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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 273及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Meat canning, a tradition in American church groups.B.American church groups canning food for those in need.C.How to can food in American church groups.D.The canned f

2、ood delivery all over the world.A.5 hours.B.10 hours.C.17 hours.D.20 hours.A.Writing a composition.B.Producing a cell phone film.C.Sending text messages.D.Telling a story by cell phone.A.The film must be shot entirely with cell phones.B.The competition is open to people of all ages.C.Background musi

3、c is the most important part of the film.D.The best film will be very different from an award-winning movie.A.The bomb attacks occurred in Lebanon.B.The bomb attacks occurred in Horns.C.Up to 32 people were killed in a car bomb.D.Up to 16 people were killed in two bomb attacks.A.The attacks took pla

4、ce in the al-Zahraa district.B.Thirty-two people were killed in the two bombings.C.There will be another attack soon.D.Nineteen people were killed in the two bombings.A.The government and rebel forces reached a cease-fire agreement.B.The government took back areas controlled by rebels.C.Two bombing

5、attacks took place in the al-Zahraa district.D.Anti-government rebels attacked the headquarter of The Wall Street Journal.3.Section B_A.Beautiful scenery in the countryside.B.Dangers of cross-country skiing.C.Pain and pleasure in sports.D.A sport he participates in.A.He cant find good examples to il

6、lustrate his point.B.He cant find a peaceful place to do the assignment.C.He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery.D.He cant decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.A.Watching TV in the living-room.B.Shopping in the department store.C.Going somewhere and enjoying the

7、beautiful sceneries.D.Sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by.A.New ideas come up as you write.B.Much time is spent on collecting data.C.A lot of effort is made in vain.D.The writers point of view often changes.A.Journalist of a local newspaper.B.Director of evening radio programs.C.P

8、roducer of television commercials.D.Hostess of the weekly “Business World“.A.He ran three restaurants with his wifes help.B.He and his wife did everything by themselves.C.He worked both as a cook and a waiter.D.He hired a cook and two local waitresses.A.He hardly needs to do any advertising nowadays

9、.B.He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.C.He spends huge sums on TV commercials every year.D.He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers.A.The restaurant location.B.The restaurant atmosphere.C.The food variety.D.The food price.4.Section C_A.Watching TV can cause physical diseas

10、es.B.TV places the viewer in a completely passive positionC.People are too dependent on TV.D.The quality of some TV programs is poor.A.Television has more advantages than disadvantages.B.Television has more disadvantages than advantages.C.It is no use watching TV.D.Television in itself is neither go

11、od nor bad.A.How much a TV set costs.B.The quality of TV programs.C.How people put it to use.D.The number of people watching TV.A.He wanted to remain popular with the audience.B.He wished to give more performances.C.He didnt trust others.D.He was extremely anxious about its negative effect.A.He was

12、refused to give performances in 1804.B.He was not able to compose in 1804.C.He was becoming very difficult to be with in 1804.D.He attempted to kill himself in 1804.A.He didnt kill himself because of his friends.B.He remained single all his life.C.He was always not easy to be with.D.He had few frien

13、ds in his life.A.About 1920.B.Around 1925.C.Around 1930.D.About 1935.A.Over 16 million.B.Over 3.5 million.C.Over 1 million.D.Over 2.5 million.A.Corn.B.Soybean.C.Oat.D.Rye.A.Corn.B.Soybean.C.Oat.D.Rye.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 273答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Liste

14、ning Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Meat canning, a tradition in American church groups.B.American church groups canning food for those in need. C.How to can food in American church groups.D.The canned food delivery all over the world.解析:解析:主旨大意题。新闻提到,美国许多宗教组织赠送罐装食品,帮助世界上那些饥饿的和需要帮助的人们。故答案为 B。主旨大意

15、题应注意听新闻的开头和结尾。A“美国宗教组织的传统:肉类罐头”、C“美国宗教组织如何罐装食物”和 D“罐头食品在全球范围内流通”都不是新闻的主要内容。A.5 hours.B.10 hours.C.17 hours. D.20 hours.解析:解析:新闻提到,志愿者从早上 5点工作到晚上 10点,实行轮班制,早上 5点到晚上 10点一共17小时,故答案为 C。A.Writing a composition.B.Producing a cell phone film. C.Sending text messages.D.Telling a story by cell phone.解析:解析:新闻

16、提到,美国一所大学正在举行一场竞赛,竞赛内容是用手机拍摄电影(produce a cell phone film)。故答案为 B。A.The film must be shot entirely with cell phones. B.The competition is open to people of all ages.C.Background music is the most important part of the film.D.The best film will be very different from an award-winning movie.解析:解析:新闻提到,

17、竞赛组织者说道,参赛的电影必须全都用手机拍摄,A 复现原文,为正确答案。新闻提到该项比赛只对年轻人开放(giving young people a chance to),B 错在对“所有年龄段”开放。C“背景音乐是电影最重要的一部分”过分夸大音乐的作用,新闻只是说电影需要声音,可以附上音乐。D“最好的电影将与其他形式获奖的电影区别很大”与新闻末尾相反。A.The bomb attacks occurred in Lebanon.B.The bomb attacks occurred in Horns. C.Up to 32 people were killed in a car bomb.D.

