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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 330及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled We Need chinese Instructions for our products. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given bellow. 1. 现在许多国内销售的产品只有英文说明而拒绝用中文说明。 2. 英语并非

2、中国的第一语言,许多人都不懂中文,有必要给产品加上中文说明。 3. 有些厂家拒绝中文,实在是缺乏尊严的表现。 We Need Chinese Instructions for Our Products 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passag

3、e. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 The Truth about Lying Ive been wanting to writ

4、e on a subject that intrigues and challenges me: the subject of lying. Ive found it very difficult to do. Everyone Ive talked to has a quite intense and personal but often rather intolerant point of view about what lies he can and can never tell. Ive finally reached the conclusion that I cant presen

5、t any ultimate conclusions, for too many people would promptly disagree. Instead, Id like to present a series of moral puzzles, all concerned with lying. Ill tell you what I think about them. Do you agree? Social Lies Most of the people Ive talked with say that they find social lying acceptable and

6、necessary. They think its the civilized way for folks to behave. Without these little white lies, they say, our relationships would be short and nasty. Its arrogant, they say, to insist on being incorruptible and so brave that you cause other people unnecessary embarrassment or pain by compulsively

7、presenting them with your honesty. I basically agree. What about you? Will you say to people, when it simply isnt true, “I like your new hairdo,“ “youre looking much better,“ “Its so nice to see you,“ “ I had a wonderful time“? Will you praise ugly presents and ugly kids? And even though, as I do, y

8、ou may prefer the polite evasion of “You really cooked a storm“ instead of “The soup “ which taste like warmed-over coffee “is wonderful, “will you, if you must, proclaim it wonderful? Theres one man I know who absolutely refuses to tell social lies. “I cant play that game, “he says,“ Fm simply not

9、made that way. “And his answer to the argument that saying nice things to someone doesnt cost anything is, “Yes, it does-it destroys your credibility. “My friend does not indulge in what he calls “flattery, false praise and sweet comments“. When others tell lies he will not go along. He says that so

10、cial lying is lying, that little white lies are still lies. And he feels that telling lies is morally wrong. What about you? Peace-keeping Lies Many people tell peace-keeping lies; lies designed to avoid irritation or argument; lies designed to shelter the liar from possible blame or pain; lies desi

11、gned to keep trouble at bay without hurting anyone. I tell these lies at times, yet I always feel theyre wrong. I understand why we tell them, but still they feel wrong. And whenever I lie so that someone wont disapprove of me or think less of me or yell at me, I feel Im a bit of a coward, I feel Im

12、 dodging responsibility, I feel guilty. What about you? Do you, when you arc late for a date because you overslept, say youre late because you got caught in traffic jam? Do you, when you didnt remember that it was your fathers birthday, say that his present must be delayed in the mail? Finally, do y

13、ou keep the peace by telling your husband lies on the subject of money? And in general do you find yourself ready, willing and able to lie to him when you make absurd mistakes or lose or break things? Protective Lies Protective lies are lies folks tell often quite serious lies-because theyre convinc

14、ed that the truth would be too damaging. They lie because they feel there are certain human values that are more important than the wrong of having lied. They lie, not for personal gain, but because they believe its for the good of the person theyre lying to. They lie to those who trust them most of

15、 all, on the grounds that breaking this trust is justified. They may lie to their children on money or marital matters. They may lie to dying about the state of their health. I sometimes tell such lies, but Im aware that its quite presumptuous to claim I know whats best for others to know. Thats cal

16、led playing God. Thats called manipulation and control. And we never can be sure, once we start to juggle lies, just where theyll land, exactly where theyll roll. And furthermore, we may find ourselves lying in order to back up the lies that are backing up the lie we initially told. And furthermore

17、lets be honest if conditions were reversed, we certainly wouldnt want anyone lying to us. Yet, having said all that, I still believe that there are times when protective lies must nonetheless be told. What about you? If your former husband failed to send his monthly child-support check and in other

18、ways behaved like a total rat, would you allow your children who believed he was simply wonderful to continue to believe that he was wonderful? If your dearly beloved brother selected a wife whom you deeply disliked, would you fake your feelings? Trust-keeping Lies Another group of lies are trust-ke

19、eping lies, lies that involve triangulation, with A (thats you) telling lies to B on behalf of C (whose trust youd promised to keep). Most people concede that once youve agreed not to betray a friends confidence, you cant betray it, even if you must lie. But Ive talked with people who dont want you

20、to tell them anything that they might be called on to lied about. They absolutely dont want to know about it. “I dont tell lies for myself,“ says Fran, “and I dont want to have to tell them for other people.“ What about you? Do you believe you can have close friends if youre not prepared to receive

21、their deepest secrets? Do you believe you must always lie for your friends? As you can see; these issues get terribly sticky. Some say that truth will out and thus you might as well tell the truth. Some say you cant regain the trust that lies lose. Some say that even though the truth may never be re

22、vealed, our lies damage our relationships. Some say well, heres what some of them have to say. “Im a coward, “says Grace,“ about telling close people important, difficult truths. I find that Im unable to carry it off. And se if something is bothering me, it keeps building up inside till I end up jus

23、t not seeing them any more. “I suffer most from the misconception that children cant take the troth,“ says Emily. But Im starting to see that whats harder and more damaging for them is being told lies, is not being told the truth. “Im afraid,“ says Joan, “that we often windup feeling a bit of contem

24、pt for the people, we lie to.“ And then there are those who have no talent for lying. “Over the years, I tried to lie, “a friend of mine explained, “but I always got found out and I always got punished. I guess I gave myself away because I feel guilty about any kind of lying. It looks as if Im stuck

