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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 96及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The history teacher really gives a difficult assignment. ( B) The woman should cancel the camping trip on this weekend. ( C) The woman has exaggerated the situation. ( D) The woman should protest against heavy assignment. ( A) He is a professor of philosoph

2、y. ( B) He went skiing on the thin ice. ( C) He watched an American film. ( D) He felt silly to turn down the invitation. ( A) He is going to drop out of school forever. ( B) He has been working hard enough to earn money. ( C) He is Janes best friend and tells her everything. ( D) He doesnt have eno

3、ugh money to stay at school now. ( A) An unsolved case of murder. ( B) The excellent work of the police. ( C) An old case that has just been solved. ( D) The relationship between science and police work. ( A) She misses school often. ( B) She hates coming to school. ( C) She is a good student. ( D)

4、She wasnt really sick. ( A) Worried. ( B) Cheerful. ( C) Confident. ( D) Angry. ( A) He is in a serious relationship with Lisa ( B) He doesnt treat relationships seriously. ( C) He used to be serious about relationships. ( D) He is waiting to see if Lisa is serious. ( A) Some pickle from the superma

5、rket. ( B) Some milk from the supermarket. ( C) Some stamps from the post office. ( D) A parcel from the post office. ( A) They always get lost when they go out. ( B) They talk too much and too fast. ( C) They know a lot of different things. ( D) They often stop talking in the middle of the conversa

6、tion. ( A) Men usually do more private talking. ( B) Women never do public talking. ( C) Conversation is a means to connect with each other for most women. ( D) Men establish relationships through conversations. ( A) To explain the different treatment men and women get. ( B) To show that men and wom

7、en are physically different. ( C) To display the equal treatment women get in developed countries. ( D) To prove that women are doing better in the modern society. ( A) To meet with Ted. ( B) To do the experiment. ( C) To go to the robot show. ( D) To cook some Mexican food. ( A) Sam. ( B) Ted. ( C)

8、 Ruby. ( D) Sams girlfriend. ( A) On Monday. ( B) On Wednesday. ( C) On Friday. ( D) On Sunday. ( A) One. ( B) Two. ( C) Three. ( D) Four. Section B ( A) Because the food critics are always impressed by the delicious food. ( B) Because the food critics are shocked to have one more feast. ( C) Becaus

9、e there are so many choices for the food critics. ( D) Because the food critics tend to gain weight and become fat. ( A) To eat lobster tails instead of fast food burgers. ( B) To eat fruit or salads only if she takes in too many calories. ( C) To intensify her exercise habit to five times a week. (

10、 D) To hire a personal trainer to meet with three times a week. ( A) He has been working for The Arizona Republic for nine years. ( B) He has been working for The Washington Post for nine years. ( C) He has been working for The Arizona Republic for two years. ( D) He has been working for The Washing

11、ton Post for two years. ( A) Joy, freedom and willpower. ( B) Pleasure, joy and hardship. ( C) Freedom, joy and pleasure. ( D) Willpower and hardship. ( A) Eat more. ( B) Take exercises. ( C) Avoid stressful stuff. ( D) Quit drinking. ( A) People will have less wrinkles and look younger. ( B) People

12、 will be able to walk hours every day. ( C) People will have more willpower to quit smoking. ( D) Peoples blood will flow slowly. ( A) When we exercise and eat right, only our brain and face can get the benefit. ( B) Our diet, lifestyle and perception of stress have great impact on ourselves. ( C) S

13、mokers are more mature than those who dont smoke. ( D) People wont feel stressed even when they are stressed. ( A) Its easier and cheaper than ever before. ( B) It is always very profitable. ( C) It requires very little knowledge in management ( D) The moneymakers will get us off the ground. ( A) A

14、magazine, an idea and a PowerBook laptop. ( B) A friend, an idea and good knowledge of Internet. ( C) Little knowledge about business, an idea and $ 20 000. ( D) An idea, a little knowledge about Internet and $ 10 000. ( A) It summarized bus reviews from other sources. ( B) It didnt show and signs o

15、f success within months. ( C) Tayman was working with 20 people for it. ( D) Its page view was approximately 20 000 visits every day. Section C 25 Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights. But unless someone is prepared, outdoor fun can also mean frostbite(冻伤 ). Frostbit

16、e is damage that happens when skin【 B1】 _extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears. People with【 B2】 _ cases of frostbite that affect only the skin may not suffer any【 B3】 _damage. But if deeper tissue is affected, a person is likely to feel pain every time the a

17、rea gets cold. If blood vessels are damaged, people can suffer an【 B4】 _, gangrene(坏疽 ). Sometimes, doctors have to remove frostbitten areas like fingers and toes. The best way to avoid【 B5】 _injuries is to be prepared for the outdoors. Here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying wa

18、rm. Think of COLD. C stands for cover. Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from【 B6】 _through the head, neck and ears. O stands for overexertion. Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a bad mix L is for layers. Wearing【 B7】 _, lightweight clothes, one layer on to

