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1、口译二级综合能力模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. You will hear the passages only ONCE. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 2 points for each question. 1 Mississippi is a typical Amer

2、ican southern state. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 2 The record company promoted the two Beetles albums in a sensational way. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 3 According to the speaker, 5 million is a very large sum in film-making. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 4 About 40% of the Minnesotans believed that it was not worthwhile to help immigrants wi

3、th their lives. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 5 Johnny Carsons entertaining show even had some influence on American politics. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 6 Now people believe that both their governments and individuals should practice justice, integrity and trust. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 7 Scientists do not understand why women should ou

4、tlive men by five years. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 8 There is speculation that Mr. Bush would eventually repay all the national debts in his term. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 9 The result of the experiment suggests that whether smaller classes can improve education is not clear. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 10 Mahmoud Abbass victory was ex

5、pected. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 二、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 11 Which of

6、 the following statements is true according to what you hear? ( A) The growth rate in 2003 is lower than that of the previous year. ( B) This year the government will continue to support lending and investment in construction ( C) The government will cut state bonds by 35% in 2004. ( D) State bonds

7、issued to finance construction will be $3.6 billion less this year than last. 12 What conclusions can you make about the people in New York City? ( A) You cant please anyone in New York City. ( B) They dont like to recycle their trash. ( C) Mayor Bloomberg always turns a deaf ear to peoples complain

8、ts. ( D) People want to have their trash collected more frequently. 13 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the result of globalization and liberalization? ( A) The gap between the developed and the developing countries has widened ( B) The industrialized world has witnessed unpre

9、cedented wealth. ( C) The wealth of the world has been redistributed ( D) The current developing countries will become the most rapidly rowing economies. 14 Which of the following places have approved gay marriage? ( A) San Francisco and California ( B) California, New Mexico and Oregon. ( C) Califo

10、rnia, New Mexico, Oregon and Massachusetts. ( D) California and New Mexico. 15 The Mediterranean region is cited as an example of . ( A) the ability of nature to remedy human destruction ( B) the ability of people to make use of natural resources ( C) the manner in which people replenish the environ

11、ment ( D) the effects of human abuse of natural resources 16 Which of the following index represents small-company stocks? ( A) The Dow Jones Industrial. ( B) The Russell 2000. ( C) The Wilshire 5000. ( D) The S the Wilshire 5000 includes both small-and large-company stocks and is weighted to repres

12、ent all U.S.-headquartered securities. 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 找寻特定信息要迅速排除干扰项。本题中各种专有名词和数字的信息量颇大,需要迅速排除这些信息的干扰,才能快速准确地找到正确答案。 17 【听力原文】 The new nepotism operates not from the top down but from the bottom up: it is voluntary, not coercive; it springs from the initiative of children, not the interest of th

13、e parents; it tends to seem “natural“ rather than planned.Although no nepotism in the classic sense, it is rightly nepotism because it involves exploiting the family name, connections, or wealth. The method may be different, but the result is much the same. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 1) 掌握根据反义词推断语义的方法,如根据原文

14、中种种 new nepotism的说法推断出 old nepotism; 2) 掌握同义词替换,如原文中 exploiting与选项 maximize近义。 18 【听力原文】 Two years ago, in the Qatari capital, trade ministers agreed to begin global trade negotiations driven by what is known as the Doha Development Agenda, which put the question of development at its core. It is wi

15、dely acknowledged today that trade is a vitally important element in any program for development, as it can deliver benefits to developing countries worth many times more than all the development aid they receive. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 掌握主题及支持性细节是本题关键。本文主题是贸易发展,支持性细节包括贸易发展共识的介绍及其背景。而选项 B的内容不包括在其中。 19 【

16、听力原文】 Meditation is being recommended by more and more physicians as a way to prevent, slow or at least control the pain of chronic diseases like heart conditions, AIDS, cancer, and infertility. It is also being used to restore balance in the face of such psychiatric disturbances as depression, hype

17、ractivity, and attention-deficit disorder (ADD). In a confluence of Eastern mysticism and western science, doctors are embracing meditation not because they think its hip or cool but because scientific studies are beginning to show that it works, particularly for stress-related conditions. 19 【正确答案】

