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1、大学英语四级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 20及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but n

2、o more than 280 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. Section A ( A) Hawkings claim doesnt hold water. ( B) Humans should protect the environment for themselves. ( C) She doesnt agree with the mans idea. ( D) Hawking is overstating the damage to the environment. ( A) He doesnt think Peter is a

3、good artist. ( B) He doesnt know whether Peter has talent in art. ( C) He wants to find out how talented Peter is. ( D) He thinks Peter will be a famous artist. ( A) Freshmen arent allowed to borrow books. ( B) Freshmen have to be trained in the library. ( C) Freshmen havent got their student cards

4、now. ( D) Freshmen dont have the access to the student cards. ( A) He thinks Laura can take a taxi next time. ( B) He is tired of waiting for buses. ( C) He insists that Laura should set off earlier. ( D) He thinks Lauras being late is understandable. ( A) The woman is running a training class for a

5、 company. ( B) The woman cant spend the holiday with the man. ( C) The woman is busy with the training for her new job. ( D) The woman doesnt take her training seriously. ( A) Educational background doesnt weigh at all in job application. ( B) The woman should emphasize her work experience. ( C) Emp

6、loyers dont want a man engaged in his study. ( D) Specialty is much related to getting a job. ( A) Their classmates dont want to attend the math class. ( B) The math teacher is strict with students. ( C) Math is too difficult for everybody to learn. ( D) The woman isnt excited about the news. ( A) P

7、eople shouldnt get used to using the Internet. ( B) Internet is helpful despite its disadvantage. ( C) Internet brings more good news than bad news. ( D) People shouldnt overuse the Internet. ( A) Because he has got the first place in the test. ( B) Because he has got high scores in the test. ( C) B

8、ecause he has been praised by his professor. ( D) Because he has passed all of the tests. ( A) A few weeks before the exam. ( B) A few months before the exam. ( C) A few days before the exam. ( D) A few hours before the exam. ( A) Ask his classmates. ( B) Look up some information. ( C) Go online to

9、check them. ( D) Discuss them with his teachers. ( A) Classmates. ( B) Mother and son. ( C) Teacher and student. ( D) Headmaster and student. ( A) Because he has to meet an important client. ( B) Because he has to attend a meeting. ( C) Because he has to attend a business discussion. ( D) Because he

10、 has to sign an important contract. ( A) Help him buy some medicine. ( B) Change the time of the meeting. ( C) Send some documents to him. ( D) Book a 12 oclock flight. ( A) Because he has got a fever. ( B) Because he is allergic to drugs. ( C) Because he is allergic to cats. ( D) Because he has got

11、 the flu. Section B ( A) Sipping a glass of wine before getting into bed. ( B) Drinking a cup of tea one hour before sleep. ( C) Exercising one or two hours before bedtime. ( D) Taking a hot shower half an hour before bedtime. ( A) Listen to some quiet music. ( B) Get out of bed till being sleepy ag

12、ain. ( C) Try to relax our mind. ( D) Read some interesting articles ( A) Approaches to get a better nights sleep. ( B) The harm of lack of sleep. ( C) Effects of modern technology on sleep. ( D) Benefits of a good sleep. ( A) It is a city suffering from noise. ( B) It is a city full of discriminati

13、on and injustice. ( C) It is the city where the AIDS crisis started. ( D) It is a city where people dare to fight for justice. ( A) Civil disobedience and militant activities. ( B) History of San Francisco. ( C) AIDS activism in San Francisco. ( D) The blockage on the Golden Gate Bridge. ( A) It dis

14、played 70 photos. ( B) It is about art rather than history. ( C) It shows the whole process of the movement. ( D) It reveals peoples anger, pain and courage in the fight. ( A) He was asked to attend a group interview. ( B) He was asked to hand over his Facebook login information. ( C) He was asked a

15、 number of character questions. ( D) The interviewer searched for his Facebook and Twitter. ( A) He doesnt want to work for a company that seeks its workers privacy. ( B) He doesnt like others to visit his Facebooks personal profiles. ( C) He has another better opportunity. ( D) He holds it is illeg

