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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 275及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B.Guests can go direct to their rooms.C.Guests can check out any time.D.Guests can make room reservations.A.2.B.3.C.100

2、.D.150.A.He will be sent back even if he is unfit to stand trial.B.He will remain in South Africa for medical treatment.C.He will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit.D.He will return to the U.K. for medical treatment.A.Killing his wife in the U.K.B.Being involved in a taxi accident.C.Hiring

3、a crew of criminals.D.Having his wife killed.A.The school stopped providing school lunch.B.Their parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.C.Their parents failed to pay for school lunch.D.They chose to have something different.A.They were satisfied.B.They were surprised.C.They were angry.D.They wer

4、e sad.A.This week.B.On Tuesday.C.On Monday.D.Unknown.3.Section B_A.Freshman.B.Sophomore.C.Junior.D.Senior.A.She wanted Dr. Tyler to sign on her schedule card.B.She wanted Dr. Tyler to determine the number and variety of her courses.C.She wanted to talk to Dr. Tyler about the modern American novel.D.

5、She wanted to explain why she dropped the chemistry course.A.If his seminar on the modern American novel is welcomed.B.If he signs his name, Jenny wont work hard as ever.C.If Jenny can take two seminars in a semester.D.If six courses might be too much for Jenny.A.Calculus.B.Modern poetry.C.Chemistry

6、.D.Introductory economics.A.He wants to get his money back.B.He wants to exchange the sweater for another one.C.He wants the clerk to help him read the Chinese instructions.D.He wants to see why the color of the sweater changed.A.It is the wrong size.B.The fabric is coming apart.C.It is stained.D.It

7、 shrinks a lot.A.The customer didnt follow the instructions.B.The sweater was out of stock.C.The man no longer has the store receipt.D.The man isnt a VIP.A.Because it wasnt shown out.B.Because it was printed small.C.Because it was too obvious to notice.D.Because it was erased by the woman.4.Section

8、C_A.District managers.B.Regular customers.C.Sales directors.D.Senior clerks.A.The support provided by the regular clients.B.The initiative shown by the sales representatives.C.The urgency of implementing the companys plans.D.The important part played by district managers.A.Some of them were politica

9、l-minded.B.Fifty percent of them were female.C.One third of them were senior managers.D.Most of them were rather conservative.A.He used too many quotations.B.He was not gender sensitive.C.He did not keep to the point.D.He spent too much time on details.A.State your problem to the head waiter.B.Deman

10、d a discount on the dishes ordered.C.Ask to see the manager politely but firmly.D.Ask the name of the person waiting on you.A.Your problem may not be understood correctly.B.You dont know if you are complaining at the right time.C.Your complaint may not reach the person in charge.D.You cant tell how

11、the person on the line is reacting.A.Demand a prompt response.B.Provide all the details.C.Send it by express mail.D.Stick to the point.A.Fashion designer.B.Architect.C.City planner.D.Engineer.A.Do some volunteer work.B.Get a well-paid part-time job.C.Work flexible hours.D.Go back to her previous pos

12、t.A.Few baby-sitters can be considered trustworthy.B.It will add to the familys financial burden.C.A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.D.The children wont get along with a baby-sitter.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 275答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Co

13、mprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B.Guests can go direct to their rooms. C.Guests can check out any time.D.Guests can make room reservations.解析:解析:录音提到一家连锁酒店打算使用一款应用程序(app)给顾客发送数字钥匙,顾客因此无需办理入住手续,可以绕过前台直接入住房间。B“顾客可以直接入住房间”是这种数字钥匙的主要优点,为答案,其中的 go direct对应录音

14、中的 go straight。录音没有提及付款、退房和预订房间的相关内容,因此 A、C 和 D不正确。A.2. B.3.C.100.D.150.解析:解析:录音提到,这家公司计划未来三个月将在旗下两家美国酒店安装这种系统,故答案为 A。A.He will be sent back even if he is unfit to stand trial. B.He will remain in South Africa for medical treatment.C.He will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit.D.He will retu

15、rn to the U.K. for medical treatment.解析:解析:新闻开头提到,Shrien Dewani 向高级法院提出申诉,希望在适合出庭受审时才被遣返回英国,但他的申诉失败。法官裁决,若最终证明 Shrien Dewani不适合受审,只要南非政府保证将他遣返回英国,Shrien Dewani 可以被遣返。由此可知,A“尽管他不适合出庭受审也得被遣返”为答案,同时排除 C“一旦证明合适就在南非出庭受审”。法庭裁决没有提及治疗的问题,故排除 B和 D。A.Killing his wife in the U.K.B.Being involved in a taxi acci

