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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 243及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The terrible effects of drought on California. ( B) New technologies used to prevent water waste. ( C) A mandatory order on water cuts in California. ( D) Serious water shortages California are facing. ( A) 25%. ( B) 38 million. ( C) 8 million. ( D) 9%. (

2、A) To provide financial support. ( B) To create more job opportunities. ( C) To reduce the extremely high rents. ( D) To hire professional designers. ( A) It must sell at least 1 000 products every year. ( B) It has been established for about fourteen years. ( C) It has been granted more than a mill

3、ion dollars. ( D) It is unqualified for the Made in New York program. ( A) Mobile phones are very popular. ( B) People cant afford mobile phones. ( C) The cost of mobile services is high. ( D) Ads on mobile phones are forbidden. ( A) The governments intervention. ( B) High advertisement investment.

4、( C) The low living standard. ( D) The lack of competition. ( A) Inaccessible Internet. ( B) Service quality. ( C) Annual income. ( D) Rail network. Section B ( A) She is a hard-working student. ( B) She is interested in fashion and dating. ( C) She always quarrels with her mother. ( D) She doesnt w

5、ant to go to college. ( A) Send her daughter to a private school. ( B) Help her daughter find a good job. ( C) Criticize her daughter and force her to study. ( D) Talk to her daughter seriously about college. ( A) It is normal. ( B) It is unreasonable. ( C) It is hard to understand. ( D) It is ratio

6、nal. ( A) Mothers and daughters always dont agree with each other. ( B) Going to college is the best way for teenagers. ( C) Some teenagers dont know the real life when they are in school. ( D) Teenage girls think of nothing but clothes and boys. ( A) The apartment she rents is too far from the camp

7、us. ( B) The apartment she rents needs a lot of repair work. ( C) Her roommate wont share expenses. ( D) Shes having trouble with the owner of the apartment. ( A) The woman didnt pay her rent on time. ( B) She couldnt find anyone to repair the washing machine. ( C) The woman had some repairs done wi

8、th more money. ( D) She had to buy a new washing machine. ( A) He has some knowledge of the law. ( B) He has the same problem. ( C) He knows the owner. ( D) He can bring a lawsuit against the owner. ( A) Find another apartment. ( B) Solve the problem by talking to Ms. Hansen. ( C) Ask Sam to repair

9、the washing machine. ( D) Buy a new washing machine for the owner. Section C ( A) It is a promise to do something different in the coming year. ( B) It is a promise that cannot be easily lived up to. ( C) It is a common tradition to celebrate New Year. ( D) It is an intense desire for a better year.

10、 ( A) People have similar resolutions. ( B) All teenage boys may have girlfriends after making resolutions. ( C) Making New Years resolution is a common tradition in the US. ( D) If you make a wish in New Years Day, it will probably come true. ( A) A political change. ( B) A girlfriend. ( C) More mo

11、ney. ( D) Losing weight. ( A) They dont taste good. ( B) They turn to white. ( C) They are small and thin. ( D) They will freeze to death. ( A) Judge by its length. ( B) Judge by its taste. ( C) Judge by its shape. ( D) Judge by its color. ( A) They are in same shape. ( B) Their taste is only affect

12、ed by soil conditions. ( C) They can be grown during the winter months. ( D) Their taste is given by good weather. ( A) How to apply a public college in America for a non-resident. ( B) Differences on expenses between public and private colleges in America. ( C) Cost differences on higher education

13、between state residents and non-residents. ( D) Advantages and disadvantages of going to a private college. ( A) $800. ( B) $8 000. ( C) $8 800. ( D) $34 000. ( A) It gets money from the states. ( B) It contributes money to charity. ( C) It offers financial aid for international students. ( D) It ge

14、ts sponsors from big companies. ( A) High price means a good quality of a school for them. ( B) Not all private schools cost more than public schools for them. ( C) They may choose private schools if they want to save money. ( D) Public colleges always have more international students than private c

15、olleges do. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 243答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 (l)California has been dealing with the effects of drought for more than two years. The state governor has ordered a mandatory reduction of water usage to prevent waste. The state is also looking into new technologies that will make Californ

16、ia more drought resistant. The executive order issued by the governor on Wednesday requires the State Water Resources Control Board to reduce water use by 25 percent across California.(2)Governor Brown said 38 million people will be affected. The measure is expected to save hundreds of thousands of

17、liters of water over nine months. The mandatory water rationing is unprecedented in the United States, and some Californians are against it, saying that water saving should be voluntary. But previous measures to fight a persistent drought have not improved the situation. The governor warned resident

18、s to be prepared to change their lifestyle. 1. What is the news report mainly about? 2. How many people will be affected in California according to Governor Brown? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,加利福尼亚州两年多来一直在努力应对干旱。为防止浪费,州长已发布行政令要求全州大规模减少用水。 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,布朗州长说,三千八百万民众将受到影响。 3 【听力原文】 In New York