16、al for the company to glance at his Facebook. ( A) Because they believe Facebook could tell a persons capacity. ( B) Because they consider it as an efficient way to test loyalty. ( C) Because they want to learn more about their applicants. ( D) Because they are willing to do some personal contact wi

17、th their candidates. ( A) It aroused the curiosity about its legality. ( B) It urged some governments to publish relevant laws. ( C) It made people close their Facebook. ( D) It resulted in lawsuits between companies and workers. Section C 26 Sleep is crucial for good health. It helps memory and【 B1

18、】 _, keeps you fit, strengthens your immune system, fights inflammation and keeps your heart and blood【 B2】 _in tip-top shape. While youre snoozing, the body repairs damaged【 B3】 _, produces crucial hormones and strengthens memories a process called consolidation, which helps you perform a new skill

19、 better after sleeping than you would if you spent an【 B4】_amount of time awake. Its a way for the body to【 B5】 _everything that happened over the past waking day and to kind of prepare for the next day. Short sleepers, typically【 B6】 _people who get less than sixhours of sleep at night, as well as

20、people who dont spend enough time in the deepest stages of sleep, are at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes than those who get at least seven hours. Its not clear why sleep may affect the heart, or if there is some【 B7】 _factor that affects your cardiovascular system and ability to sleep. But

21、one nighttime problem is a known heart【 B8】 _ sleep apnea(睡眠呼吸暂停 ). People who have this problem tend to snore and have upper airway collapse during sleep. This causes them to snort and gasp for breath, without really waking up enough to【 B9】 _it. If youre not feeling rested during the day and your

22、bed partner says you snore, you should ask your doctor about sleep apnea. Theres enough evidence out there suggesting that it is bad and people need to【 B10】 _ 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 They may not have the name recogniti

23、on of a Google or a Yahoo, but they can claim to belong in the same league. The websites of Digital Sky Technologies(DST) 【 C1】 _for more than 70% of page-views on the Russian-language Internet. Naspers is Africas biggest media group. And Tencent is Chinas largest Internet company by market【 C2】 _an

24、d the third largest in the world. Now these firms are【 C3】 _making their presence felt beyond their home markets. Between them they have【 C4】 _in dozens of Internet firms around the globe. The most adventurous of the three, DST, has already moved west and paid top dollar for stakes in fast-growing A

25、merican companies,【 C5】 _Facebook, the worlds biggest social network. Despite their differences, the three firms can be seen as a block. For one thing, they are financially【 C6】 _Naspers owns part of mail, ru and was an early investor in Tencent. What is more, the firms are on the same mission: find

26、ing【 C7】 _Internet companies in countries where Western investors rarely dare to go. DSTs【 C8】_are Russia and its neighbours, most of which are home to one of its collection of companies; these【 C9】 _social networks such as VKontakte. ru and Nasza-Klasa. pl. Naspers has the largest portfolio(有价证券 )o

27、f Internet firms in developing countries. Tencent has so far been the most【 C10】 _of the three, which has some minority stakes in games companies besides its recent investment in DST. This international presence allows the firms to apply lessons they have learned in one country to another. A)promisi

28、ng F)depended K)possession B)conclude G)notably L)increasingly C)capitalization H)notoriously M)territories D)include I)interrelated N)nonprofit E)account J)cautious O)invested 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 The Redistribution

29、of Hope A)“HOPE“ is one of the most overused words in public life, up there with “change“. Yet it matters enormously. Politicians always pay close attention to right-track/wrong-track indicators. Confidence determines whether consumers spend, and so whether companies invest. The “power of positive t

30、hinking“, as Norman Vincent Peale pointed out, is enormous. B)For the past 400 years the West has enjoyed a comparative advantage over the rest of the world when it comes to optimism. Western intellectuals dreamed up the ideas of enlightenment and progress, and Western men of affairs harnessed techn

31、ology to impose their will on the rest of the world. The Founding Fathers of the United States, who firmly believed that the country they created would be better than any that had come before, offered citizens not just life and liberty but also the pursuit of happiness. Desperation road C)The Wester

32、ners growing pessimism is reshaping political life. At present, the mood in Washington is as glum as it has been since Jimmy Carter argued that America was suffering from “malaise(不安 )“. The Democrats dream that the country was on the verge of a 1960s-style liberal renaissance foundered(失败 )in the m

33、id-terms. But the Republicans are hardly Hopeful: their creed leans towards anger and resentment rather than optimism. D)Europe, meanwhile, has seen mass protests, some of them violent, on the streets of Athens, Dublin, London, Madrid, Paris and Rome. If the countries on the European Unions peripher

34、y(边缘 )are down in the dumps it is hardly surprising, but there is pessimism at its more successful core, too. The best-selling book in Germany is Thilo Sarrazins Germany Does Away With Itself, a jeremiad(血泪史 )about the “fact“ that less able women are having more children than their brighter sisters.

