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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 268及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Advantages of Five-day Week. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 对家庭的好处; 2. 对社会的好处; 3. 对个人的好处。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension

2、(Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement

3、 contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Energy crisis The year 1973 brought an end to the era of secure, cheap oil. In October, as a result of the Arab Israeli War, the Arab oil-producing countries cut back oil productio

4、n and embargoed (禁运 ) oil shipments to the United States and the Netherlands. Although the Arab cutbacks represented a loss of less than 7 percent in world supply, they created panic on the part of oil companies, consumers, oil traders, and some governments. Wild bidding (出价 ) for crude oil ensued w

5、hen a few producing nations began to auction (拍卖 ) off some of their oil. This bidding encouraged the OPEC nations, which now numbered 13, to raise the price of all their crude oil to a level as high as eight times that of a few years earlier. The world oil scene gradually calmed, as a worldwide rec

6、ession brought on in part by the higher oil prices cut the demand for oil. In the meantime, most OPEC governments took over ownership of the oil fields in their countries. In 1978 a second oil crisis began when, as a result of the revolution that eventually drove the Shah of Iran from his throne, Ir

7、anian oil production and exports dropped drastically. Because Iran had been a major exporter, consumers again panicked. A replay of 1973 events, complete with wild bidding, again forced up oil prices during 1979. The outbreak of wax between Iran and Iraq in 1980 gave a further boost to oil prices. B

8、y the end of 1980 the price of crude oil stood at 19 times what it had been just ten years earlier. The very high oil prices again contributed to a worldwide recession and gave energy conservation a big push. As oil demand reduced and suppliers increased, the world oil market went down. Significant

9、increases in non-OPEC oil supplies, such as those in the North Sea, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, China, and India, pushed oil prices even lower. Production in the Soviet Union reached 11.42 million barrels per day by 1989, accounting for 19.2 percent of world production in that year. Despite the low world

10、 oil prices that have prevailed since 1986, concern over disruption (分裂,瓦解 ) has continued to be a major focus of energy policy in the industrialized countries. The short-term increases in prices following Iraqs invasion of Kuwait in 1990 reinforced this concern. Owing to its vast reserves, the Midd

11、le East will continue to be the major source of oil for the foreseeable future. However, new discoveries in the Caspian Sea region suggest that countries such as Kazakhstan may become major sources of petroleum in the 21st century. Current state In the 1990s, oil production by non-OPEC countries rem

12、ained strong and production by OPEC countries rebounded (回弹 ). The result at the end of the 20th century was a world oil surplus and prices (when adjusted for inflation) that were. lower than in 1972. Experts are uncertain about future oil supplies and prices. Low prices have spurred greater oil con

13、sumption, and experts question how long world petroleum reserves can keep pace with increased demand. Many of the worlds leading petroleum geologists believe the world oil supply will peak around 80 million barrels per day between 2010 and 2020. (In 1998 world consumption was approximately 70 millio

14、n barrels per day.) On the other hand, many economists believe that even modestly higher oil prices might lead to greater supply, since the oil companies would then have the economic incentive to exploit less accessible oil deposits. Natural gas may be increasingly used in place of oil for applicati

15、ons such as power generation and transportation. One reason is that world reserves of natural gas have doubled since 1976, in part because of the discovery of major deposits of natural gas in Russia and in the Middle East. New facilities and pipelines are being constructed to help process and transp

16、ort this natural gas from production wells to consumers. In addition to developing alternative sources of energy, energy supplies can be extended by the conservation (the planned management) of currently available resources. Three types of possible energy conservation practices may be described. The

17、 first type is curtailment, that is, doing withoutfor example, closing factories to reduce the amount of power consumed or cutting back on travel to reduce the amount of gasoline burned. The second type is overhaul (检查 ), that is, changing the way people live and the way goods and services are produ

18、ced. For example, slowing further suburbanization of society, using less energy-intensive materials in production processes, and decreasing the amount of energy consumed by certain products (such as automobiles). The third type involves the mare efficient use of energy, that is, adjusting to higher

19、energy costsfor example, investing in cars that go farther per unit of fuel, capturing waste heat in factories and reusing it, and insulating (绝缘的 ) houses. This third option requires less drastic changes in lifestyle, so governments and societies most commonly adopt it over the other two options. B

20、y 1980 many people had come to recognize that increased energy efficiency could help the world energy balance in the short and middle term, and that productive conservation should be considered as no less an energy alternative than the energy sources themselves. Substantial energy savings began to o

21、ccur in the United States in the 1970s, when, for example, the federal government imposed a nationwide automobile efficiency standard and offered tax deductions for insulating houses and installing solar energy panels. Substantial additional energy savings from conservation measures appear possible

22、without dramatically affecting the way people live. A number of obstacles stand in the way, however. For example, productive conservation requires hundreds of millions of people to do ordinary things such as turning off lights and keeping fires properly inflated. Another barrier has been the price o

23、f energy. Low energy prices make it difficult to convince people to invest in energy efficiency. From 1973 to the mid-1980s, when oil prices increased in the United States, energy consumption per person dropped about 14 percent, in large part due to conservation measures. Over time, improvements in

24、energy efficiency are mere than pay for themselves. However, they require large capital investments, which are not attractive when energy prices are low. 2 After the Arab-Israeli War, the cutbacks in oil production in Arab oil-producing countries led to serious shortage of oil supply in the world be

25、cause they were the major oil suppliers in the world. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Oil was not a problem to the United States till the end of the Arab-Israeli war. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 The outbreak of the war between Iran and Iraq was the cause of the second energy crisis. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Both

26、 of the two energy crises were caused by the cutback of oil from Arab oil-producing countries. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The highest oil price in the period between 1970 to 2000 was in 1980 and the lowest in 1972. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Discouraging the use of plastic belongs to the second type of en

27、ergy conservation. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Developing alternative energy sources is the most effective method to cope with energy problems both in the short and long terms. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 Currently there are _ 0PFC nations in the world. 10 Iraqs invasion of Kuwait occurred in the year _. 11

28、 The passage mentions _ obstacles that stand in the way of energy conservation. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the

29、 questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Chocolate cake. ( B) Ice cream without sugar. ( C) Chocolate ice cream. ( D) Chocolate cake and ice cream.

