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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 633及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Prevalence of Western Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1洋快餐颇受中国消费者的青睐 2产生这种现象的原因 3我的看法 The Prevalence of Western Fast F

2、ood 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the

3、 passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Vegetarianism Vegetarianism (素食主义 ) seems more popular than ever. About 8 million Americans consider themselves vegetarians, and an increasing

4、number of them are young people often the children of vegetarianism or kids whove decided to become one in their own. But some question appears whether vegetarianism is a healthy diet for a growing child. There are many reasons why people choose a vegetarian lifestyle, including health concerns and

5、love for animals. Whatever the reason, their numbers are surprisingly high, especially for girls. The American Dietetic Association estimates that a huge 11 percent of girls, ages 13 to 17, have given up meat and meat products. Children and teenagers declare themselves vegetarian to assert dietary i

6、ndependence from their parents. Vegetarian cosmetics and cruelty-free clothes fill corner drugstores and high-end shops. But although vegetarian is trendy, sometimes rebellious and decidedly modern, its actually one of the earliest diets. Some cultures have survived without meat for thousands of yea

7、rs. Socrates, Plato, Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Darwin and Thomas Edison were all vegetarians. The Vegetarian Diet The vegetarian diet is straightforward enough: Vegetarians do not eat meat. Some people who avoid beef and pork but still eat poultry or fish mistakenly consider themselves vegetarians.

8、 Although vegetarianism has varying degrees, the diets core principle is abstention from all meat. Most vegetarians are lacto-ovo-vegetarians they do not eat meat but they allow dairy products and eggs. Lacto-vegetarians allow dairy, and ovo-vegetarians allow eggs. Vegans take basic vegetarianism se

9、veral steps further. Instead of abstaining only from eating fish and meat, vegans avoid eating, wearing or using any animal products. This means no eggs or dairy, no honey, no leather, fur, wool or silk, and no cosmetics or chemicals tested on animals. There is, however, plenty for vegetarians to ea

10、t. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy and eggs. They eat meat substitutes like soybean-based tofu and tempeh, and seitan, a wheat protein. As far as vegans are concerned, the Vegan Society recommends healthy servings of vegetables, fruits, grains, oils and fortif

11、ied nondairy product like soy milk. Some vegans also eat tempeh, tofu or seitan. Vegans also take supplements of vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium to make up for any dietary deficiencies. Ethnic cookings growing popularity has also opened up a world of new vegetarian foods to vegetarians and meat-e

12、aters alike. Middle Eastern, North African, Indian and Asian foods are often vegetarian or easily can be made so. Reasons for Vegetarianism Even with vegetarianisms various degrees of strictness, the core diet is simply abstention from meat. But that one decision the decision not to eat meat can hav

13、e a lot behind it. Vegetarians choose their diet for many reasons. Some are health-conscious, some believe animal agriculture hurts the environment and others have moral or religious objections to meat. Vegetarianism has become a popular health diet. Vegetarian favorites, like fruit, vegetables, and

14、 whole grains, are low in fat and cholesterol (胆固醇 ) and rich in fiber, vitamins C and E. The American Dietetic Association even reports that vegetarians have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and body mass indexes than non-vegetarians. Of course, no diet is automatically healthy. Vegetarians must m

15、ake sure they take in enough protein, calcium and vitamin B12 without overindulging in fatty, high-calorie foods like cheese. Many vegetarians are as concerned with the Earths well-being as they are with their own. Some vegetarians choose the diet for environmental reasons because they believe tradi

16、tional agriculture has less of an ecological impact than animal agriculture. People usually try not to think about where their meat comes from. It can be unpleasant to imagine your hamburger as a wide-eyed cow in the pasture, let alone as an unhealthy animal in a cramped factory farm. But for many v

17、egetarians, disassociation or denial is impossible. They often feel morally unable to eat animals slaughtered for their meat. Vegans take their ethical objections a step further and refuse to eat dairy or eggs from animals that they believe have led unnaturally short and unhappy lives. Some of veget

18、arianisms ethical concerns have spread to the mainstream. Even steadfast meat-eaters often like the idea of free-range chicken or cage-free eggs animal husbandry techniques that promise a more compassionate alternative to traditional factory farming. Vegetarians have long chosen the diet for ethical

