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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 267及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The number of adult girls is expected to double by 2050. ( B) Child marriage in Africa will be ended by 2050. ( C) Half women will be married before reaching adulthood by 2050. ( D) The legal marriage age will set above 18 by 2050. ( A) Poverty and lack of

2、 education. ( B) Local culture that undervalues children. ( C) The low legal age for marriage. ( D) High risks of becoming teenage mothers. ( A) Waste products of whisky could make biofuel. ( B) Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world. ( C) A new fuel called Biobutanol is found by a

3、Scottish professor. ( D) There are many waste products in making whisky. ( A) Corn and sugar cane. ( B) Rye and corn. ( C) Strong beer and wheat ( D) Rice and wheat. ( A) Getting high skilled people. ( B) Promoting companys technology. ( C) Finding enough employees. ( D) Increasing members of immigr

4、ants. ( A) The number of them decreases dramatically. ( B) They mainly move from south states. ( C) They come to Chicago without work visa. ( D) The number of them increases after the recession. ( A) The law of immigrants. ( B) The environment for companies. ( C) The number of work visas. ( D) Highe

5、r salary and better titles. Section B ( A) He saw the office on his way home from work. ( B) A friend referred him to Dr. Carters office. ( C) He found Dr. Carters number in the phone book. ( D) He found Dr. Carters number on the Internet ( A) He has to pick up his tool kits. ( B) He has to take a b

6、us home. ( C) He has to open his store in the morning. ( D) He has to pick up his kids. ( A) The mans telephone number is 647-0547. ( B) The mans telephone number is 603-0547. ( C) The man was scheduled to meet the doctor at 8:15 A.M. Thursday. ( D) The man was scheduled to meet the doctor at 8:00 A

7、.M. Thursday. ( A) He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him. ( B) He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder. ( C) He sprained his hand when he fell off the roof of his house. ( D) His foot has a paint can on because he likes painting the house. ( A) Problems with living in an apartment.

8、 ( B) A search for a new apartment. ( C) The cost of rent near universities. ( D) How to share a room with one or two roommates. ( A) She lives far from campus. ( B) She wants to have a roommate. ( C) She cant afford to pay the rent. ( D) She has no place to park her car. ( A) Gas fee. ( B) Utilitie

9、s. ( C) Furniture. ( D) A parking place. ( A) He will drop a notice there and buy something on his way to school. ( B) He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building. ( C) He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent ( D) He is going to visit an apartme

10、nt building nearby. Section C ( A) Banks, government agencies and credit unions. ( B) Banks, deposit unions and money market funds. ( C) Banks, savings-and-loans and deposit unions. ( D) Banks, savings-and-loans and credit unions. ( A) Teachers working in the same city. ( B) Professors attending the

11、 same seminar. ( C) Colleagues working for the same government agency. ( D) Experts studying the same subject. ( A) Certificates of deposit. ( B) Savings account. ( C) Money market funds. ( D) Credit unions. ( A) They cannot see the firefighters because of the smoke. ( B) They do not realize the dan

12、ger they are in. ( C) They cannot hear the firefighters for the noise. ( D) They mistake the firefighters for monsters. ( A) He travels all over America to help put out fires. ( B) He often teaches children what to do during a fire. ( C) He teaches Spanish in a San Francisco community. ( D) He provi

13、des oxygen masks to children free of charge. ( A) He saved the life of his brother choking on food. ( B) He rescued a student from a big fire. ( C) He is very good at public speaking. ( D) He gives informative talks to young children. ( A) Firefighters play an important role in America. ( B) Kids sh

14、ould learn not to be afraid of monsters. ( C) Carelessness can result in tragedies. ( D) Informative speeches can save lives. ( A) Hardworking students being accused of cheating. ( B) Innocent people being suspected groundlessly. ( C) Boy students being often treated as law-breakers. ( D) Junior emp

