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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 226及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 Cloisonne is a unique art form that originated in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty. In the period titled “ Jingtai“ during the Ming Dynasty, the emperor who was very much interested in bronze-casting techniques improved the color process, and creat

2、ed the bright blue that catered to the Oriental aesthetic sense. After a breakthrough of processing technology, most articles for his daily use were made of cloisonne. Cloisonne became popular among the common people soon. During the Qing Dynasty, cloisonne had been improved and reached its artistic

3、 summit. Colors were more delicate, and scope of use was enlarged. 2 In China calligraphy occupies a distinguished position in the field of traditional art. It is not only a means of communication, but also a means of expressing a persons inner world in an aesthetic sense. Ancient people paid great

4、attention to calligraphy. It was the essential capability by which a candidate could manifest his literary talent in the Imperial Examination, for it gave the first impression to the examiners. Children of high officials had to try to write a good hand, and even emperors themselves were expected to

5、be good at calligraphy. 3 Embroidery is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. From the magnificent Dragon Robe worn by Emperors to the popular embroidery seen in todays fashions, embroidery adds so much pleasure to our life and culture. The oldest embroidered product in China on record dates from the Sh

6、ang Dynasty. Embroidery in this period symbolized social status. It was not until later on, as the national economy developed, that embroidery entered the lives of the common people. Gradually,the patterns of embroidery covered a larger range and auspicious words were also seen on it. 4 The Qin Dyna

7、sty was the first to unify China, and Qin Shi Huang is remembered as Chinas first emperor. He ruled ruthlessly with absolute authority and even destroyed ancient practices or literature not corresponding to his ideas. Although the Qin Dynasty lasted only 15 years, its impact on Chinese culture was g

8、reat. The feudal system was introduced and became a central feature of imperial China. Weights and measures, currency and the written language were all standardized. Huge infrastructure projects were completed, including the earliest Great Wall. 5 Traditional Chinese music can be traced back to 7,00

9、0 -8,000 years ago based on the discovery of a bone flute made in the Neolithic Age. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, only royal families and dignitary officials could enjoy music made on chimes and bells. During the Tang Dynasty, dancing and singing entered the mainstream, spreading from the r

10、oyal court to the common people. With the introduction of foreign religions such as Buddhism and Islam, religious melodies were absorbed into Chinese music and were enjoyed by the Chinese people at fairs organized by religious temples. 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 226答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 景泰蓝 (

11、cloisonne)是一种起源于元代 北京的独特艺术。在明代的景泰年间,非常钟情于 青铜制造技术 (bronze casting techniques)的君王发展了色彩加工技术,并且创造了迎合东方审美的亮蓝色。在一次加工技术的突破之后,此君王的大部分日常用具都由景泰蓝制成。很快地,景泰蓝在普通人当中变得流行起来。在清朝,景泰蓝得到了发展,并且达到了其艺术巅峰。颜色更加精美,使用范围也扩大了。 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “起源于元代北京的 ”应该使用定语从句,可译为that originated in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty。 2第二句中, “非常钟情于

12、青铜制造技术的 ”是一个较长的定语,应该使用定语从句,可译为 who was very muchinterested in bronze-casting techniques; “迎合 ”还可译为 appealed to; “东方审美 ”可译为 the Oriental aestheticsense。 3第三句中, “加工技术的突破 ”可译为 a breakthrough of processing technology。 4第四句中, “在普通人当中变得流行起来 ”可以用 became popular among the common people来表达。 5第五句中, “达到了其艺术巅峰

13、”可以用 reached its artistic summit来表达。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 在中国, 书法 (calligraphy)在传统艺术领域占据了一个独特的位置。它不仅是一种沟通的方式,而且是一个人在审美方面表达内心世界的渠道。古代人非常重视书法。这是很重要的能力,考生可以凭借它在 科举考试(ImperialExamination)中展现出自己的文才,因为它能给考官留下第一印象。高官的子女不得不努力使自己写得一手好字,甚至是帝王自己也要擅长书法。 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “占据了一个独特的位置 ”还可译为 has a unique place。 2第二句中,