19、 reasons. Although the first practitioners only temporarily avoided meat for purification, the first regular vegetarians began the diet after philosophical awakenings in the Eastern Mediterranean region and India. The philosopher Pythagoras of Samos (530 BC) taught vegetarianism to his followers. Py

20、thagoras believed that because we are related to animals, we should treat them with kindness. Many other famous philosophers agreed Plato, Epicurus and Plutarch condemned animal sacrifice and avoided eating meat. In India, the Buddhist religion teaches that humans should not kill living creatures fo

21、r food. Although Buddhism later declined in India, vegetarianism remained and spread among people. Many upper classes and some lower classes adopted the virtue of harmlessness, which forbade hurting living things. But how did vegetarianism transform into a health movement in the 19th century and an

22、animal rights issue in the 20th? The Modern Vegetarian Movement Today vegetarianism is trendy 25 percent of adolescents even think its “cool“. The success of vegetarian cosmetics and vegetarian foods like veggie dogs and tofurkey is a testament to the diets popularity. Groups that promote vegetarian

23、ism and animal rights, like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), have tremendous lobbying power with major companies. But vegetarianism hasnt always been so generally accepted, nor has it always been linked with the animal-rights move

24、ment. In 17th-and 18th-century Europe, some Protestant groups embraced vegetarianism as a moral directive a way to be sinless. By the 19th century, European and North American vegetarianism had become a fringe health movement. Adherents promoted the dietary benefits of vegetarianism even coupling it

25、 with temperance and anti-tobacco movements. Modern organized vegetarianism began with the formation of the Vegetarian Society in 1847 by the Bible Christian Sect of England. Within a year, the Society had 478 members. It wasnt until the mid-20th century that vegetarianism partnered with animal righ

26、ts movement. Americas most notorious animal rights organization, PETA, vigorously protests against all animal products and animal testing. It is best known for its bold ad campaigns. The HSUS takes a less strict approach. It accepts that people will eat meat and focus instead on reducing meat consum

27、ption, replacing animal products and improving farming techniques. Both PETA and the HSUS, however, are powerful political machines: They hold stock in companies like Tyson, Wal-Mart, McDonalds and Smithfields. The modern vegetarian movement is getting ever more powerful. 2 Which of the following gr

28、oups is eager to have a vegetarian lifestyle in America now? ( A) Males always falling ill. ( B) Girls between 13 and 17. ( C) People owning pets at home. ( D) Males in their early twenties. 3 It turns out that vegetarianism has survived for_. ( A) thousands of years ( B) a thousand years ( C) five

29、centuries ( D) one century 4 Which group can be counted as lacto-ovo-vegetarians? ( A) People who dont eat all kinds of meat. ( B) People who dislike pork and milk. ( C) People who eat beef only. ( D) People who eat fish instead of red meat. 5 Unlike lacto-ovo-vegetarians, vegans avoid consuming_. (

30、 A) vitamins and calcium ( B) tofu and grains ( C) milk products and eggs ( D) soy milk and fruits 6 According to the American Dietetic Association, what advantages do vegetarians have over non-vegetarians? ( A) Lower pressure and cholesterol. ( B) Higher level of vitamin absorption. ( C) Less deman

31、d of calcium. ( D) Healthier state of mind. 7 Meat-eaters have been influenced by vegetarians in supporting that_. ( A) chickens have the right to live freely ( B) animals should be raised humanely ( C) traditional factory farming should spread ( D) ethical concerns should be neglected 8 In philosop

32、her Pythagoras opinion, human beings_. ( A) should forbid animal sacrifice ( B) become cruder when killing animals ( C) should be kind to each other ( D) have a certain relationship with other animals 9 In India, people from different classes think that hurting creatures lives means going against_.