35、 French intellectuals will soon have Jean-Pierre Chevenements Is France Finished? on their shelves alongside Eric Zemmours French Melancholy. E)The immediate explanation for this asymmetry(不对称 )is the economic crisis, which has not just shaken Westerners confidence in the system that they built, but

36、 also widened the growth gap between mature and emerging economies. China and India are growing by 10% and 9%, compared with 3% for America and 2% for Europe. Many European countries unemployment rates are disgraceful even by their own dismal standards: 41% of young Spaniards are unemployed, for exa

37、mple. And the great American job machine has stalled: one in ten is unemployed and more than a million may have given up looking for work. But the change goes deeper than that to the dreams that have propelled the West. F)For most of its history America has kept its promise to give its citizens a go

38、od chance of living better than their parents. But these days, less than half of Americans think their childrens living standards will be better than theirs. Experience has made them gloomy: the income of the median worker has been more or less stagnant since the mid-1970s, and, thanks to a combinat

39、ion of failing schools and disappearing mid-level jobs, social mobility in America is now among the lowest in the rich world. G)European dreams are different from American ones, but just as important to hopes of a peaceful and prosperous future. They come in two forms: an ever deeper European Union(

40、banishing nationalism)and ever more generous welfare states(offering security). With the break-up of the Euro a possibility, and governments sinking under the burden of unaffordable entitlements as their populations age and the number of workers contracts, those happy notions are evaporating(逐渐消逝 ).

41、 Shift happens H)In the emerging world, meanwhile, they are not arguing about pensions, but building colleges. Chinas university population has quadrupled in the past two decades. UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)notes that the proportion of scientific research

42、ers based in the developing world increased from 30% in 2002 to 38% in 2007. World-class companies such as Indias Infosys and Chinas Huawei are beating developed-country competitors. I)The rise of positive thinking in the emerging world is something to be welcomed not least because it challenges the

43、 present situation. Nandan Nilekani of Infosys says that his companys greatest achievement lies not in producing technology but in redefining the boundaries of the possible. If people in other countries take those ideas seriously, they will make life uncomfortable for the old in China and Arabia. J)

44、But there are dangers, too. Optimism can easily become irrational exuberance(兴奋 ): asset prices in some emerging markets have risen too high. And there is a danger of a Western backlash. Unless developing countries start taking their responsibility for global security seriously, Americans and Europe

45、ans may begin to wonder why they are policing the world to keep markets open for others to get rich. K)As for the Westerners gloom, it has its uses. There is a growing recognition that the old rich world cannot take its prosperity for granted that it will be overtaken by hungrier powers if it fails

46、to deal with its structural problems. Americans are beginning to accept that their country must become less wasteful. Europeans are realizing that they need to make their economies more agile and innovative. Both are beginning to treat this crisis as the opportunity that it is. L)Nor should Westerne

47、rs overdo the despair, for the emergence of new great powers will benefit them, too. True, their governments will find it harder to boss the rest of the world around; their most desirable properties will increasingly be owned by foreigners; their children will have to work harder to get good jobs in

48、 an increasingly globalized economy. But the rising number of Indians, Chinese and Brazilians who can afford to buy their products and services will help their companies prosper. The countries that have provided them with workers will increasingly provide them with customers, too. M)It may not feel

49、like it in the West, but this is, in many ways, the best of times. Hundreds of millions are climbing out of poverty. The Internet gives ordinary people access to information that even the most privileged scholar could not have dreamed of a few years ago. Medical advances are conquering diseases and extending life spans. For most of human history, only a privileged few have reasonably been able to hope that the future would


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