18、Up to 16 people were killed in two bomb attacks.解析:解析:新闻开头说到,在靠近黎巴嫩边界的叙利亚城市 Homs发生两起爆炸袭击事件,造成多达 32人死亡。B“爆炸袭击发生在 Horns”正确。新闻提到爆炸袭击发生在靠近黎巴嫩边界的叙利亚城市而非发生在黎巴嫩,故排除 A。两起爆炸共造成了多达 32人死亡,故 C、D 都不对。A.The attacks took place in the al-Zahraa district.B.Thirty-two people were killed in the two bombings.C.There wi

19、ll be another attack soon.D.Nineteen people were killed in the two bombings. 解析:解析:注意本题要听清楚是问 state-controlled mesa“国有电视台”的言论。新闻中提到,国家电视台报道中表示有 19人死于两起爆炸事件。故 D为正确答案。A“袭击发生在 al-Zahraa控制区域”并非国家电视台的发言。B“有 32人遇害”是叙利亚人权观察员说的(The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)。C“很快就会有另一次袭击”没有在新闻中提到。A.The government

20、and rebel forces reached a cease-fire agreement.B.The government took back areas controlled by rebels.C.Two bombing attacks took place in the al-Zahraa district. D.Anti-government rebels attacked the headquarter of The Wall Street Journal.解析:解析:本题的关键是听清楚问题问的时间点是 December 12。新闻末尾部分提到,在 12月 12日,发生的两起爆

21、炸事件造成至少 16人死亡,这些袭击也是发生在 al-Zahraa区,故答案为 C。A、B 所说的事件也在新闻中出现,但并不是发生在 12月 12日,D 拼凑新闻中的 anti-government rebels和 The Wall Street Journal,并没有实际根据。3.Section B_解析:A.Beautiful scenery in the countryside.B.Dangers of cross-country skiing.C.Pain and pleasure in sports.D.A sport he participates in. 解析:解析:男士说他想写

22、一篇关于运动对他的意义的文章,D 是原文的同义转换,因此为答案。A、B、C 均出现原文原词如 country(side),cross-country skiing 及 sports,但其侧重点均不是男子的写作话题,故排除。A.He cant find good examples to illustrate his point.B.He cant find a peaceful place to do the assignment.C.He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery.D.He cant decide whe

23、ther to include the effort part of skiing. 解析:解析:男士说,他写那篇文章的原意是说明身处乡村的平静,可在写作时不断提到了 cross-country skiing过程的艰难,这与文章出发点不一样,但不提这些艰难,又无法解释平静的感觉。由此可知,本题答案为 D。A“他找不到好例子支撑自己的观点”、B“他找不到宁静的地方做作业”和 C“他不知道如何描述乡村美景”均是随意拼凑,利用原词 point,peaceful,assignment 和 country进行干扰,实际与听力原文不符。A.Watching TV in the living-room.B.

24、Shopping in the department store.C.Going somewhere and enjoying the beautiful sceneries.D.Sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by. 解析:解析:男士说 cross-country skiing跟坐在某个地方看云飘过是不同的(Its not like),D 是原文的原词复现,因此为答案。A“在起居室看电视”、B“在百货商店购物”和 C“去某个地方欣赏美景”录音未提及。A.New ideas come up as you write. B.

25、Much time is spent on collecting data.C.A lot of effort is made in vain.D.The writers point of view often changes.解析:解析:女士说写作时常见的现象是,有些想法是动笔前就有的,而有些则是写作过程中冒出来的。A是原文 part you discovered as you wrote的同义转换,故正确。本题 D似是而非,容易误选。应注意,D“写作者的观点经常发生转变”虽然出现原词 point,但原文侧重的是写作过程中会新产生的想法,而非改变原有的想法,故应排除 D。A.Journali

26、st of a local newspaper.B.Director of evening radio programs.C.Producer of television commercials.D.Hostess of the weekly “Business World“. 解析:解析:从女士的第一句话“欢迎收看本周的 Business World”可知她是这节目的女主持人,D 正确。预读选项可判断此题问身份职业。D 的 weekly和 Business World均为第 l句信息,对话的首尾往往是听音重点。A.He ran three restaurants with his wifes

27、 help.B.He and his wife did everything by themselves. C.He worked both as a cook and a waiter.D.He hired a cook and two local waitresses.解析:解析:男士提到事业刚起步时,自己当厨师,妻子做服务员,因此答案为 B。男子开始只经营一家店,3 家店是经营到后期的结果,A 不正确;经营初期男士的妻子是服务员,C 不正确;请厨师和服务员是开业一年之后的事,D 不正确。本题听清问题中的时间状语 at its beginning是排除干扰项的关键。A.He hardly

28、needs to do any advertising nowadays.B.He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers. C.He spends huge sums on TV commercials every year.D.He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers.解析:解析:男士说不做电视广告,因为太贵了,但在广播电台和报纸投放很多广告。故答案为B。A“如今他几乎不需要做任何广告”和 D“他雇请孩子在购物中心发广告”是利用原文原词children,distribute

