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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 301及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 现在,世界上大约有超过 40个国家种植茶叶,而亚洲国家的产茶量占到了全球的 90。其他国家的茶树都直接或间接地源自中国。许多国家用于指茶叶或者茶水的词都是汉字 “茶 ”的 衍生物 (derivatives)。要想泡一壶好茶,必须要特别注意水的质量、水的温度、茶叶的用量以及 茶壶 (teapot)的类型。喝茶的习惯是公元 6世纪传到日本的,但直到 17到 18世纪才传到欧、美。现 在,世界上喝茶的人数众多,并且仍在增加。 2 赛龙舟 (Dragon Boat Race)的习俗起源于中国南方。

2、他们选择五月初五进行 图腾庆典 (totem ceremony)。图腾上最主要的象征物是龙,因为中国人认为自己是龙的传人,因此他们还做了龙舟。后来中国人将这一习俗与端午节联系起来。这是唯一一个源自中国南方的活动,这也许就是为什么今天龙舟比赛并不是在全中国都盛行的原因。现在,龙舟比赛已经成为一项国际运动。这项运动在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新加坡等地都很流行。 3 中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。文化交流绝不是让外国文化吞并本国文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族的文化。文化来自民间,文化属于大众,保护文化遗产、繁荣民族文化,关系到每个公民。早在 2, 000多年前,中国就产生了以 孔、孟 (Co

3、nfucius and Mencius)为代表的 儒家学说(Confucianism),和以老、庄为代表的 道家学说 (Taoism),以及其他许多在中国思想史上有地位的学说和学派。中国有文字可考的历史可以追溯到 4,000多年前,中国被认为是 四大文明古国之一。 4 中国是率先拥有医药文化的几个国家之一。与西医相比,中医的治疗方法完全不同。经过 5, 000年的发展,中医已经对 医药学 (medical science)、理论、诊断方法、处方等方面形成了一个深刻且全面的理解。中医医生可以没有任何辅助设备,只通过一次体检就能够治愈无数病人,这实在是一个奇迹。四诊法包括望、闻、问、切 (obse

4、rvation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation,pulse-taking and palpation)。其中, “望 ”是指医生直接从病人的外貌来获悉病人的情况。由于外部面貌与内部器官是相对应的,当内部器官出现问题时,会直接地显现在外部皮肤上。 5 当 古典音乐 (classical music)流泻而出的一刹那,你可以清楚地看到,在空气中流动的是高山、是流水、是丝竹、是冬雪、是 千古的生命 (eternal life)。那份说不出、道不尽的感动,就是中国古典音乐之美。古乐器一般都具有双重功能 表现性和实用性,即这些乐器既是表现音乐的工具,

5、又是劳动生产的工具 ,或是 生活用具 (daily utensils)。中国音乐是光辉灿烂的中国文化的一个重要组成部分。历经数千年的漫长岁月,以其多姿多彩的品种和内涵丰富的体系闻名于世。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 301答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 At present, more than 40 countries in the world grow tea, with Asian countries accounting for 90% of the worlds total output. The origin of all tea

6、 trees in other countries, either directly or indirectly, is China. The words for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives of the Chinese character “cha“. To make a good pot of tea, special attention must be paid to the water quality, water temperature, the amount of tea leaves

7、 used and the type of teapot. The habit of drinking tea was spread to Japan in 6 A. D. , but was not introduced to Europe and America until the 17th and 18th centuries. Now, the number of tea drinkers in the world is large and still increasing. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “而亚洲国家的产茶量占到了全球的 90 ”可译为with引出的伴随状语。 2第二句

8、中, “都直接或间接地 ”是修饰句子谓语 “源自 ”的,可放在动词之前,译为 either directly or indirectly。 3第三句中, “ 的衍生物 ”译为 are derivatives of 。 4第四句中, “要想泡一壶好茶 ”表目的,译为 To make a good pot of tea。 5第五句中, “传到 ”就是 “被引进到 ”的意思,故译为 was spread introduced to 。 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 The custom of Dragon Boat Race began from the Southern China. T

