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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 274及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.62.B.64.C.60.D.Unknown.A.The better-off.B.Financial institutions.C.Ordinary people.D.Government.A.Give teachers extra help.B.Engage in many activities.C.Show up in cl

2、ass.D.Offer constructive advice.A.It has nothing to do with higher math score.B.It works in some subjects, but not in others.C.It leads to higher scores in social studies.D.It encourages students to do better in science.A.Stricter security restrictions were imposed on luggage.B.Luggage delivery serv

3、ices offer travelers convenience.C.New services caused a lot of trouble in checking luggage.D.Airlines give travelers opportunities to fly first class.A.Two minutes.B.Two hours.C.Two days.D.Two weeks.A.The pickup time is not scheduled.B.Extra packaging is required.C.Valuables are easily lost.D.The p

4、rice might be too high.3.Section B_A.She is environmentally-concerned.B.She wants to save money.C.Her car is being repaired in the shop.D.She wants to see the man on the bus.A.Diana believes the air is not likely to be cleaner.B.Diana thinks the diesel (柴油机) bus is free of pollution now.C.Diana has

5、taken a class on environmental engineering.D.Diana sounds pessimistic about the future of the insulator (绝热器).A.It makes the fuel burn more efficiently.B.It helps release more unburned fuel.C.It is easy to install.D.It is very cheap.A.Lowering transportation fees.B.The environmental engineering clas

6、s.C.The mans car in the shop.D.Better environment.A.The hotel confused him with another guest.B.Rooms are overbooked for that evening.C.There are no more rooms available for five people.D.All the rooms available are under renovation.A.There was a marathon going on.B.Almost all the hotels were being

7、renovated.C.There was a conference going on.D.The hotel was overbooked two months ago.A.The man wants to live in them.B.They are like the normal rooms.C.There is a roll-away bed.D.Customers can watch TV there.A.A honeymoon suite for $250 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.B.A honeymoo

8、n suite for $225 for the night and free breakfast of western style.C.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.D.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of western style.4.Section C_A.Diet.B.Sleep.C.Space.D.Stress.A.They tend to reproduce more.B

9、.They may show more signs of violence.C.They can eat and sleep better.D.They may commit suicide.A.Rats can populate rapidly.B.Population explosion can lead to violence.C.Over crowdedness may have the same effects on man.D.It is a natural law that animals live and die.A.Crimes committed by young peop

10、le.B.Crimes committed by needy people.C.Influence on young people.D.Stealing and violence.A.They are usually poor and in need.B.They do not have as much freedom or money as they want.C.They live in an environment where everybody knows each other.D.They are not satisfied with the adult world.A.The fa

11、mily and the school.B.The adults and the mass mediaC.The society and the young people.D.The young people themselves.A.About seven million.B.Half of the American population.C.25% of American people.D.About 25 million.A.They are older than young people.B.The young people will soon be in charge of the

12、nation.C.The students today have strong opinions.D.The youths ideas are sometimes wrong.A.The lives of their parents.B.Making a better life for all people.C.The trouble in American families.D.The strong opinions.A.They feel much is wrong with the lives of their parents.B.They see clearly what is rig

13、ht and good in the lives of their parents.C.They feel that everything about the lives of their parents is acceptable.D.They feel nothing is right and good in the lives of their parents.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 274答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehens

14、ion_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.62.B.64.C.60. D.Unknown.解析:解析:新闻提到,Sarkozy 计划将最低退休年龄上调两年,即上调到 62岁,可判断在此之前,最低退休年龄应为 60岁,C 为答案。A.The better-off.B.Financial institutions.C.Ordinary people. D.Government.解析:解析:新闻最后提到,反对者认为向金融机构和富人群体征收更高的税款,养老金体系就可以得到维持。可见反对者是站在一般民众的立场上的,而不是站在富裕人群、金融机构和政府立场上的,C 正确。A.Give teachers

15、 extra help.B.Engage in many activities.C.Show up in class. D.Offer constructive advice.解析:解析:新闻开篇部分提到,现在有些美国学校推出一项新举措:奖励成绩有进步的学生,甚至学生仅仅因为到学校上课就可得到奖励。因此 C为答案。A“给老师额外的帮助”、B“参加许多活动”和D“提供指导性的建议”均没有在新闻中提到。A.It has nothing to do with higher math score.B.It works in some subjects, but not in others. C.It

