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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 220及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Diligence Is the Key to Success. You are given the following outlines in Chinese and are required to write no less than 150 words. Remember to write clearly. 1. 对 “

2、勤奋是成功的关健 ”涵义的理解; 2. 成功不是靠运气 ; 3. 了解成功重要性的意义。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement

3、 agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 U.S. Population Present Situations of U.S. Population The U.S.the most populous of todays developed co

4、untriesbas one of the highest population growth rates of the industrialized nations: about one percent annually. This adds some 2.5 million people every yearequivalent to a new city the size of San Diegowhich is by far the largest numerical increase of any developed country. By the end of 1994, the

5、U.S. population had climbed to 262 million, up from 203 million in 1970. The change stands in sharp contrast with Europe which today adds less than a million people per year to a population of about 728 million and Japans addition of 0.3 million to a total of 125 million. Immigration now contributes

6、 roughly a third of the annual U.S. increase, although natural increase, or births minus deaths, remains substantial at about 1.7 million per year. This is in part the consequence of a younger age distribution resulting from the post-war baby boom (1946-1964), but U.S. fertility (生育力 ) has also been

7、 among the highest of the industrialized countries. The U.S. TFR ( the total fertility rate, defined as the average number of children women will bear in their lifetime) remained at about 1.8 from the mid-1970s to the latter 1980s, when it began rising to 2.1 in 1991. The U.S. TFR has since receded

8、slightly, dropping to about 2.0 in 1993. The relatively high U.S. fertility is one of this countrys most striking demographic (人口统计学的 ) features. Should the present rate persist, the country would remain at or near the replacement level to avoid population decline as in Europe. Although fertility le

9、vels do vary among ethnic groups, the TFR for U.S. non-Hispanic white women in 1992 was nonetheless 1.8; for blacks, it was 2.4; Asian and Pacific Islanders, 1.9; American Indians, 2.2; and Hispanics 3.0. National Trends The U.S. population is undergoing at least two major shifts: a significant chan

10、ge in its geographic distribution and a similarly important change in ethnic composition. Immigration accounting for a third of the present annual growthis also an undeniable factor. The stream of immigrants into the U.S. is highly directed towards but six of the 50 states (California, with 261,000

11、legal immigrants in 1993; New York 151,000; Texas 67,000; Florida 61,000; New Jersey 50,000; and Illinois 47,000). Within these, moreover, the flow is concentrated within but a few metropolitan areas. Shifts in Geographic Distribution The balance of population is shifting rapidly to the South and We

12、st. The Northeast and Midwest have experienced a continuous loss of population to the South and West by migration from other areas of the U.S. These two “sun-belt“ regions have also received a higher influx of immigrants. From 1990 to 1993, the Northeast and Midwest experienced a net loss of 367,000

13、 residents through migration to other parts of the country while gaining 260,000 immigrants from abroad. The South gained 471,000 migrants from the balance of the U.S. and another 180,000 from outside the country. The West actually lost population because of migration to other regions, because of th

14、e numerical dominance of the state of California in the region. It is likely that the loss of jobs in California in defense-related employment was responsible for this unexpected mm of events. The South and West received no fewer than 500,000 net immigrants from abroad, just over half of which were

15、to California alone. Changes in Ethnic Composition One-fourth of the present population of the U.S. is now composed of racial minorities, which are defined as anyone who is not white and non-Hispanic. In the next 50 years that fraction will grow to nearly half the total, according to recent projecti

16、ons. The Hispanic population is projected (预测 ) by the Census Bureau to rise from 22.5 million in 1990 to just under 90 million by 2050, due to the combination of immigration and higher fertility. If that projection proves true, Hispanics would increase their share of the total population to about 2

17、2% from 9% in 1990. Asian and Pacific Islanders, although a lower fertility group, would rise from 7.6 million in the 1990 Census to 41 million by 2050. Much slower growth is projected for the black population: from 30.6 million in 1990 to 62 million by mid-century. The slower pace of growth in this

18、 group is based upon present, relatively low levels of immigrationa situation which could well change in time. Population prospects differ regionally in yet another, often-overlooked way: the birth rate. Due to both higher birth rates and younger populations, births outnumber deaths by a wider margi

19、n in the “sun-belt“ states of the South and West than in the North and East. From 1990 to 1993, for example, there were only 124 births per 100 deaths in Pennsylvania while there were 260 in California and 336 in Utah. The majority of “frost-belt“ states have TFRs below the replacement level; the op

20、posite is true in the South and West, in part because immigrants to the U.S. have generally higher fertility rates. This means, of course, that the northern states could ultimately experience population decline due to low fertility rates which may or may not be offset by migration. While migration t

21、rends can change rapidly, fertility rates tend to be comparatively stable. Conclusions and Consequences of Population Increase What are the consequences of population growth both for the U.S. and for the world as a whole? In the recent past, the primary concern for developing countries-where virtual

22、ly all the growth is founddealt with matters of adequate food supply. Thus far, food production has generally kept pace with population growth in all regions except Africa. But what about the future, when world population will inexorably (不可避免的 ) increase? Meeting this goal, however, depended upon i

23、ncreasing land under cultivation and also raising production per acre or hectare to about the level of a development farm in Asiai.e., expanding the scope of the agricultural “Green Revolution“. To achieve this level of production will require significant inputs of capital and fertilizers, which ope

24、ns the larger issue of “sustainable development“. Can developing countries modernize agriculture, industrialize and raise Gross National Product without excessive harm to the environment? There are other obvious concerns that go beyond simple food production, including food distribution and storage

25、and associated costs, local and regional availability of freshwater, energy demands, land use, land, air, and water quality. The ramifications of these issues in the face of continued, rapid growth in world population will pose profound policy questions for those who govern the world of tomorrow-as

