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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 603及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled On Internet-based Instruction. You should write at least 120 words following the outline below in Chinese. 1近年来网络化学习发展迅 速; 2网络教育蓬勃发展的原因; 3我如何利用这种形式充电。 二、 Part II Reading Compreh

2、ension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the st

3、atement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 How to Get Ready for Studying Abroad It was all so misleadingly simple. I had studied French in college, and my university offered a year abroad in France. My scholarship wo

4、uld apply; credit for courses was assured; advisers were available on campus to discuss passports, visas, shots, international student IDs and drivers licenses. A charter flight had been booked and housing had been arranged. There was even a list of suggestions for packing. What could be simpler? Of

5、 course, we were told at the orientation meetings that it might be difficult to adjust to a foreign language, strange customs, and the European academic system. I remember paying insufficient attention. “The tour is arranged, “ I said to myself. “Everything works out. “ And everything did work out-m

6、ore or less-but I came across some big surprises. If you are planning to study overseas, let me suggest a few key points to consider before you leave the USA. Learn the Language In France, they speak French. Why, then, did I not strive vigorously to learn the language before I arrived? The requireme

7、nt of two years of college French is minimal. One of my teachers warned that I was only marginally grounded in the language. But learning to speak French in the US was hard work, so I put it off until I got to France, where I assumed language skills could be acquired effortlessly. Unfortunately, I w

8、as so embarrassed by my poor command of the language that I was afraid to speak. Help came in the form of a Gallic proverb: “In order to speak good French, you have to relax; and in order to relax, you have to drink wine. “ At least half of that adage (谚语 ) proved to be true. The greatest obstacle t

9、o learning a foreign language isnt vocabulary or grammar or pronunciation; its self- consciousness. I eventually learned to relax while making ridiculous mistakes. Dont Insist on the American Way Adjusting to another country demands changes in behavior and an open mind. Daily bathing, for example, i

10、s an American way of life, while many European cannot imagine why anyone would want to shower more often than once a week. Because I lived in a dorm, I could follow my hygienic habits, and the French theirs. But in some student housing, such freedom wasnt possible, either because the proprietors (经营

11、者 ) considered daily showers extravagant or because there were no showers at all. Social interactions can be a lot more complex. In France, for instance, a woman will not let a man pay for so much as a cup of espresso (浓咖啡 ) -to do so would be equal to inviting amorous (性爱的 ) advances. American wome

12、n were assumed to play by the same rules, whether they knew the rules or not. On the other hand, the French see absolutely nothing wrong with a group of young men dancing together. We male Americans were not about to dance without women-until one night when we went out on the town with several male

13、French friends, and the lot of them took to the dance floor. Whenever such cultural customs conflicted, I had to choose to remain aloof and risk offending, or embrace their ways. I dance. Some of these rules and customs can be learned in advance; others are picked up easily abroad. Remaining flexibl

14、e is the key. Be Prepared for Independent Study The cultural difference that jolted me the most was in the university system itself. In Europe, the professor is a man on a pedestal (显要地位 ), expecting and receiving deference. His contact with students is minimal. Even in the classroom, students neith

15、er question nor discuss the material presented. Attendance at the once-a-week classes is entirely voluntary. No assignments are given. The final exam does not consist of materials presented in lectures. The course is defined not by how much material a professor covers, but by a syllabus which lists

16、the texts, periods, or literary works the student is expected to be familiar with. The classroom is supplemental, a model for the kind of preparation the student should be doing. Classroom discussion, mid-term exams, threats of pop quizzes, an occasional paper-in short, all those methods of forcing

17、the students to do the work-are missing. Go the Tourist Route in Moderation When classes meet infrequently, the lust to wander is hard to resist. Living abroad meant that I could usually take short excursions-a week here, four days there. At Easter I splurged (挥霍 )with a 25-day swing (two weeks were

18、 a school holiday) through seven European countries. After three weeks, churches, museums, historic sites, even countrysides and people began to run together. I can still recall Florence, one of the first stops on that marathon, in great detail; Munich, one of the last stops, is hazy, indistinct. Al

19、l in all, the brief trips I made were far more satisfying than my longer expeditions. Moreover, all that art and history can become a blur (模糊的东西 ) if you dont know what you are seeing. When touting Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur and Montmartre, the Louvre, I could respond to their beauty with considerable

20、 respect but no much understanding. I wished I had taken a general course in art and history before going to Europe. Stay Loose Because we had come for an extended stay and spoke ( at least haltingly) the language, many opportunities for making friends were opened up to us. We met French undergradua

21、tes in university classes and at the student restaurants where we ate all our meals. Others came to the meetings of a Franco-American club, which also arranged parties, dances, evenings of entertainment, and sporting events to bring Americans and French together. Some strong attachments were formed,

22、 but we naturally met with some anti-American sentiment as well. The best course was to ignore it, but discussions with fellow students about American political actions and policies were inevitable. 2 The author had expected studying in France to be _. ( A) demanding ( B) extremely easy ( C) excitin

23、g ( D) full of surprises 3 Why didnt the author learn to speak French before going abroad? ( A) Because he thought English is a universal language. ( B) Because he was talented in learning local language. ( C) Because he would have an interpreter. ( D) Because he would like to pick it up without eff

24、ort. 4 According to the author, what behavior might the French consider strange? ( A) Some young men dancing together. ( B) Men splitting bills with women. ( C) Taking a shower every day. ( D) A couple of students sharing dorm-rooms. 5 How is the European university system different from the America

25、n one? ( A) Professors are not so highly respected as they desire. ( B) Students are not under much academic pressure. ( C) Libraries are open mainly for independent study. ( D) Examinations are replaced by quizzes and paper-writing. 6 How did the author spend his Easter holiday when studying abroad