16、leads to higher scores in social studies.D.It encourages students to do better in science.解析:解析:新闻中用了 mixed results来概括奖励学生这一举措的有效性,指出它能提高学生的数学成绩,但仅在实施奖励的情况下才有此效果;并且尚无证据表明它能提高学生的阅读、社会科学和理科的成绩,可见它对一些学科有用,但对另一些则无效,因此 B正确。A“它不能提高数学成绩”、C“它能提高社会科学的成绩”和 D“它鼓励学生在科学方面做得更好”均不符合新闻内容。A.Stricter security restric

17、tions were imposed on luggage.B.Luggage delivery services offer travelers convenience. C.New services caused a lot of trouble in checking luggage.D.Airlines give travelers opportunities to fly first class.解析:解析:新闻开头部分的 avoid the troubles of checking bags表明,新的行李托运服务可免去乘客机场安检的诸多麻烦;后面提到的 as headache-fr

18、ee as possible也说明新服务可减少航空旅行的烦恼,另外新闻从各方面介绍新服务为旅客带来的便利,因此 B“行李寄运服务为乘客提供了便利”正确。A“对行李托运实施更严格的安检限制”、C“新服务给行李安检带来许多麻烦”和 D“航空公司为旅客提供搭乘头等舱的机会”均与新闻内容不符。A.Two minutes.B.Two hours. C.Two days.D.Two weeks.解析:解析:选项均为时间,可推断本题为询问时间。并且各选项只是单位不同,听音时要特别留意相关信息。题目问这项新服务的行李寄存时间。新闻中提到,有特定的领取行李的时间,通常是两小时的预留时间,故选 B。A.The p

19、ickup time is not scheduled.B.Extra packaging is required.C.Valuables are easily lost.D.The price might be too high. 解析:解析:新闻结尾提到,新的行李托运服务价格不菲,可见该服务的缺点主要在价格方面,因此D“价格可能太高了”正确。A“没有规定的领取行李时间”和 B“需要额外包装”与新闻内容相反。C“贵重物品容易丢失”没有在新闻中提到。3.Section B_解析:A.She is environmentally-concerned. B.She wants to save mo

20、ney.C.Her car is being repaired in the shop.D.She wants to see the man on the bus.解析:解析:男士问 Diana为什么乘坐公共汽车,是不是她的汽车在维修。女士回答说不是,她乘坐公交车是因为最近她在考虑环境问题。大家都使用公共交通的话,空气会干净一些。可见她关注环境,故 A正确。B 未提及,C、D 内容与对话不符。A.Diana believes the air is not likely to be cleaner.B.Diana thinks the diesel (柴油机) bus is free of po

21、llution now.C.Diana has taken a class on environmental engineering. D.Diana sounds pessimistic about the future of the insulator (绝热器).解析:解析:女士说到:“在环境工程课上我们刚刚谈到过这一点。”可见她修了一门环境工程课,故 C正确。四个选项都以 Diana为主语,本题定然问她的情况。要根据选项关键词听对话,把涉及关键词的信息与选项对照,判断选项正误。A.It makes the fuel burn more efficiently. B.It helps r

22、elease more unburned fuel.C.It is easy to install.D.It is very cheap.解析:解析:对于安装新的绝热器,女士说:“它的作用在于它可以把燃料燃烧的热量反射回来,这样燃料燃烧时的温度就会更高,燃烧也就更彻底。”可见绝热器可以提高燃烧率,A 正确。鉴于我们并不知道it指什么,听录音时,必须对有关事物予以重视。对话中,男士重复反问了一个词“An insulator?”表明它是对话中讨论的一个重点,问题 it可能与它有关。紧接着女士的回答又用了“What it does is”的强调结构,并用“So”说明结果,相关内容即构成本题答案。A.

23、Lowering transportation fees.B.The environmental engineering class.C.The mans car in the shop.D.Better environment. 解析:解析:对话中女士有车不开,宁愿挤公交车;上环境工程课;对节能环保绝热器感兴趣,均表明她关注环境,有浓厚的环保意识。因此,D 正确。实际上本题是问对话主题,选项 D概括性最强,是答案。其余选项均是细节,或与对话无关。A.The hotel confused him with another guest. B.Rooms are overbooked for th

24、at evening.C.There are no more rooms available for five people.D.All the rooms available are under renovation.解析:解析:男士在人住酒店时,遇到了一系列难题:首先,他自报家门时,服务员把他和另一个同名同姓的人搞混淆了:其次,他原订的这一天的房间没有了,第 2天才有房间;第三,其他房间也都已订满,只有正在装修中的临时房。本题问他遇到的第 1个问题,故选 A。本对话前面开头部分一直在说人名。听到有关 name,mistake,problem,have two guests under th

