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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 10及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Gambling. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in English: 1. What is gambling? 2. The harm of gambling. 3. How shall we deal with it? 二、 Pa

2、rt II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

3、 N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 The “News“ in Education Education changes with time. Because of these changes, the face of education and access to education are different today. The mo

4、st obvious change is that there are different things to teach. 16 fact, there is much more to teach. Learning and research have increased greatly in the past century, great advances in science mean that there is much more, information to teach. Some of the ideas of the past were wrong, so the conten

5、t of books is different. For example, in a beginning biology class today, more than 70% of the information that students learn today was not known twenty years ago. Thats an important reason for change! As scientists learn more, there will be more for students to learn. Another reason for changes in

6、 education is that there are new teaching tools. For centuries, schools had no books. The teachers gave by lessons explaining ideas to students. Today teachers and students use books, including e-books. They also use technology. For example, many of them use computers, video, and on-line communicati

7、on. There are even electronic classrooms. Through interactive instructional television networks (IITV), a teacher can teach students in different places. Their IITV classrooms use radio signals or satellite communication to carry the communication from tower to tower. There are differences between t

8、he traditional classroom and the IITV classroom, of course. However, most of these differences are easy to overcome. Perhaps one student wants to have a private conversation with the teacher. If teacher and student talk on the IITV network, there is no privacy. Everyone else in the class can hear wh

9、at they say. Therefore, their conversation, must happen over telephone lines or through electronic mail (e-mail). No one really knows how this change in students ability to talk privately with a teacher changes the educational experience. Some students decide not to talk to the teacher because it ca

10、nnot happen naturally after class. She could send an e-mail message or decide not to bother the teacher. This lack of personal contact with the teacher is just one potential problem. Another is that the students in different classroom places cannot speak with one another as easily. One solution to t

11、his drawback is the class chat room. To facilitate students conversation about a topic, the teacher can set up an Internet chat room or a bulletin board. A number of general topics are posted, and the students can write in their thoughts on the topic. Some students are shy of using these kinds of co

12、mmunication tools. Perhaps they dont have access to the equipment, or maybe they dont know how to get to a chat room on the Internet. Communication among students is possible, but it takes place through a medium that is different from voices in a classroom. On the other hand, there are great advanta

13、ges to teaching through IITV. Great numbers of students can “attend“ the class. Education is not limited to those who are near a university. Another advantage is the ability to show things to students. Every IITV classroom has a padcam TM. This special camera focuses on any picture, book page, or ob

14、ject that the teacher wants the students to see. The camera focuses on a rectangle-the pad. A teacher can put a picture, for example, on the pad of the padcam TM. The padcam has a zoom lens. Therefore, the teacher can focus on tiny things in the picture and make them much bigger than life. Art histo

15、ry teachers and anthropologists love the padcam TM. They use it to make their lessons more interesting. They can show details with ease. Computer programs such as Power Point connect easily to the electronic equipment in interactive television. Therefore, the presentation of ideas can happen quite w

16、ell. The teacher can put the main ideas on the screen, so the students know what the main ideas of the lesson are. Another advantage is the ability to include videos in lessons. It is easy to show movies or parts of cinemas. Furthermore, there can be a video- tape record of every lesson. A student w

17、ho misses a class can watch the tape. Then he knows exactly what happened in class! Students change from generation to generation. The students of today learn in different ways from their grandparents forty years ago or their parents twenty years ago. Todays students grew up under different conditio

18、ns. Most of them have always had electricity. Perhaps they have always had television. They grew up with technology. The things that a person has always known seem natural to him or her. Of course, there is always change. Changes in society happen slowly, one at a time. Therefore, people usually acc

19、ept changes as natural. For older people, the changes today seem to happen very fast. They find it more difficult to keep up with the changes. Younger students are used to a faster speed of living. They accept the speed as something natural. The new technology, the change in personality of students,

20、 and the changes in content all affect education today. Schools look different, teachers do different kinds of teaching, and students learn different things. It is impossible to tell how education will change in the next generation. One cannot be sure of anything except that it will change. 2 There

21、are many new possibilities of ways to learn, because of these new tools. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Education has changed enough, so it will not changed any more. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 IITV gives a teacher a lot of advantages. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Some students dont feel comfortable when calling a

22、 teacher on the telephone if they need help. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Compared to the new in formation in science, some of the ideas of the past were_. 7 The traditional classroom and the IITV classroom are_. 8 _ have increased greatly in the past century. 9 Through IITV a teacher can teach students

23、in different_. 10 Todays students grew up under_. 11 If a teacher and a student talk on the IITV network, there is_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what wa

24、s said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He has hurt his hand. ( B) He cant fix it. ( C) He is very busy at the

25、 moment. ( D) He wants the woman to give him a hand. ( A) Lawyer and client. ( B) Doctor and patient. ( C) Boss and secretary. ( D) Shop-assistant and customer. ( A) He was very slow in doing things. ( B) He was the right person to do such a things. ( C) He is expected to do such a thing. ( D) He wo

26、uld never do such a thing. ( A) The bus was in a terrible accident. ( B) The bus may arrive tonight, but the man isnt sure. ( C) The bus will probably arrive at 12. ( D) The bus has broken down and will not arrive. ( A) By motorcycle. ( B) By bus. ( C) By bicycle. ( D) By car. ( A) Hes teaching scho

27、ol this summer. ( B) Hes working hard so that he can afford to go to New York. ( C) He may have difficulty working and studying at the same time. ( D) He decided not to attend summer school. ( A) The application should be well - written. ( B) The application should have been sent as soon as possible

