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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 96及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 北京旧城是人类建筑史上的杰作,虽然历史上这座奇妙的城池受过各种各样的破坏,但今天以紫禁城 (the Forbidden City)为中心的旧城仍然基本保留着原貌。从公元 11世纪的辽代开始,各代就在这里建都,元、明、清三代都以北京为都城。近千年以来,北京几乎都是中国的行政中心,这个近千年以来中国人的国都,是最高权力机关所在的地方,所以能倾全国之力,进行大规模的建设,留下了如此壮丽的城市景观 。 2 南京是江苏省的省会,它有着 6 000多年的文明史,也是一座具有开放精神的现代城市。公元 15

2、世纪,我国著名航海家 (master mariner)郑和从南京出发七下西洋,使这座城市与许多国家建立了联系,从而开启了南京对外交往的篇章。南京的开放拉近了南京与世界的距离,增强了南京对外国朋友的吸引力。目前,有一万多名外籍人士常驻南京。外国朋友在南京,参与城市建设,领略自然风光、人文景观,促进南京与世界各国的经贸往来与文化交流。 3 上海博物馆位于人民广场的南侧,是一座大型的中国古代艺术 博物馆。它的陈列面积为 2 800平方米,馆藏珍贵文物 12万件,所收藏的青铜器 (ancient Chinese bronze)、陶瓷 (ceramics)、书法 (calligraphy)、绘画等技艺精

3、湛,在国内外享有盛誉。上海博物馆创建于 1952年,并在这一年首次对公众开放,其后迅速发展,在文物收藏、保护、研究、展出以及与其他机构的文化交流方面均有不俗的成就。1993年 8月,上海市政府作出决策,上海博物馆新馆在市中心开工。新的上海博物馆设有 11个专馆, 3个展览厅。目前,它正以崭新的面貌迎接着八方来客。 4 在云南南部隐秘的低地丛林 (lowland jungle)里,居住着中国最神秘的野生动物之一 亚洲野象。亚洲野象是中国一级野生保护动物,中国境内现仅存 300余头,它们仅仅存活于隐秘的山谷之中。大象是森林的建筑师 (architect),竹子和草是它们最喜爱的食物,它们偶尔也会毫

4、不留情地把一些树苗 (sapling)、树叶以及一些盘旋的藤蔓植物 (twisted liana)吃掉。当它们穿越森林,便会开辟出小块的林中空地,为森林中的地面带来阳光,这对它们的家园有着较大的影响。 5 西安是陕西省的 省会,是重要的文化、工业、教育中心,市区人口近 300万。西安在明朝之前称为长安,是中华文明的发祥地,是丝绸之路的东方起点。西安有3 100多年的历史,从公元前 11世纪起,数个重要的朝代相继在此建都。因此,西安的历史遗迹数不胜数,驰名中外,像秦始皇陵兵马俑 (the Terracotta Warriors of Emperor Qin Shi Huang)、大雁塔 (the

5、 Giant Wild GoosePagoda)以及宋朝的碑林 (the Stele Forest)。现在的西安不仅是旅游城市,还是中国正在崛起 的工业基地之一,尤以先进的机器制造业和纺织业 (textile industry)最为出名。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 96答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 The old city of Beijing is the masterpiece in the architectural history. Although this marvelous city was damaged in vario

6、us ways in the past, the old city around the Forbidden City still remains its original appearance. Since the Liao dynasty in the 11th century, the capital was established in Beijing, and kept there in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. For about one thousand years, Beijing has nearly always been the

7、 administration center of China. The capital of Chinese people nearly for a millennium is the location of supreme power so that large-scale construction could be carried out with the power of the whole country, leaving such a magnificent urban landscape. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 Nanjing, the capital of J

8、iangsu Province, has a civilized history of more than 6 000 years. It is also a modern city boasting the spirit of opening to the outside world. In the 15th century, the seven long voyages, which were launched from Nanjing by renowned Chinese master mariner Zheng He, promoted the city to establish t

9、ies with many foreign countries, thus initiating its historical age of coming into contact with other countries. The opening-up has brought Nanjing close to the rest of the world, and rendered the city more attractive to overseas friends. Now there are more than 10 thousand of them working in Nanjin

10、g on the long-term basis. They are participating in the urban construction, enjoying its natural beauty and places of historic interest, and promoting trade and cultural exchanges with other countries. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 Shanghai Museum, situated in the south of the Peoples Square, is a large museu

11、m of ancient Chinese art. It has a display area of 2 800 square meters and possesses a collections of 120 000 precious works of art. Its exquisite collection of ancient Chinese bronze, ceramics, calligraphy and painting are specially celebrated both at home and abroad. Founded and first open to the

12、public in 1952, the museum developed very quickly and distinguished itself in aspects of acquisition, conservation, research, exhibition, and cultural exchanges with other institutes. In August 1993, according to the decision of the Shanghai municipal government, the work to build a new museum in th

13、e city center started. The present Shanghai Museum has eleven galleries and three exhibition halls. It extends warm welcome to the visitors from all over the world in a new look. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 In the hidden pockets of lowland jungle in south of Yunnan Province, there lives one of Chinas best-k

14、ept wildlife secrets the wild Asian elephant. These wild animals, whose total number is now only more than 300 in China, are under first-class state protection. They only survive in the hidden valleys. Elephants are the architects of the forest. Bamboos and grass are their favourite food but sometim

15、es saplings, tree leaves and twisted lianas are all taken, with little care. As they move through the forest, the elephants open up clearings, bringing light to the forest floor, which has a major impact on their home. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 Xian, the capital of Shaanxi Province, is an important cultur

16、al, industrial and educational center of China, with an urban population of nearly 3 million. Originally known as Changan before the Ming Dynasty, Xian is a birthplace of the Chinese civilization, and the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road. With a history of more than 3 100 years, it su

17、ccessively served as the capital of several important dynasties from the 11th century BC on. Hence Xian is home to a large number of historical sites, such as the Terracotta Warriors of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Stele Forest of the Song Dynasty, all of which are well known both at home and abroad. Xian now is both a tourist city and one of the rising industrial bases in China, especially known for its advanced machine-building and textile industries. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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