29、 ads,dont need to do that anymore 设置的干扰项,与原文不符,应排除;男士认为电视广告太贵,完全不做电视广告,C 不正确。A.The restaurant location.B.The restaurant atmosphere. C.The food variety.D.The food price.解析:解析:男士提到他总是尽可能提供最新鲜的食物,并将饭店的氛围营造得尽可能舒适愉快,以便客人愿意再次光顾,B 与此相符,故正确。A“饭店坐落的位置”、C“食物的品种”和 D“食物的价格”原文均未提及。4.Section C_解析:A.Watching TV ca

30、n cause physical diseases. B.TV places the viewer in a completely passive positionC.People are too dependent on TV.D.The quality of some TV programs is poor.解析:解析:本文分析电视的利弊,它带来益处的同时也有潜在的弊端。文章分别提到,观看电视是被动接受的行为(即 B),它使人产生依赖性(即 C),有些电视节目质量太差(即 D)。未提到的弊端是 A,故选A。此外,A“看电视会导致生理疾病”的说法闻所未闻。这是对原文中 almost phys

31、ical fascination“几乎有生理上的迷恋”的曲解。换言之,有些选项可据常识加以判断。A.Television has more advantages than disadvantages.B.Television has more disadvantages than advantages.C.It is no use watching TV.D.Television in itself is neither good nor bad. 解析:解析:短文结尾处,作者在给出了正反观点后,给出了中允的观点:“我想我们必须认识到,电视本身无所谓好坏。”即 D正确。C 太绝对,可以排除;A

32、、B 针锋相对,D 则不偏不倚。根据短文中作者的口吻,他是持中立态度的,应选 D。本题可以“听到什么选什么”。A.How much a TV set costs.B.The quality of TV programs.C.How people put it to use. D.The number of people watching TV.解析:解析:文章最后说:电视本身无所谓好坏,人们使用它的方式决定了它对社会的价值。C 与此同义。A(电视机的价格)、D(观看电视的人数)与全文中心无关,可以排除;B 在文中有所提及,是某个细节,属于答非所问。A.He wanted to remain p

33、opular with the audience.B.He wished to give more performances.C.He didnt trust others.D.He was extremely anxious about its negative effect. 解析:解析:短文开头就说贝多芬不愿透露自己耳聋的消息,并紧接着说明了原因:“他极为担心这个消息对他作为一位音乐家的事业可能带来的影响,他也不知道该如何处理该消息对他的社交生活产生的影响。”D(他对它的负面影响极为担心)全面概括了相关内容,故正确。A.He was refused to give performance

34、s in 1804.B.He was not able to compose in 1804.C.He was becoming very difficult to be with in 1804. D.He attempted to kill himself in 1804.解析:解析:短文中提到,1804 年,贝多芬的朋友在信中说:“失去听力使他(贝多芬)不相信朋友,他变得非常难以相处。”故 C正确。由选项中共同的时间可知,本题问 1804年发生在“他”身上的事情。听到“In 1804”即当留意选项中对应的关键词。C 为原词再现。A.He didnt kill himself becaus

35、e of his friends.B.He remained single all his life. C.He was always not easy to be with.D.He had few friends in his life.解析:解析:短文最后说:“情况可能是这样:因为他知道结婚会影响他的艺术创作,所以他逃避了婚姻的承诺。”言下之意是,贝多芬一辈子未婚,故 B正确。四个选项主语都是 He,但具体内容互不相干,须听记所有相关信息并做出相应标记。A.About 1920. B.Around 1925.C.Around 1930.D.About 1935.解析:解析:短文中提到,1

36、920 年,美国用于农业生产的马、骡数量有 2500多万,“同时一个竞争者开始大量出现。拖拉机”意即 1920年拖拉机开始大量涌现,故 A正确。A.Over 16 million.B.Over 3.5 million.C.Over 1 million.D.Over 2.5 million. 解析:解析:短文说,1920 年,美国用于农业生产的马、骡数量总共有 2500多万,此后一路减少,到 20世纪 60年代,数目趋于稳定,迄今没有变化。目前约有 1920年的 1/10。由此可计算出,20 世纪 60年代美国用于农业生产的马、骡牲口共 250多万,故 D正确。A.Corn.B.Soybean.

37、 C.Oat.D.Rye.解析:解析:短文提到,到 2000年,近 3000万公顷土地种了大豆。“它是全国最重要的高蛋白动物饲料和植物油农作物。”故 B正确。听短文答题时,要特别留意“语义强调之处”。本题“the nations most important crop”显然符合此语义特征。A.Corn. B.Soybean.C.Oat.D.Rye.解析:解析:短文结尾处提到,“事实上,大豆是继玉米之后美国农民种植的第二大最有价值的农作物。”可见最有价值的农作物是玉米,答案是 A。答题方法与上题一样。对于文中语义强调的内容要有所辨别,最后才能按听到的问题答题。若能听记 most valuable这语义要点,本题就容易了。


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