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1、大学英语六级(作文)模拟试卷 45及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Library vs Internet 1随着网络的普及,有人认为图书馆将会被网络取代 2有人则持反对意见,其理由是 3我的看法 2 Famous Brand Commodity First? 1现在很多大学生购物追求名牌 2我对这一现象的看法 3我的购物准则 3 How to Deal With Peer Pressure? 1人们往往能感受到来自同龄人的压 力 2. 如何解决这种压力 4 Should We Compare Ourselves With Others? 1有些人

2、认为有比较才有进步 2有些人认为攀比会造成不良后果 3我的看法 大学英语六级(作文)模拟试卷 45答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Library vs. Internet Nowadays, the Internet has exerted its influence in many aspects of our daily life. More and more people turn to the Internet for help when some kind of information is needed. Then som

3、e anticipate that libraries will be replaced by the net, because libraries, as a traditional way to get knowledge and information, have lost their attraction gradually. However, compared with the net, libraries still have incomparable advantages, Firstly, reading paper-based books is a basic way of

4、studying and absorbing knowledge. People are able to get more systematic and integrated information from the books that the Internet cant provide with vast of messy information. Secondly, a noticeable disadvantage of the net is that people are exposed to the constant radiation while using computers,

5、 which is very harmful to peoples health, especially to their eyes. All in all, in my opinion libraries as an important way to convey knowledge and culture will never disappear from our life. Perhaps, combination of the libraries and the Internet can serve us perfectly in different ways. 【知识模块】 作文 2

6、 【正确答案】 Famous Brand Commodity First? Recently, the tendency that many college students go after famous brand commodity has aroused peoples concern. They usually purchase expensive commodities or fashionable goods with the money not earned by themselves. As a member of college students, I dont appro

7、ve such behavior to some extent. Though the quality of the famous brand commodity is trustworthy and the design of the goods is fashionable, famous brand commodity should not be the first choice for college students when shopping because these products are too expensive for us to afford. What makes

8、it worse is that there is a tendency among us to compare blindly in order to show off, which is useless and ridiculous and will lead to a vicious circle. In addition, students who invest so much energy in pursuing famous brand commodity may spend less time studying or even neglect it. As far as I am

9、 concerned, college students are supposed to be rational customers. When going shopping, we may take both quality and price into consideration rather than just the brand names. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 How to Deal With Peer Pressure? Peer pressure is the strong influence that friends of our own age have u

10、pon us. As we grow, we will feel pressured by our peers to make choices that we dont really like For instance, boys may try smokes or alcohol to fit in with their roommates even though they know these are not good for their health. Though they can end up feeling bad about this, they worry that their

11、 friends may tease or reject them and they cant get along with others. To handle negative pressure, I have a few practical tips. First of ail, pluck up courage and stand your ground. It is tough to be the only one in a group to say “no“, but you can do it. The most important thing is that you should

12、 be true to yourself. Secondly, ally yourself with peers sharing similar values or interests. Its great to have friends with values similar to yours. Thirdly, talk to someone you trust about the pressure you are facing. In short, you can resist the bad influence of peer pressure by sticking to your

13、principles, finding allies and seeking help from your friends. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Should We Compare Ourselves With Others? Nowadays, many people advise us to compare with others, saying it is a beneficial way to make progress, to find out our weakness, and to fit in with the competitive world. Compa

14、ring with others, we are stimulated to make greater efforts to achieve higher goals, which makes it possible to develop our potentials. However, some sustain that comparing with others can make us feel inferior to others and undergo a lot of pressure. And if we try to copy the ones better than us, w

15、e will lose ourselves. On the other hand, comparison with the worse ones projects an illusory self-image. In our life, its not difficult to find someone who talks through his nose and overestimates his abilities as well as achievements. Im convinced that everyone is unique, so we should not compare ourselves with others blindly or mechanically. The only comparison pattern that we really have is our consciousness. Then well not feel better or worse than others and will accept ourselves as we really are. 【知识模块】 作文


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