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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 569及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Practice Makes Perfect. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below. 1. 怎样理解 “熟能生巧 ”? 2. 例如:在英语学习

2、中 3. 又如 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in

3、 the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 General Psychology: the Study of Behavior Introduction General psychology is concerned with the study of human behavior. How man acts in pu

4、blic and in private, how he responds in certain situations, and even how he feels may be considered behavior. Part of man s behavior comes from heredity, and is therefore common to all men: when faced with what considered to be a fearful situation, all men will tremble. Most of our behavior, however

5、, is learned. If two people are shown the snake, for example, their reactions might be very different. One person might curiously watch the snake twist and turn. The other person might run away as quickly as possible. The distinction between the types of behavior, hereditary and learned, is not alwa

6、ys clear, for the effect of environment begins immediately after birth. One can also speak of a mixture of learned and learned, is not al ways clear, for the effect of environment begins immediately after birth. One can also speak of a mixture of learned and hereditary behavior. In fact none of our

7、behavior is completely free of society s influence. Most animals are born with the capacity to live independently in the world soon after birth. Fish are born able to swim, and, within moments of birth, are behaving as miniature adult fish. Chicks start pecking at the ground for food shortly after l

8、eaving the egg. Although its legs are shaky at first, a pony can stand and walk soon after birth. While a kitten is born blind and helpless, within a month it fearlessly at tacks everything in its path. In comparison with other animals, man is born helpless and remains that way for an extended perio

9、d of time. A human child must be protected from cold, cared about, and cannot even suckle without his mother s help. One could hardly imagine a child of three totally independent, having to feed and care for himself. Yet, after living three years most other animals are mature. Why is mans maturation

10、 so much slower than that of most other animals? Limitations of Animal Behavior The behavior of animals is largely what we call “automatic“ or “instinctive“. Given certain environ mental conditions a female bird will start building a nest. Other female birds of the same species will carry out the id

11、entical activity at the same time. This behavior happens when there is a proper stimulus, that is, something in the environment automatically stimulates the bird to act in a certain way. A great deal of a bird s life is controlled by patterns of behavior which are built into its biological system mu

12、ch as information is programmed into a computer. If the stimulus the present, the behavior will automatically follow. For example, a female bird knows she must sit on her eggs until they hatch. If china eggs are substituted for her own eggs, she will continue to sit on them, waiting for the artifica

13、l eggs to hatch. She cannot be have in any other way. Adaptability of Man Instinct allows little freedom of behavior. A bird cannot “decide“ to build an innovative nest, but must build according to the fixed plan. The fixed plan is suitable for the environment in which the animal lives, but does not

14、 permit the animal to choose a new environment nor to change its environment. Man, however, is found in a wide variety of environments ranging from the very hot to the very cold, from the very humid to the extremely dry. He is found where caves provide natural shelter, where wood can be used to buil

15、d houses, and where he must shape and bake the earth into bricks before he can use it to build a shelter. This is possible because most of man s behavior is not based on instinct and is therefore more adaptable. Instead of having the solutions to life s problems programmed into his biological system

16、, man has the intelligence to solve these problems and the motivation to seek the solutions. While other animals have strength or swiftness, man has his mind. This intelligence allows man to adapt himself to his environment and even to change it. Drives Motivation to satisfy man s needs is provided

17、by “drives“. These drives do not determine behavior, but rather direct man s energy towards certain goals. For example, man s body requires food, this is a biological need. When this need comes up, man feels uncomfortable and his thoughts turn to getting food or satisfying that need. If this hunger

18、is severe, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on anything but his need for food. While all men feel hunger, there is more than one method for relieving this uncomfortable feeling. How needs are satisfied depends upon solutions we have been taught by others or learned from our own experience

19、s. As we grow and mature, we learn what foods our society considers acceptable, and how they should be prepared and eaten, In some societies, for example, pork is considered a special food and is eaten on festive occasions, while in other societies it is strictly forbidden. In some societies fish is

20、 always cooked, but in other societies raw fish is preferred. The way in which we satisfy a drive is, therefore, a learned response. Nature has not built an automatic food-getting response into man. He can not just eat whatever he wants or whenever food is available; his satisfaction of the hunger d

21、rive, for example, is restricted by society s rules. Although we are hungry, according to society s rules, we should not steal food, even if it belongs to someone weaker than we are. Drive Control Some people are better able to control their responses to needs than others, While engaged in a very in

22、teresting task, one person might find it necessary to look for food as soon as he felt hungry. Another person might delay eating for hours if he were busy. In other words, some people require immediate satisfaction, even if they must give up a greater, long-term satisfaction for short-term pleasure.