25、e name 即可确定答案。A.There was a marathon going on.B.Almost all the hotels were being renovated.C.There was a conference going on. D.The hotel was overbooked two months ago.解析:解析:女士在解释房子紧张的原因时说,“我想我们今晚是没房子了。城里正在开一个会”conference即 convention之义,故 C正确。A、C 句型一致,区别在 conference和 marathon(马拉松长跑)上:B“几乎所有酒店都在翻修”显然不

26、合常理;D 中的时间在对话中未提及。A.The man wants to live in them.B.They are like the normal rooms.C.There is a roll-away bed. D.Customers can watch TV there.解析:解析:女士在说到客房全部订满时,提到酒店倒是有一些在装修的客房,里面只有一张折叠床,没有像电视或可使用的洗手间这样的正常配套,可见选 C,同时可排除 B和 D。预读选项时,根据 A和 B可知 them和 They指的是 rooms,听音时要留意某种客房的相关信息。A.A honeymoon suite for

27、 $250 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.B.A honeymoon suite for $225 for the night and free breakfast of western style. C.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of Chinese style.D.A honeymoon suite for $200 for the night and free breakfast of western style.解析:解析:

28、女士查到有人取消订房,那是一个蜜月套房,每晚需 250美元。男士表示要住这个套房,但要求打折。女士说:“我最多给你打 9折,另外再免费送一张欧洲大陆式早餐用餐券”。可见男士最后得到的是以 225美元住一晚蜜月套房,并获得免费西式早餐。故 B正确。4.Section C_解析:A.Diet.B.Sleep.C.Space. D.Stress.解析:解析:听到“最近研究表明:鼠类行为受空间影响颇大”,可判断 C(空间)正确。A.They tend to reproduce more.B.They may show more signs of violence. C.They can eat and

29、 sleep better.D.They may commit suicide.解析:解析:原文说,空间越拥挤,老鼠就越容易相互撕咬和残杀,故 B正确。A、C 是积极健康的行为,而 B、D 则是不健康的行为。根据本文主题也可排除 A、C,短文也未提及“自杀”,可排除 D。A.Rats can populate rapidly.B.Population explosion can lead to violence.C.Over crowdedness may have the same effects on man. D.It is a natural law that animals live

30、 and die.解析:解析:短文介绍了有关老鼠的实验后提出,对老鼠而言,老鼠数量和暴力之间具有直接的关系。作者进而问道:这是否也适用人类社会?足够的空间是否也是人类生存所必需的条件?故对老鼠的研究是为人类服务的,C 正确。A.Crimes committed by young people. B.Crimes committed by needy people.C.Influence on young people.D.Stealing and violence.解析:解析:短文提到 juvenile delinquency时,用 that is引导出相应的解释:青少年犯罪。故 A正确。A.

31、They are usually poor and in need.B.They do not have as much freedom or money as they want.C.They live in an environment where everybody knows each other.D.They are not satisfied with the adult world. 解析:解析:短文说,年轻人常常不喜欢甚至厌恶成年人的世界。D 与此相符。A.The family and the school.B.The adults and the mass mediaC.Th

32、e society and the young people. D.The young people themselves.解析:解析:录音最后一句话说:“我认为我们整个社会和这些年轻人都一样有过错”,可知 C(社会和年轻人)正确。A.About seven million. B.Half of the American population.C.25% of American people.D.About 25 million.解析:解析:短文提到,“目前美国约有 700万在校大学生”,故 A正确。A.They are older than young people.B.The young

33、people will soon be in charge of the nation. C.The students today have strong opinions.D.The youths ideas are sometimes wrong.解析:解析:短文说,“年轻人很快就要领导社会,很自然他们的观点很重要”,故 B正确。A.The lives of their parents.B.Making a better life for all people. C.The trouble in American families.D.The strong opinions.解析:解析:短

34、文说,“他们对如何使所有人过上更好的生活深感兴趣”,由此可判断 B正确。A.They feel much is wrong with the lives of their parents. B.They see clearly what is right and good in the lives of their parents.C.They feel that everything about the lives of their parents is acceptable.D.They feel nothing is right and good in the lives of their parents.解析:解析:短文提到,年轻人在父母的生活中看到许多错误的东西,他们很难在旧的生活方式中看到正确的、好的东西,因此常与父母发生冲突。故 A正确。


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