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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 793及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 The Traditional Culture 1社会高速发展,中国传统文化日益被忽视。 2中国传统文化不会消失。 3你的看法。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions atta

2、ched to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Dogs Make Employees More Pro

3、ductive At Work Leib Lurie never intended for his company, message delivery service One Call Now, to be pet-friendly. But his dog, Ivy, had other ideas. Five years ago, the German shepherd showed up unannounced at One Call Nows Troy, Ohio-based office a 1.5-mile trek from Luries home. When he contin

4、ued to make the trip each day he wasnt brought to the office, Lurie realized it was time for a change in company policy. Today, four or five employees dogs, as well as a variety of fish, birds, and other caged animals join Ivy in the office daily to make One Call Now a workingmans menagerie (动物园 ).

5、“Theyre not very good at sending voice messages,“ Lurie jokes of the pets in his office. “But weve gotten them down with using the computer, at least the point part.“ One Call Now joins a growing force of companies across the United States to welcome pets in the workplace. While only 17 percent of U

6、.S. employers currently allow animals in the workplace, according to a survey from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, pet-friendly, often specifically dog-friendly, environments are building steam. From major companies like Google, Zynga, and A to growing start-ups, more and more c

7、anine companions are showing up to work. For many entrepreneurs, the inception of a dog-friendly environment begins long before offices enter the picture. “My dog, Blueberry, was the founding dog,“ explains Randy Hetrik, founder of TRX Training. “Literally, it was him and me before any other people

8、came in, so he takes great pride in what weve accomplished.“ As Hetrik built his company, he never forgot his first partner. Today, up to ten dogs wander with Blueberry through the four floors of TRXs San Francisco office. Many pet-friendly work environments develop as a part of the companys larger

9、mission or company culture. After spending years in uptight corporate climates, Nancy Squires founded her own consulting firm, The Squires Group, with a distinctly homey atmosphere, which included her two Italian greyhounds. Marketing software company G5s dog-friendliness fits into the animal-friend

10、ly climate of their mountain town Bend, Oregon, as well as the companys own cultural backbone. “We try to have a culture that promotes freedom for the employees and helps them thrive,“ says G5 CEO Dan Hobin. “If that involves bringing your dog to work, bring your dog to work.“ Having dogs underfoot

11、might seem to some like a distraction, but advocates of animals in the workplace see quite the opposite. Dogs in the office foster friendlier, more collaborative work environments. At G5, this includes dogs posing as mascots for the companys various divisions. “Everyone rallies around the dogs,“ Hob

12、in says. Employees surrounded by dogs also have a tendency to rally around their jobs. According to a survey of 50 small and large companies by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association in 2008, companies that allow pets in the workplace see a lower rate of employee absenteeism (旷工 ) and m

13、ore willingness to work longer hours. “There are a lot of people who know they have to spend extra hours at work, particularly in this economic climate,“ says Debrah Schnackenberg, vice president of emergency services for the American Humane Association. “People feel comfortable spending that extra

14、hour or two at the office when they know their dog is right there with them.“ Dog-friendliness may generate more loyalty for the company as a whole. In the last two years, One Call Now has seen a two or three percent turnover rate. Lurie attributes this small number in part to the office pets. “You

15、ask someone who is in a $12-an-hour job, Would you work anywhere else?And they say, No way. Where else could I bring my dog to work?“ he says. This sense of loyalty stems from a simple concept: Dogs make people happy. “Theyre always happy to see you, theyre happy for the smallest things, and theyre

16、ever optimistic,“ says Hetrik. “Having a dog wandering around just seems to make people smile.“ In high-performance or high-stress work environments, dogs can not only spread smiles but also ease tension. Taking a walk, practicing a trick, or even absentmindedly scratching a dog behind the ear allow

17、s even the most worked-up employee to relax and reprioritize. “Its their cigarette,“ says Squires. “The dogs are a sense of peace, gentleness, a diversion, something other than what we define as work. I think its a great break.“ And, a dog break is certainly healthier than a smoke break. Numerous st

