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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 291及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Two US passenger planes have crashed.B.The accident occurred in an unknown island.C.There were six people in two helicopters.D.The accident occurred on Thursday night

2、.A.It was dark and there was a high surf advisory.B.Two Marines were killed during training.C.The reason of the accident is unclear.D.A night-time training mission is dangerous.A.Protection of human rights.B.Training of security personnel.C.Fighting with the FARC.D.Regional security cooperation.A.Ab

3、out $324 million.B.About $15 million.C.More than $324 million.D.More than $50 million.A.In 1920.B.In 1979.C.In 1981.D.In 1987.A.They have great influence on peoples healthB.They exist permanently in the environmentC.Their production is too massive to control.D.They work in the top of the food chain.

4、A.There arent any PCBs in Europes waters.B.1,000 killer whales and dolphins carry PCBs.C.There is no relation between PCBs and environmentD.PCBs still exist in European whales.3.Section B_A.Unconscious behavior patterns.B.Recent trends in psychology.C.Reasons for certain behavior problems.D.Causes o

5、f anxiety.A.He feels angry.B.He needs attention.C.Hes too quiet.D.Hes very nervous.A.Hes late for social occasions but not for work.B.Hes a quiet person but likes to make grand entrances.C.He expects others to be on time but usually late himself.D.He loses pay for being late to work but doesnt seem

6、to mind.A.Trying to get Mark to talk about his problem.B.Helping Mark relax and be more comfortable in a group.C.Leaving a message to Mark instead of waiting for him.D.Telling Mark to come earlier than the planned meeting time.A.To purchase some better-quality tapes for the new player.B.To ask for a

7、 replacement of some valuable cassettes.C.To expect to have the cassette player repaired for free.D.To make complaints about the after-service of the store.A.It injured the user.B.It ran slowly.C.It ate too much.D.It ruined tapes.A.His manner is too rude to bear.B.His warranty is out of date.C.He de

8、stroyed the purchase purposefully.D.He used the machine in a wrong way.A.Theres always an exception to the rule.B.The rule should be bended a little bitC.The rule is a two-month one.D.Nobody should break the rule.4.Section C_A.What are needed in a love relationship.B.What kinds of people are most po

9、pular.C.How to avoid an unhappy conflict.D.How to become someone special.A.People tend to go to extremes in daily life.B.People try all out to build a perfect relationship.C.People change themselves easily in marriage.D.People feel comfortable with common partners.A.Responsibility and intelligence.B

10、.Tolerance and adaptation.C.Cheerfulness and surprise.D.Willingness and expectation.A.The right hand.B.The left hand.C.Both hands.D.It depends.A.2 years old.B.3 years old.C.4 years old.D.8 years old.A.The younger they are, the less they use both of their hands.B.They become one-handed and start usin

11、g both hands alternately.C.One of their hands develops more skillfully as they age.D.Most children in the world are born right-handed.A.He runs a store selling appliances.B.He is a master of ceremonies.C.He holds a financial consultancy.D.He is a sales manager.A.Because they fail to find their favor

12、ite models.B.Because they feel disappointed at the poor service.C.Because they just come to see the prices of goods.D.Because they think Stevenson overcharges them.A.He will be with them whenever they need advice.B.He will be responsible for the quality of what he sells.C.He will deliver the goods t

13、o the given address.D.He will offer them a free wedding ceremony.A.Stevensons authority.B.Stevensons self-confidence.C.Stevensons generosity.D.Stevensons truthfulness.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 291答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A

14、_解析:A.Two US passenger planes have crashed.B.The accident occurred in an unknown island.C.There were six people in two helicopters.D.The accident occurred on Thursday night. 解析:解析:新闻开头说到两架美国海军陆战队直升机相撞,此事故发生在周四晚上。故 D正确。发生事故的飞机是两架美国海军直升机,而不是客机(passenger planes),故 A错误。事故发生在夏威夷的欧胡岛,故 B也不对。两架飞机各有 6人,共 12

15、人,故 C错误。A.It was dark and there was a high surf advisory. B.Two Marines were killed during training.C.The reason of the accident is unclear.D.A night-time training mission is dangerous.解析:解析:新闻提到 Mooers女士告诉洛杉矶电台 KNX-AM,因为黑暗和一个巨浪警告(darkness and a high surf advisory),所以这次搜救会很艰难。A 正确。B“两名海军陆战队员在训练时被杀”是

