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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 288及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.First.B.SecondC.Third.D.Fourth.A.Friendly.B.Harmonious.C.Strained.D.Close.A.77.B.150.C.115.D.24.A.A 6-year-old Australian girl died in the tsunami.B.About 150 houses

2、were destroyed by waves in the tsunami.C.Australia was the lead of international support in the tsunami.D.The tsunami was caused by an underwater earthquake.A.It spread from the US to Haiti.B.It is caused by hunger.C.It has caused thousands of death.D.It is treatable but fatal.A.Because of the massi

3、ve earthquake.B.Because of the tough living condition in tents.C.Because of the outdated medical level.D.Because of the cholera outbreak.A.Opening hand centers.B.Having ambulance on standby.C.Providing boiled water.D.Setting up living areas.3.Section B_A.To prepare a class presentation.B.To watch TV

4、 program.C.To help him cure his headache.D.To study for a hard test with him.A.He didnt know that she was enrolled in the courseB.He thought she preferred to study alone.C.He had made arrangements with others.D.He had done poorly on a recent testA.She got 100 on the last testB.She is a friend of Kav

5、en.C.She reviewed the problems.D.She gives the woman a call.A.He quarreled with Elizabeth recently.B.He heard Elizabeth did poorly on the last testC.He doesnt want to bother Elizabeth so late.D.He would rather study in his own dormitory.A.A basic medical kit.B.Some food for weekend.C.The 3-day emerg

6、ency supplies.D.A sleeping bag and a tent.A.Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.B.Cooking warm meals can lift peoples spirits.C.It is wise to buy easy-to-prepare food.D.Its necessary to get food cooked in advance.A.A very overcrowded place.B.A tightly sealed container.C.A comfortable resort

7、like a hotel.D.A place lacking water and food.A.Two-way radios.B.Mobile phones.C.Credit cards.D.Sleeping bags.4.Section C_A.Withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes.B.Obtain more convenient services than other people do.C.Enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper.D.Cash money wherever he wis

8、hes to.A.Its still on the horizon.B.Its far from entering their life.C.Its already here with them.D.Its only a beautiful dream.A.Use of computers in banks.B.Conveniences brought about by computers in business.C.Significance of automation in commercial enterprises.D.Credit cards in the business world

9、.A.A basket.B.A cup.C.An egg.D.An oven.A.To let in the sunshine.B.To serve as its door.C.To keep the nest cool.D.For the bird to lay eggs.A.Branches.B.Grasses.C.Mud.D.Straw.A.Some are built underground.B.Some can be eaten.C.Most are sewed with grasses.D.Most are dried by the sun.A.Anxious and worrie

10、d.B.Proud and excited.C.Nervous and confused.D.Inspired and confident.A.His father scolded him severely.B.His father took back the six dollars.C.His father made him do the cutting again.D.His father cut the leaves himself.A.One can benefit a lot from working with his father.B.Manual laborers shouldn

11、t be looked down upon.C.One should always do his job earnestly.D.Teenagers tend to be careless.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)-试卷 288答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.First.B.SecondC.Third. D.Fourth.解析:解析:选项为序数词,推断本题为排序题。听音时要注意排序的相关信

12、息。题目问 Podemos Party党在大选中的排名。新闻中提到,第二名是 Socialist Party(工社党),紧随其后的是 Podemos Party,得票率为 20%。由此可得“我们能”党排名第三,故选 C。A.Friendly.B.Harmonious.C.Strained. D.Close.解析:解析:选项均为表示关系的形容词,推断本题问某两者之间的关系。新闻末尾的部分提到,在未来几天甚至是数周里,政党之间对话将会变得异常艰难。由此可知政党之间的关系紧张(strained),故选C。A“友好的”和 B“和谐的”是类似的,可先排除这两项。D“紧密的”和新闻内容相反。A.77.B.