26、they do indeed today. For the U.S., the key issues are these: The Census Bureau projections call for an addition of about 130 million people by 2050 if current trends continue, with modest growth after that. We may also reasonably assume that immigration will continue to contribute significantly to

27、the projected increase. The U.S. has a long history of immigration and many groups, including business interests, would lobby strenuously to maintain it as an element of expanding markets. In fact, the most recent revision to U.S. immigration law raised the number of allowed immigrants from about 55

28、0,000 to about 800,000 per year, including refugees. The primary impact of U.S. population growth will be felt in the areas of the country where in recent years growth has tended to concentrate. For the most part, this can be divided into two categories: (1) high-growth states such as Florida, Calif

29、ornia, and Texas, and (2) smaller metropolitan areas which have experienced accelerated growth in recent years. Cities such as Charlotte, North Carolina, have emerged as significant centers of growth with expanding employment markets. Although predicting the future is always risky, we can be fairly

30、certain of the general trends now expected in global population in the next few decades. The world will add billions to its population, through additions made almost exclusively in the worlds poorer nations. This can only be expected, since developing countries already represent most of the worlds p

31、opulation. The United States, as well, faces the new century as the only remaining industrialized country with high-impact growth in its future. And, the United States has never lived in isolation from the rest of the world: Over half of its anticipated growth is expected to come in the future from

32、immigration, following a well-established, historical pattern. These anticipated changes, that now seem almost inevitable, loom (隐现 ) large as the backdrop against which todays policy choices are to be made, both in and out of government. 2 The U.S. has the highest population growth rate in the worl

33、d. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Europe and Japan need more labor force because the population growth in these countries has been very low. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Hispanic women in America have the highest TFR among all the ethnic groups. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 The South and West have experienced a cont

34、inuous loss of population to the North. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Immigration now accounts for about_of the annual U.S. increase in population. 7 The_refers to the average number of children women will bear in their lifetime. 8 The two major shifts the U.S. population is undergoing are changes in geog

35、raphic distribution and in_. 9 _, not white and non-Hispanic, constitutes one-fourth of the present U.S. population. 10 The primary concern for developing country in the past dealt with matters of_. 11 The most recent revision to U.S. immigration law raised the number of allowed immigrants from abou

36、t 550,000 to about_per year, including refugees. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only

37、once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) $2.5. ( B) $5. ( C) $7.5. ( D) $10. ( A) The man. ( B) The woman. ( C) The womans son. ( D) The policeman. ( A) Daughter and father. ( B)

38、Student and teacher. ( C) Secretary and manager. ( D) Patient and doctor. ( A) Prof. Smith suggested that all students attend the last class. ( B) Prof. Smith suggested that all students finish the assignment before the deadline. ( C) Prof. Smith suggested that all students wait a few minutes after

39、the last class. ( D) Prof. Smith suggested that all students watch the clock carefully on the last day of class. ( A) Rose liked dancing very much when she was at college. ( B) Rose and Lucy were good friends when they were roommates. ( C) The man believed what Lucy told him. ( D) The man doubted wh

40、at Lucy told him. ( A) Doctors neednt be careful for their patients in serious situations. ( B) The patients situation is not serious enough for doctors to be careful. ( C) The best situation is that doctors can pray for the patients. ( D) The more careful the doctors are, the better. ( A) The woman

41、 has to agree that the man watches the football game that night. ( B) The woman successfully persuades the man to clean the house that night. ( C) The woman doesnt mind the house is in mess at all. ( D) The woman wants to watch the football game herself. ( A) Both the man and the woman are in a good

42、 living condition. ( B) The mans living condition is better than the womans. ( C) The womans living condition is better than the mans. ( D) The womans living condition is equally miserable as the mans. ( A) Boric acid. ( B) Lozenges. ( C) Cough syrup. ( D) Penicillin. ( A) The man is suffering cold.

43、 ( B) The woman has many tablets which can cure common cold in no time. ( C) The man can take medicine according to the instructions. ( D) The woman helps the man decide which medicine to buy. ( A) Doctor and patient. ( B) Nurse and patient. ( C) Chemist and patient. ( D) Physician and patient. ( A)

44、 Bush, Cheney and other top officials conspiracy to defraud the United States. ( B) Bush, Cheney and other top officials tricking the nation into war. ( C) Bush, Cheney and other top officials compromise in the war. ( D) Bush, Cheney and other top officials deceiving the public regarding the war. (

45、A) She was once an Assistant U.S. Attorney. ( B) She was once a prosecutor working for the state government. ( C) She was once a member of the jury in charge of the indictment. ( D) She was working for the state government the conspiracy was started. ( A) Because both defraud the innocent public. (

46、B) Because they are for the same interest. ( C) Because they employ the same techniques. ( D) Because both have not been held accountable. ( A) The U.S. top officials are absolutely responsible for the conspiracy. ( B) People in no places other than U.S. enjoy democracy fully and freely. ( C) Presid

47、ent Bush should rise to the trial conducted by the Supreme Court. ( D) President Bush should be held accountable like the Enron people. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions

48、will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Because they are physically ill. ( B) Because there is something wrong with their nerve. ( C) The reasons are unknown. ( D) Because they think it funny. ( A) To limit

49、 the water taken by children. ( B) To wake up children for bathroom. ( C) To make children take sleep-induction pills. ( D) To make children stay up late into the night. ( A) Ask for some pills to stop it. ( B) Punish children for their misconduct. ( C) See the doctor first. ( D) Dry the beddings as soon as possible. ( A) Working too long will hurt ones health and influence ones family. ( B) Workers who do overtime will be more likely to get hurt. ( C) The employers will severely be penal


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