16、dent.C.Hiring a crew of criminals.D.Having his wife killed. 解析:解析:新闻的开头和结尾都提到 Dewani的罪行:雇用罪犯杀害妻子,D“让人杀害自己的妻子”为答案。Dewani 计划在南非度蜜月时雇凶杀害妻子,A 错在 in the U.K.。Dewani 的妻子是在搭乘的士时被杀的,新闻中没有谈及的士事故,B“涉嫌与一起的士事故有关”没有依据。Dewani 主要是被控杀人,故排除 C“雇用一帮罪犯”。A.The school stopped providing school lunch.B.Their parents prefer

17、red fruit and milk for lunch.C.Their parents failed to pay for school lunch. D.They chose to have something different.解析:解析:新闻提到,犹他州的许多小学生被收走了午餐盘,原因是他们用于支付午餐的账户余额不足(had negative balances);学校没有给这部分孩子提供惯常的午餐,而是给他们发了水果和牛奶。由此可知,C“父母未支付午餐费用”为答案。A“学校停止提供午餐”与新闻不符。B“他们的家长更喜欢水果和牛奶当午餐”和 D“他们选择要不一样的东西”都属于无中生有。

18、A.They were satisfied.B.They were surprised. C.They were angry.D.They were sad.解析:解析:新闻提到,当听到女儿描述学区要员对她说“你的账户里没有钱了,所以不能得到午餐”时,妈妈遭受到了意外的打击(blindsided)。由此可知,B 为答案,其中 surprised对应录音中的blindsided。A“满意的”与家长的反应截然相反。新闻没有提及家长们很愤怒,排除 C。新闻中提到的 a lot of tears和 pretty upsetting都是孩子的反应,排除 D。A.This week.B.On Tuesda

19、y.C.On Monday. D.Unknown.解析:解析:新闻提到,学区要员称周一已通知家长账户余额不足,C 为正确答案。A“本周”在新闻开头提到,是说本周许多犹他州的小学生被收走了午餐盘。B“周二”是盐湖城学校的学区要员说明学生被收走餐盘一事的时间,故排除。3.Section B_解析:A.Freshman.B.Sophomore. C.Junior.D.Senior.解析:解析:对话中,学生说到:微积分是二年级的一门必修课。表明该学生读二年级,故 B正确。四个选项分别表示大学本科一、二、三、四年级学生。本题听音的重点,一是看选项中的原词是否在对话中有所提及,二是看对话中是否有与选项含义

20、相同的其他表达方式。A.She wanted Dr. Tyler to sign on her schedule card. B.She wanted Dr. Tyler to determine the number and variety of her courses.C.She wanted to talk to Dr. Tyler about the modern American novel.D.She wanted to explain why she dropped the chemistry course.解析:解析:见面时的寒暄一过,学生就说出了自己的目的:“我需要您在我这儿

21、的课程卡上签名。”A与此一致,故为答案。选项均以 She wanted开头,表明本题问“她”做某事的目的,可能问对话的主旨。A.If his seminar on the modern American novel is welcomed.B.If he signs his name, Jenny wont work hard as ever.C.If Jenny can take two seminars in a semester.D.If six courses might be too much for Jenny. 解析:解析:当学生说她这个学期修了 6门功课时,老师说:“六门课?学

22、习负担相当重啊。”对话结束时,老师又一次叮嘱:“上完第一个星期的课以后,你一定要再来我这里一趟,我们再看看这么多课程会不会让你吃不消。”可见老师担心学生学习负担过重,故 D正确。A.Calculus.B.Modern poetry. C.Chemistry.D.Introductory economics.解析:解析:对话中提到,学生所选的 6门功课分别是 chemistry,calculus,modem American novel,romantic poetry,introductory economics 和 music。未提及的是选项 B,故选 B。四项均是功课名称,听录音时须对提到的

23、相关内容做好标记。A.He wants to get his money back. B.He wants to exchange the sweater for another one.C.He wants the clerk to help him read the Chinese instructions.D.He wants to see why the color of the sweater changed.解析:解析:男士一开头就说:“我想退回这件毛衣。”refund 意为“退款”。后来男士还说:“我不想换购别的东西!我就想要回我的钱!”可见 A正确。为准确解题,须对选项中的关键

24、词加以注意,比如:money,exchange,instruction,color 分别说明选项能涉及的内容,听录音时要一一辨析。A.It is the wrong size.B.The fabric is coming apart.C.It is stained.D.It shrinks a lot. 解析:解析:男士提出要退货的理由是:“才洗了一次,干了后它至少缩小了五码!连一条蛇都穿不进它了!”可见毛衣缩水严重,故 D正确。A.The customer didnt follow the instructions. B.The sweater was out of stock.C.The

25、man no longer has the store receipt.D.The man isnt a VIP.解析:解析:女士在听到男士的投诉后,立即问:“可是你按照清洗说明做了吗?”据此即可正确作答,故选 A。如果能听出男士未能看懂中文写的“清洗说明”,则可更进一步确认,男士洗涤方法不正确。A.Because it wasnt shown out.B.Because it was printed small. C.Because it was too obvious to notice.D.Because it was erased by the woman.解析:解析:对话最后女士说清