23、 Other people resist quick pleasures for the greater, long-term satisfaction. Our early experiences determine to a great extent whether we view the environment as trust-worthy or not. If we have felt secure as children, and feel our efforts have been rewarded, we will be able to delay satisfaction,

24、knowing that it will eventually come. Whenever we turn down food which is offered, saying “No, thank you. Ill -cat later“, we are acting on the assumption that food will be available later. We are showing trust in the environment. If, however, the environment has appeared to be unstable and non-rewa

25、rding, we will try to get satisfaction whenever and wherever we can. By experience we learn what we can expect from the environment and in this way we are able to adjust our behavior accordingly. Man is able to do this to a degree not found among other animals. 2 The distinction between learned and

26、inherited behavior is sometimes unclear. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Most animals aren t born with the capacity to live independently in the world soon after birth. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 The behavior of animals is“ automatic“ or “instinctive“ because animals cannot think. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Man h

27、as the intelligence to solve problems and the motivations to seek the solutions so that he is able to adapt to different environments. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 When a man has a biological need is always automatically satisfied. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 In some societies certain foods are not eaten bec

28、ause they are not considered acceptable by society. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 All of us have the same capacity to control our responses to need. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 Our view on the environment is determined by _. 10 When the environment is unstable and non-rewarding, well try to get satisfaction _

29、 we can. 11 Man is able to adjust his behavior according to _ by which we can learn what we can get from the environment. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about wh

30、at was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Go out to work. ( B) Listen carefully to John. ( C) Be calm and p

31、atient. ( D) Do the easiest thing. ( A) He doesnt like to talk. ( B) He is a very kind man. ( C) He is friendly. ( D) He is not a pleasant person. ( A) The doctor won t see her tomorrow. ( B) The doctor is busy tomorrow. ( C) The doctor is busy all day today. ( D) The doctor will see her today. ( A)

32、 Young people are too quick in making decisions. ( B) Young people seldom stay long on the same job. ( C) Young people lose their jobs easily. ( D) Young people are too eager to succeed. ( A) She felt it was tiring. ( B) She felt it was very nice. ( C) She thought it took less time. ( D) She thought

33、 it was expensive. ( A) They are having breakfast. ( B) They are eating some fruit. ( C) They are preparing a hot soup. ( D) They are drinking cold milk. ( A) The woman doesnt want to spend Christmas with the man. ( B) The woman is going home for Christmas party. ( C) The woman has not been invited

34、to the Christmas party. ( D) The woman is going to spend Christmas abroad. ( A) By ear. ( B) By bus. ( C) By place. ( D) By train. ( A) She still has two finals to take and three term papers to finish. ( B) She also has classes to take. ( C) She has to listen to her professor s lectures. ( D) She ju

35、st wait for the holidays. ( A) Because she can forget about lectures and essays and all that hard work. ( B) Because it just need about three weeks. ( C) Because it would be warm there and they can sun themselves. ( D) Because she wants to get relaxed. ( A) The most important thing for her at the mo

36、ment is to review the homework for the exam. ( B) The most important thing for her at the moment is to prepare for the vocation. ( C) The most important thing for her at the moment is to decide where they will spend their vocation. ( D) The most important thing for her at the moment is tomorrow s ex

37、am. ( A) Beijing ( B) Shanghai ( C) Scotland ( D) America ( A) Summer and spring. ( B) Summer. ( C) Autumn. ( D) Winter. ( A) It is wet and sold. ( B) It is very hot. ( C) It is very dry. ( D) It is pretty warm. ( A) People always feel happy. ( B) People always feel cheerful. ( C) People always easi

38、ly lose their temper. ( D) People always feel sad and blue. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the bes

39、t answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) His friend bought them for him. ( B) He bought them himself. ( C) He booked them quite a while ago. ( D) He got them free of charge. ( A) Her husband was taking her out to the theater. ( B) Her husband had got her a job in his office. ( C) He

40、r husband was going to buy her some nice gifts. ( D) Her husband had found his lost money. ( A) He had lost the tickets for the theater. ( B) He had lost his briefcase. ( C) He had left his briefcase at home. ( D) He had left the ticket in the office. ( A) Lack of electricity. ( B) Shortage of books

41、. ( C) Lack of clean water. ( D) Shortage of experts. ( A) A system which trains doctors. ( B) A group of experts who can provide professional advice. ( C) A computer program which can provide professional advice. ( D) A system which trains computer experts. ( A) It is not easy to see the shortage o

42、f experts in the villages. ( B) Many doctors and engineers are sent to the villages to make up for the shortage of experts. ( C) Expert medical systems are widely used in developing countries. ( D) Expert systems are owned by wealthy farmers and businessmen. ( A) The trip didnt do any good to his he

43、alth. ( B) The trip was a complete disappointment. ( C) The trip was enjoyable but not fruitful in terms of business. ( D) The trip made it possible for him to meet many interesting people. ( A) He lost consciousness. ( B) He was slightly wounded. ( C) He was seriously injured. ( D) He was buried un

44、der an icebox. ( A) About four days. ( B) Around eight days. ( C) A day and a half. ( D) More than six days. ( A) His father pulled him out in time. ( B) He left the area before the earthquake. ( C) He stayed in an icebox. ( D) Their house escaped the earthquake. Section C Directions: In this sectio

45、n, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numb

46、ered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers(地理学家 )compare and contrast(67)places on the earth.

47、 But they also(68)beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a(69). The word geography(70)from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth“ and graphic,(71)means “to write.“ The English word geography means “to describe the earth.“(72). geography books focus on a small area(73)a town

48、or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an(74)continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another(75)to divide the study of(76)is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the(77)starts with human being

49、s and(78)how human beings and their environment act(79)each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject,(80)branch can neglect the other. A geographer might be described(81)one who ob serves, records, and explains the(82)between places. If all places(83)alike, there would be lit tie need for geographers. We know, however,(84)no two places are exactly the same. Geography,(85), is a point of view, a special way of(86)at places. 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【 B7】 44 【 B8】 45 【


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