16、新闻末尾提到的另一场事故。C“事故的原因未知”在新闻开头有提到,但这都不是搜救困难的原因。D“夜间训练很危险”没有在新闻中提到。A.Protection of human rights. B.Training of security personnel.C.Fighting with the FARC.D.Regional security cooperation.解析:解析:新闻提到哥伦比亚军队与哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)进行了几十年的战斗,磨练了战斗技能,同时将保护人权纳入其宗旨(combining protection of human rights as an integral

17、part)。故 A正确。新闻开头提到哥伦比亚已经帮助 40多个国家培训了成千上万的安保人员,但这并非其宗旨,排除B。C“与 FARC战斗”和 D“区域安全协作”均有在新闻中提到,但都不是哥伦比亚军队的宗旨,故排除。A.About $324 million.B.About $15 million.C.More than $324 million.D.More than $50 million. 解析:解析:新闻提到在上一财年,美国向哥伦比亚提供了 5000多万美元的国防资金。故正确答案为D。324 亿美元出现在“一个涉资 324 亿美元的双边项目”,美国向哥伦比亚提供了 5000多万美元的国防资

18、金包括在其中,故 A、C 不对。B 在语音上有一定的干扰。A.In 1920.B.In 1979.C.In 1981. D.In 1987.解析:解析:新闻开头提到多氯联苯(PCB)从 20世纪 20年代被制作出来后,于 1981年被英国所禁止。故C正确。A“1920 年”是 PCB问世的时间。B“1979 年”是在美国被禁止的时间。D“1987 年”是被欧盟的其他国家禁止的时间。A.They have great influence on peoples health B.They exist permanently in the environmentC.Their production

19、is too massive to control.D.They work in the top of the food chain.解析:解析:新闻中提到,人们发现多 PCB在很大程度上会危害人类和动物的健康(have a wide-ranging impact on human and animal health),包括引发癌症、抑制免疫系统以及导致生殖问题。A 中的 great influence和 peoples health是对原文的同义改写,故选 A。B“它们在环境中永久存在”在新闻中有提到,但这并不是 PCB被禁的原因。C“它们的产量多得难以控制”和 D“它们在食物链顶端起作用”

20、均与新闻内容不符。A.There arent any PCBs in Europes waters.B.1,000 killer whales and dolphins carry PCBs.C.There is no relation between PCBs and environmentD.PCBs still exist in European whales. 解析:解析:新闻的最后提到,杰普森博士解释说其研究结果显示 PCB仍然存在于欧洲的鲸类中。故 D正确。新闻中提到有很多 PCB流入河流和河口,最终流入了海洋环境,故 A“欧洲的水体没有 PCB”与新闻不符。研究人员分析了欧洲海域

21、的 1000多个虎鲸和海豚的样本,并不表示有 1000条虎鲸和海豚携带了PCB,故 B错误。整篇新闻都涉及了 PCB和环境污染的联系,故 C不对。3.Section B_解析:A.Unconscious behavior patterns.B.Recent trends in psychology.C.Reasons for certain behavior problems. D.Causes of anxiety.解析:解析:注意本题问的是“杂志里这篇文章的主题是什么”,而不是这篇对话的主题。对话开头男士询问:“Whats it on?”意思是“它是关于什么的?”女士回答,它是关于消极行为

22、模式的原因。所以 C正确。A.He feels angry.B.He needs attention. C.Hes too quiet.D.Hes very nervous.解析:解析:男士说,Mark 的情况是他想被人注意,女士说这是文章中提到的下一种原因,即对于attention的需要。因此选 B。A.Hes late for social occasions but not for work. B.Hes a quiet person but likes to make grand entrances.C.He expects others to be on time but usual

23、ly late himself.D.He loses pay for being late to work but doesnt seem to mind.解析:解析:女士说,让她生气的是,Mark 总是迟到,老让朋友等,而像工作之类的事情却不会迟到。所以 A正确。A.Trying to get Mark to talk about his problem.B.Helping Mark relax and be more comfortable in a group.C.Leaving a message to Mark instead of waiting for him.D.Telling

24、 Mark to come earlier than the planned meeting time. 解析:解析:女士说,她有时总想告诉 Mark一个比预定时间早的时间,比如说告诉他 7点钟到,告诉别人 7:15 到,这样大家就不用等他太久,因此答案为 D。get the message 意思是“明白,领会”,不是C中的 leave a message“留口信”。A.To purchase some better-quality tapes for the new player.B.To ask for a replacement of some valuable cassettes.C.