19、City, the fashion industry accounts for more than five percent of the workforce and generates nearly $18 billion a year in retail sales.(3)This year, the City will allocate $15 million to encourage emerging designers and manufacturers to create fashions locally through a program called Made in New Y

20、ork. (4)Eligible companies like Leota, must sell at least 1 000 products annually and design, cut, sew, assemble and finish their fashions in the city. Founder Sarah Carson is looking forward to additional Made in New York production incentives. Leota was launched in New York four years ago and has

21、steadily grown. But manufacturing in New York has limitations sky-high rents, an aging workforce and outdated technology. The Made in New York program provides incentives to factories that invest in technology and workforce development. So far, the city has granted more than a million dollars to eli

22、gible factories. 3. What does New York plan to do for the fashion industry? 4. What can we learn about Leota from the news report? 3 【正 确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,今年,纽约将拨款 1500万美元,通过一个名叫 “纽约制造 ”的项目鼓励设计新秀和制造商在纽约本地发展时尚业。 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,像 Leota这样符合条件的公司,必须每年至少销售1000件产品,并且在纽约市进行设计、剪裁、缝纫、组装以及完成他们的时尚创造。

23、 5 【听力原文】 Malawi is one of the poorest nations in Africa. Unemployment rates are high. And those who have jobs have meager salaries.(5)Yet a recent report by the International Telecommunications Union, ITU, says on average, Malawians use more than twelve dollars a month on cell phones. This is more

24、than half of what an ordinary Malawian earns. In neighboring Mozambique, consumers spend just over a quarter of their income on mobile phone usage. But in Kenya and South Africa, the figure is significantly lower amounting to less than five percent of average monthly earnings. (6)This lack of compet

25、ition is why mobile tariffs are so high. The government might be forced to intervene to bring down the cost of using a mobile phone. But it is not just the cost of mobile services that is an issue in Malawi.(7)Many consumers also want the providers to give them value for their money by improving the

26、 quality of service they get. There are times that the network is very bad. Even the Internet is very slow. 5. What does the International Telecommunications Union find in Malawi? 6. What has caused the current situation in Malawi? 7. What else do Malawians complain about on using mobile phones? 5 【

27、正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,国际电信联合会 (ITU)报告称,平均来讲,马拉维人每月在手机上要花费 12美元,比一个普通马拉维人每月工资的一半还要高。 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,手机费用如此高的原因是缺乏市场竞争。 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,许多消费者也希望供应商改善服务质量,对得起他们付的费用。 Section B 8 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Jenny, you dont look happy. Whats wrong? W: Well, Jack, Ive got a problem. You know my daughter

28、 Lisa is 16 years old now. And weve begun talking about college. She says she wants to go, but she just lets her grades slip and no matter how many times I urge her to study,(8)all that she seems to be interested in are clothes and boys. Were not wealthy, you know. And it wont be easy for us to affo

29、rd the tuition if she cant get a scholarship. Is going to college the best choice for her right now? M: Do you mean that she doesnt seem ready for college? W: Yes, exactly. M:(9)Then youd better have a serious talk with her about college. W: A serious talk with her? M: Yes, in my opinion,(10)its qui

30、te normal for girls of her age to be wrapped up in fashion and dating, but as a mother, you have the right to expect her to pay attention to her study, too. W: Yes, but how? M: Ask her how serious she is about college and how hard shes willing to work for it. Lisa may be more committed than you real

31、ize. But if not, tell her she could think about putting college off for a while. That could give her the push she needs to take her education seriously. W:(9)Sounds like a good idea. M: And if you decide she should wait, you may help her get a job, take classes at a community college or do an intern

32、ship to get experience.(11)She may be just one of those who need to see a bit of real life before they settle down. 8. What do we learn about Lisa? 9. What is the woman probably going to do? 10. What does the man think of the girls phenomenon? 11. What can be inferred from the conversation? 8 【正确答案】

33、 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能从对话中了解到关于 Lisa的什么信息。对话开始部分女士提到,她女儿 Lisa只对衣服和男孩子感兴趣,衣服是时尚的象征,男孩子代表约会。即 Lisa只对时尚和约会感兴趣。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士很有可能去做什么。女士叙述完女儿的表现后,男士建议女士就上大学问题跟 Lisa进行一次严肃的谈话,女士咨询具体谈话内容后表示接受男士的建议。 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士对于女士女儿的情况的看法。对话中间部分,男士提到他认为在这个年龄段的女孩只对时尚和约会感兴趣是很正常的。 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题

34、问的是我们能从对话中推断出什么。对话结尾部分,男士说Lisa可能是那种只有了解了现实生活才能安下心来的人,由 one of可知很多青少年在学校是不知道现实生活如何的, Lisa只是其中之一。 12 【听力原文】 M: Hello. W: Hello, Sam. This is Emma Robert. Sorry to bother you, but Im having a small problem and I think you might be able to help me out. M: My pleasure, Emma. Whats up? W: Well, you know,

