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1、大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 167及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 Welcome to Join Us 1呼吁大家参加自助游社团组织的广州自助游 2参加自助游社团的好处 3如何加入自助游社团 2 My Suggestions on the Swimming Course in Colleges 1几乎每个大学都开设有游泳课程,原因是 2有人认为这种课程形同虚设,未达到理想效果 3我的建议 3 A Letter to the University President 1表明写信目的:建议提高学校的教学质量 2提出具体建议,如:改进课堂教学质量,加强培养学生的自主学

2、习能力,举办知识竞赛以促进学习风气的改善 3希望建议得到关注 4 Rich Second Generation 1现在富裕家庭越来越多,富二代成为社会关注的焦点 2富二代可以从富裕中受益,也可能由于娇生惯养而养成许多陋习 3我对富二代的看法 大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 167答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 Welcome to Join Us Ladies and Gentlemen, we, DIY Tour Society, arrange self-help tours to famous tourist spots every year. A

3、nd this years destination is Guangzhou, the beautiful “flower city“. We welcome anyone who fancies delicious Cantonese cuisine and southern ancient culture to join us. You can embrace a lot of benefits if joining us. To begin with, it is you who are the controller of the tour. We hold online forum t

4、o collect views and allow members to vote on the schedule. Besides, we can live with the local students from our tour league so that we can experience the real local life and specialties. Lastly, you can make friends from different places in the tour, thus enlarging your knowledge of various culture

5、s. If you want to join our society, you can send emails to . Thanks for your interest. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 My Suggestions on the Swimming Course in Colleges The swimming course has won great popularity among many colleges. It is offered to students mainly in the hope of helping students master this c

6、ritical survival skill. As to the outcome of this course, some people are not satisfied stating that it is not properly and effectively managed. Unlike other sports, swimming is not easily taught and learned Due to the short periods of study, students are not able to have enough training. Whats more

7、, teachers also face difficulties, because it takes a lot of time and efforts to teach students one by one. In my opinion, there are two ways to improve the quality of the swimming course. First, colleges can adjust the schedule, providing more time and chances for students to practice. Second, teac

8、hers can adopt better teaching methods, like group work. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 A Letter to the University President Dear Mr. President, Im a sophomore majoring in Law. Im writing to make suggestions on improving the education quality of our university. First, I think there is still much room for improv

9、ement concerning our classroom education. Some teachers just recite textbooks and their courses are boring. Its not very helpful for us. We need more interaction and communication in the classes, and we welcome more lively and practical courses. Second, we students need help to develop our initiativ

10、e in our study. I hope our university can invite some famous people to deliver lectures to us on how to study. Finally, in order to get all students involved in our studies, I suggest some contests be held in the university. For example, the Department of Law can have legal knowledge contests. Thank

11、 you for reading my letter. I hope my suggestions will be seriously looked to. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Rich Second Generation The past decades have witnessed an increase in the number of rich families, which gradually draws more public attention to the issue of rich second genera

12、tion. There has been a widespread public debate over this issue. Some people believe that the rich second generation can benefit from being affluent. With the abundant resources and chances provided by their wealthy parents, the rich second generation are usually well educated and trained. They are

13、more likely to make important contributions to our country. On the contrary, others hold that being rich has a negative effect on the rich second generation. It is quite common for a rich kid to fall into some bad habits, including flaunting their wealth and feeling too proud. From my point of view, the rich second generation do have the potential to be leading figures. However, they should remain modest and make efforts for that. 【知识模块】 作文


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