9、hey selected the 5th lunar day of the 5th lunar month as the totem ceremony. The dragon was the main symbol in the totem, because Chinese people thought they were the descendants of it. They also made dragon-like boat. Later, the Chinese connected this custom with the Dragon Boat Festival. This was

10、the only event originating from the Southern China, which might be the reason why Dragon Boat Race doesnt prevail in the entire China today. Now, the Dragon Boat Race becomes an international event, which is popular in the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “起源于 ”在这里强调一个开端,所以译为 be

11、gan from较为合适。 2第二句中, “五月初五 ”是阴历,所以正确的表述为 the 5th lunar day of the 5th lunar month。 3第三句中, “龙的传人 ”译为 the descendants of it, it指代前文中出现过的dragon。 4第四句中, “将 与 联系起来 ”翻译为英语中的固定搭配connectwith 。 5第六、七句可合译为一个定语从句,用 which指代第六句中的 “龙舟比赛 ”。 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and pr

12、ofound, dates back to ancient times. Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing our own culture to a foreign culture, but to enrich our nations own culture. Culture stems from people and belongs to people. All citizens, therefore, should be involved in the protection of our cultural herita

13、ge and the development of our national culture. More than 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thoughts. With wri

14、tten records dating back to over 4,000 years, China is recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “博大精深、源远流长 ”为两个四字成语,考查考生平时英语积累的程度,考生如果没有学过,也可以根据字面意思进行直译。 2第二句中, “绝不是 ”如果译成 is not ,其程度就与源语言不同,所以此处应译为 is by no means 。 3第三句中, “来自 ”译为 stems from。 4第四句中, “产生了

15、” 应理解为 “出现了 ” ,故译为 there emerged 。 5第五句中, “有 文字可考的 ”是指 “有文字记载的 ”,译为 With written records,放在句首作状语。 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 China was one of the first countries having a medical culture. In comparison with Western medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine takes a far more different approach. With a histo

16、ry of 5,000 years, it has formed a deep and immense knowledge of medical science, theories, diagnostic methods, prescriptions, etc. It is a wonder that the doctors of traditional Chinese medicine could cure countless patients without any assistant apparatus but only through a physical examination. T

17、he four methods of diagnosis consist of observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, pulse-taking and palpation. Among these methods, observation indicates that doctors directly watch the outward appearance to know a patients condition. As the exterior and interior closely link to each ot

18、her, when the inner organ runs wrong, it will be reflected through the exterior skin. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “ 之一 ”译为 one of即可。 2第二句中, “与 相比 ”可译为 In comparison with 或者 Compared with 。 3第三句中, “经过 5, 000年的发展 ”作整句话的伴随状语,故译为 with引出的时间状语。 4第四句包含三个小分句,句子结构紧凑,可合译。因此可采用句型 It is a wonder that ,后接主语从句。 5第七句中, “由于 ” 可译

19、为 as引出的原因状语。 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 The very instant that the classical music gets hold of you, you can clearly visualize the mountain ranges, the running streams, the elegant bamboos, the winter snow and the eternal life flowing in the air. That kind of emotion, unable to be clearly articulated, epito

20、mizes the serenity of Chinese classical music. Traditional musical instruments usually serve a dual roleboth entertainment and pragmatic use. Not only are they the instruments to play music, but also they are often tools of laboring or daily utensils. Chinese music is an integral part of Chinas rich

21、 and profound culture. Having developed for thousands of years, it becomes famous all around the world due to its rich varieties and systems of abundant connotations. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “ 的一刹那 ”指 “一瞬间 ”,译为 The very instant比较贴切。 2第二句中, “那份说不出、道不尽的感动 ”主语是 “感动 ”,属于一种情感,因此译为 emotion; “说不出 ”与 “道不 尽 ”表达的是同一个意思,因此整合译为 unable to be clearly articulated。 3第三句中, “双重功能 ”翻译为 dual role, role具有 “作用 ”的意思,比 function更贴切。 4第四句中, “光辉灿烂的 ”翻译为 rich and profound。 5第五句中, “多姿多彩的品种和内涵丰富的体系 ”是其 “闻名于世 ”的原因,所以译为 due to引出的原因状语。 【知识模块】 汉译英


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