18、udies have shown that having the companionship or even being in the presences of a pet, for instance in the workplace, lowers blood pressure and Cortisol levels while heightening endorphins and oxytocin, the hormone linked to maternal bonding. Such an emotional connection is healthy for your dog as

19、well. “Dogs bond to their humans and would rather be with them than not,“ says Schnackenberg. “From an emotional well-being perspective, its healthy for a dog to be with their owner throughout the day.“ With their many attributes and benefits, dogs play a critical role in pet-friendly companys hirin

20、g processes. All of the aforementioned companies and many more like them use their dogs in the interview process to introduce potential employees to the corporate climate. Their reactions to the animals also serve as a compatibility test. “Ive never met a dog-friendly person who wasnt a customer-fri

21、endly person,“ says Lurie. “And we hire customer-friendly people.“ The dog un-friendly or the allergenic, however, need not apply. “You try to build a company of people who can rally around a vision, and dogs play a part of that,“ Hetrik says. “People who look at that and say how stinky or hairy or

22、whatever probably arent people that are going to mold well into the casual, rough and tumble, work hard, play hard work environment that Ive created.“ The Squires Group maintains a similar mantra (口号 ). “If people dont do dogs, there may be another part of the company they dont do,“ Squires says. “I

23、m not saying theyre bad people or that they wouldnt be great for other companies, but they wouldnt fit our company greatly.“ Companies considering introducing a dog-friendly work environment should consider adopting a pet policy. When advising companies in this transition, the American Human Associa

24、tion suggests highlighting clear rules about when you can bring your dog in, what behavior is expected, and what happens when the pet or person does not conform to those rules. Many small companies adopt these advised policies, but govern their pets in a more ad hoc (非正式的 ) manner. After a few minor

25、 “accidents,“ G5s HR Department developed a detailed pet policy to include in the company handbook. “I dont think I actually ever read it,“ admits Hobin. “In short, though, the policy is to be responsible and respectful.“ At TRX, dogs are under the same considerations as people. “You wouldnt tolerat

26、e a lot of barking, snapping and snarling from the people you work with,“ Hetrik says. “Neither should you tolerate it from the canine pals they bring to work. Were pretty clear on all that.“ Growing companies should also be flexible to changing the stipulations in their policy as they develop. Adju

27、stments to the TRX pet policy are under consideration as the company intends to expand its workforce from 120 to 300 employees. The company may introduce a sign-up, limiting the total number of dogs to the current two to three per floor. No matter the changes, though, dogs will remain a fixture in t

28、he company. “Dogs were part of the fabric from the very beginning,“ says Hetrik. “And theyll be here until the very end. I like having these pups around.“ 2 Leib Lurie realized he should change the company to be pet-friendly when_. ( A) employees brought their pets to the office ( B) his pet dog sho

29、wed up in the office daily ( C) he found dogs make employees more productive ( D) his company moved to the office in the suburban 3 What do we learn from the study by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association? ( A) Living environments for pet dogs have improved. ( B) Small companies tend t

30、o adopt dog-friendly policy. ( C) More businesses welcome pets in the workplace. ( D) Employees show a growing interest in raising pets. 4 According to G5 CEO Dan Hobin, employees can bring their dogs to work as long as_. ( A) they thrive with their dogs company ( B) they can keep the dogs from bark

31、ing ( C) their dogs are friendly to customers ( D) the office is located at a mountain town 5 According to advocates of animals in the workplaces, dogs in the office_. ( A) can attract employees attention sometimes ( B) wont distract employees from their work ( C) force inefficient employees to work

32、 harder ( D) seldom pose a threat to other employees 6 To some degree, the low turnover rate of One Call Now was attributed to_. ( A) the relatively high pay ( B) the economic recession ( C) its excellent conditions ( D) its pet-friendly policy 7 What does Schnackenberg say about dogs being with the

33、ir owners throughout the day? ( A) It does great harm to their owners health. ( B) It benefits dogs more than their owners. ( C) It is unrealistic in this economic climate. ( D) It is good for dogs emotional well-being. 8 Lurie believes that a dog-friendly person_. ( A) is less likely to work effici