15、loyees being made to work overtime. ( A) Requesting customers to pay before taking the food ( B) Asking customers to leave their bags on the counters. ( C) Allowing only two students to enter at a time. ( D) Forbidding students to take food out of the restaurant. ( A) He was closely watched. ( B) He

16、 was asked to leave. ( C) He was overcharged. ( D) He was taken to the manager. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 267答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 The number of girls married in Africa is expected to double in the next 35 years, experts say.(1)That means almost half, or 310 million girls, by 2050 will be married before

17、 they reach adulthood, says a United Nations report. The African Union says it wants to end child marriage in Africa. Delegates at a summit in Zambia are expected to set 18 years old as the lowest legal age for marriage across the continent. Marriage before age 18 is already against the law in most

18、African countries. Yet the UN says more than 125 million African women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday. Experts say most were given to men in traditional or religious unions in violation of the law. (2)African Union chairwoman Nkosozana Dlamini Zuma says local culture t

19、hat undervalues girls and women is to blame. Poverty and lack of education are also responsible, experts say. 1. What do we learn from the United Nations report? 2. What is the reason for child marriage in Africa? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻的开头提到,联合国的一份报告称,到 2050年会有将近一半女孩 (约 3 1亿 )在未成年时就结婚, C所述与此一致。 A错在 Th

20、e number of adult girls,数量会翻倍的是未成年就结婚的女孩数量 (The number of girls married),而非成年女孩的数量。 B“童婚到 2050时会结束 ”和 D“合法结婚年龄到2050年会设定在 18岁以上 ”都出现新闻中的个别原词,但所述内容都没有实质根据。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻的结尾引用非盟女主席的话,指出轻视女性的当地文化(undervalues girls and women)以及贫穷和教育落 (Poverty and lack of education)应为童婚现象负责, A复现后者,为正确答案。

21、B错在 children,当地文化轻视的只是女孩,不是所有 children。 C“合法结婚年龄低 ”与新闻内容相反,新闻中明确提到在大多数非洲国家, 18岁是合法结婚的年龄。 D“成为青少年母亲的风险高 ”未在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 (3)Waste products from a popular alcoholic drink could be used in the future to make biofuel. Researchers say the new fuel, based on whisky, could reduce demand for oil

22、. They say using less oil could cut pollution that studies have linked to climate change. Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world. And a Scottish professor has found how to take the waste products from distilling whisky and turn them into a form of alcohol called biobutanol. Biobutan

23、ol can be used as a fuel. Whisky comes from grain, such as corn and wheat. Martin Tangney is director of the Biofuel Research Centre at Napier University in Edinburgh. He says less than 10 percent of what comes out can be considered whisky.(4)The rest is mainly one of two unwanted products: strong b

24、eer and wheat Tangney says the two byproducts can be produced to create a new material: biobutanol. 3. What is the news report mainly about? 4. What are the unwanted products in making whisky? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 主旨题。新闻的主旨常出现在首尾部分。新闻的开头提到,一种流行的酒精饮料中产生的废品在未来可以用作生物燃料 (could be used in the future to make

25、 biofuel),而下一句则点明这 个 popular alcoholic drink就是指 whisky“威士忌 ”。故 A正确。 B的内容有在新闻中提到,但 “苏格兰是全球最大的威士忌产生 ”并不是本文的重点内容。 C内容与新闻不符, Biobutanol并不是新燃料,也不是苏格兰教授发现的。 D“生产威士忌会产生很多废产品 ”偏离了新闻的重点。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻的结尾提到,制成威士忌后,剩下一两个没什么用处的废产品: strong beer和 wheat。故 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【 听力原文】 For several years

26、, human resources director Pete Tapaskar says its been a challenge to fill all the jobs at his suburban Chicago-based technology company.(5)Getting high skilled people is still a challenge. Elizabeth Sue is principal policy analyst for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, who studies Chicag