26、货信息在印发的广告背面底部,男士反应很激烈,嫌印的字太小,并夸张地说需要电子显微镜才看得到那些字,可见他之所以没看到清货信息是因为字印小了,故选 B。4.Section C_解析:A.District managers. B.Regular customers.C.Sales directors.D.Senior clerks.解析:解析:短文一开始就提到 Alex Gordon期待与公司区域经理的第一次会议。因此答案为 A。B“常客”、D“高级职员”原文均没有提及;C“销售主管”是 Alex Gordon的职务,而不是其他与会人员的身份。A.The support provided by t

27、he regular clients.B.The initiative shown by the sales representatives.C.The urgency of implementing the companys plans.D.The important part played by district managers. 解析:解析:短文提到,他决定在会议结束前谈一下区域经理对于公司计划的重要性。因此答案为 D。注意 D将原文的 importance换成了 important。A 中的“常客”原文未提及;B“销售代表表现出的主动性”中的 sales representative

28、s虽在原文出现,但并未提及 initiative问题:C“执行公司计划的迫切性”中的 companys plans虽出现,但并未提及执行问题,故均排除。A.Some of them were political-minded.B.Fifty percent of them were female. C.One third of them were senior managers.D.Most of them were rather conservative.解析:解析:短文提到,区域经理中有一半是女性。因此答案为 B。B 中的 fifty percent为原文 half一词的同义替换。A“一些

29、人政治观念强”利用原文 political一词作干扰,原文提到她们不在乎政治的正确性:C“三分之一是高级经理”和 D“大多数相当保守”原文均未提及。A.He used too many quotations.B.He was not gender sensitive. C.He did not keep to the point.D.He spent too much time on details.解析:解析:短文结尾提到女性经理们因 Alex Gordon将她们称为“he”而感到惊讶和难过,据此可判断Alex对性别不是很敏感,忽视了女性的感受。因此答案为 B。短文结尾处常考,语义转折处常考

30、,本题考查的就是对转折词 but之后的理解。A“他引用了太多内容”、C“他没扣住主题”和 D“他花了太多时间在细节上”都没有在文中提到。A.State your problem to the head waiter.B.Demand a discount on the dishes ordered.C.Ask to see the manager politely but firmly. D.Ask the name of the person waiting on you.解析:解析:短文开头处说,如果在饭店里侍应生上错了菜,就要坚决并礼貌地要求见经理。所以答案为C。应抓住关键词 polit

31、e,film 和 manager,选项只不过将两个形容词换成了副词。A 中的 head waiter、B 中的 discount原文中均未提及;D 中的 ask the name虽在文中提到,但上下文指的是问经理的姓名,而非侍应生的姓名。A.Your problem may not be understood correctly.B.You dont know if you are complaining at the right time.C.Your complaint may not reach the person in charge.D.You cant tell how the p

32、erson on the line is reacting. 解析:解析:短文提到通过电话投诉是最糟糕的方式,你看不到你说话的对象,所以你也无法判断电话那头的人有什么反应。所以答案为 D。注意因果处常考,且本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则,答案与原文完全一样。A“你的问题没有被正确理解”、B“你不知道你是否在合适的时间投诉”以及C“接受你投诉的人可能不是负责人”在原文中并未提及。A.Demand a prompt response.B.Provide all the details.C.Send it by express mail.D.Stick to the point. 解析:解

33、析:短文结尾处提到,给商店写投拆信时,要以公事公办的态度说话,不要离题。所以答案为D。短文听力结尾处常考,且本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则,只要抓住原文的 stick to the point就可以做出正确的选择。A“要求快速答复”和 C“用快递送信”原文未提及;B“提供所有的细节”与原文相悖。A.Fashion designer.B.Architect. C.City planner.D.Engineer.解析:解析:短文开头处提到,在有孩子前,她是一名为政府工作的建筑师。因此答案为 B。A“时尚设计师”和 C“城市规划者”原文没有提及;D“工程师”是她丈夫 Tom的工作,为干扰项

34、。A.Do some volunteer work. B.Get a well-paid part-time job.C.Work flexible hours.D.Go back to her previous post.解析:解析:短文提到,她丈夫认为如果她想做对社会有贡献的工作,应该一周做一两天的志愿者工作。因此答案为 A。B“找份收入不错的兼职”,C“灵活时间工作”,D“回到她原来的职位”原文均未提及。A.Few baby-sitters can be considered trustworthy.B.It will add to the familys financial burden.C.A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother. D.The children wont get along with a baby-sitter.解析:解析:短文结尾处提到,Tom 认为一个保姆是无法替代母亲的,并且认为孩子不适合与不是家人的人在一起那么长时间。因此答案为 C。注意结尾处常考,且本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。原文提到 replace a mother,C 将其形式改变为 replacement for a mother。A“很少保姆是可信赖的”、B“增加家庭财政负担”、D“孩子不会和保姆和睦相处”在原文均未提及。


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