26、? ( A) He toured 7 European countries. ( B) He stayed in Florence for 7 days. ( C) He enjoyed many long expeditions. ( D) He celebrated the festival with locals. 7 What will the author suggest that a visitor do before touring Notre Dame and the Louvre? ( A) Prepare a digital camera. ( B) Rent a pair

27、 of binoculars. ( C) Learn some European art and history. ( D) Find an English-speaking guide. 8 Whats the passage mainly about? ( A) How to learn foreign languages easily. ( B) How to apply for studying in France. ( C) How to prepare for an independent study. ( D) How to ensure an enjoyable study o

28、verseas. 9 While learning a foreign language, the greatest problem isnt vocabulary or grammar or pronunciation, but _. 10 To adjust to another country calls for changes in behavior and _. 11 In France, the course is defined by a _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short convers

29、ations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and

30、D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Many studies on under-achievers are fair. ( B) What the woman says is unfair. ( C) Many studies on under achievers are pictures. ( D) Mary is probably not an under-achiever. ( A) They are discussing about the class. ( B) They are talking at home. ( C) The

31、y are shopping. ( D) They are walking in the street. ( A) The man is very satisfied with the woman in the future. ( B) The man will find the woman another job. ( C) The man will hire the woman. ( D) The man probably wont hire the woman. ( A) The woman should resign. ( B) The woman should stop tolera

32、ting her job. ( C) The woman should consider her job objectively by comparison. ( D) The woman should be happy with the terrible working conditions. ( A) Chinese stock market. ( B) Chinese economy. ( C) Bull market. ( D) The womans losses. ( A) Professor Zhang is a tough teacher. ( B) Professor Zhan

33、g is very good-tempered. ( C) Professor Zhangs class is instructive. ( D) Professor Zhangs class is easy to pass. ( A) The mans car burned oil in the midnight. ( B) The man was busy with his business proposal. ( C) The mans investor has the business proposal. ( D) The mans investor is an angel. ( A)

34、 He likes this bands music very much. ( B) He dislikes this bands music. ( C) He listened to the music but found them common. ( D) He listened to the music two months ago. ( A) He cannot do well because the class is too large. ( B) He wants the professor to give him a mark. ( C) He was late for regi

35、stration. ( D) He needs the permission of Professor Day to register. ( A) Students attend it because it is required. ( B) The student likes the course very much. ( C) It is so popular that students line up to get registered. ( D) The professor offers the course every term. ( A) Allow the student to

36、take the class this term. ( B) Allow the student to take the class next year. ( C) Permit the student to graduate without the class. ( D) Let the student to attend another class. ( A) She hasnt seen her friend for years. ( B) She worries about her friends health. ( C) She worries her daughters healt

37、h. ( D) She worries about her daughters study ( A) She only focuses on fashion and boys. ( B) She only focuses on her study. ( C) She only focuses on her father. ( D) She only focuses on her mother. ( A) Taught her English herself. ( B) Went to talk with her teacher. ( C) Signed up for a language tr

38、aining class for her. ( D) Talked with her friend. ( A) Talk with her teacher. ( B) Talk with her friend. ( C) Talk with her classmates. ( D) Talk with her father. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both th

39、e passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Three times. ( B) Four times. ( C) Six times. ( D) Seven times. ( A) This year. ( B) This season. ( C) A year later. ( D) At the end of th

40、is year. ( A) He doesnt think it is difficult. ( B) He doesnt think it is more difficult than Marathon. ( C) He thinks it is much easier than Fl Race. ( D) He thinks it is the most difficult sporting event. ( A) It distinguishes happy men from others. ( B) It is a luxury enjoyed by few. ( C) It is a

41、 unifying power. ( D) It serves as a daily necessity. ( A) A sense of humor can turn strangers into acquaintances. ( B) Human beings share one quality-a sense of humor. ( C) People can communicate with each other without talking. ( D) The ability to laugh is a unique feature of human beings. ( A) A

42、sense of humor and laughter are the same thing. ( B) Human beings have many things in common. ( C) Human beings are the most humorous creatures. ( D) A sense of humor is the key to happiness. ( A) At the age of 10. ( B) At the age of 22. ( C) When he was known as a singing cook. ( D) After he found

43、a job in New York. ( A) His father. ( B) His manager of the country music club. ( C) A business woman. ( D) His brother. ( A) At his fathers construction company. ( B) On his fathers farm. ( C) In a record company. ( D) At a club. ( A) His ability to make a lot of money. ( B) His hard work in his ea

44、rly days. ( C) His first record in June, 1977. ( D) His sense of responsibility in whatever he did. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for

45、the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 3

46、6 The family today is no longer the unit of economic production that it once was. When our society was predominantly rural, both husband and wife produced goods of【 36】 value that could either be sold or be used by the family. Equally important, there was no【 37】 of home and work, the home was also

47、the business. In the early stages of【 38】 , when many people worked in their homes and sold their wares in home front shops, much the same was true. However, once the【 39】 pattern began to be to work outside the home, as it certainly has been during much of the 20th century, the importance of the fa

48、mily as a unit of economic production【 40】 One effort of this is that the economic meaning of divorce changed. Under the old pattern, a divorce meant not only a disruption of the family but also the【 41】 of a productive business. Today, it no longer has that meaning, and thus one major disincentive

49、to divorce has been eliminated. A closely related reason for todays higher【 42】 rate appears to be that people expect more of their marriages. When the family was in part an economic unit, there was less【 43】 on its socio-emotional role.【 44】 , which was less than satisfying emotionally,【 45】 Even the motion of romantic love is fairly recent.【 46】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in

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