27、os recent immigration trends. She said “They are slowly moving into the south, especially Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia.(6)What we are seeing right now is a substantially decreased total of international in-migrations. Prior to the recession we were between 50 and 60 thousand most years. Now, since 20

28、10, weve been at about 23- to 24-thousand international in-migrations on a net basis.“ She says that dramatic drop as much as two-thirds some years contributes to Chicagos overall still population growth. Tapaskar says there are many reasons why immigrants choose to live in Southern states instead o

29、f Chicago.(7)“The environment there is ideal for starting a business, could be the taxes there are low, and employers are getting a lot of benefits from the state government.“ But Tapaskar says one thing that could bring new immigrants to Chicago is increasing the number of work visas that would att

30、ract the highly skilled tech workers his business needs. 5. What is the problem for the technology companies in Chicago? 6. What do we learn about international in-migrations in Chicago? 7. Why do immigrants choose southern states instead of Chicago? 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻的开头提到,一家在芝加哥郊区的公 司的人力资源总监 Pet

31、e Tapaskar说,他公司的所有空缺职位找到人并不容易,找到技术精湛的人才仍是一个挑战 (getting high skilled people is still a challenge)。 A复现新闻的内容,为答案。新闻并没有提到需要提升公司的技术,故 B排除。科技公司缺少的是技术熟练的科技人员, C“找到足够的员工 ”不够具体。新闻通篇提到移民情况,但增加移民人数并非科技公司所需要解决的问题,故 D也不对。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在 Elizabeth Sue的话中,关键词 a substantially decreased和dramatic drop

32、都表明迁入芝加哥人数大幅减少, A正确。新闻说的是移民选择南方各州, B说从南方各州迁来与此相反。 C利用新闻中的 work visa作干扰,实质内容未在新闻中提到。 D说的 “数量上升 ”与新闻内容相反。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在新闻后段, Tapaskar提到 “那些地方的环境对创业更有利,可能有更低的税收,雇主们能从州政府那里得到更多福利 ”, B与上述内容相符。 C较有干扰性,但新闻结尾提到,增加工作签证为了吸引技术熟练的人才到芝加哥,这与移民选择南方各州的原因无关。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: Dr. Carter

33、s Office. M: Yes, Id like to make an appointment to see Dr. Carter, please. This is my first visit and my name is Ronald Schuller. W: And may I ask who referred you to our office? M: (8)Uh. I drove past your office yesterday. W: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 oclock? M:

34、Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning?(9)I usually pick up my kids from school around that time. W: Okay. Urn.(10)how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thursday at 8:15 A.M.? M: Well, in that case,(10)Thursday would be fine. And my phone number is 643-0547. W: Alright. And whats the nature

35、 of your visit? M: Well, to tell the truth,(11)I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and I sprained my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. Im most concerned that the swelling in my ankle hasnt gone down yet. Uh, the paint can is still on my foot W: Look, Mr. Schuller. Plea

36、se come in today. I dont think your case can wait. 8. From the conversation, how did the man probably find out about Dr. Carter? 9. Why cant the man make it Wednesday at 4:00 oclock? 10. Which of the following statements is true? 11. Why did the man want to see the doctor? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话中男士提到:

37、 “哦,昨天我开车经过了你们办公室。 ”因此选A。选项都涉及 He怎样得知 Dr Carter的办公室 (或电话 )的,可以比较准确地预测出问题。听到对话中女士问 who referred(介绍,推荐 )you to our office时,就该特别关注男士的回答。由 drove past只能得出 A。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士建议他周三 4点钟过来,男士犹豫了一下,回答说, 4点左右是他通常 接孩子们放学的时间。因此答案是 D。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士要男士在周二上午 8点与周四上午 8: 15之间选择,男士说选星期

38、四。因此 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说他在给房子刷油漆的时候从梯子上摔了下来,扭了脚踝。 B正确。由动词来看, hurt, injure, sprain均表示受伤, knee, ankle, hand, foot是身体部位, fell是 “跌落 ”,在选项中用法不同; A说梯子倒下时砸了人; B说从梯子 上摔下; C说从房顶上摔下。无论是听到 “受伤部位 ”还是 “受伤原因 ”,本题均可准确作答。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 M: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And hows your new apar

