
_2.Section A_A.It was proposed by a group of senators.B.The US president had carried out the reform.C.Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizensh


1、2.Section AA.It was proposed by a group of senators.B.The US president had carried out the reform.C.Illegal immigrants w。

2、2.Section AA.Working for the Internal Revenue Service.B.A special service.C.The daily life of the disabled.D.Technology 。

3、2.Section AA.WHO.B.Zika.C.Geneva.D.Flu.A.1.B.5.C.3D.18A.The Green Revolution.B.The United Nations Food and Agriculture O。

4、2.Section AA.March 28, 2016.B.June 16, 2016.C.March 8, 2016.D.June 6, 2016.A.Buy tickets at 490 RMB.B.Buy tickets at 499。

5、2.Section AA.Some toys packages are harmful to kids health.B.The toys labeling as language promoters dont work.C.It is n。

6、2.Section AA.Exploitation of Bolivia natural resources and new election.B.Constitutional reform and new election.C.Finan。

7、2.Section AA.17.B.4.C.19D.60A.The rescue operation was carried out in Wales.B.The cause of the fire has been determined。

8、2.Section AA.Two US passenger planes have crashed.B.The accident occurred in an unknown island.C.There were six people i。

9、2.Section AA.62.B.64.C.60.D.Unknown.A.The betteroff.B.Financial institutions.C.Ordinary people.D.Government.A.Give teach。

10、2.Section AA.Meat canning, a tradition in American church groups.B.American church groups canning food for those in need。

11、2.Section AA.27 questions were about the economy.B.Health care was voters main concern.C.Questions about immigration cam。

12、2.Section AA.Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B.Guests can go direct to their rooms.C.Guests can check out。

13、2.Section AA.Their personal life.B.Educational opportunities.C.Political development.D.Their views on international issu。

14、2.Section AA.It was recent artwork.B.It was incomplete.C.It was fairly tall.D.It was in pieces.A.Out in the sea.B.Inside。

15、2.Section AA.To earn profits only.B.To protect the environment.C.To advance electronic technology.D.To export discarded 。

16、2.Section AA.Their health becomes worse.B.They dont fight as hard as before.C.They wont get the benefit of pension.D.The。

17、2.Section AA.Ask residents to participate in the operation.B.Send more troops to help the African Union.C.Withdraw the m。

18、2.Section AA.FIFA is charged with corruption.B.Sepp Blatter refused to step down.C.FIFA has a new leader.D.Platini was I。

19、2.Section AA.The number of adult girls is expected to double by 2050.B.Child marriage in Africa will be ended by 2050.C。

20、2.Section AA.First.B.SecondC.Third.D.Fourth.A.Friendly.B.Harmonious.C.Strained.D.Close.A.77.B.150.C.115.D.24.A.A 6yearol。

标签 > 四级听力改革[编号:193818]

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