14、 “不仅 而且 ” 用 not onlybut also 来表达; “内心世界 ”译为 inner world。 3第三句中, “重视 ”还可译为 attached importance to, thought highly of或tookseriously ;注意从 此句起用过去时。 4第四句中, “展现 ”还可以用 show来表达。 5第五句中, “帝王自己也要 ” 意思是 “帝王自己也被期望 ” ,所以要译为emperors themselves were expectedto 。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 刺绣 (embroidery)是中国艺术里一枚璀璨的珍珠。从君王

15、所穿的华丽的 龙 袍 (Dragon Robe)到当今时尚界的流行刺绣,刺绣给我们的生活和文化增加了如此多的乐趣。在中国有记录可循的最早刺绣品始于商朝。在这一时期,刺绣象征着社会地位。而在不久之后,随着国家经济发展,刺绣进入到了寻常百姓的生活中。渐渐地,刺绣的图案范围变得更广,而且 吉祥的(auspicious)语言也可以在刺绣上看到了。 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “一枚璀璨的珍珠 ”可译为 a brilliant pearl。 2第二句中, “君王所穿的 ”可以用过去分词短语作定语,译为 worn by Emperors; “增加 ”可以用 adds to来表达。 3第三句中, “有记录可

16、循的 ”还可译为 recorded; “始于 ”还可译为 dates back to。 4第五句中, “在不久之后 ”还可译为 shortly after this或 soon:“进入到了寻常百姓的生活中 ”可译为 entered thelives of the common people。 5第六句中, “变得更广 ”可以用 covered a larger range来表达。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 秦朝是第一个 统一 (unify)中国的朝代。秦始皇作为中国的首个皇帝而被人们所记住。他以绝对的权威进行无情的统治,甚至破坏了与他的理念不一致的古代惯例和文学。虽然秦朝只持续

17、了 15年,但它对于中国文化的影响是巨大的。它引入了 封建制度 (feudal system),并使之成为了帝制中国的核心特征。它标准化了度量衡、货币以及书面语。它还完成了巨大的 基础设施建设 (infrastructure projects),包括最早期的长城。 【试题解析】 1第一句和第二句是并列关系,所以可 将这两句合译为一句,用and连接,这样逻辑关系更紧密; “统一中国 ”可译为 unify China; “作为 被人们所记住 ”可以用 be remembered as 来表达。 2第三句中, “以绝对的权威 ”和 “无情的 ”都作 “统治 ”的状语,分别译为介词短语with abs

18、olute authority和副词 ruthlessly。 3第四句中,翻译 “虽然 但 ” 时,英文句子中不能同时出现 although和but。 4最后三句的主语都是 “它 ”,指代 “秦朝 ”,但中文多主动,英文多被动,所以翻译这三个句子时,均应翻 译为被动语态。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 传统的中国音乐可以追溯到 7 000到 8 000年前,这基于对一只新石器时代 (the Neolithic Age)骨头做成的 笛子 (flute)的发现。在夏商周时期,只有皇家和 达官显贵 (dignitary officials)才能享受发自 编钟(chime)和铜铃的音乐。在

19、唐朝,舞蹈和唱歌进入了主流,从宫廷蔓延到了寻常人家。伴随着诸如 佛教和伊斯兰教 (Buddhism and Islam)等异国宗教的引入,中国音乐吸收了宗教旋律,并且在宗教庙宇所举办的集会中被中国人所欣赏。 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “追溯到 ”还可译为 date back to; “这基于 ”可以处理为过去分词结构作状语,译为 based on,还可以译为非限制性定语从句,即 which is based on ; “骨头做成的笛子 ”可以直接译为 a bone flute,也可以译为 a flutemade of bone。 2第二句中, “发自编钟和铜铃的 ”还可以用非限制性定语从句来表达,译为which was made on chimes and bells。 3第三句中, “进入了主流 ”译为 entered the mainstream。 4第四句中, “伴随着 ”可以用 With 来表达; “宗教庙宇所举办的集会 ”可以用fairs organized by religious temples来表达。 【知识模块】 段落翻译


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