39、tment working out? W: Well,(12)thats what Im calling about. You see, Ive decided to look for a new place. M: Oh, whats the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment. W: Oh, I do,(13)but its a little far from campus, and the commute is just killing me. Do you think you could help

40、? I thought you might know more about the housing situation near the university. M: Alright. So, what kind of place are you looking for? W: Well, Id like to share an apartment with one or two roommates within walking distance to school. M: Okay, whats your budget like? I mean how much do you want to

41、 spend on rent? W: Uh,(14)somewhere under $200 a month, including utilities, if I could. Oh, and Id prefer to rent a furnished apartment. M: Hmm. And anything else? W: Yeah, I need a parking space. M: Well, I know theres an apartment complex around the corner that seems to have a few vacancies.(15)I

42、ll drop by there on my way to class today. W: Hey, thanks a lot. M: No problem. 12. What is the main topic of the conversation? 13. Why does the woman want to move to a new place? 14. What does the woman hope to be included in the rent? 15. How is the man going to help her? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士开头就说

43、: “那正是我打电话的原因。我决定另外找一套房子。 ”B选项中的 “search for a new apartment”就是此句 “look for a new place”的同义替换。口语中 place可以指住处。各选项均与住房有关 (apartment, rent,room, roommate属于同一个语义场 );选项核心词分别是 problems, search,cost, how to share。注意听清对话的焦点,用以辨别正确选项。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士抱怨现在住的地方离校园有点远,每天上下学烦死人,可见她想搬家的原因是住得太远了,故选

44、A。录音确实提到女士想要跟一或两个室友合租,但这是由于她预算 (budget)有限,因此 B“她想要一个室友 ”不是搬家的原因。录音并未提到女士付不起房租,故排除 C“她付不起房租 ”。有停车位是女士对要租住的房子的要求,但并不是她想搬家的原因,故排除 D“她没有地方停车 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士问女士的房租预算是多少,女士回答说每月包括水电费控制在200美元以下,可见女士希望房租包含水电的费用,故选 B。女士虽然提到要带家具和一个停车位,但是这是房子的配套设施,不是房租包含的内容,故不选 C和D。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题

45、解析】 男士提到,他知道附近一幢公寓综合楼似乎还有空房,他今天会“在去上学的路上顺道看看 ”。 D的 visit即对话中 drop by的同义表达,因此选D。选项均是将来时态,表示他将来取什么行动,一般 是在对话尾巴处找答案。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Saving money is a first step toward wealth. Putting money away for the future also supports the banking system. Banks need a supply of savings to provide mo

46、ney for loans. In the United States, people who want to start a savings have many choices. (16)Banks, savings-and-loans and credit unions are traditional places to open an account. (17)Credit unions are cooperatives for people who are linked in some way. For example, the members may work for a unive

47、rsity or a government agency. Most credit unions are non-profit organizations. Savers have their money guaranteed up to one hundred thousand dollars. Banks and other financial organizations pay interest on savings accounts. But the interest rates are low. Certificates of deposit are another way to s

48、ave. They pay higher interest rates. With a certificate of deposit, a person agrees not to withdraw an amount of money for a period of time. The term could be three months, or it could be several years. Longer terms, and larger amounts, pay higher interest. People can withdraw their money early but

49、at a cost Another way to save is through a money market fund. This is a kind of mutual fund. Mutual funds invest money from many people. Money market funds pay higher interest than savings accounts. The money is usually placed in short-term government securities. (18)Money market funds, however, may not be federally guaranteed like other kinds of savings. 16. What are the traditional places to open an account in the United States? 17. Which group can form a credit union? 18. Which way of saving may not be federally guaranteed? 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 短文中


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