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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 718及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 On Adversity 1每个人都会碰到逆境 2人们对逆境的看法不同 3我的看法 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. Fo

2、r questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

3、Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. 7

4、Health Problems for the Modern Age Modern life, with its emphasis on information, automation, computerization, and globalization, has made work easier and given us more leisure options, but we now have a whole host of new health problems. Only time will tell if these modern health problems disappear

5、 like 8-track tapes and rotary phones. Until then, here are some of the new maladies we have in store for us. Computer Vision Syndrome If you spend all day staring at a computer screen, you may be at risk for computer vision syndrome (CVS), also called occupational asthenopia(弱视的 ). CVS encompasses

6、all eye or vision-related problems suffered by people who spend a lot of time on computers. According to the American Optometric Association, symptoms of CVS include headaches; dry, red, or burning eyes; blurred or double vision; trouble focusing; difficulty distinguishing colors; sensitivity to lig

7、ht; end even pain in the neck or back. As many as 75 percent of computer users have symptoms of CVS due to glare, poor lighting, and improper workstation setup. To overcome CVS, keep your monitor about two feet away from you and six inches. below eye level, and be sure its directly in front of yon t

8、o minimize eye movement. Adjust lighting to, remove any glare or reflections. You can also adjust the brightness on your monitor to ease eyestrain. Even simple steps can help, like looking away from your monitor every 20 or 30 minutes and focusing on something farther away. And you can always use ey

9、edrops to perk up your peepers! Earbud-related Hearing Loss Earbuds are the headphones used with many digital music players. They fit inside the ear but dont cancel out background noise, requiring users to turn up the volume, often to 110 to 120 decibels-loud enough to cause hearing loss after only

10、an hour end 15 minutes. And today, people spend much more time listening to their portable players, exposing themselves to damaging noise for longer periods of time. As a result, young people are developing the type of heating loss normally seen in much older adults. Experts recommend turning down t

11、he volume and limiting die amount of time spent listening to music players to about an hour a day. Headphones that fit outside the ear canal also help, as can noise-canceling headphones that reduce background noise so listeners dont have to crank up the volume. E-thrombosis This condition is related

12、 to deep vein thrombosis(血栓症 ), where blood clots form in deep veins, such as those in the legs. These clots can be fatal if they migrate to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. Clots can form when blood supply slows or stops, such as in a period of prolonged immobility. Similarly, e-thrombosis

13、 is the development of clots in the deep veins of someone who spends long amounts of time in front of a computer without moving. Although only a handful of e-thrombosis cases have been reported, millions of people who spend most of their time in front of a computer are at risk. Avoiding e-thrombosis

14、 is simple: stand up and move around every hour, tap your toes while you work, put equipment end supplies in different parts of your work area so you have to move to get them, dont cross your legs while sitting at your desk, dont spend your lunch break at your desk (go for a quick walk instead), and

15、 dont get too comfortable -if your workspace is ultra-cozy, you wont want to get up. Generalized Anxiety Disorder We all have worries, uncertainties, and fears, but generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is excessive or unrealistic unease or concern about lifes problems. Although the disorder often mani

16、fests without any specific cause, large issues of modern life (such as terrorism, the economy, and crime) can bring it about, as can individual circumstances like dealing with an illness. GAD affects about 6.8 million people in the United States, and symptoms include restlessness, fatigue, irritabil

17、ity, impatience, difficulty concentrating, headaches, upset stomach, and shortness of breath. Anxiety disorders like GAD are treated with antianxiety drugs, antidepressants, psychotherapy, or a combination of these. Orthorexia Nervosa It seems like every day theres a new report about something you s

18、houldnt eat. The constant bombardment of information about food end health can confuse anyone, but for people who have the eating disorder orthorexia nervusa, it can be downright dangerous. People with this condition are, obsessed with eating healthful food and have constructed strict diets that the