28、. ( C) The application will certainly bring him great profit. ( D) The application can help him get that good job. ( A) $300. ( B) $200. ( C) $500. ( D) $400. ( A) Ruined by file earthquake. ( B) Moved 3 meters. ( C) As good as ever. ( D) Unknown. ( A) It is tough. ( B) Someone was hurt by it. ( C)

29、Moved. ( D) There were no cows then. ( A) Terrible. ( B) Shocking. ( C) unforgettable, ( D) Cherished. ( A) The cassette player ( B) The sales slip. ( C) Worth of tapes. ( D) Warrantys expired. ( A) He is a worker. ( B) He enjoys music. ( C) He has another player ( D) He lost 20 dollar. ( A) She is

30、a clerk. ( B) She said sorry to the man. ( C) She agreed with the man at last. ( D) She is tough. ( A) 4. ( B) More than 4. ( C) 14. ( D) 40. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the ques

31、tions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) The meaning of facial expressions depends on situations. ( B) Facial expressions can cause misunderstanding across culture. ( C) People from one culture may tac

32、k facial expressions because they experience less emotions. ( D) Facial expressions may disguise true feelings. ( A) They smile to cover embarrassment. ( B) It is an unusual and even suspicious behavior. ( C) They smite to show politeness. ( D) It is an expression of pleasure. ( A) We shouldnt judge

33、 people by reading their faces. ( B) We shouldnt smile in the wrong place. ( C) We shouldnt cover our true feelings. ( D) We shouldnt express our emotions too openly. ( A) In 1938. ( B) In 1946. ( C) In 1955 ( D) During the World War . ( A) It reflects commercial interests. ( B) It is a fashionable

34、professional event. ( C) It is an essential affair for international cinema. ( D) It is more concerned with the art of film than with financial interests. ( A) It is awarded to the best film of the festival. ( B) It was introduced in 1959. ( C) It was introduced by a commercial organization. ( D) On

35、ly American directors have received this award. ( A) Paris. ( B) Copenhagen. ( C) New York. ( D) London. ( A) Once. ( B) Twice. ( C) Three times. ( D) Never. ( A) They won the tournament last year. ( B) They have been trained the hardest in the tournament. ( C) They have the most money to spend on t

36、heir athletes. ( D) They have never lost a game before. ( A) The German team. ( B) The British team. ( C) The Brazilian Team. ( D) The American team. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully f

37、or its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the e

38、xact words you have just heard or write down the 37 IBM researchers are attempting to warm up human-computer relationships. For example, IBM, International Business Machines, has been working on getting computers to recognize human (36)_, such as an arm wave to move a (37)_ object on screen. Recentl

39、y, the company s researchers have gone a (38)_ further by training a computer to recognize human (39)_. To demonstrate their progress, IBM (40)_ out Pong, a (41)_ head without body that can react to human facial expressions with a smile or a (42)_ Pong uses a camera to (43)_ your gestures in pain or

40、 anger or frowning and uses software to interpret what it sees. But dont expect your computer to start grinning at you any time soon. (44)_. In the meantime, you can get a taste of the future by playing with basic gesture-recognition technology on your own Windows PC. (45)_. Cybernets $40 Headhunter

41、 software can track and translate head movements into game commands. Lean left, for example, and the onscreen view moves left. Cybernet programmers point out that this is more than fun and games: (46)_. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete st

42、atements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. 48 The people of Sabah comprises several ethnic groups. Among them are the Kadazandusun, Bajau, Murut, Kedaya, Bisaya, lrranun, Rungus, Kimarang, Kwijau, Lundayeh, Ubian, Binadan,

43、 Orang Sungai, Tatana, Tagaas, Brunei, Suluk and others. The most notable difference among the various ethnic groups are their dialects, religions, customs, and way of life which includes their traditional costumes. The use of traditional costumes can be seen from two periods of time, that is the cl

44、assical and modern periods. In the classical period, traditional costumes were worn during rituals, weddings as well as daily wear. In modem times, traditional costumes are only worn at special occasions like weddings and traditional functions. Most ethnic groups in Sabah use black as the dominant c

45、olor of their traditional costumes. The use of black stems from the belief that black is a godly color and represents power that will protect the user from the bad spirits. Other beliefs state that the use of black is synonymous with the way of life and natural conditions at that particular time. Pe

46、rsonal Adornment In the past, red gemstones, colored glass beads, cowry(海蚆 ) shells, white buttons or disks made from shells and bronze were used to adorn the men and womens clothes. Today most of these ornaments have been replaced with plastic beads and other more modern materials like gold and sil

47、ver threads, sequins and colored threads. As of old, these ornaments are still worn with belts made from various materials like shells, silver glass coins, bronze or other types of alloys. A waist cloth made of colored rattan is used to tighten up the robe, pants, or vest. Necklace made from various

48、 materials are used as decoration around the neck and chest. Bracelets are also used to adorn the hands, wrists and feet. Traditional hats/headgear or scarves are normally used by the men and women as protection from the heat as well as to absorb perspiration. The headgear used during official funct

49、ions are more beautiful and colorful. The ritual specialists wear headgears and garments which are decorated differently when they are performing traditional functions. Today, the men still use the headgear as part of their daily attire. The headgear is a square piece of cloth folded into different shapes according to the district the person is from. The women use beads, combs, scarves and traditional hats based on the oc


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