing unrest in the colonies concerning the taxes that had to be paid to England. This was commonly referred to as “Taxation without Representation“ as the colonists did not have any representation

31、 in the English Parliament and had no say in what went on. As the unrest grew in the colonies, King George sent extra troops to help control any rebellion.(10)In April 1775, as the Kings troops advanced on Concord Massachusetts, Paul Revere would sound the alarm that “The British are coming, the Bri

32、tish are coming“ as he rode his horse through the late night streets. The battle of Concord and its “shot heard round the world“ would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies War for Independence. The following May the colonies again sent delegates to the Second Continental Congress. By June 1

33、776 a committee was formed to compose a formal declaration of independence. Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the first draft which was presented to the congress on June 28.(11)After various changes a vote was taken late in the afternoon of July 4. And although the signing of the Declaration was

34、not completed until August, the 4th of July has been accepted as the official anniversary of the United States independence. 9. Why were the colonists dissatisfied with England? 10. When was the War of Independence declared unofficially? 11. What can we learn about the Declaration of Independence? 9

35、 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么殖民地民众对英国感到不满。短文中提到,殖民地的动乱是因为殖民地民众要向英国缴税,并且 “只缴税,无代表权 ”,而且殖民地民众在英国议会不享受任何代表权和发言权。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是什么时候非正式宣布美国独立战争的爆发。短文中提到,康科德战役及其 “声震全世界的一枪 ”实际上非正式地宣布了殖民地独立战争的开始,而康科德战役开始的标志正是英国军队抵达马萨诸塞州的康科德。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于独立宣言,我们可以了解到什么。短文提到,独立宣言草案在经过

36、各种修改后,于 1776年 7月 4日下午进行投票表决。由此可知,独立宣言在投票表决之前在多方面进行了修改。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 (12)Young women are losing faith in the university system with nearly half believing it is not worth getting a degree. Tuition fees and little chance of landing a good job make higher education an unattractive prospect for th

37、em, a study suggests. It found that nearly half of female graduates would not go to university if they had the chance again. The research will cause concern because it was carried out before the government announced that fees will almost treble(成三倍 )to 9 000 in 2014.(13)The findings have prompted wa

38、rnings that a generation of ambitious young women will miss out on a high-flying career and the opportunity to continue their education. Louise Court, editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, which conducted the survey, said young women seem to think of university as “a waste of time. “(14)“Its never been h

39、arder to be a young woman with ambition, she said. “Understandably, women are angry and frustrated about their future and this is having a damaging effect on their self-esteem.“ The survey of 1 353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in 2014.(15)Two thirds of th

40、ose questioned said they thought it would be “almost impossible“ to get their dream job and a quarter were unable to follow their preferred career. Only 14% said they felt safe from the sack. Vicky Tuck said, “The rise in fees is going to make a lot of people reflect on why they are going to univers

41、ity. I believe that women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning, a precious opportunity. If they go purely to get a job, many will be disappointed. “ 12. Why are most women losing faith in the university system? 13. What is the result of the government carrying out

42、 the new university fee? 14. What can we learn from the Louise Court about young women under the current university system? 15. What was the attitude of most women surveyed towards their career prospects? 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么大多数女性都对大学体系失去了信心。短文开头提到,一项调查显示,由于大学学费较高,且拿到大学文凭未必能找到好工作,高等教育对女性的吸引力越

43、来越小。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是政府实施新大学学费政策带来的结果是什么。短文中提到,研究指出大学学费增长将会使一代胸怀大志的年轻女性失去一份有前途的事业和一次继续受教育的机会。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于当前大学体系下的女性, Louise Court的观点如何。短文中提到, LouiseCourt认为做一个有抱负的年轻女性从来没有像现在这么难,女性对她们的未来感到愤怒和绝望,而这会对她们的自尊心造成伤害。由此可知,年轻女性受到了严重的打击。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本

44、题问的是被调查的女性对她们的事业前景持何种态度。短文中提到,有三分之二的被调查者认为找到理想工作几乎是不可能的,四分之一的人认为无法从事自己喜欢的职业。由此可知,大多数被调查的女性的 态度很悲观。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Good morning, everyone. Today Id like to say something about bullying. A popular expression goes, “What does not kill us makes us stronger.“ But when it comes to being bul

45、lied, that may not be the case. Increasing evidence suggests that the effects of being bullied do not end with childhood. The psychological and physical damage, such as anxiety and depression, can continue into adulthood. A recent Duke University report shows that bullying can have permanent effects

46、. The report is based on research that began in 1993. The Great Smoky Mountains study observed 1 420 children from western North Carolina for years. The scientists followed the people as they went through childhood to teen years and into young adulthood. (16)The research showed that those who were b

47、ullied can develop long-term mental health problems as young adults. It also showed that adults who were bullied as children have higher levels of C-reactive protein, or CRP. CRP is a sign of nervous tension on the body. Higher levels of CRP usually mean health problems later in life. The Great Smok

48、y Mountains study also found something completely new about bullying. It seems that the bullies were healthier than the bullied at least when talking about CRP levels. The study found that those subjects who had never been bullied, but had bullied others, had the lowest levels of CRP. William Copela

49、nd led the study. He is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina.(17)He says a higher social standing for bullies might explain their lower CRP levels. Experts on bullying worry about that message. Catherine Bradshaw is deputy director of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence in Baltimore, Maryland. She warns that lower CRP levels might just represent a difference in the basic biology. Ms. Bradshaw says that a health gain should not be unde


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