25、 with telling the truth.“ For those of us, however, who are good at telling lies, for those of us who lie and dont get caught, the question of whether or not to lie can be a hard and serious moral problem. I liked the remark of a friend of mine who said, “Im willing to lie. But just as a last resort

26、-the truths always better. “Because,“ he explained,“ though others may completely accept the lie Im telling, I dont.“ I tend to feel that way too. What about you? 2 The author basically agrees that social lies are acceptable and necessary. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 One of the advantages of a peace-kee

27、ping lie is aimed at avoiding trouble or argument. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 According to the passage, people tell protective lies simply for their own benefits. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 In this passage, the author provides us with effective ways to cope with different types of lies. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C)

28、 NG 6 Most of the people believe that social lying helps to avoid _. 7 In the authors opinion, a social lie can avoid causing people _. 8 Peace-keeping lies serve to protect the liar from possible _. 9 It is _ to tell protective lies because folks are convinced that the truth would be too damaging.

29、10 As regards trust-keeping lies, you are supposed to tell lies to someone someone _ else. 11 According to the passage, for those who are good at telling lies and dont get caught, the question of whether or not to lie can be a hard and serious _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear

30、8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices mark

31、ed A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Interviewer and interviewee. ( B) Teacher and student. ( C) Saleswoman and customer. ( D) Policewoman and witness. ( A) An exciting dream. ( B) A funny dream. ( C) A frightening dream. ( D) A happy dream. ( A) To the library. ( B) Picnickin

32、g in the woods. ( C) Skiing in the mountain. ( D) To the beach. ( A) By car. ( B) By bus. ( C) On foot. ( D) By train. ( A) John has traveled all over the world. ( B) John is going to San Francisco. ( C) John is glad to hear from his friend. ( D) John likes postcards. ( A) The two walkmans are very

33、much alike. ( B) She likes the smaller walkman. ( C) The mans walkman cant record. ( D) She likes a walkman with a recorder. ( A) Secretary. ( B) Business administration. ( C) Home economics. ( D) Biology. ( A) He can drive slowly now. ( B) He is sure that he is a good driver. ( C) He thinks the cla

34、ss too slow for him. ( D) He is making steady progress. ( A) To help people to organize their work in an effective way. ( B) To help people to become efficient at their jobs. ( C) To help people to arrange their time properly. ( D) To help people to reduce stress. ( A) Workers on assembly lines. ( B

35、) Government officials. ( C) Business people. ( D) College students. ( A) Set time-limits with them. ( B) Never make appointments with them. ( C) Tell them to value other peoples time. ( D) Tell them you wont wait if they are not punctual. ( A) She is a job interviewer. ( B) She is a university prof

36、essor. ( C) She is a career adviser. ( D) She is a psychologist. ( A) Just keep calm and do your best. ( B) Face the interviewer, while answering questions. ( C) Never take your eyes off the interviewer. ( D) Sit straight on the edge of your chair. ( A) Pretend to be what the company wants. ( B) Tel

37、l the truth, exclude for what you dont want them to know. ( C) Tell the whole truth. ( D) Answer it in a roundabout way. ( A) Apply for the kind of work you want to do. ( B) Apply to the firm that you would enjoy working for. ( C) Be confident that you will get the job you want. ( D) Answer and ask

38、questions sensibly. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,

39、 B, C and D. ( A) Family phone numbers. ( B) Phone numbers of government services. ( C) Phone numbers of businesses. ( D) Phone numbers of professional services. ( A) People can call you back if necessary. ( B) You can dial a special number free. ( C) You dont need to pay for a long-distance call. (

40、 D) You can get a credit coupon when you give the phone number. ( A) He will connect you to the correct number. ( B) He will charge you less for the wrong number. ( C) He will charge you no money for the wrong number. ( D) He will tell you what the wrong number is. ( A) English is the easiest langua

41、ge to learn. ( B) English is as easy to learn as your mother tongue. ( C) English can be learnt in six weeks. ( D) It is easier to learn English on radio or TV. ( A) To speak English. ( B) To read technical books in English. ( C) To listen to English programmes on radio. ( D) To read English literat

42、ure. ( A) English learning at school usually takes a long time. ( B) More and more people want to learn English nowadays. ( C) It is not necessary for many people to go to English speaking countries to learn English. ( D) It is more difficult to learn English quickly than to learn it slowly. ( A) Ni

43、ght clubs and theaters. ( B) Fine universities. ( C) Historical places. ( D) The worlds largest stores. ( A) There are more job opportunities. ( B) There are good universities. ( C) The citys cultural life is rich. ( D) All of the above. ( A) Thousands every day. ( B) Thousands every week. ( C) Thou

44、sands every month. ( D) Thousands every year. ( A) 7:30 to9:00 a.m. ( B) 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. ( C) 7:00 to 9:30 a.m. ( D) 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its genera

45、l idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words yo

46、u have just heard or write down the 36 As heart disease continues to be number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in【 B1】 _ the potential risk factors that【 B2】 _ heart attacks. High fat diets and “life in the fast lane“ have long been known to contribut

47、e to the high【 B3】 _ of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be【 B4】 _ longer and quite surprising. Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and【 B5】 _ patterns. A higher percent age of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience h

48、eart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more【 B6】 _ to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning【 B7】 _ in the mid-1980s and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood

49、pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart【 B8】 _ hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart,【 B9】 _ . In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics reveal that【 B10】 _ And unmarried men arc more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts.【 B11】 _ . 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 4


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