13、150.C.115.D.24. 解析:解析:新闻开头提到,萨摩亚群岛萨总理称南太平洋发生的海啸中,有 77人丧生,随后讲到美属萨摩亚的死亡人数至少为 24。故 D正确。A 是海啸遇难者的总数,B 是海啸伤者的数量,C 是利用新闻中出现的 150设置语音干扰。A.A 6-year-old Australian girl died in the tsunami. B.About 150 houses were destroyed by waves in the tsunami.C.Australia was the lead of international support in the tsun

14、ami.D.The tsunami was caused by an underwater earthquake.解析:解析:新闻最后提到,丧生的外国游客中包括一名英国婴儿与一名 6岁大的澳大利亚女孩。所以 A正确。新闻中提到成千上万的家园被摧毁,并没有提及被破坏房屋的具体数量,B 错误。美国是国际援助行动的带头人,不是澳大利亚,C 错误。新闻中没有提到引起海啸的原因,D 与新闻不符。A.It spread from the US to Haiti.B.It is caused by hunger.C.It has caused thousands of death.D.It is treat

15、able but fatal. 解析:解析:新闻提到,霍乱(cholera)由细菌感染导致,通常因摄入了受污染的食物或水而感染病毒。这是一种可治愈的疾病(can be treated),但如果情况严重,也可能致命(can be fatal),故 D正确。A“由美国传入海地”没有在新闻中提到。B“由于饥饿而引起”与新闻内容不符,新闻是说霍乱通常因摄入了受污染的食物或水而感染病毒。C 错在 thousands of,新闻中说有 250人因霍乱而死亡,远远达不到“数千人”。A.Because of the massive earthquake.B.Because of the tough livin

16、g condition in tents.C.Because of the outdated medical level.D.Because of the cholera outbreak. 解析:解析:四个选项均以 because of开头,可推断本题是问原因。新闻中提到,250 多人因海地霍乱爆发而死亡,所以 D正确。A 利用 massive earthquake制造干扰,但新闻中说的地震是在过去的一月发生。B“由于帐篷里恶劣的生活条件”和 C“由于落后的医疗水平”均没有在新闻中提到,故排除。A.Opening hand centers. B.Having ambulance on sta

17、ndby.C.Providing boiled water.D.Setting up living areas.解析:解析:新闻提到,卫生专家们正在加强公共厕所的状况,还开设了洗手中心,方便人们洗手,并向这些地区送水。故 A正确。这里只提到了送水,没有说提供烧开的水,C 的信息错误。新闻中是说他们还派遣了卡车随时待命,以便夜间将病人送往医院。作为预防措施,他们还开设了隔离区。B 中的“救护车”和 D中的“生活区”均与新闻内容不符。3.Section B_解析:A.To prepare a class presentation.B.To watch TV program.C.To help hi

18、m cure his headache.D.To study for a hard test with him. 解析:解析:选项都是不定式短语,本题可能询问目的。女士说:“我们明天有线性代数期中考试。我想你应该在学习,也许我可以跟你一起学习。”故 D正确。A.He didnt know that she was enrolled in the courseB.He thought she preferred to study alone.C.He had made arrangements with others.D.He had done poorly on a recent test 解

19、析:解析:男士说:“我真不敢相信你居然来找我。我的意思是你应该知道我上次考试的成绩,不是吗?”由此可推。A.She got 100 on the last test B.She is a friend of Kaven.C.She reviewed the problems.D.She gives the woman a call.解析:解析:男士说他希望认识他们班上上次考试考一百分的人,她一道题都没错,他问女士那人是不是Elizabeth,女士说是,故 A正确。录音中,是女士提议给 Elizabeth打电话,而不是 Elizabeth给女士打电话,因此排除 D。A.He quarreled

20、with Elizabeth recently.B.He heard Elizabeth did poorly on the last testC.He doesnt want to bother Elizabeth so late. D.He would rather study in his own dormitory.解析:解析:根据选项猜测,问题应该和 Elizabeth有关,听音时要留意。男士说:“什么?这个时间?已经 10:30 了。我不想去打扰她了。”故 C正确。A.A basic medical kit.B.Some food for weekend.C.The 3-day e

21、mergency supplies. D.A sleeping bag and a tent.解析:解析:第一轮对话中男士就提到了主题词 72-hour kits,后来又解释说 a 72-hour kit包括三天的应急供应品,故答案为 C。A.Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.B.Cooking warm meals can lift peoples spirits.C.It is wise to buy easy-to-prepare food. D.Its necessary to get food cooked in advance.