19、y follow religiously. Although many people who have orthorexia nervosa become underweight, thinness is not their goal-nutritional purity is. Among the signs of orth0rexia nervosa are spending more than three hours a day thinking about healthful food; planning meals days in advance; feeling virtuous

20、from following a strict healthful diet, but not enjoying eating; feeling socially isolated (such strict diets make it bard to eat anywhere but at home); and feeling highly, critical of those who do not follow a similar diet. Although the psychiatric community does not officially recognize orthorexia

21、 nervosa as a disorder, those with the condition benefit from psychological treatment and sessions with eating-disorder specialists. Sick Building Syndrome Rising energy costs arent just harmful to your wallet; if you work in an office building, they could be making you physically ill. Businesses ha

22、ve found that by packing buildings with insulation then adding caulking and weather stripping,. they can seal buildings tight, keep indoor temperatures constant, and cut energy costs in the process. Such measures require the healing, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to work harder to

23、 recycle air. After all, when the building is sealed, you cant open a window to let fresh air circulate. The result is sick building syndrome, which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies as a situation where building occupants experience discomforting health effects even though no spe

24、cific cause can be found. Symptoms include headache; eye, nose, or throat irritation; dry cough; dry or itchy skin; dizziness; nausea; fatigue; and sensitivity to odors. The EPA estimates that 30 percent of all U.S. office buildings could be “sick,“ so they recommend routine maintenance of HVAC syst

25、ems, including cleaning or replacing filters; replacing water-stained ceiling tiles and carpeting; restricting smoking in and around buildings; and ventilating areas where paints, adhesives, or solvents are used. Social Anxiety Disorder Despite all the ways to interact with others in our technologic

26、ally savvy world, those with social anxiety disorder feel boxed in by the shrinking globe. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), people with social anxiety disorder have an “intense, persistent, and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others and of doing things that will emba

27、rrass them,“ and that fear can be so intense that it interferes with work, school, and other ordinary activities end can make it hard to make and keep friends. But the condition has physical manifestations, too, including trembling, upset stomach, heart palpitations, confusion, and diarrhea. The cau

28、se hasnt been nailed down, but social anxiety disorder is probably due to a combination of environmental and hereditary factors. About 15 million people in the United States are affected by social anxiety disorder, winch .usually begins during childhood. Like other anxiety disorders, treatment often

29、 involves medication and psychotherapy. 2 Most computer users have symptoms of CVS because of _. ( A) dry, red, or burning eyes and blurred or double vision ( B) glare, poor lighting and improper workstation setup ( C) not keeping their monitor two feet away from them ( D) not using a computer that

30、protects their eyes 3 Earbud-related hearing loss suffered by people who _. ( A) develop the type of hearing loss like much older adults ( B) expose themselves to music for longer periods of time ( C) use portable players more time and turn up the volume ( D) spend much more time listening to their

31、music players 4 Clots can form when _. ( A) blood supply slows or stops ( B) blood migrates to the lungs ( C) blood is in deep veins ( D) blood causes a pulmonary embolism 5 How to avoid e-thrombosis according to the passage? ( A) By crossing your legs while sitting. ( B) By keeping a comfortable po

32、sture. ( C) By keeping supplies convenient for getting. ( D) By moving around every hour. 6 Generalized anxiety disorder can be caused largely by _. ( A) peoples worries, uncertainties, end fears ( B) the economic and social problems ( C) some specific phenomenon ( D) individual circumstances 7 Why

33、the constant bombardment of information about food is bad for people who have the eating disorder orthorexia nervosa? ( A) Because they will follow the information seriously. ( B) Because they will aim to become thinner. ( C) Because they wont make suitable plans. ( D) Because they wont enjoy eating

34、. 8 The EPA recommend _ to treat buildings “sick“. ( A) not using air-condition and opening the windows ( B) cutting energy costs and letting the air in ( C) using routine maintenance of HVAC systems ( D) not working in office buildings 9 People with social anxiety disorder have a _ of being watched