18、 D 【试题解析】 1) 找到类属于主题的关键词有助于迅速排除选项,如可将文中有关的关键词 cancer, depression和 mysticism一一与选项对照; 2) 同义词替换,可帮助判断选项的说法是否正确,如原文中 control the pain与选项中 relieve同义;restore balance与 counteract同义。 20 【听力原文】 Its a trick that time and memory play on us: Comedy like glamour or courage, is never what it used to be. The prese

19、nt may sometimes make us laugh the hardest, but we like to tell ourselves that the past makes us laugh the best. Todays emphasis on physical comedy is perhaps a natural reaction to the more cerebral comedy of the past two decades. 20 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 掌握表示对立概念的表达结构和词语有助于迅速解题。如本文中使用的 the present和 the p

20、ast; today和 the past。 三、 PART 3 (40 points) Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of test, 2 points for each question.

21、 You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 20 【听力原文】 China has never hidden its desire to become a major force in the aviation and aerospace industries. The first homegrown Chinese jetliner, the medium range ARJ-21 Advanced Reg

22、ional Jet for the 21st Century, should start to roll off the production line later this year. China expects to sell 300 of the 100-seater planes to Chinese customers over the next 20 years. There are 71 firm orders from smaller domestic carriers, and China intends to target export markets in Asia, A

23、frica and South America. China is the worlds second largest market for planes outside the US. Sales are booming as the countrys airlines race to meet the surged demand for domestic air travel. According to a leading London consultancy, Boeing currently leads the way in China with a 64% market share.

24、 But Airbus is closing the gap. Both companies have invested heavily there, manufacturing parts in the country transferring technical know-how. 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题的测试点是要从全文来考虑该段落所谈论的主题。 a项 (波音与空客公司争夺中国民航市场 )、 c项 (中国首架自制喷气式飞机 )和 d项 (中国国内航空旅游市场上扬 )这三个选项虽然都在文中出现过,但它们都仅仅只是中国民航发展的一个方面。统观全文, b选项 (中国民航的新

25、发展 )最符合题意。 22 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生是否细心以及对文章大意的理解是否正确。 a项(中国有成为航空强国的雄心 )、 b项 (今年底中国首架自制喷气式飞机将面市 )和 c项 (中国计划在亚 、非以及南美洲开辟新的海外市场 )这三个选项文中都有所提及,而 d项所提 (空中客车公司比波音公司在中国民航业占的比重大 )正好与文意相左,故选 d项。 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生对数字的听辨能力。文中第一段提到了几个数字,如 21、 300、 100, 20、 71等。本题想考查考生在记笔记时能否理清它们的关系,并选出与题目相符的数字。从文中

26、不难看出 a项 (他们希望能向中国售出 300架旅客容量为 100座的飞机 )为正确选项。 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查的是 考生对细节的理解。文中第二段提到,中国的飞机销售额蒸蒸日上,这是因为国内航空客流量空前增加,所以航空公司要大量购买新飞机来满足这种需求。因此,选项 c(越来越多的人选择乘坐飞机出行 )为正确选项。而 a项 (中国的航空公司这几年盈利不菲 ), b项 (飞机价格下跌 )和 d项 (航空公司实行了一些促销手段 )均不符合题意。 25 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生是否能够充分理解文意。 a项 (中国的飞机销量蒸蒸日上 )、 c项 (中国规

27、模较小的航空公司急需购置新飞机 )和 d项 (波音和空客都想占领中国民航市场 )都只 是文中提到的有关中国民航出现的新变化的一个方面,而选项 b(中国正在努力使自己变为民航大国 )正好总结了文中所提到的这些变化出现的原因,以及最终这些变化会产生的结果。所以,选项 b最符合题旨。 25 【听力原文】 Now, should a library be a quiet place to read a book or a lively centre where you can hang out and drink coffee? And can it be both? Author Tracy Che

28、valier who is also chairman of the Society of Authors, told MoFo News she is worried library is sacrificing books in favor of internet access and other facilities. Lena Techaty has mom. Where I live? I have just a very small public library and, urn, Ive noticed over the years that there are fewer an

29、d fewer shelves and more and more computers thats just slowly taking over and there are fewer and fewer places to sit in and look at any books and there are fewer books. Is she right? Are books disappearing from our library shelves? Lenas figures show that in the UK last year, while people visiting

30、libraries increased, the number of books in libraries actually fell by 3%. And the amount spent on books and other reading material also dropped, com- pared that to near 20% rise in the money spent on online resource. 26 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生是否领会了本文的真正意图。 a项 (英国图书馆的发展 )和 d项 (政府不断增加对图书馆的投入 )在文中也都提