19、p of another, is better than a single heavy layer of clothing. D is for dry. In other words, stay as dry as possible.【 B8】 _the places where snow can enter, like the tops of boots, the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens. And there are a couple of other things to【 B9】 _: Eating snow might

20、be fun but it lowers the bodys temperature. And drinking【 B10】 _ might make a person feel warm, but what it really does is weaken the bodys ability to hold heat. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 96答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W

21、: How can our history teacher give us such a difficult assignment and only allow us a weekend to finish it? My plan to go camping on this weekend is totally ruined. M: Monica, dont be such a drama queen. Im sure you can finish the project well and enjoy your weekend at the same time. Q: What does th

22、e man mean? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。本题的解题关键在于理解习语 drama queen,该短语意为 “戏剧王后 (指喜欢夸大事实、小题大做的人 )”。因此:当女士抱怨历史老师的作业破坏了她的周末计 划时,男士说她太夸张了,并相信女士既能完成作业,又能享受周末露营的乐趣。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 W: How was your speech on American films at the art forum? Did it go well? M: I was really silly to accept the invitation

23、. As a professor of philosophy, I dont really know much about movies. I felt I was on thin ice during the whole time. Q: What can we learn about the man? 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 校园生活类事实细节题。男士非常明确地表示作为一名哲学教授,自己对电影方面的知识并不熟悉,因此去艺术论坛发表关于美国电影方面的评论真的是很愚蠢的决定。由此可知,男士是一名哲学教授。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 M: Jane, is Jack re

24、ally calling it quits? W: I dont think so. What I hear is that he is going to be working for the next semester so that he can save enough money to come back next year. Q: What can we learn about Jack? 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。男士问女士 Jack是否真的要退学,女士说 Jack打算用一学期的时间来工 作挣钱,这样明年就可以回学校了。由此可知, Jack现在没有足

25、够的钱继续上学。 call it quits本意为 “停止做某事 ”,在这里指 “退学 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: The local police have closed the books on a murder case that is ten years old. M: Im happy to hear it. I believe the modern science and technology can be very helpful to the police. Q: What are they talking about? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】

26、 生活交际类,语义理解题。本题的解题关键在于理解词组 close the books,这个词组是指 “结束,完成 ”。女士说当地的警察终于侦破了十年前的那个案子,这就是他们谈论的话题。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Jennifer is taking a sick leave today. Would you please stop by her house and tell her the assignment for today? M: No problem. Ill bet she hates missing a day. She likes school so much

27、. Q: What can we learn about Jennifer? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。男士提到, Jennifer很喜欢学校,不愿意错过任何一天上学的机会。由此可见, Jennifer是一名好学 生。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: How did your final exam go? W: It was a nightmare. I did my best to prepare for it and I have gone through the notes so many times, but I still couldnt

28、 figure out the answer. Q: What is the womans attitude towards the final exam? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 校园生活类,观点态度题。男士问女士的期末考试情况如何,女士回答期末考试真是一场噩梦,她已经尽力准备了,但还是不会做题。由此可见,女士对这次考试很担忧。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 M: Do you think Andrew is serious about Lisa this time? W: I dont know. Its only been a month and Andrew has

29、 never been in a relationship longer than three months. Lets wait and see. Q: What can we learn about Andrew? 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,弦外之音题。男士问女士 Andrew这次对 Lisa是不是认真的,女士回答说这才一个月,他最长的关系也没超过三个月,要想知道他这次是不是认真的,还得观察一段时间才行。言外之意, Andrew以前对女朋友没有认真过。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 W: Im going to the supermarket to get s

30、ome beef and milk. Is there anything you want me to buy for you? M: If there is not too much trouble, would you please pick up the parcel at the post office on your way back? Q: What does the man want? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 生活交际类,事实细节题。女士说自己要去超市,并问男士是否需要代购东西;男士说他想要女士在回来的路上去一趟邮局,帮他把包裹拿回来。所以,男士想要的是包裹。 【知识

31、模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 M: Laura, what are you busy doing? W: Im working on my report on gender differences with the results of my survey. M: Oh? Whats the finding? Are there really a lot of differences between men and women? W: You bet there are. For example,(9)in a lot of mens mind, women tend to be reall

32、y talkative and some would describe their wives as chatter boxes. They say their wives say many things so fast that they get lost in the middle of the conversation. M: Oh, dear. Thats too bad. But that is only mens feelings. Do you find that women do talk so much? W: Well, it all depends. Actually,

33、my research finding is that men and women simply do different ways of talking.(10)Men do the public talking well and women often do the private talking. M: Sorry, I lose track of your words. Private talking? Whats that? W: That is to say,(10)for most women, the language of conversation is primarily

34、a way of establishing connections and relationships. But for most men, talk is primarily a means to stay independent and maintain status in the social order. M: I see. Men do have higher social status than women. W: But nowadays,(ll)more and more women are doing better and better in the society. For