30、( A) He is very satisfied with it. ( B) He has to spend the miserable days. ( C) He thinks it should be better. ( D) He has some problems with his comrades. ( A) Laura never takes others advice. ( B) Laura has made up her mind. ( C) Laura will not take action. ( D) Lam dislikes others persuasion. (

31、A) 30 dollars. ( B) 25 dollars. ( C) 35 dollars. ( D) 15 dollars. ( A) Waiting to watch a movie. ( B) Waiting to see a doctor. ( C) Waiting to have a dinner. ( D) Waiting to take a seat. ( A) Saleswoman and customer. ( B) Teacher and student. ( C) Boss and employee. ( D) Father and daughter. ( A) Re

32、pair the phone by himself. ( B) See whether he has followed the instructions. ( C) Calm himself down before going to the store. ( D) Write a chock when buying a phone in the store. ( A) He has caught a cold. ( B) He will recover soon. ( C) He was enforced to see a doctor. ( D) He has fallen out of l

33、ove. ( A) He found a boy walking in the forest in the U.S. ( B) He taught a healthy boy how to have conversation with others. ( C) He taught a disabled boy some simple daily skills. ( D) He put his son in hospital. ( A) In 1829. ( B) In 1905. ( C) In 1816. ( D) At the beginning of the 20th century.

34、( A) The beginning of deaf education in the U.S. ( B) The history of education for children with disabilities in France. ( C) Special education began in the 20th century. ( D) The history and development of education for children with disabilities. ( A) After they date with each other for some time.

35、 ( B) When the couple decide to get married soon. ( C) When the man gives the woman engagement ting. ( D) When the man calls the woman his fiancee. ( A) Education, religion, race and social class. ( B) Education and race. ( C) Religion, race and social class. ( D) Religion and social class. ( A) The

36、 tradition of engagement and marriage. ( B) Marriage happening between similar partners. ( C) The custom of dating. ( D) The tradition of engagement ring. ( A) Looking for a new job. ( B) Thinking about changing jobs. ( C) Interviewing for a new job. ( D) He was offered a new position in the account

37、s department. ( A) He got fired. ( B) He found a new job. ( C) He got a promotion. ( D) He got a new office. ( A) Shes getting divorced. ( B) She decided she would never get med. ( C) Shes getting a promotion. ( D) Shes getting married. ( A) Booking a ticket. ( B) Booking a table. ( C) Booking a hot

38、el. ( D) Booking a travel agency. ( A) Every room is empty. ( B) Every room is superbly appointed. ( C) Every room has a public bathroom. ( D) Every room is the same. ( A) A room looking onto the park. ( B) A room looking onto the street. ( C) A room with a single bed. ( D) A room with double beds.

39、( A) MADEGAN. ( B) MADAGEN. ( C) MADIGAN. ( D) MEDEGAN. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best an

40、swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Eat chicken soup. ( B) Take hot baths. ( C) Drink warm liquids. ( D) Do more exercises. ( A) Medicines can make the viruses more active. ( B) Taking medicines may do no good to your recovery. ( C) Scientists dont take medicines when they have a c

41、old. ( D) You need 7 days to get over a cold ff taking medicines. ( A) Friends of the same sex cannot hold hands in public. ( B) Friends of the opposite sex always hold hands in public. ( C) Men and women have different attitudes towards holding bands. ( D) Young people hold a more open attitude tow

42、ards holding hands. ( A) Because they want to show respect to Buddha (佛 ). ( B) Because they think it will dirty their souls. ( C) Because they believe a soul lives in the doorstep. ( D) Because they think it can keep body and soul together, ( A) Take off shoes when entering a private house. ( B) Gi

43、ve gifts to the hosts to show their appreciation. ( C) Praise the children of the hosts. ( D) Show extreme admiration of the hosts dressing. ( A) Sit stretching their feet out in front of them. ( B) Sit putting their legs behind them. ( C) Sit crossing one leg and stretching the other. ( D) Sit putt

44、ing their legs to the side. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36

45、 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 38 Some years ago, an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonel

46、y road. She did not appear to have had an【 B1】 _. But she was【 B2】 _and clearly in state of shock. So he【 B3】 _her to the nearest hospital. She began to tell the doctor on duty the story which was astonishing and awe-inspiring. She had been driving along a country road when she had been stopped by a

47、【 B4】 _saucer landing in front of her. She has been forced to leave the car and enter the flying saucer by【 B5】 _which looked like human beings and which could easily make themselves understood although they could not speak. It was as though they could read her thoughts and she could read theirs. Th

48、ey【 B6】 _her politely and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seems to be【 B7】 _, the doctor decided that she was probably【 B8】 _from the side effects of some drug. The woman insisted on being allowed to go home. But when she gave her address,【 B9】 _. T

49、he police then started to make inquiries and soon discovered that there was already a search going on for the woman, whose husband had reported that she had disappeared. Her car had been found【 B10】 _. In front of the car, the surface of the road had been completely destroyed not by an explosion or anything of that kind, but as though a large, circular, white,【 B11】 _. 39 【 B1】 40 【 B2】 41 【 B3】 42 【 B4】 43 【 B5】 44 【 B6】 45 【 B7】 46 【 B8】 47 【 B9】 48 【 B10】 49 【 B11】 Sectio


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