34、ently ( B) is a customer-friendly person ( C) is welcome in all companies ( D) is usually disloyal to the company 9 According to Squires, people who dont like dogs are not_for her company The Squires Group. 10 The American Human Association advises companies to make and highlight_ in their transitio

35、n to dog-friendly companies. 11 TRX is considering_its pet policy as it intends to increase the number of its employees. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about wha

36、t was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He cant recall where he left his portable computer. ( B) Hes got a

37、 terrible headache and forgets things easily. ( C) Hes some trouble with a company but cant get rid of it. ( D) He doesnt remember the name of the computer manufacturer. ( A) The man shouldnt have promised to pick up Nancy. ( B) Nancy and Peter should go to the same class for conveniences sake. ( C)

38、 The man should pick up Nancy and Peter as well. ( D) The man should kill the birds for dinner before leaving. ( A) None of them survived the accident. ( B) Some were wounded, but there were no deaths. ( C) Some were kidnapped and three of them died. ( D) All of them landed safe and sound. ( A) Sale

39、sman and customer. ( B) Reporter and interviewee. ( C) Judge and jury. ( D) Doctor and patient. ( A) Because she couldnt find the restaurant. ( B) Because she was not invited to dinner. ( C) Because she had a meeting. ( D) Because she didnt feel well. ( A) She thought it was a waste of money. ( B) S

40、he was amazed that it had been finished in such a short time. ( C) She was impressed by it. ( D) She didnt like it as much as the other wings. ( A) He worked there as a guide. ( B) He read about it. ( C) He had just visited it. ( D) He interviewed the sculptor. ( A) It was made of aluminum. ( B) It

41、wasnt large enough. ( C) It wouldnt move in the wind. ( D) It was too heavy to put up. ( A) Mating habits of squid and octopus. ( B) The evolution of certain form of sea life. ( C) The study of marine shells. ( D) Survival skills of sea creatures. ( A) He didnt understand the lecture. ( B) He wants

42、to borrow her notes next week. ( C) He needs help with a makeup exam, ( D) He was sick and unable to attend. ( A) Some sea creatures developed backbones. ( B) The first giant squid was captured. ( C) Some sea creatures shed their shells. ( D) Sea life became more intelligent. ( A) She has always bel

43、ieved they exist. ( B) She heard about them in New Zealand. ( C) Stories about them may be based on giant squid. ( D) The instructor mentioned them in the lecture. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both th

44、e passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Kings and queens, princes and princesses, and lords and ladies built castles in order to get more land. . ( B) Around the outside of a cas

45、tle, a moat was dug, which was often filled with water. ( C) A castle was built behind a thick end high stonewall, which was strong enough to stand the possible attack of enemies. ( D) If a drawbridge was pulled up, there was no way for people to enter the castle. ( A) They lived a luxurious life an

46、d their diet was very delicate. ( B) They lived a highly civilized court life. ( C) They lived a primitive life and their table manners were often rude. ( D) They lived a comparatively luxurious but not-so-civilized life. ( A) Castles structure and the eating habit in them. ( B) Castles structure an

47、d people who lived in them. ( C) Castles structure and the lives in them. ( D) Why people built castles and castles structure. ( A) Shifting job opportunities. ( B) The evolution of the weekend. ( C) Attitudes toward employment, ( D) Attitudes toward leisure activities. ( A) How many weeks there are

48、 in a month. ( B) Which days people should work. ( C) How the week is divided into days. ( D) Which day begins the week. ( A) It would make leisure activities expensive. ( B) It would create much more free time. ( C) It would make the workday longer. ( D) It would allow people to work on the weekend

49、. ( A) Almost one million. ( B) About 600 thousand. ( C) Nearly 400 thousand. ( D) Approximately 200 thousand. ( A) Residential area. ( B) Shopping centers. ( C) Parking lots. ( D) Shopping centers or parking lots near stadiums or gymnasiums ( A) They have to break into the car. ( B) Five percent of the cars are left unlocked. ( C) They sometimes find car keys in the ignition and simply get in. ( D) They knock out the driver and get the car aw


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