25、To expect to have the cassette player repaired for free. D.To make complaints about the after-service of the store.解析:解析:四个选项都是动词不定式,题目应该是问目的或将做什么。男士说:“我想要你帮我修it”。此处的 it指代前面提到的 cassette player。所以 C正确。A.It injured the user.B.It ran slowly.C.It ate too much.D.It ruined tapes. 解析:解析:结合前后两题的选项,猜测本题选项中的

26、It应该是指 tape或 cassette player,可先排除C。对话开始男士提到“它已经弄坏了四盒我最喜欢的磁带”,后来又强调“它确实会吞带”。所以 D正确。A.His manner is too rude to bear.B.His warranty is out of date. C.He destroyed the purchase purposefully.D.He used the machine in a wrong way.解析:解析:根据选项判断,本题可能是问他(要求退换货品)被拒绝的原因。女士一再强调“你的保修期已经过了”。所以 B正确。A.Theres always

27、an exception to the rule.B.The rule should be bended a little bitC.The rule is a two-month one.D.Nobody should break the rule. 解析:解析:男士说只迟 10天,叫女士稍微通融一下,女士说给他破例,那就得给所有人破例,她在对话最后还说规则就是规则,她很抱歉帮不上忙,可见她认为任何人都不能破坏规则,所以 D正确。4.Section C_解析:A.What are needed in a love relationship. B.What kinds of people ar

28、e most popular.C.How to avoid an unhappy conflict.D.How to become someone special.解析:解析:原文开头用问句提到“和什么样的人发展良好关系,怎样的人最适合自己,理想伴侣”等,继而谈到心理学家的研究结果,最后总结恋爱关系中必要的两点,因此 A正确。A.People tend to go to extremes in daily life.B.People try all out to build a perfect relationship.C.People change themselves easily in

29、marriage.D.People feel comfortable with common partners. 解析:解析:原文说,大多数人对“适度”感到快乐,人们和不那么特别的伴侣在一起时更舒服。D 表达的正是此含义,故为答案。A.Responsibility and intelligence.B.Tolerance and adaptation. C.Cheerfulness and surprise.D.Willingness and expectation.解析:解析:原文最后提到,如果你能容忍不同意见,并且愿意做出改变,那就可能是为一段认真的关系做好准备了。B 是对原文 toler

30、ate和 change的同义表达。A.The right hand.B.The left hand. C.Both hands.D.It depends.解析:解析:原文提到,婴儿 16周大时,主要使用左手进行触摸,因此 B正确。A.2 years old.B.3 years old.C.4 years old.D.8 years old. 解析:解析:选项都是岁数,这些数字可能在原文中都出现过,这就要求在听录音的同时,听到每一个数字都要在旁边做笔记。原文两次提到,直到 8岁时儿童的某只手才远远比另一只手占优势,故 D正确。A.The younger they are, the less th

31、ey use both of their hands.B.They become one-handed and start using both hands alternately. C.One of their hands develops more skillfully as they age.D.Most children in the world are born right-handed.解析:解析:选项都是概括性的陈述,可以猜测本题需要综合全文的大意来解答。原文用很长的一段话来叙述婴儿几周大的时候用双手,几周大的时候更常用单手(左手或者右手),可知婴儿在 8岁以前是交替使用单、双手

32、的,故 B正确。A.He runs a store selling appliances. B.He is a master of ceremonies.C.He holds a financial consultancy.D.He is a sales manager.解析:解析:选项都是某人的工作或职务,可以猜测题目问的是这个人是干什么的。原文开头说史蒂文森先生是一家普通家用电器店的主人,故 A正确。A.Because they fail to find their favorite models.B.Because they feel disappointed at the poor s

33、ervice.C.Because they just come to see the prices of goods. D.Because they think Stevenson overcharges them.解析:解析:店主人史蒂文森先生说:“我知道你们要去折扣店看价格。”可见这些人仅仅是来看价格、比价格的,故选 C。A.He will be with them whenever they need advice.B.He will be responsible for the quality of what he sells. C.He will deliver the goods

34、to the given address.D.He will offer them a free wedding ceremony.解析:解析:答题关键在于正确理解史蒂文森先生的那番话语。他说:“我对每一件我售出的东西作担保,保证你们永远不会因为向我购买电器而感到后悔。”意思就是他将对商品的质量负责,故 B正确。A.Stevensons authority.B.Stevensons self-confidence.C.Stevensons generosity.D.Stevensons truthfulness. 解析:解析:原文最后说到,年轻夫妇有感于史蒂文森先生的诚实和真挚,决定下订单。D 中的truthfulness是对原文 honesty的同义替换,故 D为答案。

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