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1、大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 137及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 150 words. 1有人认为年轻人应该事事都要遵从父母的安排 2有人认为年

2、轻人应该有个性,想我所想,做我所做 3我的观点 2 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Craze for Entering the Civil Service following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1近年来人们纷纷参加公务员考试 2公务员考试带来的社会弊端 3我的观点 3 For this part, you are

3、 allowed 30 minutes to mite a short essay entitled Blind Date Shows following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1最近通过电视节目相亲比较流行 2有人认为这是个很好的平台,有人认为这不太可靠 3我的看法 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Nationa

4、l Fitness Program following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1社会上掀起全民健身的热潮 2运动的益处 3我应该怎么做 大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 137答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents? There is a public controversy over the issue whet

5、her youngsters should be obedient to their parents. Some people take it for granted that children should follow what their parents have arranged for them. In their opinion, parents who are generally more mature and experienced can offer their offspring wise suggestions when they encounter stumbling

6、blocks. In addition, obedience has always been considered as a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Moreover, it is sensible enough for children to follow the orders of their parents to show their gratitude. Nevertheless, others maintain that constant care from the parents is old-fashioned or e

7、ven unfavourable to the development of the young. The young should make important decisions about their lives by themselves. Besides, as everyone is unique in the world and has ones own personality, the youngsters should think for themselves, form their own ideas, and cultivate creativity. As far as

8、 Im concerned, on the one hand , we can follow the recommendations offered by our parents. On the other hand, too much control from our parents will not prepare us well for our adult life. We should learn to face the world full of challenges and uncertainties by ourselves. 【试题解析】 第一段提出有人认为年轻人应该事事都遵从

9、父母的安排,因为父母经历事情多,经验丰富,而且顺从父母安排表明孩子懂得感恩。本段第三句用who, when连接构成长的复合 句,使句子富有层次感。 第二段阐述有些人认为年轻人应该有自己的个性,培养独立思考的习惯。本段连用动词词组 think for themselves, form their own ideas, cultivate creativity一气呵成。 第三段表明自己的观点,即年轻人既要参考长辈的意见,又要锻炼自己处理事情的能力。文中年轻人使用 youngster, the young, children, kids, offspring;顺从用了 be obedient to,

10、 obedience, follow,用词 丰富,避免了单调。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Craze for Entering the Civil Service Sonic people think that working as a civil servant is the best way to maintain a stable life. And this belief motivates millions of people to take civil service examinations. Deep in my heart, I also have bee

11、n asking myself the same question again and again: why do I have little interest in civil service examinations? The reasons, in my mind, can he summed up in three aspects. First of all, it is a waste of time and money for both the nation and the candidates to arrange or prepare for the civil service

12、 examinations. In the second place, the unbelievably high ratio of the applicants to the posts may lead to the government corruption. Last but not least, it is unreasonable for people to plunge into taking the examinations without reflecting on their own strengths and weaknesses. A serious reflectio

13、n on ourselves and the civil service examinations, I firmly believe, will help us embark on the right track of both job-hunting and our future life. To sum up, it is not advisable for the job seekers to take civil service examinations blindly. In addition, the society and the government should offer

14、 more job opportunities so that people have a wider range of job choices. 【试题解析】 第一段指出人们纷纷参加公务员考试,因为他们认为公务员是一个保持生活稳定的工作。最后一句提出了作者的不同态度,引出第二段。 第二段主要阐述考试大军挤独木桥的弊端。例如:国家和个人都要耗费时间和金钱来组织、准备考试;应试者和岗位的悬殊比例可能导致政府腐败;大家不考虑自身优劣势,盲目考试等。 最后一段指出对自身及公务员考试的认真反思将有助于我们的求职及未来的人生之路。接着提出了针对公务员热的相应措施,以求帮助人们树立理性的求职观。本段首句

15、I firmly believe为 插入语,增强表达效果,末句使用 so that引导的目的状语从句,增加句式的变化。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Blind Date Shows Nowadays, blind date shows have been brought into sharp focus. Some TV shows, such as “If You Are The One“ and “Take Me Out“ are considered as Chinas top-rated TV entertainment shows. When blind date show

16、s come to their popularity, there is no complete agreement among people. Some people who like the shows hold that they provide a good platform for the singles. Besides, the dating programs turn traditional matchmaking on its head and prove riveting. Moreover, the shows filled with suspense and tensi

17、on are fresh to the mass audience. By contrast, some people argue that TV blind dates are not reliable. For one thing, some fake contestants are reported to appear in some shows. For another, it is almost impossible for a person to determine his life-long partner in just one hour. As for me, the bli

18、nd date shows should be encouraged, as they offer a variety of opportunities for a large number of single people in China. However, there is still large room to improve the blind date shows. The money-worship values and the mentality to get instant celebrity through scandals should be criticized in

19、the shows. 【试题解析】 第一段开门见山提出目前电视相亲节目比较流行,如非诚勿扰和我们约会吧取得了非常高的收视率。人们对此 看法不一。 第二段分别阐述了两种不同的态度及其原因。有人认为这是一个很好的平台,而且节目形式新颖,充满悬念,吸引观众。而另一些人认为这种形式不太可靠,人们很难在短短一小时内决定自己的终身伴侣,而且有些选手造假。 第三段表明自己的观点,即一方面肯定这种形式的积极作用,同时提出还有一些地方需要改善,如金钱崇拜观以及利用节目使自己出名的选手应受到批评。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The National Fitness Program The Nation

20、al Fitness Program was widely promoted by the government. Fit-keeping service system which includes health-building organizations, facilities, guidance, publicity and education, has been developed recently. The citizens are embraced by a craze for taking part in different kinds of sports. In fact, s

21、ports and games can be of great value. First of all, sports can build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. Besides, the chances of getting sick are decreased greatly by doing exercises. Moreover, playing sports can also give us valuable practice in helping eyes, brain an

22、d muscles to work together. As college students, we are supposed to take an active part in sports. I or one thing, our body and soul can be relaxed. For another, sports are very useful for character-training, through which we may also learn about such virtues as courage, discipline and teamwork. 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论全民健身的现象,说明体育运动对人们的益处。第一段描述政府全面开展全民健身计划,逐渐发展了健身组织、健身设施、健身指导、宣传教育的服务体系,群众中掀起了全民健身的热潮。 第二段具体说明运动对人们的 益处。增强体质,防止发胖,保持身体健康;使眼睛、头脑和肌肉协调一致。 第三段阐述自己的看法。作为大学生,我们要积极参加体育运动,因为体育运动不仅能使我们身心放松,还有利于品格的培养,在体育运动中可以学习到勇敢、守纪律和团队精神的品质。 【知识模块】 作文


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