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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 442 及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Cover Letter. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 你是如何得知招生信息的 2. 自我推荐并说 明选择该校的理由 3. 希望得到该校的回复 二、 Part II Reading Compre

2、hension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the s

3、tatement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Shee

4、t 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Bring Our Schools out of the 20th Century Theres a dark little joke exchanged by educators with an opposing trace: Rip

5、Van Winkle awakens in the 21 century after a hundred-year sleep and is, of course, utterly bewildered by what he sees. Men and women dash about, talking to small metal devices attached to their ears. Young people sit at home on sofas, moving miniature athletes around on electronic screens. Older fol

6、k defy death and disability with devices in their chests and with hips made of metal and plastic. Airports, hospitals, shopping wallsevery place Rip goes just baffles him. But when he finally walks into a schoolroom, the old man knows exactly where he is. “This is a school,“ he declares. “We used to

7、 have these back in 1906. Only now the blackboards are green.“ American schools arent exactly frozen in time, but considering the pace of change in other areas of life, our public schools tend to feel like throwbacks. Kids spend much of the day as their grandparents once did. sitting in rows, listen

8、ing to teachers lecture, scribbling notes by hand, reading from textbooks that are out of date by the time they are printed. A yawning gap separates the world inside the schoolhouse from the world outside. For the past five years, the national conversation on education has focused on reading scores,

9、 math tests and closing the “achievement gap“ between social classes. This is not a story about that conversation. This is a story about the big public conversation the nation is not having about education, the one that will ultimately determine not merely whether some fraction of our children get “

10、left behind“ but also whether an entire generation of kids will fail to make the grade in the global economy because they cant think their way through abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish good information from bad or speak a language other than English. Right now were aiming too low. Compet

11、ency in reading and math is just the minimum. Scientific and technical skills are, likewise, utterly necessary but insufficient. Todays economy demands not only a high-level competence in the traditional academic disciplines but also what might be called 21st century skills. Heres what they are: Kno

12、wing more about the world. Thinking outside the box. Becoming smarter about new sources of information. Developing good people skills. Real Knowledge in the Google Era Learn the names of all the rivers in South America. That was the assignment given to Deborah Stipeks daughter Meredith in school, an

13、d her mom, whos dean of the Stanford University School of Education, was not impressed. “Thats silly,“ Stipek told her daughter. “Tell your teacher that if you need to know anything besides the Amazon, you can look it up on Google.“ Any number of old-school assignment memorizing the battles of the C

14、ivil War or the periodic table of the elements now seem faintly absurd. That kind of information, which is poorly retained unless you routinely use it, is available at a keystroke. Still, few would argue that an American child shouldnt learn the causes of the Civil War or understand how the periodic

15、 table reflects the atomic structure and properties of the elements. As school critic E. D. Hirsch Jr. points out in his book, The Knowledge Deficit, kids need a substantial fund of information just to make sense of reading materials beyond the grade-school level. Without mastering the fundamental b

16、uilding blocks of math, science or history, complex concepts are impossible. Many analysts believe that to achieve the right balance between such core knowledge and what educators call “portable skills“ critical thinking, making connections between ideas and knowing how to keep on learning the US cu

17、rriculum needs to become more like that of Singapore, Belgium and Sweden, whose students outperform American students on math and science tests. Classes in these countries dwell on key concepts that are taught in depth and in careful sequence, as opposed to a succession of forgettable details so oft

18、en served in U.S. classrooms. Textbooks and tests support this approach. “Countries from Germany to Singapore have extremely small textbooks that focus on the most powerful and generative ideas,“ says Roy Pea, co-director of the Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning. These might be the key rul

19、es in math,“ the laws in science or the relationship between supply and demand in economics. Americas thick textbooks, by contrast, tend to go through a mind-numbing stream of topics and subtopics in an attempt to address a vast range of educational standards. Depth over breadth and the ability to l

20、eap across disciplines are exactly what teachers aim for at the Henry Ford Academy, a public school in Dearborn, Michigan. Last fall, 10th-graders in Charles Dershimers science class began a project that combines concepts from earth science, chemistry, business and design. After .reading about Nikes

21、 effort to develop a more environmentally friendly sneakers, students had to choose a consumer product, analyze and explain its environmental impact and then develop a plan for reengineering it to reduce pollution costs without sacrificing its commercial appeal. Says Dershimers. “Its a challenge for

22、 them and for me.“ A New Kind of Literacy The Juniors in Bill Strouds class are bound by a documentary called Loose Change playing on a small TV screen at the Baccalaureate School for Global Education, in urban Astoria, N. Y. The film uses 9/11 films and interviews with building engineers and Twin T

23、owers survivors to make an oddly compelling case that interior explosions unrelated to the impact of the airplanes brought down the World Trade Center on that fateful day. Afterward, the students an ethnic mix of New Yorkers with their own 9/11 memoriesdive into a discussion about the nature of trut

24、h. Throughout the year, the class will examine news reports, websites, history books, blogs, even pop songs. The goal is to teach kids to be sharp consumers of information and to research, form and defend their own views, says Str0ud, who is the founder and principal of the four-year-old public scho

25、ol. Classes like these, which teach key aspects of information literacy, remain rare in public education, but more and mort universities and employers say they are needed as the world grows ever more flooded with information of variable quality. Last year, in response to demand from colleges, the Ed

26、ucational Testing Service unveiled a new, computer-based exam designed to measure information-and-communication-technology literacy. A study of the test with 6 200 high school seniors and college freshmen found that only half could correctly judge the objectivity of a website. “Kids tend to go to Go

27、ogle and cut and paste a research report together,“ says Terry Egan, who let the team that developed the new test. “We kind of assumed this generation was so comfortable with technology that they know how to use it for research and deeper thinking,“ says Egan. “But if theyre not taught these skills,