35、 and judged by others and of doing things that will embarrass them. 10 According m the passage, social anxiety disorder is probably because of a combination of _. 11 This passage discusses some of the _ we have in store for us. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversatio

36、ns and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, a

37、nd decide which is the best answer. ( A) It will reduce government revenues. ( B) It will stimulate business activities. ( C) It will mainly benefit the wealthy. ( D) It will cut the stockholders dividends. ( A) She will do her best if the job is worth doing. ( B) She prefers a life of continued exp

38、loration. ( C) She will stick to the job if the pay is good. ( D) She doesnt think much of job-hopping. ( A) Stop thinking about the matter. ( B) Talk the drug user out of the habit. ( C) Be more friendly to his schoolmate. ( D) Keep his distance from drug addicts. ( A) The son. ( B) The father. ( C

39、) The mother. ( D) Aunt Louise. ( A) Stay away for a couple of weeks. ( B) Check me locks every two weeks. ( C) Look after me Johnsons house. ( D) Move to another place. ( A) He would like to warm up for the game. ( B) He didnt want to be held up in traffic. ( C) He didnt want to miss the game. ( D)

40、 He wanted to catch as many game birds as possible. ( A) It was burned down. ( B) It was robbed. ( C) It was blown up. ( D) It was closed down. ( A) She isnt going to change her major. ( B) She plans to major in tax law. ( C) She studies in the same school as her brother. ( D) She isnt going to work

41、 in her brothers firm. ( A) Dont write the character reference for Alex. ( B) Dont tell the truth about Alex in the character reference. ( C) To go out and have coffee with her. ( D) To go to the restaurant with her. ( A) He likes kids and has worked in a childrens camp. ( B) He is lazy and immature

42、 but good in a crisis. ( C) He quarrels with everyone he works with. ( D) He is immature and loves playing tricks on people. ( A) Alan thought Sally was too hard on Alex. ( B) Alan liked Alex very much and would write him a very good reference. ( C) Alan would turn down Alexs request. ( D) Alan coul

43、d see something good even in a very bad person. ( A) Their average life span was less than 50 years. ( B) It was very common for them to have 12 children. ( C) They retired from work much earlier than today. ( D) They were quite optimistic about their future. ( A) Get ready for ecological changes. (

44、 B) Adapt to the new environment. ( C) Learn to use new technology. ( D) Explore ways to stay young. ( A) When all women go out to work. ( B) When family planning is enforced. ( C) When a world government is set up. ( D) When all people become wealthier. ( A) Eliminate poverty and injustice. ( B) Mi

45、grate to other planets. ( C) Control the environment. ( D) Find inexhaustible resources. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a ques

46、tion, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Being arrested. ( B) In police custody. ( C) Before a judge. ( D) In court. ( A) Day in court. ( B) Search warrants. ( C) Rights of citizens. ( D) Police and criminal. ( A) Cruel deception. ( B) Legal document. (

47、C) Personal appeal. ( D) A letter from the court. ( A) They eat huge amounts of food. ( B) They usually cat twice a day. ( C) They usually eat to their hearts content. ( D) They cat much less than people assume. ( A) When it is breeding. ( B) When it feels threatened by humans in its territory. ( C)

48、 When its offspring is threatened. ( D) When it is suffering from illness. ( A) They are not as dangerous as people think. ( B) They can be as friendly to humans as dogs. ( C) They attack human beings by nature. ( D) They are really tame sea animals. ( A) Average tuition costs increased by 9 percent

49、. ( B) Average tuition costs increased by 15 percent. ( C) Average tuition costs increased by 90 percent ( D) Average tuition costs increased by 150 percent. ( A) By 150. ( B) By 215. ( C) By 6,750. ( D) By 5,300. ( A) Few are accepted by state-founded universities. ( B) Scholarships are not enough for them. ( C) They must pay more than out-of-state students. ( D) They are not eligible for scholarships at state universities. ( A) Not as good as it was in 1960. ( B) Better th


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