33、10 The founding of the Vegetarian Society symbolized the start of_ 11 PETA is extremely strict because it forbids_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was

34、 said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Theyve met before. ( B) He does not remember the woman. ( C) The woman

35、should agree with him. ( D) They have never met before. ( A) He has to work with his brother. ( B) He has no definite plans. ( C) He usually works on weekends. ( D) His plans depend on the woman. ( A) He cant afford to buy a new car. ( B) He has paid for the car by regular installments. ( C) He will

36、 buy the car as soon as he gets the cash. ( D) He has already made the down payment on the car. ( A) Its not as hard as expected. ( B) Its too tough for some students. ( C) Its much more difficult than people think. ( D) Its believed to be the hardest optional course. ( A) Tom doesnt listen to her.

37、( B) Tom is unable to hear well. ( C) Tom didnt say anything at the meeting. ( D) Tom went out before the meeting was over. ( A) Stay at home because he doesnt like to travel. ( B) Take a plane because the bus is too slow. ( C) Take a bus because the plane makes him nervous. ( D) Travel with the wom

38、an. ( A) Hell come alone. ( B) Hell just bring his wife. ( C) He wont go to the party. ( D) Hell just give the ticket to someone else. ( A) He majored in biology in college. ( B) He didnt like mathematics at all. ( C) He did a good job in mathematics. ( D) Mathematics made him a smart person. ( A) I

39、ts rather expensive. ( B) Its too small for the man. ( C) It has plenty of light. ( D) It doesnt have many closets. ( A) Each renter is given a parking lot. ( B) Its difficult to find a parking place. ( C) The renter has to pay to park. ( D) The renter can use any space in the parking area. ( A) He

40、is unimpressed by what the woman told him. ( B) He doubts he can afford it. ( C) He doesnt think its suitable for him. ( D) Hes enthusiastic about it. ( A) The strength of ocean currents. ( B) The movement of sediment deep in the ocean. ( C) A new way of measuring the depth of the ocean. ( D) The be

41、st methods for studying deep ocean processes. ( A) What a turbidity current is. ( B) The causes of underwater earthquakes. ( C) How winds can affect some ocean currents. ( D) Why the book talks about turbidity currents. ( A) By crushing large amounts of stone. ( B) By causing mud or sand to mix with

42、 ocean water. ( C) By creating large waves on the surface of the ocean. ( D) By greatly increasing the oceans depth in some areas. ( A) To explain the effects of turbidity currents. ( B) To explain how winds cause turbidity currents. ( C) To remind the student about the next assignment. ( D) To remi

43、nd the student where ocean sediments originate. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer fro

44、m the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) She enjoyed removing others drinks. ( B) She became more and more forgetful. ( C) She preferred to do everything by herself. ( D) She wanted to keep her house in good order. ( A) She had already finished them. ( B) His mother had taken them away. ( C) Sh

45、e forgot where she had left them. ( D) Someone in his family was holding them. ( A) The speakers mother often made them confused. ( B) The speakers family members had a poor memory. ( C) The speakers mother helped them to form a good habit. ( D) The speakers wife was surprised when she visited his m

46、other. ( A) The atmosphere surrounding the Earth. ( B) Water from oceans and lakes. ( C) Energy from the Sun. ( D) Greenhouse gases in the sky. ( A) Most of it is lost in the upper and lower atmosphere. ( B) Most of it is reflected by the gases in the upper atmosphere. ( C) Most of it is absorbed by

47、 the clouds in the lower atmosphere. ( D) Most of it is used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes. ( A) A forest looks dark in winter because it absorbs solar energy. ( B) All living things on the Earth depend on the Sun for their food. ( C) Only 0.023% of the energy from the Sun is made use

48、 of on the Earth. ( D) Greenhouse gases allow heat energy to escape from the Earths surface. ( A) Partly because it is dangerous to hunt there. ( B) Partly because hunting is already out of date. ( C) Partly because hunters want to protect animals. ( D) Partly because there are few animals left to h

49、unt. ( A) To improve their health. ( B) To earn peoples admiration. ( C) To gain power and influence. ( D) To make the countryside safe. ( A) They hunt for food. ( B) They hunt for money. ( C) They mistreat animals. ( D) They hunt old animals. ( A) Modern hunters should put their safety first. ( B) Modern hunters like to hunt rabbits instead of tigers. ( C) Modern hunters lack the courage to hunt face to face. ( D) Modern hunters should use more advanced


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