28、 they dont necessarily pick them up.“ A Dose of Reality Teachers need not fear that they will be made outdated. They will, however, feel increasing pressure to bring their methods along with the curriculum in line with the way the modern world works. That means putting a greater emphasis on teaching

29、 kids to collaborate and solve problems in small groups and apply what theyve learned in the real world. Besides, research shows that kids learn better in that way than with the old chalk-and-talk approach. At suburban Farmington High School in Michigan, the engineering-technology department functio

30、ns like an engineering firm, with teachers as project managers, a Ford Motor Co. engineer as a consultant and students working in teams. The principles of physics, chemistry and engineering are taught through activities that fill the hallways with the noise of nailing, sawing and chattering. The res

31、ult: the kids learn to apply academic principles to the real world, think strategically and solve problems. Such lessons also teach students to show respect for others as well as to be punctual, responsible and work well in teams. Those skills were badly missing in recently hired high school graduat

32、es, according to a survey of over 400 human-resource professionals conducted by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. “Kids dont know how to shake your hand at graduation,“ says Rudolph Crew, superintendent of the Miami-Dade school system. Deportment(举止风度 ), he notes, used to be on the report car

33、d. Some of the nations more forward-thinking schools are bringing it back. Its one part of 21st century education that sleepy old Rip would recognize. 2 Why is the joke of Rip Van Winkle mentioned? ( A) To show the ignorance of old people. ( B) To show the fast development of America. ( C) To show A

34、merican schools develop slowly. ( D) To show the difference of the blackboard. 3 The 21st century skills include _ . ( A) Learning more about the world ( B) Thinking about the box ( C) Finding out information faster ( D) Becoming skillful and handy 4 Deborah Stipek thought her daughters assignment o

35、f learning the names of all the rivers in South America _ . ( A) was impressive ( B) didnt make sense ( C) involved Google ( D) made her daughter silly 5 Critical thinking, making connections between ideas and knowing how to keep on learning are what the educators call as _ . ( A) balance ( B) tore

36、knowledge ( C) portable skills ( D) curriculum 6 Unlike classes in Singapore, Belgium and Sweden. US classes focus on _ . ( A) math and science ( B) key concepts ( C) a succession of details ( D) the depth and sequence 7 What kind of students does Bill Stroud teach? ( A) 9/11 survivors. ( B) High sc

37、hool juniors. ( C) Film-making majors. ( D) Future engineers,. 8 How many of the 6 200 high school and college freshmen tested can judge the objectivity of the website correctly? ( A) 6 200, ( B) 3 100. ( C) 2 100. ( D) 911 9 Research shows the new method of solving problems in groups and applying t

38、heir knowledge in real world is better than _ . 10 At Farmington High School in Michigan, teachers and students work out projects with the help of _ . 11 The survey suggests that recent high school graduates lack skills like showing respect for others, _ . Section A Directions: In this section, you

39、will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four ch

40、oices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The mans clothes. ( B) The mans hairstyle. ( C) The Santa Anita mall. ( D) where to shop. ( A) The man is a visitor and the city is new for him. ( B) Its forbidden to turn right when the light is red there. ( C) The woman didnt ta

41、ke drivers license with her. ( D) The man has already fixed the womans car. ( A) He will probably get the job. ( B) He will probably fail. ( C) The chance is half-and-half. ( D) He is not satisfied with the offer. ( A) He likes potatoes very much. ( B) He doesnt know much about TV. ( C) He is fond o

42、f watching TV. ( D) He is as fat as a potato. ( A) He will fly to France. ( B) He will meet his parents at the airport. ( C) He will prepare the decoration. ( D) He will go to a party. ( A) A Bachelors degree and at least two years of teaching experience. ( B) A Doctors degree and at least two years

43、 of teaching experience. ( C) A Bachelors degree and at least one year of teaching experience. ( D) A Doctors degree and at least one year of teaching experience. ( A) The woman is going to France. ( B) The man is from France. ( C) The woman is going on vacation this winter. ( D) The man can speak G

44、ermany. ( A) Its the mans birthday today. ( B) They will have dinner around 6. ( C) They will go to movies after dinner. ( D) They will have a party for the man. ( A) He isnt interested in the movie. ( B) He slept through the whole movie. ( C) He didnt miss the best part of the movie. ( D) He brough

45、t pillow with him. ( A) The captain. ( B) The communication officer. ( C) The doctor. ( D) The frog person. ( A) In a neighbors house. ( B) In a movie theater. ( C) At home. ( D) On the street. ( A) She finds that she is confused about the verbs. ( B) She thinks that the Spanish teacher is boring. (

46、 C) She thinks that the assignments require too much time. ( D) She feels that the Spanish teacher should be more patient. ( A) She is quite good at it. ( B) She is of average level. ( C) She fails most of the exams. ( D) She is about to give up. ( A) The teacher gives easy questions on test. ( B) T

47、he teacher gives out candy to all of his students. ( C) The teacher rewards those who answer his questions. ( D) The teacher doesnt give exams to the students. ( A) Review her lessons. ( B) Do her history homework. ( C) Go and meet her piano tutor. ( D) Practice her instrument. Section B Directions:

48、 In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) It locates in the mount

49、ains. ( B) It is 5,000 feet above the sea level. ( C) There are about 4,500 residents in this town. ( D) It experienced a fire 7 years ago. ( A) Seventy percent. ( B) Eighty percent. ( C) Ninety percent. ( D) Ninety-five percent ( A) She has the ability to afford only one trees removal. ( B) She doesnt want her trees to be removed. ( C) She will apply for the state and federal loans. ( D) She thinks that the planners are inconsiderate. ( A) Because this will help them catch crimin


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