31、到了,不过纵观全文我们可以看出,作者对英国图书馆出现的这种 “新发展 ”并不欣赏,而且政府对图书馆的投资虽然日益增多,但这些资金却没有用在购置新图书上,而这也正是作者所担忧的问题。图书馆的书籍越来越少,电子设备、咖啡厅等休 闲设施越来越多。作者担心图书馆已不再是静下心来看书的好地方了。所以 b项 (图书馆里书籍越来越多,计算机越来越少 )是不正确的,而 c项 (图书馆里计算机越来越多,书籍越来越少 )是正确答案。 27 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生对细节的理解。 b项 (越来越多的人去图书馆看书 )是不正确的,因为文中明确提到虽然每年来图书馆的人数上升了,但是图书的数量却下

32、降了 3%。因此,推断出人们去图书馆可能是为了上网、喝咖啡等。正是因为这样, d项 (图书馆借出的书籍数目上升 )也是错误的。 c项 (图书馆不断增多的 电脑是为了方便读者检索书目的 )比较易于混淆,图书馆的电脑设备是增加了,不过从作者的口吻来看,这并不是为了便利读者检索,而是为了方便大家来图书馆上网休闲,所以这个选项也不正确。而 a项 (图书馆借阅书籍的功能现正面临被网吧和其他休闲设施所取代的危机 )是正确答案。 28 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题询问的是作者对英国图书馆出现的这、新变化的态度。从全文的陈述中我们不难推测出,作者是极其痛心,并十分担忧这一情况的,她甚至用了 sacri

33、fice(牺牲 )这样的词眼,足见作者的态度是有些悲观的。选项 a(乐观的 )和c(无所谓的 )明显不对。选项 d(愤怒的 )有可能混淆考生,但是统观全文,作者只是流露出可惜担忧之情,并未表现得十分愤怒。所以,选项 b(悲观的 )最符合题意。 29 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题也属于事实细节题。考生对 a项 (图书馆已经不像从前那样只是安静看书的地方了 )和 b项 (越来越多的人去图书馆,但是来借书的人却越来越少了 )比较容易做出判断,但是 c项 (去年,英国政府对图书馆网络资源的投入比上一年在这方面的投资增加了 20%)和 d项 (去年,英国政府对图书馆网络资源的投入比同期对书籍和其

34、他 阅读材料的投入多出了 20%)这两个选项却很容易混淆。根据文中最后一句话 政府在书籍和其他阅读资料上的投资有所下降,而与之相反,在网络资源上的投资却提升了近 20%,这上涨的 20%指的是相对于去年投在网络资源上的钱,而并不是与图书等其他阅读资料相比的。故 d项正确。 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题属于推理判断题。 a项 (图书馆应朝着多种经营方式的方向发展 )明显有违作者本意。 b项 (政府将缩减对图书馆的经费投入 )文中根本没有提及。至于 d项 (图书馆里的娱乐设施越来越多,如电影院等 ),文中只是提到 了有越来越多的电脑,还出现了咖啡馆,可是并没有提有电影院。纵观全文,不

35、难看出作者对图书馆出现的这种新变化是不赞同的,她希望图书馆能恢复到以前的样子,成为人们阅读书籍的净土。故选择 c项 (图书馆还应该是让人们能安心读书的地方 )。 30 【听力原文】 Everybody loves the swimming pool. But how clean is the water in the average backyard or public pool? If you trust chlorine to take care of germs, youre in for a surprise. Chlorine and other disinfectants do i

36、ndeed help to clean the water, but some germs can survive in even the best-kept pool. For example, cryptosporidium may live in pool water for several days. Crypto causes a diarrhea illness and may rinse off the bodies of infected people or diapered children into the pool. If you swallow infected poo

37、l water, you may become sick. Other germs may live for a few minutes or a few hours in a chlorinated pool: Giardia, Shigella, and E. Coli may cause diarrhea illnesses. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa may cause an ear infection called swimmers ear and also a skin infection called “hot tub rash“, that is usual