35、 example, in some Latin American countries, there are female defense ministers and in America, there are female Secretaries of State. M: But do you feel that men and women are equally treated in the modern society? W: According to my research, there are still a lot of inequality in both developing c

36、ountries and the industrial ones. But fortunately, things are changing for the better. 9. How do men think of their wives in general? 10. What can we learn about peoples ways of talking? 11. Why is Hillary Clinton mentioned in the conversation? 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题问的是整体来讲,男士是如何看待自己的妻子的。女士说她在调查

37、的过程中发现,大多数男性认为自己的妻子很健谈,有时妻子说的话太多太快,以至于他们跟不上妻子的话语。因此,整体来讲,丈夫们认为自己的妻子说话太多太快, Chatter box意为 “话匣子 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细 节题。本题问的是我们能了解到关于人们讲话方式的什么信息。女士明确提到,男性对公开讲话比较拿手,而女性的交谈则大多数属于私人谈话,但这并不是说女性从来就不公开讲话,因此排除 A)和 B).根据对话中对public talking和 private talking的解释可知,大多数女性把交谈视为联络沟通的一种方式。 【知识模块】 听力 11

38、【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是对话中提到 Hillary Clinton的原因。女士提到,越来越多的女性在现代社会做得越来越好,并以拉丁美洲 一些国家的女国防部长和美国国务卿希拉里 ?克林顿为例来论证。因此,对话中提到希拉里是为了证明女性在现代社会做得更好。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Ruby, have you heard that there is going to be a robot show at the museum? W: Yes. And they say students can get the tickets at hal

39、f the price. Sam, are you planning to go? M: Yes.(15)And I have invited my girlfriend to go with me.(14)So I wonder if I could borrow your car this Sunday. W: Well, would you please wait just a moment and let me check my schedule? M: OK. W: Well,(12)today is Friday and Ted wants to meet with me on S

40、unday, so that we can talk about next weeks experiment. But I guess I can call him and put it off to the next Monday. The experiment is on Wednesday. Um, Sam,(15)do you mind me joining you to the robot show? Or you want it to be a trip with your girlfriend only? M: Are you kidding? Of course I dont

41、mind. By the way, we can have lunch together at the Mexico restaurant just next to the museum. I heard they have really nice food and the price isnt high.(13)That will be my treat. W: I think its better if we go Dutch. M:(13)I do want to pay for it. I appreciate your driving us to the museum. In thi

42、s weather, we would shake all over if we have to wait for the bus. W: All right, then.(14)(15)Ill pick you up at 8:00 Sunday morning. Then, we can pick up your girlfriend at about 8:20. M: Thank you. See you on Sunday. W: See you. 12. What did Ruby plan to do on Sunday? 13. Who will pay for the lunc

43、h? 14. When will they go to the robot show? 15. How many people will go to the robot show? 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 行动计划题。本题问的是 Ruby本打算周日做什么。 Ruby说本来这周日 Ted想和她碰面商量下周的实 验,因此她本来打算与 Ted碰面。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是谁支付午餐费用。本题的关键是理解That will be my treat,该习语意为 “我请客 ”。虽然 Ruby提出了 “AA制 ”,但是Sam强烈表示他支

44、付午餐的费用。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是他们什么时候去看机器人展览。对话开始, Sam明确说周日想借 Ruby的车用,而且在对话最后, Ruby说周日去接 Sam和他的 女朋友一起去看机器人展览。因此,他们周日去参加机器人展览。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题问的是几个人去看机器人展览。 Sam向 Ruby借车是为了周日和女朋友一起去看机器人展览,而 Ruby最后决定和他们一起去。由此可知,周日去看机器人展览的一共有三个人。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 To so

45、me its a dream job eating delicious meals for free and then writing about them. But for some food critics, their eyes arent the only thing that gets wide when they consider yet another feast,(16)because the food critics tend to gain weight and become fat. Karen Fernau, a food writer for The Arizona

46、Republic, said when she first started her job, she began to gain weight. “I always looked forward to lunch before this job, then all of a sudden lunch was all day every day. “ she says. Nine years later, keeping her weight steady and her health intact is a daily battle.(17)If she knows she will be g

47、oing to a tasting at a bakery or eating a four course meal, she usually eats fruit or salads throughout the day. At one tasting session alone, she says, upward of 1 000 calories is often added to her day. Thats about half of the recommended total calories per day for the average adult. But even thou

48、gh she has devised a special eating method, Fernau says sticking to it is a daily battle. And food editors, writers and critics across the country couldnt agree more.(18)Joe Yonan, a food editor at The Washington Post, has intensified his exercise habits since he started the job two years ago. Yonan

49、 says he realized early that he was gaining weight and promptly hired a personal trainer to meet with three times a week, on top of his aerobic training three to five times a week. Still, its a struggle that many Americans might envy. After all, its one thing to get your calories from lobster tails and quite another to get them from sodas and fast-food burgers. 16. Why does the speaker say the food critics eyes arent the only thing that gets wide? 17. What is Karen Fernaus way of keeping her wei


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