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1、大学英语六级(作文)模拟试卷 39及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Due Attention Should Be Given to Handwriting 1如今很多人的书写水平越来越低 2产生这种现象的原因是 3为了改善这一状况,我认为 2 Modern Technology and Human Intimacy 1有人认为现代科技拉近了人们的距离 2也有人认为现代科技反而把人与人之间的距离拉开了 3我的观点 3 Why Is It Hard to Get a Train Ticket During Spring Festival? 1春节期间

2、,很多人很难买到回家的火车票 2产生这一现象的原因 3为了改善这一状况,我认为 4 Is the Entity Bookstore Dying? 1越来越多的实体书店倒闭,网上书店兴起 2有人认为网上书店终将取代实体书店 3我的观点 5 Choosing Universities or Specialties 1进入大学前,很多学生面临是选择学校还是选择专业 的问题 2对此问题不同的人有不同的看法 3你对此的看法 大学英语六级(作文)模拟试卷 39答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Due Attention Should Be Give

3、n to Handwriting Todays China has been suffering from an astonishing decline in peoples handwriting ability. Many of us have run into occasions like the following: no sooner had we picked up the pen than the word suddenly escaped from our hands; or reading a note took as many efforts as deciphering

4、a secret code. It seems that no one is immune to this contagious disease which is deteriorating day by day. There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon. To start with, less and less attention has been attached to handwriting ever since the day we ushered in the age of computer. With the tr

5、aditional role of handwriting being replaced by typing, we grow dependent on the computer to check out misspellings or grammar faults. Consequently, our ability to write by hand undergoes a severe degradation. Secondly, the deliberate substitutions of certain words in advertisements have been mislea

6、ding the viewers and blurring their understanding. As a result, we take them for granted and even write them. As far as Im concerned, immediate approaches must be taken to halt this situation. Only when due attention is given to handwriting can the problem be solved. For example, the misusages in ad

7、vertisements ought to be banned so as not to affect our conception of words. It is still not too late to embark on the campaign on handwriting right now! 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Modern Technology and Human Intimacy With the advancement of technology, some believe that people have become more intimate. Th

8、ere are several reasons for this phenomenon. The popularity of cell phones and Internet makes it possible to contact friends or relatives both at home and abroad. Whats more, it is more convenient to pay a visit to someone due to the constant improvement in vehicles. However, there are people with t

9、he opposite view. From their viewpoint, modern technology has not narrowed the gap. On the contrary, it helps widen the gap. An important reason is that calls, on-line chat, or short messages lack emotional clue, and they can never replace face-to-face communication. However, with the popularity of

10、modern technology, more and more people tend to ignore real communication, and become addicted to the isolated virtual world. In my opinion, technology does not play a decisive role. It is our attitudes that count. If we value friends and relatives, we should get close to them in person. Otherwise,

11、they will feel emotionally distant. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Why Is It Hard to Get a Train Ticket During Spring Festival? Spring Festival in China witnesses a seemingly immeasurable homebound wavebillions of Chinese returning to their home communities. No other country in the world can top China in terms

12、of passenger flow in a specific time span. The largest annual population flow packs all means of transportation like sardines. Each sardine feels, however, grateful and blessed, because it is extremely difficult to get a train ticket during Spring Festival. This phenomenon exists for a number of rea

13、sons. To begin with, hardly can a Chinese remain unmoved by the strong eagerness for a family reunion during this traditional Chinese festival. Furthermore, the passenger flow rises to its peak around seven days. Thus, the need for tickets exceeds the holding capacity of trains. The last but not the

14、 least important, scalpers worsen the ticket shortage problem by stocking tickets and selling them at higher prices. As for me, we must engage in combined efforts in order to solve this ticket shortage problem. First of all, prolonged holidays can ease the craze for tickets in a short time. In addit

15、ion, real-name system should be implemented so as to crack down the scalpers. However, the key to tackle the train ticket shortage problem is to expand our countrys railway transport capacity. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Is the Entity Bookstore Dying? When you pay closer attention to all kinds of stores in t

16、he street, you would find a strange phenomenon, that is, among various kinds of stores, it is harder and harder for you to find a bookstore. Meanwhile, an increasing number of people choose to buy books from the online bookstores. With continued expansion of their online counterparts, the traditiona

17、l bookstores seem to be defenseless, and go bankrupt one after another. Therefore, some people claim that the entity bookstore is dying and will be replaced by the online bookstore in the near future. It is reported that China has the highest online book purchasing rate in the world, because compare

18、d with the entity bookstore, customers can enjoy more convenience and lower price in the online bookstore. Whats more, the online bookstore is free from the limit of time and space, and it can provide its customers with almost boundless choice at any moment. I cant deny the advantages of the online

19、bookstore, but in my view, it is not easy to end the entity bookstore, as its unique features are irreplaceable, such as the relaxing reading environment and customer-friendly services. The entity bookstore can absolutely develop these strengths and keep customers in their own way. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案

20、】 Choosing Universities or Specialties Nowadays, many students who have passed the college entrance examination face the problem that before entering college they do not know if universities are more important than specialties. Actually, different people have different opinions on this problem. Some

21、 people think that choosing a famous university can bring many benefits to students. For example, students in the first-class universities are allowed a major and a minor. Some believe that choosing a good specialty can help students to find ideal jobs in the future. In my opinion, choosing a good u

22、niversity is more important for students. First, today, many companies emphasize the fame of the universities students graduate from. Thus, students from a university with high repute will have more chances in job-hunting. Second, good universities are usually equipped with more advanced facilities

23、for teaching and learning which will help students obtain knowledge more quickly and conveniently. Third, good universities have favorable learning atmosphere, which makes students progress continuously. In a word, choosing a good university can help students obtain opportunities to learn more knowledge and to find good jobs. 【知识模块】 作文


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