38、ly associated with very warm pools and spas. 31 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题的测试点 是要从全文来考虑该段落所谈论的主题。 a项 (游泳危险 )、 b项 (游泳与细菌 )、 c项 (游泳池 )和 d项 (怎样游泳 )中,通过比较可知, b项包括了 “游泳 ”和 “细菌 ”两个主题关键词,符合文章内容,最适合作标题。 32 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生对细节的理解。 a、 b、 c三个选项文中都有所提及,而 d项所提 (在维持得很干净的泳池中没有细菌 )正好与文意相左,故选 d项。 33 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】

39、本题属于事实细节题。本题的难点是要统计文中提到的泳池中的细菌引起的疾病有几种 ,需要仔细听辨。文中提到的有: diarrhea illness、 ear infection called“swimmers ear”、 skin infection called“hot tub rash”三种疾病,故选 c项。 34 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题也属于事实细节题。本题难点是要选出文中提到的几种细菌中哪一种不会引起痢疾,而细菌的名称相当生僻,不易记忆,所以听解时可先记下细菌名称的大致音标再与选项对照进行筛选。由录音可知 “Crypto, Giardia,Shigella, and E. C

40、ell”均会引起痢疾,只有 “Pseudomonas Aeruginosa”会导致 “ear infection and also a skin infection”(耳朵感染和皮肤感染 )而非痢疾,故选择 a项。 35 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查的是考生是否充分理解了文意。选项 a(游泳池很脏 )和b(许多细菌都会导致痢疾 )文章中都提到了,选项 d(氯和其他灭菌剂可以完全杀灭池水中的细菌 )与文意相左,而选项 c(即使维护很好的池水中也难免有不少细菌,所以加以防范非常必要 )很好地总结了文 章的要旨。 35 【听力原文】 Money from migrant workers

41、now exceeds the combined total of all direct foreign investment and foreign aid to Latin America - 62.3 billion dollars. 23 billion dollars of that was sent back to Mexico, mostly from workers living in the United States. It now ranks along with oil and tourism as Mexicos biggest foreign currency ea

42、rner. The Inter-American Development Bank, which supports the region with aid and other help, says the remittances, as theyre known, will increase by about fifteen percent a year during the next four years, topping one-hundred billion dollars by 2010. The bank describes the money as a very effective

43、 poverty reduction programme because it keeps between eight and ten million families above the poverty line. But it says it also means the economies of the region are not generating enough jobs to keep workers from leaving in the first place. Another problem is that as much of the money is sent back

44、 in small amounts, its difficult to track. The average is between a hundred and a hundred-and-fifty dollars a month. That in turn makes it an unpredictable source of revenue for governments to tap into. The bank says it wants people to get away from what it calls cash to cash flows and into account

45、to account transfers but the bank says the recent crackdown on illegal immigrants by the American authorities could hinder efforts to get migrants to use banks. 36 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题是主旨题。要求考生准确把握文章的关键词。很显然,本篇文章讲的就是侨汇问题,:所以选项 c是正确答案。 37 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题同样也是考查文章的大意,需要考生总结出文章的 基本意思。从文章的第一句话就能得出,侨民汇入本

46、国的侨汇增长速度越来越快,所以选项 b是正确的。其他的答案都不能抓住大意。 38 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题是判断题。由文中的信息,选项 a、 b、 c都是正确的,都能在文章中直接找到,只有 d是错误的,正确的年增长率应该是 15%,只要能抓住这个信息,很容易得出答案。 39 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题考查考生对整篇文章的掌握程度。哪个国家是侨汇的最大受益者 ?根据全文,应该不难得出,墨西哥这个国家应该从中受益匪浅,因此选项 b是正确 的答案。 40 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题是判断正误题。要求考生能准确的记下细节的信息,尤其是文章中提到的数字信息,能掌握这些,应

47、该就不难得出选项 a才是唯一的正确答案。只要考生集中精力迅速写下重要的信息,就能得出正确答案。 四、 PART 4 (20 points) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary. This part of test carri

48、es 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 41 【听力原文】 Investing in the stock market has always been more profitable than putting money into a traditional savings account. However, it is only in the last few years that private share ownership has

49、become accepted as a reliable form of investment. There are many reasons why more and more people are buying shares. To begin with, the whole process is now far more flexible and user-friendly and public awareness of investment products and their tax implications is a lot higher. Even more importantly, this awareness means people now realize that in the medium-to long-term shares are far more lucrative than deposit accounts. Today, people are also more likely to invest in a company for ethical masons or as a show of support for that c


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