22、解析:解析:根据选项可知问题与食品有关,听到 As for food时注意捕捉后面的信息:关键词是littleno preparation,即 C。A.A very overcrowded place. B.A tightly sealed container.C.A comfortable resort like a hotel.D.A place lacking water and food.解析:解析:听到 shelter时注意相关描述,关键在于理解习语 packed like sardines in a can“像罐头里的沙丁鱼”,比喻拥挤不堪。所以 A正确。如果听到了男士说的“可能和

23、成百上千的人住在一起”也可以大概猜出女士的话意。A.Two-way radios. B.Mobile phones.C.Credit cards.D.Sleeping bags.解析:解析:四个选项都是物品,听音时要注意与对话内容匹配。男士说:“我使用无线电与团队交流,你绝不能依赖手机”。所以 A正确。对话结尾常常是出题之处。4.Section C_解析:A.Withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes.B.Obtain more convenient services than other people do. C.Enjoy great

24、er trust from the storekeeper.D.Cash money wherever he wishes to.解析:解析:文章开头点明 credit cards(信用卡)可以使其拥有者随时随地消费,之后又用 these conveniences进行总结,故答案为 B。A.Its still on the horizon.B.Its far from entering their life.C.Its already here with them. D.Its only a beautiful dream.解析:解析:本题考查对细节的记忆。根据 not on the hori

25、zon与 its already here可得出答案为C。此外,A、B、D 含义相近,可一并排除。A.Use of computers in banks.B.Conveniences brought about by computers in business. C.Significance of automation in commercial enterprises.D.Credit cards in the business world.解析:解析:由选项预测本题可能是主旨题。根据 conveniences to consumers和 many advantages for seller

26、s too总结出 B为答案。A.A basket.B.A cup. C.An egg.D.An oven.解析:解析:文章主要提到 3种鸟,需要一一记录相关信息,题目顺序一般与信息出现的顺序一致。最先听到的是 tailor bird,而题目询问缝叶莺的巢看上去是什么样子。关键是要听到“它(缝叶莺)把树叶缝在一起,呈杯状。”故选 B。A 是织巢鸟的窝的样子,C 是无关选项,D 是灶巢鸟的窝的样子。A.To let in the sunshine.B.To serve as its door. C.To keep the nest cool.D.For the bird to lay eggs.解

27、析:解析:听到的第 2种鸟是 weaver bird,而题目询问织巢鸟的窝上为什么有一个洞。关键是要听到“这个洞是鸟巢的门。”因此答案为 B。A.Branches.B.Grasses.C.Mud. D.Straw.解析:解析:第 3种鸟是 oven bird,而题目询问灶巢鸟的窝是用什么做的。关键是要听到“这个窝是用泥巴做的。”故 C正确。此外,原文提到 Oven Bird时,三次提及了 mud这个单词,应该不难得出答案C。符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的解题原则。A.Some are built underground. B.Some can be eaten.C.Most are sewe

28、d with grasses.D.Most are dried by the sun.解析:解析:题目询问根据作者所说,鸟巢可能让我们感到惊讶的是什么。关键是要听到最后一句“记住,有些鸟巢也许就在你的脚下”。故选 A。符合“同义替换”的原则。短文结尾处常设考点。A.Anxious and worried.B.Proud and excited. C.Nervous and confused.D.Inspired and confident.解析:解析:题目询问当作者听到父亲要他帮忙割草的时候,心里是什么感觉。关键是要听到“我又骄傲又激动”,即 B。本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的解题原则。

29、A.His father scolded him severely.B.His father took back the six dollars.C.His father made him do the cutting again. D.His father cut the leaves himself.解析:解析:题目询问当作者漏剪了一些树叶的时候,他的父亲做了什么。关键是要听到父亲的话语“把那一部分重新剪过。”因此答案为 C。作者的父亲并没有严厉地责备他,故 A不正确;选项 B、D 的内容均与原文不符。A.One can benefit a lot from working with hi

30、s father.B.Manual laborers shouldnt be looked down upon.C.One should always do his job earnestly. D.Teenagers tend to be careless.解析:解析:题目询问在这篇文章中作者想要告诉我们什么。本题关键在于抓听“我强调一次性把一项工作做好的重要性。”这是作者从割草这件事中总结出的经验教训。选项 C(每个人都应该一贯地认真工作)是这句话的同义表达,故选 C。文章尾句说,“如果很努力地工作,你就能从你做的任何工作中学到东西”,而不是 A项中的“和父亲一起工作”,故干扰项 A不正确。


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