35、Julia and I moved into an off-campus apartment last year. Weve been happy with it until the past couple of months. M: Yeah? What happened? W: Well, the washing machine broke down, so we reported it to Ms. Hansen, the owner. She said shed take care of it, but a month went by and nothing happened. M:

36、Did you get in touch with her again? W:(12)(13)I got a repairman to give me an estimate and I sent it to Ms. Hansen. I had the repair done before hearing from her. And I deducted the cost from the rent check. M: So whats the problem? W:(12)She called madly. She said she could have gotten the repair

37、done with less money. Now shes threatening to expel us for not paying the full rent. M: Hold on, Emma. It does sound pretty serious, but Im sure you can all sit down and work this out. W: Well,(14)youre studying at the law school, so(15)I wondered if you would mind coming with Julia and me when we g

38、o to talk to Ms. Hansen. Were supposed to meet her at 7:00 tomorrow night. M: Sure, I havent studied a lot about contracts yet, but Id be glad to help you straighten things out. Ill stop by around 6:30. W: Thats great. Thanks, Sam. 12. What can we learn about Emma? 13. Why is Ms. Hansen angry? 14. W

39、hy does Emma think Sam can help her? 15. What are Emma and Julia planning to do? 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能了解到关于 Emma的什么信息。解答此题需要宏观理解对话,对话中 Emma讲 述了事情的前因后果:她租的房子里的洗衣机坏了,告诉房东后,房东没有及时修,她自己修了后把修理费从房租中扣除,引起房东勃然大怒。一句话概括就是 Emma和房东之间出现了纠纷。 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Hansen女士为什么生气。对话中女士提到,房东Hansen女士勃然大怒,说她可以

40、找人来修洗衣机,并且花费更少。由此可以推断, Hansen女士生气是因为 Emma在没经她同意的情况下自作主张修理了洗衣机,并且花费较多。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么 Emma认为 Sam能帮她。对话中女士提到,Sam在法学院上学,因此想问他能否陪她们去找房东。由此可以推断,她认为Sam能帮上忙是因为他懂法律。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Emma和 Julia打算怎么做。对话中 Emma请求 Sam陪她和 Julia一起和房东见面并解决问题。由此可知,她们计划通过与房东面谈来解决问题。 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Today, m

41、ost people celebrate New Years Day on Jan, 1. People observe the New Years holiday in many different ways. The idea of admitting mistakes and finishing the business of the old year is found in many cultures. So is the idea of making New Years resolutions.(16)A resolution is a promise to change or do

42、 something different in the coming year.(17)Making New Years resolutions is a common tradition. We talked to some people in Washington, D.C., and Miami, Florida about their resolutions, hopes and wishes for next year. Many people have the same opinion as Miss Rice of Miami, who said the election pro

43、cess in the United States next time brought a return to hope. And Noah Green is a 42-year-old businessman and student in Miami.(18)He expressed similar feelings about the political change. He said he hoped that the new president could help lead the way to better relations among the nations of the wo

44、rld. But many people we spoke to kept their resolutions very simple, like this boy. “My name is Sean Goodwin. I live in Washington, D.C. Im 12 years old and my New Years resolution is to get a girlfriend this year. “ 16. What is the definition of a New Years resolution? 17. What can be learned about

45、 New Years resolutions from the passage? 18. What does Noah Green wish for next year? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是新年愿 望的定义。短文中明确提到,新年愿望是许诺在新的一年要进行改变或做一些与往常不同的事。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能从短文得知关于新年愿望的什么信息。短文中提到,新年愿望在美国是一个普遍的传统。 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Noah Green对明年有什么期望。短文中明确提到,Noah Green希望政治上有所变化。 19

46、【听力原文】 When people think of carrots, they usually picture in their mind a vegetable that is long, thin and orange. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes. And not all carrots are orange. For example, Paris Market carrots are about 5 centimeters around. Imperator carrots are thin and abo

47、ut 25 centimeters long. And Belgian White carrots are, as their name suggests, white. Weather, soil conditions and age will affect the way carrots taste. According to experts, warm days, cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great. Carrots n

48、eed time to develop their full sugar content. This gives them their taste. If they are harvested too early, they will not have enough sugar.(19)But carrots lose their sweetness if you wait too long to pull them from the ground.(20)The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its

49、color. Usually, the brighter the color is, the better the taste.(21)Many people do not know that carrots can be grown during winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during summer months. If the ground does freeze in your part of the world, simply cover your carrot garden with a thick layer of leaves or straw. 19. What may happen if we wait too long to pull carrots from the ground? 20, How can people know if the carrot is harvested? 21. What can be inferred abo


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